### - Add `MonadFail` instance for `ParsecT` - Add `Semigroup`/`Monoid` instances for `ParsecT` (#80,#82) - Fix space leak in Applicative/Monad interface (#37) - Add `parserTrace` and `parserTraced` combinators for debugging. ### 3.1.11 - Include `README.md` in package. ### 3.1.10 - Most types now have a `Typeable` instance. Some instances are dropped from older versions of GHC (sorry about that!). - The token-parser now rejects Unicode numeric escape sequences for characters outside the Unicode range. - The token-parser now loses less precision when parsing literal doubles. - Documentation fixes and corrections. - We no longer test parsec builds on GHC 7.4. ### 3.1.9 - Many and various updates to documentation and package description (inlcuding the homepage links). - Add an `Eq` instance for `ParseError` - Fixed a regression from 3.1.6: `runP` is again exported from module Text.Parsec. ### 3.1.8 - Fix a regression from 3.1.6 related to exports from the main module. ### 3.1.7 - Fix a regression from 3.1.6 related to the reported position of error messages. See bug #9 for details. - Reset the current error position on success of `lookAhead`. ### 3.1.6 - Export `Text` instances from Text.Parsec - Make Text.Parsec exports more visible - Re-arrange Text.Parsec exports - Add functions `crlf` and `endOfLine` to Text.Parsec.Char for handling input streams that do not have normalized line terminators. - Fix off-by-one error in Token.charControl ### 3.1.4 - Relax dependency on `text` ### 3.1.5 - Relax dependency on `text` ### 3.1.3 - Fix a regression introduced in 3.1.2 related to positions reported by error messages.