{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

-- | Start the process of someone paying you. You have to redirect the payer's
-- browser to PayPal to finish it.
-- "Pay" operation docs:
-- <https://developer.paypal.com/docs/classic/api/adaptive-payments/Pay_API_Operation/>
-- This is a "Simple Payment" which means there's a single sender
-- and receiver (same as Withdrawal).
-- It uses the "Explicit" payment approval type, meaning the payer must go to
-- PayPal in their browser to approve the payment. Here's an example payment
-- approval URL with a PayKey of "foo":
--     https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_ap-payment&paykey=foo

module PayPal.Adaptive.Deposit where

import Control.Lens         hiding ((.=))
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Text            (Text)
import PayPal.Adaptive.Core

data Deposit = Deposit
  { _amount      :: Money
  , _senderEmail :: Text
  , _returnUrl   :: Text
  , _cancelUrl   :: Text
  } deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | For internal use.
data SerializeDeposit = SerializeDeposit Deposit Text

instance ToJSON SerializeDeposit where
  toJSON (SerializeDeposit p accountEmail) = object
    [ "actionType"      .= ("PAY" :: Text)
    , "currencyCode"    .= (m2Currency . _amount) p
    , "receiverList"    .=
        [ "receiver" .= [ object
          ["amount" .= m2PayPal (_amount p)
          , "email" .= accountEmail
    , "returnUrl"       .= _returnUrl p
    , "cancelUrl"       .= _cancelUrl p
    , "requestEnvelope" .= requestEnvelope
    , "senderEmail"     .= _senderEmail p

req :: Client -> Deposit -> IO (Either AdaptiveErr PayKey)
req c d = do
  resp <- ppPost c "Pay" $ SerializeDeposit d (_clAccountEmail c)
  return $ do
    pr <- ppDecode =<< resp
    payExecStatusCreated pr
    noPayInfo            pr
    errorFieldNothing    pr
    checkPayKey          pr
    Right (_prPayKey pr)

approvalUrl :: Client -> PayKey -> Text
approvalUrl c k =
  case _clEnv c of
    Sandbox ->
      <> _unPayKey k
    Production ->
      <> _unPayKey k

-- * Lenses
$(makeLenses ''Deposit)