-- |
-- Module      :  Path.IO
-- Copyright   :  © 2016 Mark Karpov
-- License     :  BSD 3 clause
-- Maintainer  :  Mark Karpov <markkarpov@openmailbox.org>
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable
-- This module provides interface to "System.Directory" for users of "Path"
-- module. It also implements commonly used primitives like recursive
-- scanning and copying of directories.

{-# LANGUAGE CPP               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies      #-}

module Path.IO
  ( -- * Actions on directories
  , createDirIfMissing
  , removeDir
  , removeDirRecur
  , renameDir
  , listDir
  , listDirRecur
  , copyDirRecur
    -- ** Current working directory
  , getCurrentDir
  , setCurrentDir
  , withCurrentDir
    -- * Pre-defined directories
  , getHomeDir
  , getAppUserDataDir
  , getUserDocsDir
  , getTempDir
    -- * Path transformation
  , AbsPath
  , AnyPath (..)
    -- * Actions on files
  , removeFile
  , renameFile
  , copyFile
  , findExecutable
  , findFile
  , findFiles
  , findFilesWith
    -- * Existence tests
  , doesFileExist
  , doesDirExist
  , isLocationOccupied
    -- * Permissions
  , D.Permissions
  , D.emptyPermissions
  , D.readable
  , D.writable
  , D.executable
  , D.searchable
  , D.setOwnerReadable
  , D.setOwnerWritable
  , D.setOwnerExecutable
  , D.setOwnerSearchable
  , getPermissions
  , setPermissions
  , copyPermissions
    -- * Timestamps
#if MIN_VERSION_directory(1,2,3)
  , getAccessTime
  , setAccessTime
  , setModificationTime
  , getModificationTime )

import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (..))
import Data.Either (lefts, rights)
import Data.Foldable (foldl')
import Data.List ((\\))
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
import Data.Time (UTCTime)
import Path
import qualified System.Directory as D
import qualified System.FilePath  as F

#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Data.Monoid (mappend)

-- Actions on directories

-- | @'createDir' dir@ creates a new directory @dir@ which is initially
-- empty, or as near to empty as the operating system allows.
-- The operation may fail with:
-- * 'isPermissionError' \/ 'PermissionDenied'
-- The process has insufficient privileges to perform the operation.
-- * 'isAlreadyExistsError' \/ 'AlreadyExists'
-- The operand refers to a directory that already exists.
-- @ [EEXIST]@
-- * 'HardwareFault'
-- A physical I\/O error has occurred.
-- @[EIO]@
-- * 'InvalidArgument'
-- The operand is not a valid directory name.
-- * 'NoSuchThing'
-- There is no path to the directory.
-- * 'ResourceExhausted'
-- Insufficient resources (virtual memory, process file descriptors,
-- physical disk space, etc.) are available to perform the operation.
-- * 'InappropriateType'
-- The path refers to an existing non-directory object.
-- @[EEXIST]@

createDir :: MonadIO m => Path b Dir -> m ()
createDir = liftD D.createDirectory

-- | @'createDirIfMissing' parents dir@ creates a new directory @dir@ if it
-- doesn\'t exist. If the first argument is 'True' the function will also
-- create all parent directories if they are missing.

createDirIfMissing :: MonadIO m
  => Bool              -- ^ Create its parents too?
  -> Path b Dir        -- ^ The path to the directory you want to make
  -> m ()
createDirIfMissing p = liftD (D.createDirectoryIfMissing p)

-- | @'removeDir' dir@ removes an existing directory @dir@. The
-- implementation may specify additional constraints which must be satisfied
-- before a directory can be removed (e.g. the directory has to be empty, or
-- may not be in use by other processes).  It is not legal for an
-- implementation to partially remove a directory unless the entire
-- directory is removed. A conformant implementation need not support
-- directory removal in all situations (e.g. removal of the root directory).
-- The operation may fail with:
-- * 'HardwareFault'
-- A physical I\/O error has occurred.
-- @[EIO]@
-- * 'InvalidArgument'
-- The operand is not a valid directory name.
-- * 'isDoesNotExistError' \/ 'NoSuchThing'
-- The directory does not exist.
-- * 'isPermissionError' \/ 'PermissionDenied'
-- The process has insufficient privileges to perform the operation.
-- * 'UnsatisfiedConstraints'
-- Implementation-dependent constraints are not satisfied.
-- * 'UnsupportedOperation'
-- The implementation does not support removal in this situation.
-- @[EINVAL]@
-- * 'InappropriateType'
-- The operand refers to an existing non-directory object.
-- @[ENOTDIR]@

removeDir :: MonadIO m => Path b Dir -> m ()
removeDir = liftD D.removeDirectory

-- | @'removeDirRecur' dir@ removes an existing directory @dir@ together
-- with its contents and subdirectories. Within this directory, symbolic
-- links are removed without affecting their the targets.

removeDirRecur :: MonadIO m => Path b Dir -> m ()
removeDirRecur = liftD D.removeDirectoryRecursive

-- |@'renameDir' old new@ changes the name of an existing directory from
-- @old@ to @new@. If the @new@ directory already exists, it is atomically
-- replaced by the @old@ directory. If the @new@ directory is neither the
-- @old@ directory nor an alias of the @old@ directory, it is removed as if
-- by 'removeDir'. A conformant implementation need not support renaming
-- directories in all situations (e.g. renaming to an existing directory, or
-- across different physical devices), but the constraints must be
-- documented.
-- On Win32 platforms, @renameDir@ fails if the @new@ directory already
-- exists.
-- The operation may fail with:
-- * 'HardwareFault'
-- A physical I\/O error has occurred.
-- @[EIO]@
-- * 'InvalidArgument'
-- Either operand is not a valid directory name.
-- * 'isDoesNotExistError' \/ 'NoSuchThing'
-- The original directory does not exist, or there is no path to the target.
-- * 'isPermissionError' \/ 'PermissionDenied'
-- The process has insufficient privileges to perform the operation.
-- * 'ResourceExhausted'
-- Insufficient resources are available to perform the operation.
-- * 'UnsatisfiedConstraints'
-- Implementation-dependent constraints are not satisfied.
-- * 'UnsupportedOperation'
-- The implementation does not support renaming in this situation.
-- * 'InappropriateType'
-- Either path refers to an existing non-directory object.

renameDir :: MonadIO m
  => Path b0 Dir       -- ^ Old name
  -> Path b1 Dir       -- ^ New name
  -> m ()
renameDir = liftD2 D.renameDirectory

-- | @'listDir' dir@ returns a list of /all/ entries in @dir@ without the
-- special entries (@.@ and @..@). Entries are not sorted.
-- The operation may fail with:
-- * 'HardwareFault'
--   A physical I\/O error has occurred.
--   @[EIO]@
-- * 'InvalidArgument'
--   The operand is not a valid directory name.
-- * 'isDoesNotExistError' \/ 'NoSuchThing'
--   The directory does not exist.
-- * 'isPermissionError' \/ 'PermissionDenied'
--   The process has insufficient privileges to perform the operation.
--   @[EACCES]@
-- * 'ResourceExhausted'
--   Insufficient resources are available to perform the operation.
-- * 'InappropriateType'
--   The path refers to an existing non-directory object.
--   @[ENOTDIR]@

listDir :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m)
  => Path b Dir        -- ^ Directory to list
  -> m ([Path Abs Dir], [Path Abs File]) -- ^ Sub-directories and files
listDir path = do
  bpath <- makeAbsolute path
  raw   <- liftD D.getDirectoryContents bpath
  items <- forM (raw \\ [".", ".."]) $ \item -> do
    let ipath = toFilePath bpath F.</> item
    isDir <- liftIO (D.doesDirectoryExist ipath)
    if isDir
      then Left  `liftM` parseAbsDir  ipath
      else Right `liftM` parseAbsFile ipath
  return (lefts items, rights items)

-- | Similar to 'listDir', but recursively traverses every sub-directory,
-- and collects all files and directories. This can fail with the same
-- exceptions as 'listDir'.

listDirRecur :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m)
  => Path b Dir        -- ^ Directory to list
  -> m ([Path Abs Dir], [Path Abs File]) -- ^ Sub-directories and files
listDirRecur path = do
  bpath <- makeAbsolute path
  items <- listDir bpath
  foldl' mappend items `liftM` mapM listDirRecur (fst items)

-- | Copy directory recursively. This is not smart about symbolic links, but
-- tries to preserve permissions when possible. If destination directory
-- already exists, new files and sub-directories will complement its
-- structure, possibly overwriting old files if they happen to have the same
-- name as the new ones.

copyDirRecur :: (MonadIO m, MonadCatch m)
  => Path b0 Dir       -- ^ Source
  -> Path b1 Dir       -- ^ Destination
  -> m ()
copyDirRecur src dest = do
  bsrc  <- makeAbsolute src
  bdest <- makeAbsolute dest
  (dirs, files) <- listDirRecur bsrc
  mapM (swapParent bsrc bdest) dirs  >>= zipWithM_ copyDir  dirs
  mapM (swapParent bsrc bdest) files >>= zipWithM_ copyFile files

-- | A helper for 'copyDirRecur', copies directory preserving permissions
-- when possible. It /does not/ copies directory contents.

copyDir :: (MonadIO m, MonadCatch m)
  => Path Abs Dir      -- ^ Source
  -> Path Abs Dir      -- ^ Destination
  -> m ()
copyDir src dest = do
  createDirIfMissing True dest
  ignoringIOErrors (copyPermissions src dest)

-- | A helper for 'copyDirRecur' that replaces given path prefix with
-- another one.

swapParent :: MonadThrow m
  => Path Abs Dir      -- ^ Original parent
  -> Path Abs Dir      -- ^ New parent
  -> Path Abs t        -- ^ Path to transform
  -> m (Path Abs t)
swapParent old new path = (new </>) `liftM` stripDir old path

-- Current working directory

-- | Obtain the current working directory as an absolute path.
-- In a multithreaded program, the current working directory is a global
-- state shared among all threads of the process. Therefore, when performing
-- filesystem operations from multiple threads, it is highly recommended to
-- use absolute rather than relative paths (see: 'makeAbsolute').
-- The operation may fail with:
-- * 'HardwareFault'
-- A physical I\/O error has occurred.
-- @[EIO]@
-- * 'isDoesNotExistError' or 'NoSuchThing'
-- There is no path referring to the working directory.
-- * 'isPermissionError' or 'PermissionDenied'
-- The process has insufficient privileges to perform the operation.
-- @[EACCES]@
-- * 'ResourceExhausted'
-- Insufficient resources are available to perform the operation.
-- * 'UnsupportedOperation'
-- The operating system has no notion of current working directory.

getCurrentDir :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m) => m (Path Abs Dir)
getCurrentDir = liftIO D.getCurrentDirectory >>= parseAbsDir

-- | Change the working directory to the given path.
-- In a multithreaded program, the current working directory is a global
-- state shared among all threads of the process. Therefore, when performing
-- filesystem operations from multiple threads, it is highly recommended to
-- use absolute rather than relative paths (see: 'makeAbsolute').
-- The operation may fail with:
-- * 'HardwareFault'
-- A physical I\/O error has occurred.
-- @[EIO]@
-- * 'InvalidArgument'
-- The operand is not a valid directory name.
-- * 'isDoesNotExistError' or 'NoSuchThing'
-- The directory does not exist.
-- * 'isPermissionError' or 'PermissionDenied'
-- The process has insufficient privileges to perform the operation.
-- @[EACCES]@
-- * 'UnsupportedOperation'
-- The operating system has no notion of current working directory, or the
-- working directory cannot be dynamically changed.
-- * 'InappropriateType'
-- The path refers to an existing non-directory object.
-- @[ENOTDIR]@

setCurrentDir :: MonadIO m => Path b Dir -> m ()
setCurrentDir = liftD D.setCurrentDirectory

-- | Run an 'IO' action with the given working directory and restore the
-- original working directory afterwards, even if the given action fails due
-- to an exception.
-- The operation may fail with the same exceptions as 'getCurrentDir' and
-- 'setCurrentDir'.

withCurrentDir :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m)
  => Path b Dir        -- ^ Directory to execute in
  -> m a               -- ^ Action to be executed
  -> m a
withCurrentDir dir action =
  bracket getCurrentDir setCurrentDir $ const (setCurrentDir dir >> action)

-- Pre-defined directories

-- | Returns the current user's home directory.
-- The directory returned is expected to be writable by the current user,
-- but note that it isn't generally considered good practice to store
-- application-specific data here; use 'getAppUserDataDir' instead.
-- On Unix, 'getHomeDir' returns the value of the @HOME@ environment
-- variable. On Windows, the system is queried for a suitable path; a
-- typical path might be @C:\/Users\//\<user\>/@.
-- The operation may fail with:
-- * 'UnsupportedOperation'
-- The operating system has no notion of home directory.
-- * 'isDoesNotExistError'
-- The home directory for the current user does not exist, or
-- cannot be found.

getHomeDir :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m) => m (Path Abs Dir)
getHomeDir = liftIO D.getHomeDirectory >>= parseAbsDir

-- | Obtain the path to a special directory for storing user-specific
-- application data (traditional Unix location).
-- The argument is usually the name of the application. Since it will be
-- integrated into the path, it must consist of valid path characters.
-- * On Unix-like systems, the path is @~\/./\<app\>/@.
-- * On Windows, the path is @%APPDATA%\//\<app\>/@
--   (e.g. @C:\/Users\//\<user\>/\/AppData\/Roaming\//\<app\>/@)
-- Note: the directory may not actually exist, in which case you would need
-- to create it. It is expected that the parent directory exists and is
-- writable.
-- The operation may fail with:
-- * 'UnsupportedOperation'
--   The operating system has no notion of application-specific data
--   directory.
-- * 'isDoesNotExistError'
--   The home directory for the current user does not exist, or cannot be
--   found.

getAppUserDataDir :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m)
  => Path File Dir     -- ^ A relative path that is appended to the path
  -> m (Path Abs Dir)
getAppUserDataDir = (>>= parseAbsDir) . liftD D.getAppUserDataDirectory

-- | Returns the current user's document directory.
-- The directory returned is expected to be writable by the current user,
-- but note that it isn't generally considered good practice to store
-- application-specific data here; use 'getAppUserDataDir' instead.
-- On Unix, 'getUserDocsDir' returns the value of the @HOME@ environment
-- variable. On Windows, the system is queried for a suitable path; a
-- typical path might be @C:\/Users\//\<user\>/\/Documents@.
-- The operation may fail with:
-- * 'UnsupportedOperation'
-- The operating system has no notion of document directory.
-- * 'isDoesNotExistError'
-- The document directory for the current user does not exist, or
-- cannot be found.

getUserDocsDir :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m) => m (Path Abs Dir)
getUserDocsDir = liftIO D.getUserDocumentsDirectory >>= parseAbsDir

-- | Returns the current directory for temporary files.
-- On Unix, 'getTempDir' returns the value of the @TMPDIR@ environment
-- variable or \"\/tmp\" if the variable isn\'t defined. On Windows, the
-- function checks for the existence of environment variables in the
-- following order and uses the first path found:
-- *
-- TMP environment variable.
-- *
-- TEMP environment variable.
-- *
-- USERPROFILE environment variable.
-- *
-- The Windows directory
-- The operation may fail with:
-- * 'UnsupportedOperation'
-- The operating system has no notion of temporary directory.
-- The function doesn't verify whether the path exists.

getTempDir :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m) => m (Path Abs Dir)
getTempDir = liftIO D.getTemporaryDirectory >>= parseAbsDir

-- Path transformation

-- | Closed type-family describing how to get absolute version of given
-- 'Path'.

type family AbsPath path where
  AbsPath (Path b File) = Path Abs File
  AbsPath (Path b Dir)  = Path Abs Dir

-- | Class of things ('Path's) that can be canonicalized and made absolute.

class AnyPath path where

  -- | Make a path absolute and remove as many indirections from it as
  -- possible. Indirections include the two special directories @.@ and
  -- @..@, as well as any symbolic links. The input path need not point to
  -- an existing file or directory.
  -- __Note__: if you require only an absolute path, use 'makeAbsolute'
  -- instead. Most programs need not care about whether a path contains
  -- symbolic links.
  -- Due to the fact that symbolic links and @..@ are dependent on the state
  -- of the existing filesystem, the function can only make a conservative,
  -- best-effort attempt. Nevertheless, if the input path points to an
  -- existing file or directory, then the output path shall also point to
  -- the same file or directory.
  -- Formally, symbolic links and @..@ are removed from the longest prefix
  -- of the path that still points to an existing file. The function is not
  -- atomic, therefore concurrent changes in the filesystem may lead to
  -- incorrect results.
  -- (Despite the name, the function does not guarantee canonicity of the
  -- returned path due to the presence of hard links, mount points, etc.)
  -- Similar to 'normalise', an empty path is equivalent to the current
  -- directory.
  -- /Known bug(s)/: on Windows, the function does not resolve symbolic links.

  canonicalizePath :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m) => path -> m (AbsPath path)

  -- | Make a path absolute by prepending the current directory (if it isn't
  -- already absolute) and applying 'normalise' to the result.
  -- If the path is already absolute, the operation never fails. Otherwise,
  -- the operation may fail with the same exceptions as
  -- 'getCurrentDirectory'.

  makeAbsolute :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m) => path -> m (AbsPath path)

instance AnyPath (Path b File) where
  canonicalizePath = liftD D.canonicalizePath >=> parseAbsFile
  makeAbsolute     = liftD D.makeAbsolute     >=> parseAbsFile

instance AnyPath (Path b Dir) where
  canonicalizePath = liftD D.canonicalizePath >=> parseAbsDir
  makeAbsolute     = liftD D.makeAbsolute     >=> parseAbsDir

-- Actions on files

-- | @'removeFile' file@ removes the directory entry for an existing file
-- @file@, where @file@ is not itself a directory. The implementation may
-- specify additional constraints which must be satisfied before a file can
-- be removed (e.g. the file may not be in use by other processes).
-- The operation may fail with:
-- * 'HardwareFault'
-- A physical I\/O error has occurred.
-- @[EIO]@
-- * 'InvalidArgument'
-- The operand is not a valid file name.
-- * 'isDoesNotExistError' \/ 'NoSuchThing'
-- The file does not exist.
-- * 'isPermissionError' \/ 'PermissionDenied'
-- The process has insufficient privileges to perform the operation.
-- * 'UnsatisfiedConstraints'
-- Implementation-dependent constraints are not satisfied.
-- @[EBUSY]@
-- * 'InappropriateType'
-- The operand refers to an existing directory.

removeFile :: MonadIO m => Path b File -> m ()
removeFile = liftD D.removeFile

-- | @'renameFile' old new@ changes the name of an existing file system
-- object from /old/ to /new/. If the /new/ object already exists, it is
-- atomically replaced by the /old/ object. Neither path may refer to an
-- existing directory. A conformant implementation need not support renaming
-- files in all situations (e.g. renaming across different physical
-- devices), but the constraints must be documented.
-- The operation may fail with:
-- * 'HardwareFault'
-- A physical I\/O error has occurred.
-- @[EIO]@
-- * 'InvalidArgument'
-- Either operand is not a valid file name.
-- * 'isDoesNotExistError' \/ 'NoSuchThing'
-- The original file does not exist, or there is no path to the target.
-- * 'isPermissionError' \/ 'PermissionDenied'
-- The process has insufficient privileges to perform the operation.
-- * 'ResourceExhausted'
-- Insufficient resources are available to perform the operation.
-- * 'UnsatisfiedConstraints'
-- Implementation-dependent constraints are not satisfied.
-- @[EBUSY]@
-- * 'UnsupportedOperation'
-- The implementation does not support renaming in this situation.
-- @[EXDEV]@
-- * 'InappropriateType'
-- Either path refers to an existing directory.

renameFile :: MonadIO m
  => Path b0 File      -- ^ Original location
  -> Path b1 File      -- ^ New location
  -> m ()
renameFile = liftD2 D.renameFile

-- | @'copyFile' old new@ copies the existing file from @old@ to @new@. If
-- the @new@ file already exists, it is atomically replaced by the @old@
-- file. Neither path may refer to an existing directory. The permissions of
-- @old@ are copied to @new@, if possible.

copyFile :: MonadIO m
  => Path b0 File      -- ^ Original location
  -> Path b1 File      -- ^ Where to put copy
  -> m ()
copyFile = liftD2 D.copyFile

-- | Given an executable file name, search for such file in the directories
-- listed in system @PATH@. The returned value is the path to the found
-- executable or 'Nothing' if an executable with the given name was not
-- found. For example ('findExecutable' \"ghc\") gives you the path to GHC.
-- The path returned by 'findExecutable' corresponds to the
-- program that would be executed by 'System.Process.createProcess'
-- when passed the same string (as a RawCommand, not a ShellCommand).
-- On Windows, 'findExecutable' calls the Win32 function 'SearchPath', which
-- may search other places before checking the directories in @PATH@. Where
-- it actually searches depends on registry settings, but notably includes
-- the directory containing the current executable. See
-- <http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa365527.aspx> for more details.

findExecutable :: MonadIO m
  => Path Rel File     -- ^ Executable file name
  -> m (Maybe (Path Abs File)) -- ^ Path to found executable
findExecutable = liftM (>>= parseAbsFile) . liftD D.findExecutable

-- | Search through the given set of directories for the given file.

findFile :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m)
  => [Path b Dir]      -- ^ Set of directories to search in
  -> Path Rel File     -- ^ Filename of interest
  -> m (Maybe (Path Abs File)) -- ^ Absolute path to file (if found)
findFile dirs file = listToMaybe `liftM` findFiles dirs file

-- | Search through the given set of directories for the given file and
-- return a list of paths where the given file exists.

findFiles :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m)
  => [Path b Dir]      -- ^ Set of directories to search in
  -> Path Rel File     -- ^ Filename of interest
  -> m [Path Abs File] -- ^ Absolute paths to all found files
findFiles = findFilesWith (const (return True))

-- | Search through the given set of directories for the given file and with
-- the given property (usually permissions) and return a list of paths where
-- the given file exists and has the property.

findFilesWith :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m)
  => (Path Abs File -> m Bool) -- ^ How to test the files
  -> [Path b Dir]      -- ^ Set of directories to search in
  -> Path Rel File     -- ^ Filename of interest
  -> m [Path Abs File] -- ^ Absolute paths to all found files
findFilesWith _ [] _ = return []
findFilesWith f (d:ds) file = do
  bfile <- (</> file) `liftM` makeAbsolute d
  exist <- doesFileExist file
  b <- if exist then f bfile else return False
  if b
    then (bfile:) `liftM` findFilesWith f ds file
    else findFilesWith f ds file

-- Existence tests

-- | The operation 'doesFileExist' returns 'True' if the argument file
-- exists and is not a directory, and 'False' otherwise.

doesFileExist :: MonadIO m => Path b File -> m Bool
doesFileExist = liftD D.doesFileExist

-- | The operation 'doesDirExist' returns 'True' if the argument file exists
-- and is either a directory or a symbolic link to a directory, and 'False'
-- otherwise.

doesDirExist :: MonadIO m => Path b Dir -> m Bool
doesDirExist = liftD D.doesDirectoryExist

-- | Check if there is a file or directory on specified path.

isLocationOccupied :: MonadIO m => Path b t -> m Bool
isLocationOccupied path = do
  let fp = toFilePath path
  file <- liftIO (D.doesFileExist fp)
  dir  <- liftIO (D.doesDirectoryExist fp)
  return (file || dir)

-- Permissions

-- | The 'getPermissions' operation returns the permissions for the file or
-- directory.
-- The operation may fail with:
-- * 'isPermissionError' if the user is not permitted to access
--   the permissions; or
-- * 'isDoesNotExistError' if the file or directory does not exist.

getPermissions :: MonadIO m => Path b t -> m D.Permissions
getPermissions = liftD D.getPermissions

-- | The 'setPermissions' operation sets the permissions for the file or
-- directory.
-- The operation may fail with:
-- * 'isPermissionError' if the user is not permitted to set
--   the permissions; or
-- * 'isDoesNotExistError' if the file or directory does not exist.

setPermissions :: MonadIO m => Path b t -> D.Permissions -> m ()
setPermissions = liftD2' D.setPermissions

-- | Set permissions for the object found on second given path so they match
-- permissions of the object on the first path.

copyPermissions :: MonadIO m
  => Path b0 t0        -- ^ From where to copy
  -> Path b1 t1        -- ^ What to modify
  -> m ()
copyPermissions = liftD2 D.copyPermissions

-- Timestamps

#if MIN_VERSION_directory(1,2,3)

-- | Obtain the time at which the file or directory was last accessed.
-- The operation may fail with:
-- * 'isPermissionError' if the user is not permitted to read
--   the access time; or
-- * 'isDoesNotExistError' if the file or directory does not exist.
-- Caveat for POSIX systems: This function returns a timestamp with
-- sub-second resolution only if this package is compiled against
-- @unix- or later and the underlying filesystem supports them.

getAccessTime :: MonadIO m => Path b t -> m UTCTime
getAccessTime = liftD D.getAccessTime

-- | Change the time at which the file or directory was last accessed.
-- The operation may fail with:
-- * 'isPermissionError' if the user is not permitted to alter the
--   access time; or
-- * 'isDoesNotExistError' if the file or directory does not exist.
-- Some caveats for POSIX systems:
-- * Not all systems support @utimensat@, in which case the function can
--   only emulate the behavior by reading the modification time and then
--   setting both the access and modification times together. On systems
--   where @utimensat@ is supported, the access time is set atomically with
--   nanosecond precision.
-- * If compiled against a version of @unix@ prior to @, the
--   function would not be able to set timestamps with sub-second
--   resolution. In this case, there would also be loss of precision in the
--   modification time.

setAccessTime :: MonadIO m => Path b t -> UTCTime -> m ()
setAccessTime = liftD2' D.setAccessTime

-- | Change the time at which the file or directory was last modified.
-- The operation may fail with:
-- * 'isPermissionError' if the user is not permitted to alter the
--   modification time; or
-- * 'isDoesNotExistError' if the file or directory does not exist.
-- Some caveats for POSIX systems:
-- * Not all systems support @utimensat@, in which case the function can
--   only emulate the behavior by reading the access time and then setting
--   both the access and modification times together. On systems where
--   @utimensat@ is supported, the modification time is set atomically with
--   nanosecond precision.
-- * If compiled against a version of @unix@ prior to @, the
--   function would not be able to set timestamps with sub-second
--   resolution. In this case, there would also be loss of precision in the
--   access time.

setModificationTime :: MonadIO m => Path b t -> UTCTime -> m ()
setModificationTime = liftD2' D.setAccessTime


-- | Obtain the time at which the file or directory was last modified.
-- The operation may fail with:
-- * 'isPermissionError' if the user is not permitted to read
--   the modification time; or
-- * 'isDoesNotExistError' if the file or directory does not exist.
-- Caveat for POSIX systems: This function returns a timestamp with
-- sub-second resolution only if this package is compiled against
-- @unix- or later and the underlying filesystem supports them.

getModificationTime :: MonadIO m => Path b t -> m UTCTime
getModificationTime = liftD D.getModificationTime

-- Helpers

-- | Lift action in 'IO' that takes 'FilePath' into action in slightly more
-- abstract monad that takes 'Path'.

liftD :: MonadIO m
  => (FilePath -> IO a) -- ^ Original action
  -> Path b t          -- ^ 'Path' argument
  -> m a               -- ^ Lifted action
liftD m = liftIO . m . toFilePath

-- | Similar to 'liftD' for functions with arity 2.

liftD2 :: MonadIO m
  => (FilePath -> FilePath -> IO a) -- ^ Original action
  -> Path b0 t0        -- ^ First 'Path' argument
  -> Path b1 t1        -- ^ Second 'Path' argument
  -> m a
liftD2 m a b = liftIO $ m (toFilePath a) (toFilePath b)

-- | Similar to 'liftD2', but allows to pass second argument of arbitrary
-- type.

liftD2' :: MonadIO m
  => (FilePath -> v -> IO a) -- ^ Original action
  -> Path b t          -- ^ First 'Path' argument
  -> v                 -- ^ Second argument
  -> m a
liftD2' m a v = liftIO $ m (toFilePath a) v

-- | Perform specified action ignoring IO exceptions it may throw.

ignoringIOErrors :: MonadCatch m => m () -> m ()
ignoringIOErrors ioe = ioe `catch` handler
    handler :: MonadThrow m => IOError -> m ()
    handler = const (return ())