A partial semigroup is like a semigroup, but the operator is partial. We represent this in Haskell as a total function: ```haskell (<>?) :: a -> a -> Maybe a ``` The [partial-semigroup-hedgehog] companion package provides support for checking the partial semigroup associativity axiom using the [hedgehog] package. ## Semigroups (background) A *semigroup* is a set with a binary associative operator. In Haskell we represent semigroups as instances of the `Semigroup` typeclass, which looks something like this: ```haskell class Semigroup a where (<>) :: a -> a -> a ``` This was once provided by the [semigroups] package, but is now in the Haskell standard library as of `base` in 2016. ### The semigroup associativity axiom The semigroup *associativity* axiom is stated as: ```haskell (a <> b) <> c = a <> (b <> c) ``` ## Partial semigroups A *partial semigroup* can be defined in two equivalent ways: 1. As a semigroup where `<>` is a *partial function* (that is, we admit the possibility that `x <> y = ⊥` for some `x` and `y`) 2. As a new kind of algebraic structure where the operation is *total* (not partial) but returns `Maybe a` instead of `a`. The second definition is the approach we take here (though we will refer back to this first definition when we discuss the associativity axiom). The `partial-semigroup` package defines the `PartialSemigroup` class, which looks like this: ```haskell class PartialSemigroup a where (<>?) :: a -> a -> Maybe a ``` ### The partial semigroup associativity axiom The partial semigroup associativity axiom is a natural adaptation of the semigroup associativity axiom, with a slight modification to accommodate the situations wherein `x <> y = ⊥`. First we'll express the axiom in terms of `Semigroup` and `⊥`, and then we'll rephrase it in terms of `PartialSemigroup`. #### Definition 1: In terms of `Semigroup` and `⊥` For all `x`, `y`, `z`: * If `x <> y ≠ ⊥` and `y <> z ≠ ⊥`, then * `x <> (y <> z) = ⊥` if and only if `(x <> y) <> z = ⊥`, and * where none of the terms are ⊥, the axiom for total semigroups `x <> (y <> z) = (x <> y) <> z` must hold. #### Definition 2: In terms of `PartialSemigroup` For all `x`, `y`, `z`: * If `x <>? y = Just xy` and `y <>? z = Just yz`, then * `x <>? yz = xy <>? z`. ## Deriving using GHC generics If a type derives `Generic` and all of its fields have `PartialSemigroup` instances, you can get a `PartialSemigroup` for free. ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} import Data.PartialSemigroup.Generics data T = A String (Either String String) | B String deriving (Eq, Generic, Show) instance PartialSemigroup T where (<>?) = genericPartialSemigroupOp ``` This gives us an implementation of `<>?` which combines values only if they have the same structure. ```haskell λ> A "s" (Left "x") <>? A "t" (Left "y") Just (A "st" (Left "xy")) >>> B "x" <>? B "y" Just (B "xy") ``` For values that do *not* have the same structure, `<>?` produces `Nothing`. ```haskell >>> A "s" (Left "x") <>? A "t" (Right "y") Nothing >>> A "x" (Left "y") <>? B "z" Nothing ``` [partial-semigroup-hedgehog]: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/partial-semigroup-hedgehog [hedgehog]: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/hedgehog [semigroups]: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/semigroups