{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms, StandaloneKindSignatures, TypeApplications, ViewPatterns #-} {-| Module : Parsley.Internal.Backend.Machine.Defunc Description : Machine-level defunctionalisation License : BSD-3-Clause Maintainer : Jamie Willis Stability : experimental This module contains the infrastructure and definitions of defunctionalised terms used solely within the machine. @since -} module Parsley.Internal.Backend.Machine.Defunc ( Defunc(..), user, userBool, ap, ap2, _if, genDefunc, pattern NormLam, pattern FREEVAR ) where import Parsley.Internal.Backend.Machine.Types.Offset (Offset) import Parsley.Internal.Common.Utils (Code) import Parsley.Internal.Core.Lam (Lam, normaliseGen, normalise) import qualified Parsley.Internal.Core.Defunc as Core (Defunc, lamTerm, lamTermBool) import qualified Parsley.Internal.Core.Lam as Lam (Lam(..)) {-| Machine level defunctionalisation, for terms that can only be introduced by the code generator, and that do not require value level representations. @since -} data Defunc a where {-| Wraps `Lam` terms so that they can be used within the machine. @since -} LAM :: Lam a -> Defunc a {-| Represents Haskell's @undefined@, which may be used by high-level optimisers to replace redundant values whilst preserving the types. @since -} BOTTOM :: Defunc a {-| Allows the static `Offset`s to be pushed onto the operand stack, which is the easiest way to get them to persist as arguments to handlers, and interact with `Parsley.Internal.Backend.Machine.Instructions.Seek` and `Parsley.Internal.Backend.Machine.Instructions.Tell`. @since -} OFFSET :: Offset o -> Defunc o {-| Promotes a @Defunc@ value from the Frontend API into a Backend one. @since -} user :: Core.Defunc a -> Defunc a user = LAM . Core.lamTerm {-| Promotes a @Defunc@ value from the Frontend API into a Backend one, for values representing @a -> Bool@. @since -} userBool :: Core.Defunc (a -> Bool) -> Defunc (a -> Bool) userBool = LAM . Core.lamTermBool {-| Applies a function to a value when both are `Defunc`. @since -} ap :: Defunc (a -> b) -> Defunc a -> Defunc b ap f x = LAM (Lam.App (unliftDefunc f) (unliftDefunc x)) {-| Applies a function to two values when all are `Defunc`. @since -} ap2 :: Defunc (a -> b -> c) -> Defunc a -> Defunc b -> Defunc c ap2 f x = ap (ap f x) {-| Acts as an @if@-expression lifted to the `Defunc` level. @since -} _if :: Defunc Bool -> Code a -> Code a -> Code a _if c t e = normaliseGen (Lam.If (unliftDefunc c) (Lam.Var False t) (Lam.Var False e)) unliftDefunc :: Defunc a -> Lam a unliftDefunc (LAM x) = x unliftDefunc x = Lam.Var False (genDefunc x) {-| Generate the Haskell code that represents this defunctionalised value. @since -} genDefunc :: Defunc a -> Code a genDefunc (LAM x) = normaliseGen x genDefunc BOTTOM = [||undefined||] genDefunc (OFFSET _) = error "Cannot materialise an unboxed offset in the regular way" {-| Pattern that normalises a `Lam` before returning it. @since -} pattern NormLam :: Lam a -> Defunc a pattern NormLam t <- LAM (normalise -> t) {-| Pattern that represents simple `Lam` variables, post-normalisation. @since -} pattern FREEVAR :: Code a -> Defunc a pattern FREEVAR v <- NormLam (Lam.Var True v) where FREEVAR v = LAM (Lam.Var True v) instance Show (Defunc a) where show (LAM x) = show x show BOTTOM = "[[irrelevant]]" show (FREEVAR _) = "x" show (OFFSET o) = "offset " ++ show o