{-# LANGUAGE CPP         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}

-- | This module extends "System.Path" (which is re-exported for
-- convenience) with thin wrappers around common IO functions
-- and is intended to replace imports of "System.FilePath",
-- To facilitate importing this module unqualified we also re-export
-- some definitions from "System.IO" (importing both would likely lead
-- to name clashes).
module System.Path.IO
    -- * Wrappers
    -- ** Wrappers around "System.IO"
  , openTempFile'
    -- ** Wrappers around "Data.ByteString"
  , readLazyByteString
  , readStrictByteString
  , writeLazyByteString
  , writeStrictByteString
    -- ** Wrappers around "System.Directory"
  , copyFile
  , createDirectory
  , createDirectoryIfMissing
  , removeDirectory
  , doesFileExist
  , doesDirectoryExist
  , getModificationTime
  , removeFile
  , getTemporaryDirectory
  , getDirectoryContents
  , getRecursiveContents
  , renameFile
  , getCurrentDirectory

    -- * Re-exports
    -- ** Re-exported "System.Path" module
  , module System.Path
    -- ** "System.IO" re-exports
  , IOMode(..)
  , BufferMode(..)
  , Handle
  , SeekMode(..)
  , IO.hSetBuffering
  , IO.hClose
  , IO.hFileSize
  , IO.hSeek
  ) where

import           System.Path

#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import           Control.Applicative   ((<$>))
import           Control.Monad
import           Data.Time             (UTCTime)
import           System.IO             (BufferMode (..), Handle, IOMode (..),
                                        SeekMode (..))
import           System.IO.Unsafe      (unsafeInterleaveIO)
#if !MIN_VERSION_directory(1,2,0)
import           Data.Time.Clock       (picosecondsToDiffTime)
import           Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (posixSecondsToUTCTime)
import           System.Time           (ClockTime (TOD))
import qualified Data.ByteString       as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy  as BS.L
import qualified System.Directory      as Dir
import qualified System.IO             as IO

  Wrappers around System.IO

-- | Wrapper around 'withFile'
withFile :: FsRoot root => Path root -> IOMode -> (Handle -> IO r) -> IO r
withFile path mode callback = do
    filePath <- toAbsoluteFilePath path
    IO.withFile filePath mode callback

-- | Wrapper around 'openBinaryTempFileWithDefaultPermissions'
-- NOTE: The caller is responsible for cleaning up the temporary file.
openTempFile' :: FsRoot root => Path root -> String -> IO (Path Absolute, Handle)
openTempFile' path template = do
    filePath <- toAbsoluteFilePath path
    (tempFilePath, h) <- IO.openBinaryTempFileWithDefaultPermissions filePath template
    return (fromAbsoluteFilePath tempFilePath, h)

  Wrappers around Data.ByteString.*

readLazyByteString :: FsRoot root => Path root -> IO BS.L.ByteString
readLazyByteString path = do
    filePath <- toAbsoluteFilePath path
    BS.L.readFile filePath

readStrictByteString :: FsRoot root => Path root -> IO BS.ByteString
readStrictByteString path = do
    filePath <- toAbsoluteFilePath path
    BS.readFile filePath

writeLazyByteString :: FsRoot root => Path root -> BS.L.ByteString -> IO ()
writeLazyByteString path bs = do
    filePath <- toAbsoluteFilePath path
    BS.L.writeFile filePath bs

writeStrictByteString :: FsRoot root => Path root -> BS.ByteString -> IO ()
writeStrictByteString path bs = do
    filePath <- toAbsoluteFilePath path
    BS.writeFile filePath bs

  Wrappers around System.Directory

copyFile :: (FsRoot root, FsRoot root') => Path root -> Path root' -> IO ()
copyFile src dst = do
    src' <- toAbsoluteFilePath src
    dst' <- toAbsoluteFilePath dst
    Dir.copyFile src' dst'

createDirectory :: FsRoot root => Path root -> IO ()
createDirectory path = Dir.createDirectory =<< toAbsoluteFilePath path

createDirectoryIfMissing :: FsRoot root => Bool -> Path root -> IO ()
createDirectoryIfMissing createParents path = do
    filePath <- toAbsoluteFilePath path
    Dir.createDirectoryIfMissing createParents filePath

removeDirectory :: FsRoot root => Path root -> IO ()
removeDirectory path = Dir.removeDirectory =<< toAbsoluteFilePath path

doesFileExist :: FsRoot root => Path root -> IO Bool
doesFileExist path = do
    filePath <- toAbsoluteFilePath path
    Dir.doesFileExist filePath

doesDirectoryExist :: FsRoot root => Path root -> IO Bool
doesDirectoryExist path = do
    filePath <- toAbsoluteFilePath path
    Dir.doesDirectoryExist filePath

getModificationTime :: FsRoot root => Path root -> IO UTCTime
getModificationTime path = do
    filePath <- toAbsoluteFilePath path
    toUTC <$> Dir.getModificationTime filePath
#if MIN_VERSION_directory(1,2,0)
    toUTC :: UTCTime -> UTCTime
    toUTC = id
    toUTC :: ClockTime -> UTCTime
    toUTC (TOD secs psecs) = posixSecondsToUTCTime $ realToFrac $ picosecondsToDiffTime (psecs + secs*1000000000000)

removeFile :: FsRoot root => Path root -> IO ()
removeFile path = do
    filePath <- toAbsoluteFilePath path
    Dir.removeFile filePath

getTemporaryDirectory :: IO (Path Absolute)
getTemporaryDirectory = fromAbsoluteFilePath <$> Dir.getTemporaryDirectory

-- | Return the immediate children of a directory
-- Filters out @"."@ and @".."@.
getDirectoryContents :: FsRoot root => Path root -> IO [Path Unrooted]
getDirectoryContents path = do
    filePath <- toAbsoluteFilePath path
    fragments <$> Dir.getDirectoryContents filePath
    fragments :: [String] -> [Path Unrooted]
    fragments = map fragment . filter (not . skip)

    skip :: String -> Bool
    skip "."  = True
    skip ".." = True
    skip _    = False

-- | Recursive traverse a directory structure
-- Returns a set of paths relative to the directory specified. The list is
-- lazily constructed, so that directories are only read when required.
-- (This is also essential to ensure that this function does not build the
-- entire result in memory before returning, potentially running out of heap.)
getRecursiveContents :: FsRoot root => Path root -> IO [Path Unrooted]
getRecursiveContents root = go emptyPath
    go :: Path Unrooted -> IO [Path Unrooted]
    go subdir = unsafeInterleaveIO $ do
      entries <- getDirectoryContents (root </> subdir)
      liftM concat $ forM entries $ \entry -> do
        let path = subdir </> entry
        isDirectory <- doesDirectoryExist (root </> path)
        if isDirectory then go path
                       else return [path]

    emptyPath :: Path Unrooted
    emptyPath = joinFragments []

renameFile :: (FsRoot root, FsRoot root')
           => Path root  -- ^ Old
           -> Path root' -- ^ New
           -> IO ()
renameFile old new = do
    old' <- toAbsoluteFilePath old
    new' <- toAbsoluteFilePath new
    Dir.renameFile old' new'

getCurrentDirectory :: IO (Path Absolute)
getCurrentDirectory = do
    cwd <- Dir.getCurrentDirectory
    makeAbsolute $ fromFilePath cwd