{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} module Pandora.Paradigm.Inventory.Optics where import Pandora.Core.Impliable (Impliable (Arguments, imply)) import Pandora.Pattern.Category (Category (identity, (.), ($), (#))) import Pandora.Pattern.Functor.Covariant (Covariant ((<$>), (<$))) import Pandora.Pattern.Functor.Extractable (Extractable (extract)) import Pandora.Pattern.Functor.Invariant (Invariant ((<$<))) import Pandora.Pattern.Functor.Divariant ((>->)) import Pandora.Pattern.Functor.Representable (Representable (Representation, (<#>), tabulate)) import Pandora.Pattern.Object.Setoid (Setoid ((==))) import Pandora.Paradigm.Controlflow.Effect.Interpreted (Interpreted (run)) import Pandora.Paradigm.Primary.Functor.Identity (Identity (Identity)) import Pandora.Paradigm.Primary.Functor.Function ((!.), (%)) import Pandora.Paradigm.Primary.Functor.Maybe (Maybe (Just, Nothing)) import Pandora.Paradigm.Primary.Functor.Product (Product ((:*:))) import Pandora.Paradigm.Primary.Transformer.Flip (Flip (Flip)) import Pandora.Paradigm.Primary.Object.Boolean ((?)) import Pandora.Paradigm.Inventory.Store (Store (Store), position, look, retrofit) import Pandora.Paradigm.Schemes.P_Q_T (P_Q_T (P_Q_T)) import Pandora.Paradigm.Structure.Ability.Monotonic (resolve) infixl 2 #=@ type Lens = P_Q_T (->) Store instance Invariant (Flip (Lens available) tgt) where f <$< g = \(Flip (P_Q_T lens)) -> Flip . P_Q_T $ g >-> (f <$>) $ lens type family Convex lens where Convex Lens = Lens Identity instance Category (Lens Identity) where identity = imply @(Convex Lens _ _) identity ((%) (!.)) P_Q_T to . P_Q_T from = P_Q_T $ \source -> source <$ (to . extract @Identity . position $ from source) instance Impliable (P_Q_T (->) Store Identity source target) where type Arguments (P_Q_T (->) Store Identity source target) = (source -> target) -> (source -> target -> source) -> Lens Identity source target imply getter setter = P_Q_T $ \source -> Store $ Identity # getter source :*: setter source . extract type family Obscure lens where Obscure Lens = Lens Maybe instance Impliable (P_Q_T (->) Store Maybe source target) where type Arguments (P_Q_T (->) Store Maybe source target) = (source -> Maybe target) -> (source -> Maybe target -> source) -> Lens Maybe source target imply getter setter = P_Q_T $ \source -> Store $ getter source :*: setter source instance Category (Lens Maybe) where identity = imply @(Obscure Lens _ _) # Just # resolve identity P_Q_T to . P_Q_T from = P_Q_T $ \source -> case position # from source of Nothing -> Store $ Nothing :*: (source !.) Just between -> source <$ to between -- Lens as natural transformation type (#=@) source target available = forall a . Lens available (source a) (target a) -- | Get focused target value view :: Lens available source target -> source -> available target view lens = position @_ @(Store _) . run lens -- Replace focused target value with new value set :: Lens available source target -> available target -> source -> source set lens new = look new . run lens -- | Modify focused target value over :: Covariant available => Lens available source target -> (available target -> available target) -> source -> source over lens f = extract . retrofit f . run lens -- | Representable based lens represent :: forall t a . (Representable t, Setoid (Representation t)) => Representation t -> Convex Lens (t a) a represent r = imply @(Convex Lens (t a) a) (r <#>) (\source target -> tabulate $ \r' -> r' == r ? target $ r' <#> source)