# parsix [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/ollef/parsix.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/ollef/parsix) Adventures in parser combinators. This is basically a [Trifecta](https://github.com/ekmett/trifecta) clone, i.e. an implementation of the [parsers](https://github.com/ekmett/parsers/) interface, with the following differences: * Add error recovery (see `withRecovery`) based on [Megaparsec](https://github.com/mrkkrp/megaparsec)'s. * Use the `text` library instead of `bytestring` for input strings. This means that the library interfaces better with the rest of the Haskell library ecosystem and that slicing (see `sliced`) returns `Text`. * Use the [prettyprinter](https://github.com/quchen/prettyprinter) library for pretty-printing. * Actually implement the highlighting interface from `parsers`. This means that error messages that show input code are syntax highlighted.