{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

module PayPal.Adaptive.Core.PayResponse
  ( module Export
  , module PayPal.Adaptive.Core.PayResponse
  ) where

import           Data.Maybe                                   (isJust)

import           Import
import           PayPal.Adaptive.Core.PayResponse.PayKey      as Export
import           PayPal.Adaptive.Core.PayResponse.PaymentInfo as Export
import           PayPal.Adaptive.Core.PayResponse.PayStatus   as Export

-- | Used for forgiving attempts to parse PayPal responses. For instance,
-- this library never expects more than one PaymentInfo. We still try to
-- parse them as a list here so we can still sucessfully parse a PayResp
-- to use in an 'AdaptiveError' if for some reason more than one 'PaymentInfo'
-- is returned.
-- <https://developer.paypal.com/docs/classic/api/adaptive-payments/Pay_API_Operation/>
data PayResponse = PayResponse
  { _prPayError      :: Maybe Text
  -- ^ payErrorList (string) -- Information about why a payment failed.
  , _prPayStatus     :: PayStatus
  , _prPayKey        :: PayKey
  , _prPaymentInfos  :: [PaymentInfo]
  } deriving (Eq, Show)

instance FromJSON PayResponse where
  parseJSON = withObject "PayResp" $ \o -> do
    e <- o .:? "payErrorList"
    k <- o .:  "payKey"

    s  <- o .:? "paymentExecStatus"
    s' <- o .:? "status"
    status <- maybe (fail "no paymentExecStatus or status") return (if isJust s then s else s')

    a <- o .:? "paymentInfoList"
    case a of
      Nothing -> return $ PayResponse e status k mempty
      Just v  -> do
        infos <- v .:? "paymentInfo" .!= mempty
        return $ PayResponse e status k infos

$(makeLenses ''PayResponse)