{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module PbAnalyser
( getNext
) where

import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Either.Combinators

import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Either

import Data.Text (Text, pack, unpack)
import qualified Data.Text.IO (readFile)

import qualified Text.Parsec as Parsec

import Proto
import ProtoParser

parse :: FilePath -> EitherT Parsec.ParseError IO Proto
parse fileName = do
    file <- liftIO $ Data.Text.IO.readFile fileName
    EitherT . return $ Parsec.parse protoParser "" file

getNext :: Text -> FilePath -> EitherT String IO Integer
getNext messageName fileName = do
    proto <- mapLeftEitherT show $ parse fileName
    let matchingMessages = concatMap (foldMap (getMatchingProtoObjs messageName)) proto
    case matchingMessages of
        [] -> fail $ "No proto-objs found with name " ++ unpack messageName
        (message:[]) -> right $ getNext' message
        _ -> fail $ "Multiple proto-objs found with name " ++ unpack messageName
        getNext' :: Message -> Integer
        getNext' (Message _ fields)
            = maybe (succ . maximum $ fieldNums) fst
            . find (uncurry (/=))
            $ zip [1..] fieldNums
                fieldNums :: [Integer]
                fieldNums = sort . map value $ fields

        -- TODO: something fancy like fmap . fmap?
        mapLeftEitherT :: Monad m => (l -> l') -> EitherT l m r -> EitherT l' m r
        mapLeftEitherT getMatchingProtoObjs
            = EitherT
            . fmap (mapLeft getMatchingProtoObjs)
            . runEitherT

getMatchingProtoObjs :: Text -> Message -> [Message]
getMatchingProtoObjs query m@(Message name _)
    | name == query = [m]
    | otherwise = []