-- | A parser-combinator library.
-- The primary goal in writing Parcom was to facilitate parsing Unicode string
-- data from various source streams, including raw
-- 'Data.ByteString.ByteString's - while Attoparsec can parse
-- 'Data.ByteString.ByteString's, it sacrifices some convenience for
-- performance, and using it to parse textual data is not as comfortable as I
-- would like; Parsec can handle textual data much better, but it needs the
-- input to be converetd to Unicode for this to work nicely. Nonetheless,
-- Parcom\'s interface is quite obviously heavily inspired by both Parsec and
-- Attoparsec.
-- Parcom supports 'String', 'Data.ByteString.ByteString' (lazy and strict) and
-- 'Data.Text.Text' (lazy and strict) as its input format out-of-the-box. By
-- implementing one or more of the typeclasses in 'Text.Parcom.Stream', you can
-- extend Parcom to work on other input types as well.
module Text.Parcom
( module Text.Parcom.Prim
, module Text.Parcom.Combinators
, module Text.Parcom.Core
-- * Getting Started
-- | Parcom being a parser combinator library, the usual approach is to use
-- predefined atomic parsers (defined in "Text.Parcom.Prim" and re-exported
-- here for convenience) and combine them using predefined combinators (defined
-- in "Text.Parcom.Combinators"). Anyone with prior exposure to Parsec or
-- Attoparsec should be familiar with the concept. Here's an example that
-- parses a value, which can be a positive integer literal or NULL:
-- > myParser :: Parcom String Char (Maybe Int)
-- > myParser = intLiteral <|> nullLiteral <?> "value (integer or NULL)"
-- >
-- > intLiteral :: Parcom String Char (Maybe Int)
-- > intLiteral = do
-- >      x <- oneOf ['1'..'9']
-- >      xs <- many (oneOf ['0'..'9'])
-- >      return $ Just $ read (x:xs)
-- > 
-- > nullLiteral :: Parcom String Char (Maybe Int)
-- > nullLiteral = do
-- >      tokens "NULL"
-- >      notFollowedBy (satisfy (not . isSpace))
-- >      return Nothing
-- Such a parser can then be run against some input using 'parse' or 'parseT',
-- the monadic equivalent.
-- > main = do
-- >      src <- getContents
-- >      let parseResult = parse myParser "<STDIN>" src
-- >      case parseResult of
-- >          Left err -> do
-- >              putStrLn "Sorry, there has been an error, namely:"
-- >              print err
-- >          Right (Just i) -> putStrLn $ "Found an integer value: " ++ show i
-- >          Right Nothing -> putStrLn "Found NULL"

-- * Backtracking
-- | As you build more complex parsers, you may encounter situations where a
-- parser fails after having consumed some input already. Combining such a
-- parser with other alternatives will yield undesired results: the parser
-- fails, but it will not push the input it has already consumed back onto the
-- input stream. To fix this, use the 'try' primitive, which modifies a parser
-- such that when it fails, it undoes any input consumption it may have caused.

-- * Input types other than 'String'
-- | To support input from @Text@ or @ByteString@s, import one of the following
-- modules:
--      * "Text.Parcom.Text" or "Text.Parcom.Text.Strict" for strict @Text@
--      * "Text.Parcom.Text.Lazy" for lazy @Text@
--      * "Text.Parcom.ByteString" or "ByteString.Parcom.ByteString.Strict" for strict @ByteString@
--      * "Text.Parcom.ByteString.Lazy" for lazy @ByteString@

-- * Parsing textual data
-- | Parcom provides two primitives for textual data: 'Text.Parcom.Textual.char'
-- and 'Text.Parcom.Textual.string'. While textual data can be extracted from
-- input streams that are textual already (e.g. 'String' or 'Data.Text.Text')
-- using the normal token-based primities ('token', 'tokens', and 'prefix'),
-- doing so for bytestrings isn't trivial. The textual-data 

import Text.Parcom.Prim
import Text.Parcom.Core
import Text.Parcom.Combinators