module Pandora.Pattern.Functor.Covariant where import Pandora.Core.Functor (type (:.), type (:=), type (<:=)) import Pandora.Pattern.Category (Category ((.))) infixl 4 <$>, -<$>-, <$, $> infixl 3 <$$>, -<<$$>-, -<$$>>- infixl 2 <$$$> infixl 1 <$$$$> infixl 1 <&> infixl 2 <&&> infixl 3 <&&&> infixl 4 <&&&&> infixr 7 .#.., .#..., .#.... {- | > When providing a new instance, you should ensure it satisfies: > * Identity morphism: comap identity ≡ identity > * Interpreted of morphisms: comap (f . g) ≡ comap f . comap g -} class Covariant (t :: * -> *) where {-# MINIMAL (<$>) #-} -- | Infix version of 'comap' (<$>) :: (a -> b) -> t a -> t b -- | Prefix version of '<$>' comap :: (a -> b) -> t a -> t b comap f x = f <$> x -- | Replace all locations in the input with the same value (<$) :: a -> t b -> t a x <$ z = (\_-> x) <$> z -- | Flipped version of '<$' ($>) :: t a -> b -> t b x $> v = v <$ x -- | Discards the result of evaluation void :: t a -> t () void x = () <$ x -- | Computing a value from a structure of values loeb :: t (a <:= t) -> t a loeb tt = let fix f = let x = f x in x in fix (\f -> (\g -> g f) <$> tt) -- | Flipped infix version of 'comap' (<&>) :: t a -> (a -> b) -> t b x <&> f = f <$> x -- | Infix versions of `comap` with various nesting levels (<$$>) :: Covariant u => (a -> b) -> t :. u := a -> t :. u := b f <$$> x = ((f <$>) <$>) x (<$$$>) :: (Covariant u, Covariant v) => (a -> b) -> t :. u :. v := a -> t :. u :. v := b f <$$$> x = (((f <$>) <$>) <$>) x (<$$$$>) :: (Covariant u, Covariant v, Covariant w) => (a -> b) -> t :. u :. v :. w := a -> t :. u :. v :. w := b f <$$$$> x = ((((f <$>) <$>) <$>) <$>) x -- | Infix flipped versions of `comap` with various nesting levels (<&&>) :: Covariant u => t :. u := a -> (a -> b) -> t :. u := b x <&&> f = f <$$> x (<&&&>) :: (Covariant u, Covariant v) => t :. u :. v := a -> (a -> b) -> t :. u :. v := b x <&&&> f = f <$$$> x (<&&&&>) :: (Covariant u, Covariant v, Covariant w) => t :. u :. v :. w := a -> (a -> b) -> t :. u :. v :. w := b x <&&&&> f = f <$$$$> x (.#..) :: (t ~ v a, Category v) => v c d -> v a :. v b := c -> v a :. v b := d f .#.. g = (f .) <$> g (.#...) :: (t ~ v a, t ~ v b, Category v, Covariant (v a), Covariant (v b)) => v d e -> v a :. v b :. v c := d -> v a :. v b :. v c := e f .#... g = (f .) <$$> g (.#....) :: (t ~ v a, t ~ v b, t ~ v c, Category v, Covariant (v a), Covariant (v b), Covariant (v c)) => v e f -> v a :. v b :. v c :. v d := e -> v a :. v b :. v c :. v d := f f .#.... g = (f .) <$$$> g (<$$) :: Covariant u => b -> t :. u := a -> t :. u := b x <$$ s = (\_-> x) <$$> s (<$$$) :: (Covariant u, Covariant v) => b -> t :. u :. v := a -> t :. u :. v := b x <$$$ s = (\_-> x) <$$$> s (<$$$$) :: (Covariant u, Covariant v, Covariant w) => b -> t :. u :. v :. w := a -> t :. u :. v :. w := b x <$$$$ s = (\_-> x) <$$$$> s ($$>) :: Covariant u => t :. u := a -> b -> t :. u := b s $$> x = (\_-> x) <$$> s ($$$>) :: (Covariant u, Covariant v) => t :. u :. v := a -> b -> t :. u :. v := b s $$$> x = (\_-> x) <$$$> s ($$$$>) :: (Covariant u, Covariant v, Covariant w) => t :. u :. v :. w := a -> b -> t :. u :. v :. w := b s $$$$> x = (\_-> x) <$$$$> s class (Category source, Category target) => Covariant_ t source target where (-<$>-) :: source a b -> target (t a) (t b) (-<$$>-) :: forall t u category a b . (Covariant_ u category category, Covariant_ t category category) => category a b -> category (t (u a)) (t (u b)) (-<$$>-) s = ((-<$>-) ((-<$>-) @u @category @category s)) (-<<$$>-) :: forall t u source target a b . (Covariant_ u source source, Covariant_ t source target) => source a b -> target (t (u a)) (t (u b)) (-<<$$>-) s = ((-<$>-) ((-<$>-) @u @source @source s)) (-<$$>>-) :: forall t u source target a b . (Covariant_ u source target, Covariant_ t target target) => source a b -> target (t (u a)) (t (u b)) (-<$$>>-) s = ((-<$>-) ((-<$>-) @u @source @target s)) -- TODO: Figure out how to work with hidden type variables -- to put intermediate category `between` (-<$$$>-) :: forall t u v source target a b . (Covariant_ u source source, Covariant_ t source target, Covariant_ v target target) => source a b -> target (v (t (u a))) (v (t (u b))) (-<$$$>-) s = ((-<$>-) ((-<$>-) @t @source @target ((-<$>-) @u @source @source s)))