{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {- | This is an approach for stitching images at narrow bands along lines of small image differences. We start with rotated and placed rectangular image masks and then start to remove pixels from the borders of the image masks in the order of decreasing pixel value differences. For the sake of simplicity we calculate the difference of a pixel value to the average of all pixel values at a certain position. We do not recalculate the average if a pixel is removed from the priority queue. -} module MatchImageBorders where import Knead.Shape (Vec2(Vec2), Dim2, Size) import qualified Data.Array.Comfort.Storable.Mutable.Unchecked as MutArray import qualified Data.Array.Comfort.Storable.Unchecked as Array import qualified Data.Array.Comfort.Shape as ComfortShape import Data.Array.Comfort.Storable.Mutable (IOArray) import Data.Array.Comfort.Storable (Array, (!), (//)) import qualified Data.PQueue.Prio.Max as PQ import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.PQueue.Prio.Max (MaxPQueue) import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.Bool8 as Bool8 import Data.Traversable (forM) import Data.Foldable (forM_) import Data.Tuple.HT (mapPair, mapSnd) import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, listToMaybe) import Data.Word (Word8) import Data.Bool8 (Bool8) import Control.Monad (filterM) import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) type Z2 i j = (ComfortShape.ZeroBased i, ComfortShape.ZeroBased j) arrayPairFromVec :: Array Dim2 a -> Array (Z2 Size Size) a arrayPairFromVec = Array.mapShape (\(Vec2 height width) -> (height, width)) arrayVecFromPair :: Array (Z2 Size Size) a -> Array Dim2 a arrayVecFromPair = Array.mapShape (\(height, width) -> (Vec2 height width)) findBorder :: (Integral i, Integral j) => Array (Z2 i j) Bool8 -> Set (i,j) findBorder mask = let (yrng, xrng) = Array.shape mask range sh = ComfortShape.indices sh revRange sh@(ComfortShape.ZeroBased n) = take (ComfortShape.size sh) $ drop 1 $ iterate (subtract 1) n first p = listToMaybe . dropWhile (not . Bool8.toBool . p) findLeft y = first (\x -> mask!(y,x)) $ range xrng findRight y = first (\x -> mask!(y,x)) $ revRange xrng findTop x = first (\y -> mask!(y,x)) $ range yrng findBottom x = first (\y -> mask!(y,x)) $ revRange yrng in Set.fromList $ mapMaybe (\y -> (,) y <$> findLeft y) (range yrng) ++ mapMaybe (\y -> (,) y <$> findRight y) (range yrng) ++ mapMaybe (\x -> flip (,) x <$> findTop x) (range xrng) ++ mapMaybe (\x -> flip (,) x <$> findBottom x) (range xrng) pqueueFromBorder :: (ComfortShape.Indexed sh, ComfortShape.Index sh ~ ix) => Array sh Float -> Set ix -> MaxPQueue Float ix pqueueFromBorder weights = PQ.fromList . map (\pos -> (weights!pos, pos)) . Set.toList type Location = Word8 locOutside, locBorder, locInside :: Location locOutside = 0 locBorder = 1 locInside = 2 prepareLocations :: (ComfortShape.Indexed sh, ComfortShape.Index sh ~ ix) => Array sh Bool8 -> Set ix -> Array sh Location prepareLocations mask border = Array.map (\b -> if Bool8.toBool b then locInside else locOutside) mask // map (flip (,) locBorder) (Set.toList border) type Queue i j = MaxPQueue Float ((IOArray (Z2 i j) Location, Array (Z2 i j) Float), (i,j)) prepareShaping :: (Integral i, Integral j) => [(Array (Z2 i j) Bool8, Array (Z2 i j) Float)] -> IO ([IOArray (Z2 i j) Location], Queue i j) prepareShaping maskWeightss = fmap (mapSnd PQ.unions . unzip) $ forM maskWeightss $ \(mask, weights) -> do let border = findBorder mask locations <- MutArray.thaw $ prepareLocations mask border return (locations, fmap ((,) (locations, weights)) $ pqueueFromBorder weights border) loopQueue :: (Monad m, Ord k) => (a -> m (MaxPQueue k a)) -> MaxPQueue k a -> m () loopQueue f = let loop queue = case PQ.maxView queue of Nothing -> return () Just (first, remQueue) -> loop . PQ.union remQueue =<< f first in loop shapeParts :: IOArray (Z2 Size Size) Int -> [IOArray (Z2 Size Size) Location] -> Queue Size Size -> IO [Array (Z2 Size Size) Bool8] shapeParts count masks queue = do flip loopQueue queue $ \((locs, diffs), pos@(y,x)) -> do n <- MutArray.read count pos if n<=1 then return PQ.empty else do MutArray.write count pos (n-1) MutArray.write locs pos locOutside envPoss <- filterM (fmap (locInside ==) . MutArray.read locs) $ filter (ComfortShape.inBounds (Array.shape diffs)) $ map (mapPair ((y+), (x+))) [(0,1), (1,0), (0,-1), (-1,0)] forM_ envPoss $ \envPos -> MutArray.write locs envPos locBorder return $ PQ.fromList $ map (\envPos -> (diffs!envPos, ((locs, diffs), envPos))) envPoss forM masks $ fmap (Array.map (Bool8.fromBool . (/=locOutside))) . MutArray.freeze