-- |
-- Module: Network.Payments.PayPal
-- Copyright: (C) 2016 Braden Walters
-- License: MIT (see LICENSE file)
-- Maintainer: Braden Walters <vc@braden-walters.info>
-- Stability: experimental
-- Portability: ghc

{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Network.Payments.PayPal
( UseHttpMethod(..)
, PayPalOperations(..)
, JSONText
, ErrorMessage
, PayPalError(..)
, execPayPal
, execPayPalOpers
) where

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Exception
import Control.Lens
import Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import Data.Time.Clock
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as HTTPClient
import Network.Payments.PayPal.Auth
import Network.Payments.PayPal.Environment
import Network.Wreq

-- |HTTP method to use in the request (GET/POST).
data UseHttpMethod = UseHttpGet | UseHttpPost Payload | UseHttpPatch Payload

-- Instance of show that ignores the payload.
instance Show UseHttpMethod where
  show UseHttpGet = "HttpGet"
  show (UseHttpPost _) = "HttpPost"
  show (UseHttpPatch _) = "HttpPatch"

-- |A monad composing multiple PayPal operations which are to be performed.
-- The result can be executed using the execPayPal function.
data PayPalOperations :: * -> * where
  PPOPure :: a -> PayPalOperations a
  PPOBind :: PayPalOperations a -> (a -> PayPalOperations b) ->
             PayPalOperations b
  PayPalOperation :: FromJSON a =>
                     { ppoMethod :: UseHttpMethod
                     , ppoUrl :: String
                     , ppoOptions :: Options
                     } -> PayPalOperations a

instance Functor PayPalOperations where
  fmap f m = PPOBind m (PPOPure . f)

instance Applicative PayPalOperations where
  pure x = PPOPure x
  mf <*> mx = PPOBind mf (\f -> PPOBind mx (\x -> PPOPure (f x)))

instance Monad PayPalOperations where
  m >>= f = PPOBind m f

type JSONText = LBS.ByteString
type ErrorMessage = String

data PayPalError = HttpStatusError Int |
                   ResponseParseError ErrorMessage JSONText |
                   HttpError HTTPClient.HttpException | OtherError String
                   deriving (Show)

-- |Authenticate with PayPal and then interact with the service.
execPayPal :: FromJSON a => EnvironmentUrl -> ClientID -> Secret ->
              PayPalOperations a -> IO (Either PayPalError a)
execPayPal envUrl username password operations = do
  accessTokenOrErr <- fetchAccessTokenWithExpiration envUrl username password
  case accessTokenOrErr of
    -- Failure to fetch access token.
    Left (AccessTokenHttpError httpErr) -> return $ Left $ HttpError httpErr
    Left (AccessTokenStatusError statusCode') ->
      return $ Left $ HttpStatusError statusCode'
    Left (AccessTokenParseError errMsg text) ->
      return $ Left $ ResponseParseError errMsg text
    -- Successfully acquired, execute operations.
    Right accTokenWithEx -> do
      result <- execPayPalOpers envUrl username password accTokenWithEx
      case result of
        Left err -> return $ Left err
        Right (result', _) -> return $ Right result'

-- |Executes a PayPalOperations monad as IO. Because the access token can
-- expire and needs to be renewed, this function returns the desired value and
-- the most current access token when successful.
execPayPalOpers :: EnvironmentUrl -> ClientID -> Secret ->
                   AccessTokenWithExpiration -> PayPalOperations a ->
                   IO (Either PayPalError (a, AccessTokenWithExpiration))
execPayPalOpers _ _ _ accTokenWithEx (PPOPure a) =
  return $ Right (a, accTokenWithEx)
execPayPalOpers envUrl' username password accTokenWithEx (PPOBind m f) = do
  treeLeftResult <- execPayPalOpers envUrl' username password accTokenWithEx m
  either (return . Left)
         (\(res, newAccTk) -> execPayPalOpers envUrl' username password
                                              newAccTk $ f res)
execPayPalOpers env@(EnvironmentUrl baseUrl) username password
          accTokenWithEx@(accessToken, expiration)
          (PayPalOperation method url preOptions) = do
  -- Check the validity of the access token and renew it if it expired.
  curTime <- getCurrentTime
  latestAccTkOrErr <- if diffUTCTime expiration curTime <= 0
                      then fetchAccessTokenWithExpiration env username password
                      else return $ Right accTokenWithEx
  case latestAccTkOrErr of
    -- Failure to refresh access token.
    Left (AccessTokenHttpError httpErr) -> return $ Left $ HttpError httpErr
    Left (AccessTokenStatusError statusCode') ->
      return $ Left $ HttpStatusError statusCode'
    Left (AccessTokenParseError errMsg text) ->
      return $ Left $ ResponseParseError errMsg text
    -- Either existing access token is still valid or new access token was
    -- retrieved.
    Right latestAccTk -> do
      -- Perform the request.
      let accToken = aToken accessToken
          opts = preOptions &
                 header "Authorization" .~ [BS8.pack ("Bearer " ++ accToken)]
      responseOrErr <- try $ case method of
        UseHttpGet -> getWith opts (baseUrl ++ url)
        UseHttpPost payload -> postWith opts (baseUrl ++ url) payload
        UseHttpPatch payload ->
          customPayloadMethodWith "PATCH" opts (baseUrl ++ url) payload
      case responseOrErr of
        -- HTTP request failed.
        Left err -> return $ Left $ HttpError err
        -- HTTP request successful.
        Right response -> do
          let statusCode' = response ^. responseStatus . statusCode
          if statusCode' == 200 then
            let responseText = response ^. responseBody
            in case eitherDecode responseText of
              Left errMsg ->
                return $ Left $ ResponseParseError errMsg responseText
              Right result -> return $ Right (result, latestAccTk)
            return $ Left $ HttpStatusError statusCode'