{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} module Main where import qualified Option import qualified State import qualified MatchImageBorders import qualified Arithmetic as Arith import qualified Degree import MatchImageBorders (arrayCFromKnead, arrayKneadFromC) import Arithmetic (guardedPairs, maximum0) import LinearAlgebra ( absolutePositionsFromPairDisplacements, fixAtLeastOnePosition, layoutFromPairDisplacements, fixAtLeastOneAnglePosition, ) import KneadShape (Size, Vec2(Vec2), Dim1, Dim2, Shape2, Index2, Ix2, verticalVal, horizontalVal) import Degree (Degree(Degree), getDegree) import qualified Math.FFT as FFT import Math.FFT.Base (FFTWReal) import qualified Data.Array.Knead.Parameterized.Render as RenderP import qualified Data.Array.Knead.Simple.Physical as Phys import qualified Data.Array.Knead.Simple.ShapeDependent as ShapeDep import qualified Data.Array.Knead.Simple.Symbolic as Symb import qualified Data.Array.Knead.Index.Nested.Shape as Shape import qualified Data.Array.Knead.Expression as Expr import Data.Array.Knead.Simple.Symbolic ((!)) import Data.Array.Knead.Expression (Exp, (==*), (/=*), (<*), (<=*), (>=*), (&&*)) import qualified Data.Array.CArray as CArray import Data.Array.IArray (amap) import Data.Array.CArray (CArray) import Data.Array.MArray (thaw) import qualified LLVM.Extra.ScalarOrVector as SoV import qualified LLVM.Extra.Arithmetic as LLVMArith import qualified LLVM.Extra.Multi.Value.Memory as MultiMem import qualified LLVM.Extra.Multi.Value as MultiValue import LLVM.Extra.Multi.Value (Atom, atom) import qualified LLVM.Core as LLVM import qualified Data.Complex as Complex import Data.Complex (Complex((:+)), conjugate, realPart) import qualified Codec.Picture as Pic import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as SV import Foreign.ForeignPtr (ForeignPtr, castForeignPtr) import qualified System.FilePath as FilePath import qualified System.IO as IO import qualified Distribution.Simple.Utils as CmdLine import qualified Distribution.Verbosity as Verbosity import Distribution.Verbosity (Verbosity) import Text.Printf (printf) import qualified Control.Monad.HT as MonadHT import Control.Monad (liftM2, when, join, foldM, (<=<)) import Control.Applicative (pure, (<$>), (<*>)) import qualified Data.Foldable as Fold import qualified Data.List as List import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Function.HT (Id) import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import Data.Maybe.HT (toMaybe) import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, isJust, isNothing) import Data.Traversable (forM) import Data.Foldable (forM_) import Data.Ord.HT (comparing) import Data.Tuple.HT (mapPair, mapFst, mapSnd, mapTriple, swap, mapThd3, fst3, thd3, uncurry3) import Data.Word (Word8, Word32) type SmallSize = Word32 type Plane = Phys.Array Dim2 type SymbPlane = Symb.Array Dim2 type ColorImage a = Phys.Array Dim2 (YUV a) type ColorImage8 = ColorImage Word8 type YUV a = (a,a,a) shape2 :: (Integral i) => i -> i -> Dim2 shape2 height width = Vec2 (fromIntegral height) (fromIntegral width) readImage :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> IO ColorImage8 readImage verbosity path = do epic <- Pic.readImage path case epic of Left msg -> ioError $ userError msg Right dynpic -> case dynpic of Pic.ImageYCbCr8 pic -> do let dat = Pic.imageData pic CmdLine.info verbosity $ printf "yuv %dx%d, size %d\n" (Pic.imageWidth pic) (Pic.imageHeight pic) (SV.length dat) return $ Phys.Array (shape2 (Pic.imageHeight pic) (Pic.imageWidth pic)) (castForeignPtr $ fst $ SV.unsafeToForeignPtr0 dat) _ -> ioError $ userError "unsupported image type" vectorStorableFrom :: (Shape.C sh, SV.Storable a) => (ForeignPtr c -> ForeignPtr a) -> Phys.Array sh c -> SV.Vector a vectorStorableFrom castArray img = SV.unsafeFromForeignPtr0 (castArray $ Phys.buffer img) (fromIntegral $ Shape.size $ Phys.shape img) imageFromArray :: (Pic.PixelBaseComponent c ~ a, SV.Storable a) => (ForeignPtr b -> ForeignPtr a) -> Phys.Array Dim2 b -> Pic.Image c imageFromArray castArray img = let Vec2 height width = Phys.shape img in Pic.Image { Pic.imageWidth = fromIntegral width, Pic.imageHeight = fromIntegral height, Pic.imageData = vectorStorableFrom castArray img } writeImage :: Int -> FilePath -> ColorImage8 -> IO () writeImage quality path img = Pic.saveJpgImage quality path $ Pic.ImageYCbCr8 $ imageFromArray castForeignPtr img writeGrey :: Int -> FilePath -> Plane Word8 -> IO () writeGrey quality path img = Pic.saveJpgImage quality path $ Pic.ImageY8 $ imageFromArray id img colorImageExtent :: ColorImage8 -> (Size, Size) colorImageExtent pic = case Phys.shape pic of Vec2 height width -> (width, height) fromInt :: (MultiValue.NativeInteger i ir, MultiValue.NativeFloating a ar) => Exp i -> Exp a fromInt = Expr.liftM MultiValue.fromIntegral floatFromByte :: (MultiValue.NativeFloating a ar, MultiValue.PseudoRing a, MultiValue.Real a, MultiValue.RationalConstant a) => Exp Word8 -> Exp a floatFromByte = (* Expr.fromRational' (recip 255)) . fromInt byteFromFloat :: (MultiValue.NativeFloating a ar, MultiValue.Field a, MultiValue.Real a, MultiValue.RationalConstant a) => Exp a -> Exp Word8 byteFromFloat = fastRound . (255*) . Expr.max 0 . Expr.min 1 imageFloatFromByte :: (Symb.C array, Shape.C sh, MultiValue.NativeFloating a ar, MultiValue.PseudoRing a, MultiValue.Real a, MultiValue.RationalConstant a) => array sh Word8 -> array sh a imageFloatFromByte = Symb.map floatFromByte imageByteFromFloat :: (Symb.C array, Shape.C sh, MultiValue.NativeFloating a ar, MultiValue.Field a, MultiValue.Real a, MultiValue.RationalConstant a) => array sh a -> array sh Word8 imageByteFromFloat = Symb.map byteFromFloat yuvByteFromFloat :: (MultiValue.NativeFloating a ar, MultiValue.Field a, MultiValue.Real a, MultiValue.RationalConstant a) => Exp (YUV a) -> Exp (YUV Word8) yuvByteFromFloat = Expr.modify (atom,atom,atom) $ mapTriple (byteFromFloat, byteFromFloat, byteFromFloat) colorImageFloatFromByte :: (Symb.C array, Shape.C sh, MultiValue.NativeFloating a ar, MultiValue.PseudoRing a, MultiValue.Real a, MultiValue.RationalConstant a) => array sh (YUV Word8) -> array sh (YUV a) colorImageFloatFromByte = Symb.map $ Expr.modify (atom,atom,atom) $ mapTriple (floatFromByte, floatFromByte, floatFromByte) colorImageByteFromFloat :: (Symb.C array, Shape.C sh, MultiValue.NativeFloating a ar, MultiValue.Field a, MultiValue.Real a, MultiValue.RationalConstant a) => array sh (YUV a) -> array sh (YUV Word8) colorImageByteFromFloat = Symb.map yuvByteFromFloat fastRound :: (MultiValue.NativeInteger i ir, MultiValue.NativeFloating a ar) => Exp a -> Exp i fastRound = Expr.liftM MultiValue.roundToIntFast splitFraction :: (MultiValue.NativeFloating a ar) => Exp a -> (Exp Size, Exp a) splitFraction = Expr.unzip . Expr.liftM MultiValue.splitFractionToInt ceilingToInt :: (MultiValue.NativeFloating a ar) => Exp a -> Exp Size ceilingToInt = Expr.liftM MultiValue.ceilingToInt atomDim2 :: Shape2 (Atom i) atomDim2 = Vec2 atom atom atomIx2 :: Index2 (Atom i) atomIx2 = Vec2 atom atom dim2 :: Exp i -> Exp i -> Exp (Shape2 i) dim2 y x = Expr.compose (Vec2 y x) ix2 :: Exp i -> Exp i -> Exp (Index2 i) ix2 y x = Expr.compose (Vec2 y x) fromSize2 :: (MultiValue.NativeFloating a ar) => (Exp Size, Exp Size) -> (Exp a, Exp a) fromSize2 (x,y) = (fromInt x, fromInt y) indexLimit :: SymbPlane a -> Index2 (Exp Size) -> Exp a indexLimit img (Vec2 y x) = let (Vec2 height width) = Expr.decompose atomDim2 $ Symb.shape img xc = Expr.max 0 $ Expr.min (width -1) x yc = Expr.max 0 $ Expr.min (height-1) y in img ! ix2 yc xc limitIndices :: (Symb.C array, Shape.C sh) => Exp Dim2 -> array sh Ix2 -> array sh Ix2 limitIndices sh = Symb.map (case Expr.decompose atomDim2 sh of (Vec2 height width) -> Expr.modify atomIx2 $ \(Vec2 y x) -> let xc = Expr.max 0 $ Expr.min (width -1) x yc = Expr.max 0 $ Expr.min (height-1) y in Vec2 yc xc) shiftIndicesHoriz, shiftIndicesVert :: (Symb.C array, Shape.C sh) => Exp Size -> array sh Ix2 -> array sh Ix2 shiftIndicesHoriz dx = Symb.map $ Expr.modify atomIx2 $ \(Vec2 y x) -> Vec2 y (x+dx) shiftIndicesVert dy = Symb.map $ Expr.modify atomIx2 $ \(Vec2 y x) -> Vec2 (y+dy) x type VecExp a v = Arith.Vec (Exp a) (Exp v) vecYUV :: (MultiValue.PseudoRing a) => VecExp a (YUV a) vecYUV = Arith.Vec { Arith.vecZero = Expr.compose (Expr.zero, Expr.zero, Expr.zero), Arith.vecAdd = Expr.modify2 (atom,atom,atom) (atom,atom,atom) $ \(ay,au,av) (by,bu,bv) -> (Expr.add ay by, Expr.add au bu, Expr.add av bv), Arith.vecScale = Expr.modify2 atom (atom,atom,atom) $ \a (by,bu,bv) -> (Expr.mul a by, Expr.mul a bu, Expr.mul a bv) } {- Generated code becomes too big for LLVM here. We need sharing! -} indexFrac :: (MultiValue.NativeFloating a ar, MultiValue.Real a, MultiValue.Field a, MultiValue.RationalConstant a) => VecExp a v -> SymbPlane v -> Index2 (Exp a) -> Exp v indexFrac vec img (Vec2 y x) = let (xi,xf) = splitFraction x (yi,yf) = splitFraction y interpolRow yc = Arith.cubicIpVec vec (indexLimit img (Vec2 yc (xi-1)), indexLimit img (Vec2 yc (xi )), indexLimit img (Vec2 yc (xi+1)), indexLimit img (Vec2 yc (xi+2))) xf in Arith.cubicIpVec vec (interpolRow (yi-1), interpolRow yi, interpolRow (yi+1), interpolRow (yi+2)) yf indexFrac1 :: (MultiValue.NativeFloating a ar, MultiValue.Real a, MultiValue.Field a, MultiValue.RationalConstant a) => VecExp a v -> SymbPlane v -> Index2 (Exp a) -> Exp v indexFrac1 vec img (Vec2 y x) = let (xi,xf) = splitFraction x (yi,yf) = splitFraction y interpolRow yc = Arith.linearIpVec vec (indexLimit img (Vec2 yc (xi-1)), indexLimit img (Vec2 yc (xi+1))) xf in Arith.linearIpVec vec (interpolRow yi, interpolRow (yi+1)) yf gatherFrac, gatherFrac_ :: (MultiValue.NativeFloating a ar, MultiValue.Real a, MultiValue.Field a, MultiValue.RationalConstant a, MultiValue.C v) => VecExp a v -> SymbPlane v -> SymbPlane (Index2 a) -> SymbPlane v gatherFrac_ vec src = Symb.map (indexFrac vec src . Expr.decompose atomIx2) gatherFrac vec src poss = let possSplit = Symb.map (Expr.modify atomIx2 $ \(Vec2 y x) -> let (xi,xf) = splitFraction x (yi,yf) = splitFraction y in (Vec2 yf xf, Vec2 yi xi)) poss possFrac = Symb.map Expr.fst possSplit possInt = Symb.map Expr.snd possSplit gather = flip Symb.gather src . limitIndices (Symb.shape src) interpolateHoriz possIntShifted = Symb.zipWith (Arith.cubicIpVec vec . Expr.unzip4) (Symb.zip4 (gather $ shiftIndicesHoriz (-1) possIntShifted) (gather $ shiftIndicesHoriz 0 possIntShifted) (gather $ shiftIndicesHoriz 1 possIntShifted) (gather $ shiftIndicesHoriz 2 possIntShifted)) (Symb.map horizontalVal possFrac) in Symb.zipWith (Arith.cubicIpVec vec . Expr.unzip4) (Symb.zip4 (interpolateHoriz $ shiftIndicesVert (-1) possInt) (interpolateHoriz $ shiftIndicesVert 0 possInt) (interpolateHoriz $ shiftIndicesVert 1 possInt) (interpolateHoriz $ shiftIndicesVert 2 possInt)) (Symb.map verticalVal possFrac) rotateStretchMoveCoords :: (SV.Storable a, MultiMem.C a, MultiValue.Real a, MultiValue.Field a, MultiValue.RationalConstant a, MultiValue.NativeFloating a ar) => Exp (a, a) -> Exp (a, a) -> Exp Dim2 -> SymbPlane (a, a) rotateStretchMoveCoords rot mov = Symb.map (let trans = Arith.rotateStretchMoveBackPoint (Expr.unzip rot) (Expr.unzip mov) in Expr.modify atomIx2 $ \(Vec2 y x) -> trans $ fromSize2 (x,y)) . Symb.id inRange :: (MultiValue.Comparison a) => Exp a -> Exp a -> Exp Bool inRange = Expr.liftM2 $ \ size x -> do lower <- MultiValue.cmp LLVM.CmpLE MultiValue.zero x upper <- MultiValue.cmp LLVM.CmpLT x size MultiValue.and lower upper inBox :: (MultiValue.Comparison a) => (Exp a, Exp a) -> (Exp a, Exp a) -> Exp Bool inBox (width,height) (x,y) = Expr.liftM2 MultiValue.and (inRange width x) (inRange height y) validCoords :: (MultiValue.NativeFloating a ar, MultiValue.Field a, MultiValue.Real a, MultiValue.RationalConstant a) => (Exp Size, Exp Size) -> SymbPlane (a, a) -> SymbPlane MaskBool validCoords (width,height) = Symb.map $ Expr.modify (atom,atom) $ \(x,y) -> maskFromBool $ inBox (width,height) (fastRound x, fastRound y) {- | @rotateStretchMove rot mov@ first rotate and stretches the image according to 'rot' and then moves the picture. -} rotateStretchMove :: (SV.Storable a, MultiMem.C a, MultiValue.Real a, MultiValue.Field a, MultiValue.RationalConstant a, MultiValue.NativeFloating a ar, MultiValue.C v) => VecExp a v -> Exp (a, a) -> Exp (a, a) -> Exp Dim2 -> SymbPlane v -> SymbPlane (MaskBool, v) rotateStretchMove vec rot mov sh img = let coords = rotateStretchMoveCoords rot mov sh (Vec2 heightSrc widthSrc) = Expr.decompose atomDim2 $ Symb.shape img in Symb.zip (validCoords (widthSrc, heightSrc) coords) (gatherFrac vec img $ Symb.map (Expr.modify (atom,atom) $ \(x,y) -> ix2 y x) coords) rotate :: (SV.Storable a, MultiMem.C a, MultiValue.Real a, MultiValue.Field a, MultiValue.RationalConstant a, MultiValue.NativeFloating a ar, MultiValue.C v) => VecExp a v -> Exp (a, a) -> SymbPlane v -> SymbPlane v rotate vec rot img = let (Vec2 height width) = Expr.decompose atomDim2 $ Symb.shape img ((left, right), (top, bottom)) = Arith.boundingBoxOfRotatedGen (Expr.min, Expr.max) (Expr.unzip rot) (fromSize2 (width, height)) in Symb.map Expr.snd $ rotateStretchMove vec rot (Expr.zip (-left) (-top)) (dim2 (ceilingToInt (bottom-top)) (ceilingToInt (right-left))) img runRotate :: IO (Degree Float -> ColorImage8 -> IO ColorImage8) runRotate = do rot <- RenderP.run $ \rot -> colorImageByteFromFloat . rotate vecYUV rot . colorImageFloatFromByte return $ \ angle img -> rot (Degree.cis angle) img brightnessValue :: Exp (YUV a) -> Exp a brightnessValue = Expr.modify (atom,atom,atom) fst3 brightnessPlane :: (Symb.C array, Shape.C size) => array size (YUV a) -> array size a brightnessPlane = Symb.map brightnessValue rowHistogram :: (Symb.C array, MultiValue.Additive a) => array Dim2 (YUV a) -> array Dim1 a rowHistogram = Symb.fold1 Expr.add . ShapeDep.backpermute (Expr.modify atomDim2 $ \(Vec2 h w) -> (h,w)) (Expr.modify (atom,atom) $ \(y,x) -> Vec2 y x) . brightnessPlane tailArr :: (Symb.C array) => array Dim1 a -> array Dim1 a tailArr = ShapeDep.backpermute (Expr.max 0 . flip Expr.sub 1) (Expr.add 1) differentiate :: (Symb.C array, MultiValue.Additive a) => array Dim1 a -> array Dim1 a differentiate xs = Symb.zipWith Expr.sub (tailArr xs) xs the :: Symb.Array () a -> Exp a the = Symb.the fold1All :: (Shape.C sh, MultiValue.C a) => (Exp a -> Exp a -> Exp a) -> Symb.Array sh a -> Exp a fold1All f = the . Symb.fold1All f scoreHistogram :: (MultiValue.PseudoRing a) => Symb.Array Dim1 a -> Exp a scoreHistogram = fold1All Expr.add . Symb.map Expr.sqr . differentiate runScoreRotation :: IO (Degree Float -> ColorImage8 -> IO Float) runScoreRotation = do rot <- RenderP.run $ \rot -> rowHistogram . rotate vecYUV rot . colorImageFloatFromByte score <- RenderP.run scoreHistogram return $ \ angle img -> score =<< rot (Degree.cis angle) img findOptimalRotation :: IO ([Degree Float] -> ColorImage8 -> IO (Degree Float)) findOptimalRotation = do scoreRotation <- runScoreRotation return $ \angles pic -> fmap (fst . List.maximumBy (comparing snd)) $ forM angles $ \angle -> (,) angle <$> scoreRotation angle pic transpose :: SymbPlane a -> SymbPlane a transpose = ShapeDep.backpermute (Expr.modify atomDim2 $ \(Vec2 height width) -> (Vec2 width height)) (Expr.modify atomIx2 $ \(Vec2 x y) -> (Vec2 y x)) lowpassVert, lowpass :: (MultiValue.Field a, MultiValue.Real a, MultiValue.RationalConstant a) => SymbPlane a -> SymbPlane a lowpassVert img = let height = verticalVal $ Symb.shape img in generate (Symb.shape img) $ Expr.modify atomIx2 $ \(Vec2 y x) -> Arith.smooth3 (img ! ix2 (Expr.max 0 (y-1)) x, img ! ix2 y x, img ! ix2 (Expr.min (height-1) (y+1)) x) lowpass = transpose . lowpassVert . transpose . lowpassVert lowpassMulti :: IO (Int -> Plane Float -> IO (Plane Float)) lowpassMulti = do lp <- RenderP.run lowpass return $ \n -> MonadHT.nest n lp highpassMulti :: IO (Int -> Plane Float -> IO (Plane Float)) highpassMulti = do lp <- lowpassMulti sub <- RenderP.run $ Symb.zipWith Expr.sub . fixArray return $ \n img -> sub img =<< lp n img -- counterpart to 'clip' pad :: (MultiValue.C a) => Exp a -> Exp Dim2 -> SymbPlane a -> SymbPlane a pad a sh img = let Vec2 height width = Expr.decompose atomDim2 $ Symb.shape img in generate sh $ \p -> let Vec2 y x = Expr.decompose atomIx2 p in Expr.ifThenElse (y<*height &&* x<*width) (img ! p) a padCArray :: (SV.Storable a) => a -> (Int,Int) -> CArray (Int,Int) a -> CArray (Int,Int) a padCArray a (height, width) img = CArray.listArray ((0,0), (height-1, width-1)) (repeat a) CArray.// CArray.assocs img clipCArray :: (SV.Storable a) => (Int,Int) -> CArray (Int,Int) a -> CArray (Int,Int) a clipCArray (height, width) = CArray.ixmap ((0,0), (height-1, width-1)) id mapPairInt :: (Integral i, Integral j) => (i,i) -> (j,j) mapPairInt = mapPair (fromIntegral, fromIntegral) correlatePaddedSimpleCArray :: (FFTWReal a) => (Int,Int) -> CArray (Int,Int) a -> CArray (Int,Int) a -> CArray (Int,Int) a correlatePaddedSimpleCArray sh = let forward = FFT.dftRCN [0,1] . padCArray 0 sh inverse = FFT.dftCRN [0,1] in \ a b -> inverse $ CArray.liftArray2 Arith.mulConj (forward a) (forward b) -- expects zero-based arrays cyclicReverse2d :: (SV.Storable a) => CArray (Int,Int) a -> CArray (Int,Int) a cyclicReverse2d spec = let (height, width) = mapPair ((1+), (1+)) $ snd $ CArray.bounds spec in CArray.ixmap (CArray.bounds spec) (\(y,x) -> (mod (-y) height, mod (-x) width)) spec untangleCoefficient :: (RealFloat a) => Complex a -> Complex a -> (Complex a, Complex a) untangleCoefficient a b = let bc = conjugate b in ((a + bc) / 2, (a - bc) * (0 :+ (-1/2))) -- ToDo: could be moved to fft package untangleSpectra2d :: (RealFloat a, SV.Storable a) => CArray (Int,Int) (Complex a) -> CArray (Int,Int) (Complex a, Complex a) untangleSpectra2d spec = CArray.liftArray2 untangleCoefficient spec (cyclicReverse2d spec) {- | Equivalent to @amap (uncurry Arith.mulConj) . untangleSpectra2d@ but much faster, since it avoids the slow @instance Storable (a,b)@ based on @storable-tuple:storePair@. -} mulConjUntangledSpectra2d :: (RealFloat a, SV.Storable a) => CArray (Int,Int) (Complex a) -> CArray (Int,Int) (Complex a) mulConjUntangledSpectra2d spec = CArray.liftArray2 ((uncurry Arith.mulConj .) . untangleCoefficient) spec (cyclicReverse2d spec) {- This is more efficient than 'correlatePaddedSimpleCArray' since it needs only one complex forward Fourier transform, where 'correlatePaddedSimpleCArray' needs two real transforms. Especially for odd sizes two real transforms are slower than a complex transform. For the analysis part, perform two real-valued Fourier transforms using one complex-valued transform. Afterwards we untangle the superposed spectra. -} correlatePaddedComplexCArray :: (FFTWReal a) => (Int,Int) -> CArray (Int,Int) a -> CArray (Int,Int) a -> CArray (Int,Int) a correlatePaddedComplexCArray sh a b = amap realPart $ FFT.idftN [0,1] $ mulConjUntangledSpectra2d $ FFT.dftN [0,1] $ CArray.liftArray2 (:+) (padCArray 0 sh a) (padCArray 0 sh b) {- | Should be yet a little bit more efficient than 'correlatePaddedComplexCArray' since it uses a real back transform. -} correlatePaddedCArray :: (FFTWReal a) => (Int,Int) -> CArray (Int,Int) a -> CArray (Int,Int) a -> CArray (Int,Int) a correlatePaddedCArray sh@(height,width) a b = (case divMod width 2 of (halfWidth,0) -> FFT.dftCRN [0,1] . clipCArray (height,halfWidth+1) (halfWidth,_) -> FFT.dftCRON [0,1] . clipCArray (height,halfWidth+1)) $ mulConjUntangledSpectra2d $ FFT.dftN [0,1] $ CArray.liftArray2 (:+) (padCArray 0 sh a) (padCArray 0 sh b) liftCArray2 :: (SV.Storable a) => (CArray (Int,Int) a -> CArray (Int,Int) a -> CArray (Int,Int) a) -> Plane a -> Plane a -> IO (Plane a) liftCArray2 f a b = arrayKneadFromC <$> liftM2 f (arrayCFromKnead a) (arrayCFromKnead b) fixArray :: Id (Symb.Array sh a) fixArray = id prepareOverlapMatching :: IO (Int -> (Degree Float, ColorImage8) -> IO ((Float, Float), Plane Float)) prepareOverlapMatching = do bright <- RenderP.run $ brightnessPlane . colorImageFloatFromByte . fixArray hp <- highpassMulti rotat <- RenderP.run $ rotate Arith.vecScalar return $ \radius (angle, img) -> let Vec2 height width = Phys.shape img rot = Degree.cis angle ((left, _right), (top, _bottom)) = Arith.boundingBoxOfRotated rot (fromIntegral width, fromIntegral height) in fmap ((,) (left, top)) $ rotat rot =<< hp radius =<< bright img wrap :: Exp Size -> Exp Size -> Exp Size -> Exp Size wrap size split c = Expr.select (c<*split) c (c-size) displacementMap :: Exp Size -> Exp Size -> Exp Dim2 -> SymbPlane (Size, Size) displacementMap xsplit ysplit sh = let Vec2 height width = Expr.decompose atomDim2 sh in generate sh $ Expr.modify atomIx2 $ \(Vec2 y x) -> (wrap width xsplit x, wrap height ysplit y) attachDisplacements :: Exp Size -> Exp Size -> SymbPlane a -> SymbPlane (a, (Size, Size)) attachDisplacements xsplit ysplit img = Symb.zip img $ displacementMap xsplit ysplit (Symb.shape img) {- | Set all scores to zero within a certain border. Otherwise the matching algorithm will try to match strong bars at the borders that are actually digitalization artifacts. -} minimumOverlapScores :: (MultiValue.Select a, MultiValue.PseudoRing a, MultiValue.IntegerConstant a, MultiValue.Real a) => ((Exp Size, Exp Size) -> Exp a -> Exp a) -> Exp Size -> (Exp Size, Exp Size) -> (Exp Size, Exp Size) -> SymbPlane (a, (Size, Size)) -> SymbPlane (a, (Size, Size)) minimumOverlapScores weight minOverlap (widtha,heighta) (widthb,heightb) = Symb.map (Expr.modify (atom,(atom,atom)) $ \(v, dp@(dx,dy)) -> let clipWidth = Expr.min widtha (widthb + dx) - Expr.max 0 dx clipHeight = Expr.min heighta (heightb + dy) - Expr.max 0 dy in (Expr.select (clipWidth >=* minOverlap &&* clipHeight >=* minOverlap) (weight (clipWidth, clipHeight) v) 0, dp)) allOverlapsFromCorrelation :: Dim2 -> Exp Float -> Exp Dim2 -> Exp Dim2 -> SymbPlane Float -> SymbPlane (Float, (Size, Size)) allOverlapsFromCorrelation (Vec2 height width) minOverlapPortion = \sha shb correlated -> let (Vec2 heighta widtha) = Expr.decompose atomDim2 sha (Vec2 heightb widthb) = Expr.decompose atomDim2 shb half = flip Expr.idiv 2 minOverlap = fastRound $ minOverlapPortion * fromInt (Expr.min (Expr.min widtha heighta) (Expr.min widthb heightb)) weight = if False then \(clipWidth, clipHeight) v -> v / (fromInt clipWidth * fromInt clipHeight) else const id in minimumOverlapScores weight minOverlap (widtha, heighta) (widthb, heightb) $ attachDisplacements (half $ Expr.fromInteger' (toInteger width) - widthb + widtha) (half $ Expr.fromInteger' (toInteger height) - heightb + heighta) $ correlated allOverlapsRun :: Dim2 -> IO (Float -> Plane Float -> Plane Float -> IO (Plane Word8)) allOverlapsRun padExtent@(Vec2 height width) = do run <- RenderP.run $ \minOverlapPortion sha shb img -> imageByteFromFloat $ Symb.map (0.0001*) $ Symb.map Expr.fst $ allOverlapsFromCorrelation padExtent minOverlapPortion sha shb img return $ \overlap a b -> run overlap (Phys.shape a) (Phys.shape b) =<< liftCArray2 (correlatePaddedCArray $ mapPairInt (height, width)) a b argmax :: (MultiValue.Comparison a, MultiValue.Select a, MultiValue.Select b) => Exp (a, b) -> Exp (a, b) -> Exp (a, b) argmax x y = Expr.select (Expr.fst x <=* Expr.fst y) y x argmaximum :: (Shape.C sh, MultiValue.Comparison a, MultiValue.Select a, MultiValue.Select b) => Symb.Array sh (a, b) -> Exp (a, b) argmaximum = fold1All argmax optimalOverlap :: Dim2 -> IO (Float -> Plane Float -> Plane Float -> IO (Float, (Size, Size))) optimalOverlap padExtent@(Vec2 height width) = do run <- RenderP.run $ \minOverlapPortion (sha, shb) img -> argmaximum $ allOverlapsFromCorrelation padExtent minOverlapPortion sha shb img return $ \overlap a b -> run overlap (Phys.shape a, Phys.shape b) =<< liftCArray2 (correlatePaddedCArray $ mapPairInt (height, width)) a b shrink :: (MultiValue.Field a, MultiValue.RationalConstant a, MultiValue.Real a, MultiValue.NativeFloating a ar) => Shape2 (Exp Size) -> SymbPlane a -> SymbPlane a shrink (Vec2 yk xk) = Symb.map (/ (fromInt xk * fromInt yk)) . Symb.fold1 Expr.add . ShapeDep.backpermute (Expr.modify atomDim2 $ \(Vec2 height width) -> (Vec2 (Expr.idiv height yk) (Expr.idiv width xk), Vec2 yk xk)) (Expr.modify (atomIx2, atomIx2) $ \(Vec2 yi xi, Vec2 yj xj) -> Vec2 (yi*yk+yj) (xi*xk+xj)) shrinkFactors :: (Integral a) => Dim2 -> Shape2 a -> Shape2 a -> Shape2 a shrinkFactors (Vec2 heightPad widthPad) (Vec2 heighta widtha) (Vec2 heightb widthb) = Vec2 (Arith.divUp (heighta+heightb) $ fromIntegral heightPad) (Arith.divUp (widtha +widthb) $ fromIntegral widthPad) optimalOverlapBig :: Dim2 -> IO (Float -> Plane Float -> Plane Float -> IO (Float, (Size, Size))) optimalOverlapBig padExtent = do shrnk <- RenderP.run $ shrink . Expr.decompose atomDim2 optOverlap <- optimalOverlap padExtent return $ \minimumOverlap a b -> do let factors@(Vec2 yk xk) = shrinkFactors padExtent (Phys.shape a) (Phys.shape b) aSmall <- shrnk factors a bSmall <- shrnk factors b mapSnd (mapPair ((*xk), (*yk))) <$> optOverlap minimumOverlap aSmall bSmall clip :: (MultiValue.C a) => (Exp Size, Exp Size) -> (Exp Size, Exp Size) -> SymbPlane a -> SymbPlane a clip (left,top) (width,height) = Symb.backpermute (Expr.compose $ Vec2 height width) (Expr.modify (Vec2 atom atom) $ \(Vec2 y x) -> Vec2 (y+top) (x+left)) overlappingArea :: (Ord a, Num a) => Shape2 a -> Shape2 a -> (a, a) -> ((a, a), (a, a), (a, a)) overlappingArea (Vec2 heighta widtha) (Vec2 heightb widthb) (dx, dy) = let left = max 0 dx top = max 0 dy right = min widtha (widthb + dx) bottom = min heighta (heightb + dy) width = right - left height = bottom - top in ((left, top), (right, bottom), (width, height)) {- Like 'optimalOverlapBig' but computes precise distance in a second step using a part in the overlapping area. -} optimalOverlapBigFine :: Dim2 -> IO (Float -> Plane Float -> Plane Float -> IO (Float, (Size, Size))) optimalOverlapBigFine padExtent@(Vec2 heightPad widthPad) = do overlap <- optimalOverlap padExtent -- optimalOverlap is rendered again here overlapBig <- optimalOverlapBig padExtent clp <- RenderP.run clip return $ \minimumOverlap a b -> do let shapeA = Phys.shape a let shapeB = Phys.shape b coarsed@(coarsedx,coarsedy) <- snd <$> overlapBig minimumOverlap a b let ((leftOverlap, topOverlap), _, (widthOverlap, heightOverlap)) = overlappingArea shapeA shapeB coarsed widthFocus = min widthOverlap $ div widthPad 2 heightFocus = min heightOverlap $ div heightPad 2 extentFocus = (widthFocus,heightFocus) leftFocus = leftOverlap + div (widthOverlap-widthFocus) 2 topFocus = topOverlap + div (heightOverlap-heightFocus) 2 addCoarsePos (xm,ym) = (xm+coarsedx, ym+coarsedy) clipA <- clp (leftFocus,topFocus) extentFocus a clipB <- clp (leftFocus-coarsedx,topFocus-coarsedy) extentFocus b mapSnd addCoarsePos <$> overlap minimumOverlap clipA clipB {- Like 'optimalOverlapBigFine' but computes precise distances between many point pairs in a second step using many parts in the overlapping area. These point correspondences can be used to compute corrections to rotation angles. -} optimalOverlapBigMulti :: Dim2 -> Dim2 -> Int -> IO (Float -> Maybe Float -> Plane Float -> Plane Float -> IO [(Float, (Size, Size), (Size, Size))]) optimalOverlapBigMulti padExtent (Vec2 heightStamp widthStamp) numCorrs = do shrnk <- RenderP.run $ shrink . Expr.decompose atomDim2 optOverlap <- optimalOverlap padExtent overDiff <- overlapDifferenceRun clp <- RenderP.run clip optOverlapFine <- optimalOverlap $ Vec2 (2*heightStamp) (2*widthStamp) let overlapFine minimumOverlap a b anchorA@(leftA, topA) anchorB@(leftB, topB) extent@(width,height) = do let addCoarsePos (score, (xm,ym)) = let xc = div (width+xm) 2 yc = div (height+ym) 2 in (score, (leftA+xc, topA+yc), (leftB+xc-xm, topB+yc-ym)) clipA <- clp anchorA extent a clipB <- clp anchorB extent b addCoarsePos <$> optOverlapFine minimumOverlap clipA clipB return $ \minimumOverlap mMaximumDiff a b -> do let factors@(Vec2 yk xk) = shrinkFactors padExtent (Phys.shape a) (Phys.shape b) aSmall <- shrnk factors a bSmall <- shrnk factors b shrunkd@(shrunkdx, shrunkdy) <- snd <$> optOverlap minimumOverlap aSmall bSmall let coarsedx = shrunkdx * xk let coarsedy = shrunkdy * yk let coarsed = (coarsedx,coarsedy) doesOverlap <- case mMaximumDiff of Just maximumDiff -> (maximumDiff>) <$> overDiff shrunkd aSmall bSmall Nothing -> return True let ((leftOverlap, topOverlap), (rightOverlap, bottomOverlap), (widthOverlap, heightOverlap)) = overlappingArea (Phys.shape a) (Phys.shape b) coarsed let widthStampClip = min widthOverlap widthStamp heightStampClip = min heightOverlap heightStamp (if doesOverlap then id else const $ return []) $ mapM (\(x,y) -> overlapFine minimumOverlap a b (x, y) (x-coarsedx, y-coarsedy) (widthStampClip, heightStampClip)) $ zip (map round $ tail $ init $ Arith.linearScale (numCorrs+1) (fromIntegral leftOverlap :: Double, fromIntegral $ rightOverlap - widthStampClip)) (map round $ tail $ init $ Arith.linearScale (numCorrs+1) (fromIntegral topOverlap :: Double, fromIntegral $ bottomOverlap - heightStampClip)) overlapDifference :: (MultiValue.Algebraic a, MultiValue.RationalConstant a, MultiValue.Real a, MultiValue.NativeFloating a ar) => (Exp Size, Exp Size) -> SymbPlane a -> SymbPlane a -> Exp a overlapDifference (dx,dy) a b = let (Vec2 heighta widtha) = Expr.decompose atomDim2 $ Symb.shape a (Vec2 heightb widthb) = Expr.decompose atomDim2 $ Symb.shape b leftOverlap = Expr.max 0 dx topOverlap = Expr.max 0 dy rightOverlap = Expr.min widtha (widthb + dx) bottomOverlap = Expr.min heighta (heightb + dy) widthOverlap = rightOverlap - leftOverlap heightOverlap = bottomOverlap - topOverlap extentOverlap = (widthOverlap,heightOverlap) in Expr.sqrt $ (/(fromInt widthOverlap * fromInt heightOverlap)) $ fold1All (+) $ Symb.map Expr.sqr $ Symb.zipWith (-) (clip (leftOverlap,topOverlap) extentOverlap a) (clip (leftOverlap-dx,topOverlap-dy) extentOverlap b) overlapDifferenceRun :: IO ((Size, Size) -> Plane Float -> Plane Float -> IO Float) overlapDifferenceRun = RenderP.run overlapDifference overlap2 :: (MultiValue.Field a, MultiValue.Real a, MultiValue.RationalConstant a, MultiValue.C v) => VecExp a v -> (Exp Size, Exp Size) -> (SymbPlane v, SymbPlane v) -> SymbPlane v overlap2 vec (dx,dy) (a,b) = let (Vec2 heighta widtha) = Expr.decompose atomDim2 $ Symb.shape a (Vec2 heightb widthb) = Expr.decompose atomDim2 $ Symb.shape b left = Expr.min 0 dx; right = Expr.max widtha (widthb + dx) top = Expr.min 0 dy; bottom = Expr.max heighta (heightb + dy) width = right - left height = bottom - top in generate (dim2 height width) $ Expr.modify atomIx2 $ \(Vec2 y x) -> let xa = x + left; xb = xa-dx ya = y + top; yb = ya-dy pa = ix2 ya xa pb = ix2 yb xb inPicA = inBox (widtha,heighta) (xa,ya) inPicB = inBox (widthb,heightb) (xb,yb) in Expr.ifThenElse inPicA (Expr.ifThenElse inPicB (Arith.vecScale vec (1/2) $ Arith.vecAdd vec (a!pa) (b!pb)) (a!pa)) (Expr.ifThenElse inPicB (b!pb) (Arith.vecZero vec)) composeOverlap :: IO ((Size, Size) -> ((Degree Float, ColorImage8), (Degree Float, ColorImage8)) -> IO ColorImage8) composeOverlap = do over <- RenderP.run $ \displacement (ra, picA) (rb, picB) -> colorImageByteFromFloat $ overlap2 vecYUV displacement (rotate vecYUV ra $ colorImageFloatFromByte picA, rotate vecYUV rb $ colorImageFloatFromByte picB) return $ \displacement ((angleA,picA), (angleB,picB)) -> over displacement (Degree.cis angleA, picA) (Degree.cis angleB, picB) emptyCountCanvas :: IO (Dim2 -> IO (Plane (Word32, YUV Float))) emptyCountCanvas = RenderP.run $ \sh -> Symb.fill sh (Expr.zip 0 $ Expr.zip3 0 0 0) type MaskBool = Word8 maskFromBool :: Exp Bool -> Exp MaskBool maskFromBool = Expr.liftM $ MultiValue.liftM $ LLVM.zext boolFromMask :: Exp MaskBool -> Exp Bool boolFromMask = (/=* 0) intFromBool :: Exp MaskBool -> Exp Word32 intFromBool = Expr.liftM $ MultiValue.liftM $ LLVM.ext type RotatedImage = ((Float,Float), (Float,Float), ColorImage8) addToCountCanvas :: (MultiValue.PseudoRing a, MultiValue.NativeFloating a ar) => VecExp a v -> SymbPlane (MaskBool, v) -> SymbPlane (Word32, v) -> SymbPlane (Word32, v) addToCountCanvas vec = Symb.zipWith (Expr.modify2 (atom,atom) (atom,atom) $ \(mask, pic) (count, canvas) -> (Expr.add (intFromBool mask) count, Arith.vecAdd vec canvas $ Arith.vecScale vec (fromInt $ intFromBool mask) pic)) updateCountCanvas :: IO (RotatedImage -> Plane (Word32, YUV Float) -> IO (Plane (Word32, YUV Float))) updateCountCanvas = RenderP.run $ \(rot, mov, pic) countCanvas -> addToCountCanvas vecYUV (rotateStretchMove vecYUV rot mov (Symb.shape countCanvas) $ colorImageFloatFromByte pic) countCanvas finalizeCountCanvas :: IO ((Plane (Word32, YUV Float)) -> IO ColorImage8) finalizeCountCanvas = RenderP.run $ colorImageByteFromFloat . Symb.map (Expr.modify (atom,atom) $ \(count, pixel) -> Arith.vecScale vecYUV (recip $ fromInt count) pixel) . fixArray diffAbs :: (MultiValue.Real a) => Exp a -> Exp a -> Exp a diffAbs = Expr.liftM2 $ \x y -> MultiValue.abs =<< MultiValue.sub x y diffWithCanvas :: IO (RotatedImage -> Plane (YUV Float) -> IO (Plane (MaskBool, Float))) diffWithCanvas = RenderP.run $ \(rot, mov, pic) avg -> Symb.zipWith (Expr.modify2 (atom,atom) atom $ \(b,x) y -> (b, diffAbs (brightnessValue x) (brightnessValue y))) (rotateStretchMove vecYUV rot mov (Symb.shape avg) $ colorImageFloatFromByte pic) avg finalizeCountCanvasFloat :: IO ((Plane (Word32, YUV Float)) -> IO (Plane (YUV Float))) finalizeCountCanvasFloat = RenderP.run $ Symb.map (Expr.modify (atom,atom) $ \(count, pixel) -> Arith.vecScale vecYUV (recip $ fromInt count) pixel) . fixArray emptyCanvas :: IO (Dim2 -> IO ColorImage8) emptyCanvas = RenderP.run $ \sh -> Symb.fill sh (Expr.zip3 0 0 0) addMaskedToCanvas :: IO (RotatedImage -> Plane MaskBool -> Plane (YUV Word8) -> IO (Plane (YUV Word8))) addMaskedToCanvas = RenderP.run $ \(rot, mov, pic) mask canvas -> Symb.zipWith3 Expr.ifThenElse (Symb.map boolFromMask mask) (Symb.map (yuvByteFromFloat . Expr.snd) $ rotateStretchMove vecYUV rot mov (Symb.shape canvas) $ colorImageFloatFromByte pic) canvas updateShapedCanvas :: IO (RotatedImage -> Plane Float -> Plane (Float, YUV Float) -> IO (Plane (Float, YUV Float))) updateShapedCanvas = RenderP.run $ \(rot, mov, pic) shape weightCanvas -> addToWeightedCanvas vecYUV (Symb.zipWith (Expr.modify2 atom (atom,atom) $ \s (b,x) -> (fromInt b * s, x)) shape $ rotateStretchMove vecYUV rot mov (Symb.shape weightCanvas) $ colorImageFloatFromByte pic) weightCanvas maybePlus :: (MultiValue.C a) => (Exp a -> Exp a -> Exp a) -> Exp (Bool, a) -> Exp (Bool, a) -> Exp (Bool, a) maybePlus f x y = let (xb,xv) = Expr.unzip x (yb,yv) = Expr.unzip y in Expr.ifThenElse xb (Expr.compose (Expr.true, Expr.ifThenElse yb (f xv yv) xv)) y maskedMinimum :: (Shape.C sh, Symb.C array, MultiValue.Real a) => array (sh, SmallSize) (Bool, a) -> array sh (Bool, a) maskedMinimum = Symb.fold1 (maybePlus Expr.min) generate :: (Shape.C sh) => Exp sh -> (Exp (Shape.Index sh) -> Exp b) -> Symb.Array sh b generate sh f = Symb.map f $ Symb.id sh type Geometry a = Arith.Geometry Size a distanceMapBox :: (MultiValue.Field a, MultiValue.NativeFloating a ar, MultiValue.Real a, MultiValue.RationalConstant a) => Exp Dim2 -> Exp (Geometry a) -> SymbPlane (Bool, (((a,(a,a)), (a,(a,a))), ((a,(a,a)), (a,(a,a))))) distanceMapBox sh geom = let (rot, mov, extent@(width,height)) = Expr.decompose ((atom,atom),(atom,atom),(atom,atom)) geom widthf = fromInt width heightf = fromInt height back = Arith.rotateStretchMoveBackPoint rot mov forth = Arith.rotateStretchMovePoint rot mov in generate sh $ Expr.modify atomIx2 $ \(Vec2 y x) -> let (xsrc,ysrc) = back $ fromSize2 (x,y) leftDist = Expr.max 0 xsrc rightDist = Expr.max 0 $ widthf - xsrc topDist = Expr.max 0 ysrc bottomDist = Expr.max 0 $ heightf - ysrc in (inBox extent (fastRound xsrc, fastRound ysrc), (((leftDist, forth (0,ysrc)), (rightDist, forth (widthf,ysrc))), ((topDist, forth (xsrc,0)), (bottomDist, forth (xsrc,heightf))))) distance :: (MultiValue.Algebraic a, MultiValue.Real a, MultiValue.IntegerConstant a) => Arith.Point2 (Exp a) -> Arith.Point2 (Exp a) -> Exp a distance a b = Expr.sqrt $ Arith.distanceSqr a b outerProduct :: (Shape.C sha, Shape.C shb, Symb.C array) => (Exp a -> Exp b -> Exp c) -> array sha a -> array shb b -> array (sha,shb) c outerProduct = ShapeDep.backpermute2 Expr.zip Expr.fst Expr.snd isZero :: (MultiValue.Comparison i, MultiValue.Integral i, MultiValue.IntegerConstant i) => Exp i -> Exp Bool isZero = (==* Expr.zero) expEven :: (MultiValue.Comparison i, MultiValue.Integral i, MultiValue.IntegerConstant i) => Exp i -> Exp Bool expEven = isZero . flip Expr.irem 2 separateDistanceMap :: (Symb.C array, Shape.C sh, MultiValue.C a) => array sh (bool, ((a, a), (a, a))) -> array (sh, SmallSize) (bool, a) separateDistanceMap array = outerProduct (Expr.modify2 (atom, ((atom, atom), (atom, atom))) atom $ \(b,(horiz,vert)) sel -> (b, Expr.ifThenElse (expEven $ Expr.idiv sel 2) (uncurry (Expr.ifThenElse (expEven sel)) horiz) (uncurry (Expr.ifThenElse (expEven sel)) vert))) array (Symb.lift0 $ Symb.id 4) distanceMapBoxRun :: IO (Dim2 -> Geometry Float -> IO (Plane Word8)) distanceMapBoxRun = RenderP.run $ \sh geom -> scaleDistanceMapGeom geom $ Symb.map (Expr.modify (atom,atom) $ \(valid, dist) -> Expr.select valid dist 0) $ maskedMinimum $ Symb.map (Expr.mapSnd Expr.fst) $ separateDistanceMap $ distanceMapBox sh geom containedAnywhere :: (Symb.C array, Shape.C sh, MultiValue.Field a, MultiValue.NativeFloating a ar, MultiValue.Real a, MultiValue.RationalConstant a) => array SmallSize (Geometry a) -> array sh (a,a) -> array sh Bool containedAnywhere geoms array = Symb.fold1 (Expr.liftM2 MultiValue.or) $ outerProduct (Expr.modify2 (atom,atom) ((atom,atom),(atom,atom),(atom,atom)) $ \(xdst,ydst) (rot, mov, extent) -> let (xsrc,ysrc) = Arith.rotateStretchMoveBackPoint rot mov (xdst,ydst) in inBox extent (fastRound xsrc, fastRound ysrc)) array geoms distanceMapContained :: (MultiValue.RationalConstant a, MultiValue.NativeFloating a ar, MultiValue.PseudoRing a, MultiValue.Field a, MultiValue.Real a) => Exp Dim2 -> Exp (Geometry a) -> Symb.Array SmallSize (Geometry a) -> SymbPlane a distanceMapContained sh this others = let distMap = separateDistanceMap $ distanceMapBox sh this contained = containedAnywhere others $ Symb.map (Expr.snd . Expr.snd) distMap in Symb.map (Expr.modify (atom,atom) $ \(valid, dist) -> Expr.ifThenElse valid dist 0) $ maskedMinimum $ Symb.zipWith (Expr.modify2 atom (atom,(atom,atom)) $ \c (b,(dist,_)) -> (Expr.liftM2 MultiValue.and c b, dist)) contained distMap distanceMapContainedRun :: IO (Dim2 -> Geometry Float -> [Geometry Float] -> IO (Plane Word8)) distanceMapContainedRun = do distances <- RenderP.run $ \sh this -> scaleDistanceMapGeom this . distanceMapContained sh this return $ \sh this others -> distances sh this =<< Phys.vectorFromList others scaleDistanceMapGeom :: (MultiValue.Field a, MultiValue.Real a, MultiValue.RationalConstant a, MultiValue.NativeFloating a ar) => Exp (Geometry b) -> SymbPlane a -> SymbPlane Word8 scaleDistanceMapGeom geom img = let scale = (4/) $ fromInt $ Expr.modify (atom,atom,(atom,atom)) (uncurry Expr.min . thd3) geom in imageByteFromFloat $ Symb.map (scale*) img pixelCoordinates :: (MultiValue.NativeFloating a ar) => Exp Dim2 -> SymbPlane (a,a) pixelCoordinates sh = generate sh $ Expr.modify atomIx2 $ \(Vec2 y x) -> fromSize2 (x,y) distanceMapPoints :: (Shape.C sh, Symb.C array, MultiValue.Real a, MultiValue.Algebraic a, MultiValue.IntegerConstant a) => array sh (a,a) -> array SmallSize (a,a) -> array sh a distanceMapPoints a b = Symb.fold1 Expr.min $ outerProduct (Expr.modify2 (atom,atom) (atom,atom) distance) a b distanceMapPointsRun :: IO (Dim2 -> [Arith.Point2 Float] -> IO (Plane Word8)) distanceMapPointsRun = do distances <- RenderP.run $ \sh -> scaleDistanceMap . distanceMapPoints (pixelCoordinates sh) return $ \sh points -> distances sh =<< Phys.vectorFromList points scaleDistanceMap :: (MultiValue.Field a, MultiValue.Real a, MultiValue.RationalConstant a, MultiValue.NativeFloating a ar) => SymbPlane a -> SymbPlane Word8 scaleDistanceMap img = let scale = case Expr.decompose atomDim2 $ Symb.shape img of Vec2 y x -> 4 / fromInt (Expr.min x y) in imageByteFromFloat $ Symb.map (scale*) img {- | For every pixel it computes the distance to the closest point on the image part boundary which lies in any other image. The rationale is that we want to fade an image out, wherever is another image that can take over. Such a closest point can either be a perpendicular point at one of the image edges, or it can be an image corner or an intersection between this image border and another image border. The first kind of points is computed by 'distanceMapContained' and the second kind by 'distanceMapPoints'. We simply compute the distances to all special points and chose the minimal distance. -} distanceMap :: (MultiValue.Algebraic a, MultiValue.Real a, MultiValue.RationalConstant a, MultiValue.NativeFloating a ar) => Exp Dim2 -> Exp (Geometry a) -> Symb.Array SmallSize (Geometry a) -> Symb.Array SmallSize (a, a) -> SymbPlane a distanceMap sh this others points = Symb.zipWith Expr.min (distanceMapContained sh this others) (distanceMapPoints (pixelCoordinates sh) points) distanceMapRun :: IO (Dim2 -> Geometry Float -> [Geometry Float] -> [Arith.Point2 Float] -> IO (Plane Word8)) distanceMapRun = do distances <- RenderP.run $ \sh this others -> scaleDistanceMap . distanceMap sh this others return $ \sh this others points -> do othersVec <- Phys.vectorFromList others pointsVec <- Phys.vectorFromList points distances sh this othersVec pointsVec pow :: (MultiValue.Repr LLVM.Value a ~ LLVM.Value ar, LLVM.IsFloating ar, SoV.TranscendentalConstant ar) => Exp a -> Exp a -> Exp a pow = flip $ Expr.liftM2 $ \(MultiValue.Cons x) (MultiValue.Cons y) -> fmap MultiValue.Cons $ LLVMArith.pow x y distanceMapGamma :: (MultiValue.Algebraic a, MultiValue.Real a, MultiValue.RationalConstant a, MultiValue.NativeFloating a ar, SoV.TranscendentalConstant ar) => Exp a -> Exp Dim2 -> Exp (Geometry a) -> Symb.Array SmallSize (Geometry a) -> Symb.Array SmallSize (a, a) -> SymbPlane a distanceMapGamma gamma sh this others points = Symb.map (pow gamma) $ distanceMap sh this others points emptyWeightedCanvas :: IO (Dim2 -> IO (Plane (Float, YUV Float))) emptyWeightedCanvas = RenderP.run $ \sh -> Symb.fill sh (Expr.zip 0 $ Expr.zip3 0 0 0) addToWeightedCanvas :: (MultiValue.PseudoRing a, MultiValue.NativeFloating a ar) => VecExp a v -> SymbPlane (a, v) -> SymbPlane (a, v) -> SymbPlane (a, v) addToWeightedCanvas vec = Symb.zipWith (Expr.modify2 (atom,atom) (atom,atom) $ \(weight, pic) (weightSum, canvas) -> (Expr.add weight weightSum, Arith.vecAdd vec canvas $ Arith.vecScale vec weight pic)) updateWeightedCanvas :: IO (Float -> Geometry Float -> [Geometry Float] -> [Arith.Point2 Float] -> ColorImage8 -> Plane (Float, YUV Float) -> IO (Plane (Float, YUV Float))) updateWeightedCanvas = do distances <- RenderP.run distanceMapGamma update <- RenderP.run $ \this pic dist weightSumCanvas -> let (rot, mov, _) = Expr.unzip3 this in addToWeightedCanvas vecYUV (Symb.zip dist $ Symb.map Expr.snd $ rotateStretchMove vecYUV rot mov (Symb.shape weightSumCanvas) $ colorImageFloatFromByte pic) weightSumCanvas return $ \gamma this others points pic weightSumCanvas -> do othersVec <- Phys.vectorFromList others pointsVec <- Phys.vectorFromList points dists <- distances gamma (Phys.shape weightSumCanvas) this othersVec pointsVec update this pic dists weightSumCanvas finalizeWeightedCanvas :: IO (Plane (Float, YUV Float) -> IO ColorImage8) finalizeWeightedCanvas = RenderP.run $ colorImageByteFromFloat . Symb.map (Expr.modify (atom,atom) $ \(weightSum, pixel) -> Arith.vecScale vecYUV (recip weightSum) pixel) . fixArray data Picture param = Picture { picPath :: FilePath, picParam :: param, picColored :: (Degree Float, ColorImage8), picPlane :: ((Float, Float), Plane Float) } mapPicParam :: (a -> b) -> Picture a -> Picture b mapPicParam f pic = pic{picParam = f $ picParam pic} processOverlap :: Option.Args -> IO ([FilePath], [(Degree Float, ColorImage8)], [((Float, Float), Complex Float)]) processOverlap args = do let opt = Option.option args let info = CmdLine.info (Option.verbosity opt) pics <- map (mapPicParam (\(State.NoAngleCorrection, pos) -> pos)) <$> processRotation args let padSize = fromIntegral $ Option.padSize opt (maybeAllOverlapsShared, optimalOverlapShared) <- case Just $ Vec2 padSize padSize of Just padExtent -> do overlap <- optimalOverlapBigFine padExtent return (Nothing, overlap (Option.minimumOverlap opt)) Nothing -> do let padExtent = uncurry Vec2 $ swap $ Arith.correlationSize (Option.minimumOverlap opt) $ map (colorImageExtent . snd . picColored) pics overlap <- optimalOverlap padExtent allOverlapsIO <- allOverlapsRun padExtent return (Just $ allOverlapsIO (Option.minimumOverlap opt), overlap (Option.minimumOverlap opt)) relations <- maybe (return Map.empty) (State.readDisplacement (map picPath pics)) (Option.relations opt) composeOver <- composeOverlap overlapDiff <- overlapDifferenceRun let open = map ((\(mx,my) -> isNothing mx || isNothing my) . picParam) pics displacements <- forM (guardedPairs open $ zip [0..] pics) $ \((ia, Picture pathA _ origA (leftTopA,picA)), (ib, Picture pathB _ origB (leftTopB,picB))) -> do forM_ maybeAllOverlapsShared $ \allOverlapsShared -> when False $ writeGrey (Option.quality opt) (printf "/tmp/%s-%s-score.jpeg" (FilePath.takeBaseName pathA) (FilePath.takeBaseName pathB)) =<< allOverlapsShared picA picB let relation = Map.lookup (pathA,pathB) relations md <- case (join $ fmap fst relation, join $ fmap snd relation) of (Just State.NonOverlapping, _) -> return Nothing (Just State.Overlapping, Just d) -> return $ Just d (related, _) -> do doffset@(dox,doy) <- snd <$> optimalOverlapShared picA picB diff <- overlapDiff doffset picA picB let overlapping = related == Just State.Overlapping || diff < Option.maximumDifference opt let d = (fromIntegral dox + fst leftTopA - fst leftTopB, fromIntegral doy + snd leftTopA - snd leftTopB) info $ printf "%s - %s, %s, difference %f%s\n" pathA pathB (show d) diff (if overlapping then "" else " unrelated -> ignoring") forM_ (Option.outputOverlap opt) $ \format -> writeImage (Option.quality opt) (printf format (FilePath.takeBaseName pathA) (FilePath.takeBaseName pathB)) =<< composeOver doffset (origA, origB) return $ toMaybe overlapping d return ((ia,ib), (pathA,pathB), md) forM_ (Option.outputState opt) $ \format -> State.writeDisplacement (printf format "relation") displacements let overlaps = mapMaybe (\(i,_paths,md) -> (,) i <$> md) displacements let (poss, dps) = absolutePositionsFromPairDisplacements (fixAtLeastOnePosition (0,0) $ map picParam pics) overlaps info "\nabsolute positions" info $ unlines $ map show poss info "\ncompare position differences with pair displacements" info $ unlines $ zipWith (\(dpx,dpy) (dx,dy) -> printf "(%f,%f) (%f,%f)" dpx dpy dx dy) dps (map snd overlaps) let (errdx,errdy) = mapPair (maximum0, maximum0) $ unzip $ zipWith (\(dpx,dpy) (dx,dy) -> (abs $ dpx - realToFrac dx, abs $ dpy - realToFrac dy)) dps (map snd overlaps) info $ "\n" ++ printf "maximum horizontal error: %f\n" errdx ++ printf "maximum vertical error: %f\n" errdy return (map picPath pics, map picColored pics, map (flip (,) 1) $ map (mapPair (realToFrac, realToFrac)) poss) processOverlapRotate :: Option.Args -> IO ([FilePath], [(Degree Float, ColorImage8)], [((Float, Float), Complex Float)]) processOverlapRotate args = do let opt = Option.option args let info = CmdLine.info (Option.verbosity opt) let infoPlain = when (Option.verbosity opt >= Verbosity.verbose) . putStr pics <- map (mapPicParam (mapFst State.getAngleCorrection)) <$> processRotation args let padSize = Option.padSize opt let stampSize = Option.stampSize opt optimalOverlapShared <- optimalOverlapBigMulti (shape2 padSize padSize) (shape2 stampSize stampSize) (Option.numberStamps opt) <*> pure (Option.minimumOverlap opt) relations <- maybe (return Map.empty) (State.readRotated (map picPath pics)) (Option.relations opt) let open = map ((\(ma, (mx,my)) -> isNothing ma || isNothing mx || isNothing my) . picParam) pics displacements <- forM (guardedPairs open $ zip [0..] pics) $ \((ia, Picture pathA _ _ (leftTopA,picA)), (ib, Picture pathB _ _ (leftTopB,picB))) -> do let relation = Map.lookup (pathA,pathB) relations correspondences <- case (join $ fmap fst relation, Fold.fold $ fmap snd relation) of (Just State.NonOverlapping, _) -> return [] (Just State.Overlapping, corrs@(_:_)) -> return corrs (related, _) -> do let add (x0,y0) (x1,y1) = (fromIntegral x0 + x1, fromIntegral y0 + y1) let mMaxDiff = toMaybe (related /= Just State.Overlapping) $ Option.maximumDifference opt corrs <- map (\(score,pa,pb) -> (score, (add pa leftTopA, add pb leftTopB))) <$> optimalOverlapShared mMaxDiff picA picB info $ printf "left-top: %s, %s" (show leftTopA) (show leftTopB) info $ printf "%s - %s" pathA pathB forM_ corrs $ \(score, (pa@(xa,ya),pb@(xb,yb))) -> info $ printf "%s ~ %s, (%f,%f), %f" (show pa) (show pb) (xb-xa) (yb-ya) score return $ map snd corrs return ((ia,ib), (pathA,pathB), correspondences) forM_ (Option.outputState opt) $ \format -> State.writeRotated (printf format "relation") displacements let overlaps = concatMap (\(i,_paths,ps) -> (,) i <$> ps) displacements let (posRots, dps) = layoutFromPairDisplacements (map (mapFst (fmap Degree.cis)) $ fixAtLeastOneAnglePosition (Degree 0, (0,0)) $ map picParam pics) overlaps info "\nabsolute positions and rotations: place, rotation (magnitude, phase)" infoPlain $ unlines $ map (\((dx,dy),r) -> printf "(%8.2f,%8.2f), %8.6f :+ %9.6f (%8.6f, %7.3f)" dx dy (Complex.realPart r) (Complex.imagPart r) (Complex.magnitude r) (getDegree $ Degree.fromRadian $ Complex.phase r)) posRots info "\ncompare position differences with pair displacements" infoPlain $ unlines $ zipWith (\(dpx,dpy) (_i, ((xa,ya),(xb,yb))) -> printf "(%8.5f,%8.5f) (%7.2f,%7.2f) ~ (%7.2f,%7.2f)" dpx dpy xa ya xb yb) dps overlaps return (map picPath pics, map picColored pics, map (mapPair (mapPair (realToFrac, realToFrac), Arith.mapComplex realToFrac)) posRots) processRotation :: (State.AngleCorrected angleCorr) => Option.Args -> IO [Picture (angleCorr, (Maybe Float, Maybe Float))] processRotation args = do let opt = Option.option args let notice = CmdLine.notice (Option.verbosity opt) let info = CmdLine.info (Option.verbosity opt) inputs <- Option.images args notice "\nfind rotation angles" findOptRot <- findOptimalRotation picAngles <- forM inputs $ \(State.Proposed path (maybeAngle, _) _) -> do pic <- readImage (Option.verbosity opt) path let maxAngle = Option.maximumAbsoluteAngle opt let angles = Degree.linearScale (Option.numberAngleSteps opt) maxAngle angle <- case maybeAngle of Just angle -> return angle Nothing -> findOptRot angles pic info $ printf "%s %f\176\n" path (getDegree angle) return (angle, pic) forM_ (Option.outputState opt) $ \format -> State.write (printf format "angle") $ zipWith State.Angle (map State.propPath inputs) (map fst picAngles) notice "\nfind relative placements" prepOverlapMatching <- prepareOverlapMatching rotated <- mapM (prepOverlapMatching (Option.smooth opt)) picAngles when False $ do notice "write fft" let pic0 : pic1 : _ = map snd rotated size = (1024,768) cpic0 <- arrayCFromKnead pic0 cpic1 <- arrayCFromKnead pic1 makeByteImage <- RenderP.run $ \k -> imageByteFromFloat . Symb.map (k*) . fixArray writeGrey (Option.quality opt) "/tmp/padded.jpeg" =<< (makeByteImage 1 $ arrayKneadFromC $ padCArray 0 size cpic0) writeGrey (Option.quality opt) "/tmp/spectrum.jpeg" =<< (makeByteImage 0.1 $ arrayKneadFromC $ CArray.liftArray Complex.magnitude $ FFT.dftRCN [0,1] $ padCArray 0 size cpic0) writeGrey (Option.quality opt) "/tmp/convolution.jpeg" =<< (makeByteImage 0.1 $ arrayKneadFromC $ correlatePaddedCArray size cpic0 cpic1) return $ zipWith3 (\(State.Proposed path (_,angleCorr) maybePos) colored plane -> Picture path (angleCorr, maybePos) colored plane) inputs picAngles rotated process :: Option.Args -> IO () process args = do IO.hSetBuffering IO.stdout IO.LineBuffering IO.hSetBuffering IO.stderr IO.LineBuffering let opt = Option.option args let notice = CmdLine.notice (Option.verbosity opt) let info = CmdLine.info (Option.verbosity opt) (paths, picAngles, posRots) <- if Option.finetuneRotate opt then processOverlapRotate args else processOverlap args forM_ (Option.outputState opt) $ \format -> State.write (printf format "position") $ zipWith3 (\path (angle, _) (pos, rot) -> State.Position path (angle <> Degree.fromRadian (Complex.phase rot)) pos) paths picAngles posRots notice "\ncompose all parts" let ((canvasWidth, canvasHeight), rotMovPics, canvasMsgs) = Arith.canvasShape colorImageExtent (map (mapFst Degree.toRadian) picAngles) posRots let canvasShape = shape2 canvasHeight canvasWidth mapM_ info canvasMsgs forM_ (Option.outputHard opt) $ \path -> do emptyCanv <- emptyCountCanvas updateCanv <- updateCountCanvas finalizeCanv <- finalizeCountCanvas empty <- emptyCanv canvasShape writeImage (Option.quality opt) path =<< finalizeCanv =<< foldM (flip updateCanv) empty rotMovPics notice "\ndistance maps" let geometryRelations = Arith.geometryRelations $ map (Arith.geometryFeatures . mapThd3 colorImageExtent) rotMovPics forM_ (Option.outputDistanceMap opt) $ \format -> do debug <- if True then return $ \ _stem _geoms -> return () else do distMapBox <- distanceMapBoxRun distMapContained <- distanceMapContainedRun distMapPoints <- distanceMapPointsRun return $ \stem (thisGeom, otherGeoms, allPoints) -> do writeGrey (Option.quality opt) (printf "/tmp/%s-distance-box.jpeg" stem) =<< distMapBox canvasShape thisGeom writeGrey (Option.quality opt) (printf "/tmp/%s-distance-contained.jpeg" stem) =<< distMapContained canvasShape thisGeom otherGeoms writeGrey (Option.quality opt) (printf "/tmp/%s-distance-points.jpeg" stem) =<< distMapPoints canvasShape allPoints distMap <- distanceMapRun forM_ (zip geometryRelations paths) $ \(geoms, path) -> do let stem = FilePath.takeBaseName path debug stem geoms writeGrey (Option.quality opt) (printf format stem) =<< uncurry3 (distMap canvasShape) geoms forM_ (Option.output opt) $ \path -> do notice "\nweighted composition" emptyCanv <- emptyWeightedCanvas updateCanv <- updateWeightedCanvas finalizeCanv <- finalizeWeightedCanvas empty <- emptyCanv canvasShape writeImage (Option.quality opt) path =<< finalizeCanv =<< foldM (\canvas ((thisGeom, otherGeoms, allPoints), (_rot, pic)) -> updateCanv (Option.distanceGamma opt) thisGeom otherGeoms allPoints pic canvas) empty (zip geometryRelations picAngles) when (isJust (Option.outputShaped opt) || isJust (Option.outputShapedHard opt)) $ do notice "\nmatch shapes" emptyCanv <- emptyCountCanvas updateCanv <- updateCountCanvas finalizeCanv <- finalizeCountCanvasFloat empty <- emptyCanv canvasShape sumImg <- foldM (flip updateCanv) empty rotMovPics avg <- finalizeCanv sumImg diff <- diffWithCanvas picDiffs <- mapM (flip diff avg) rotMovPics getSnd <- RenderP.run $ Symb.map Expr.snd . fixArray lp <- lowpassMulti masks <- map (amap ((0/=) . fst)) <$> mapM arrayCFromKnead picDiffs let smoothRadius = Option.shapeSmooth opt smoothPicDiffs <- mapM (arrayCFromKnead <=< lp smoothRadius <=< getSnd) picDiffs (locs, pqueue) <- MatchImageBorders.prepareShaping $ zip masks smoothPicDiffs counts <- thaw . amap (fromIntegral . fst) =<< arrayCFromKnead sumImg shapes <- MatchImageBorders.shapeParts counts locs pqueue let names = map FilePath.takeBaseName paths forM_ (Option.outputShapedHard opt) $ \path -> do forM_ (Option.outputShapeHard opt) $ \format -> forM_ (zip names shapes) $ \(name,shape) -> writeGrey (Option.quality opt) (printf format name) $ arrayKneadFromC $ amap (\b -> if b then 255 else 0) shape emptyPlainCanv <- emptyCanvas addMasked <- addMaskedToCanvas emptyPlain <- emptyPlainCanv canvasShape writeImage (Option.quality opt) path =<< foldM (\canvas (shape, rotMovPic) -> addMasked rotMovPic (arrayKneadFromC $ amap (fromIntegral . fromEnum) shape) canvas) emptyPlain (zip shapes rotMovPics) forM_ (Option.outputShaped opt) $ \path -> do smoothShapes <- mapM (lp smoothRadius . arrayKneadFromC . amap (fromIntegral . fromEnum)) shapes forM_ (Option.outputShape opt) $ \format -> do makeByteImage <- RenderP.run $ imageByteFromFloat . fixArray forM_ (zip names smoothShapes) $ \(name,shape) -> writeGrey (Option.quality opt) (printf format name) =<< makeByteImage shape emptyWeightedCanv <- emptyWeightedCanvas updateWeightedCanv <- updateShapedCanvas finalizeWeightedCanv <- finalizeWeightedCanvas emptyWeighted <- emptyWeightedCanv canvasShape writeImage (Option.quality opt) path =<< finalizeWeightedCanv =<< foldM (\canvas (shape, rotMovPic) -> updateWeightedCanv rotMovPic shape canvas) emptyWeighted (zip smoothShapes rotMovPics) rotateTest :: IO () rotateTest = do rot <- runRotate img <- readImage Verbosity.normal "/tmp/bild/artikel0005.jpeg" forM_ [0..11] $ \k -> do let path = printf "/tmp/rotated/%04d.jpeg" k putStrLn path writeImage 100 path =<< rot (Degree $ fromInteger k * 30) img scoreTest :: IO () scoreTest = do score <- runScoreRotation img <- readImage Verbosity.normal "/tmp/bild/artikel0005.jpeg" forM_ [-10..10] $ \k -> do print =<< score (Degree $ fromInteger k / 10) img main :: IO () main = process =<< Option.get Option.Knead