## Path IO 1.1.0 * Fixed bug in `copyDirRecur` when it was unable to full copy read-only directories. * Added `copyDirRecur'` function that works just like `copyDirRecur`, but does not preserve permissions. ## Path IO 1.0.1 * Fixed bug in `copyDirRecur` for non-existing destination paths when directory to copy does not contain sub-directories. * Made `copyDirRecur` try to copy permissions for destination directory too (previously it only tried to copy them for sub-directories). ## Path IO 1.0.0 * Changed signature of `getAppUserDataDir`, so it takes `String` as the first argument. * Removed deprecated `forgivingAbsence'` function. * Made `findFile` lazier, it stops searching as soon as a file is found. * Added some tests. ## Path IO 0.3.1 * Introduced synonym for `forgivingAbsence'` — `ignoringAbsence`. `forgivingAbsence'` is deprecated now, but it's still there. * Added a handy shortcut `ensureDir` that is defined as `ensureDir = createDirIfMissing True`. * Made `getHomeDir` and `getTempDir` more robust when they are influenced by values of environment variables. ## Path IO 0.3.0 * Added `forgivingAbsence`, `resolveFile`, and `resolveDir` functions, so the package now provides all functionality that `Path.IO` module in Stack has. * Added closed type family `RelPath`, `makeRelative`, and `makeRelativeToCurrentDir` functions. * Fixed signature of `getAppUserDataDir`. ## Path IO 0.2.0 * Added functions from `temporary`: `withTempFile`, `withTempDir`, `withSystemTempFile`, `withSystemTempDir`, `openTempFile`, `openBinaryTempFile`, and `createTempDir`. `temporary` is a lightweight and ubiquitous package, so depending on it should be OK. ## Path IO 0.1.1 * Fixed type signatures of `renameFile` and `copyFile`. ## Path IO 0.1.0 * Initial release.