{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} -- | pbc library wrapper, useful when sometimes require from dylib doesn't -- work well module Scripting.Lua.Pbc ( -- ** functions openPbc , openLuaPbc ) where import Scripting.Lua import Data.String.QQ import Foreign import Foreign.C foreign import ccall "&luaopen_protobuf_c" p_c_luaopen_pbc :: FunPtr (LuaState -> IO CInt) -- | open pbc Lua C binding library openPbc :: LuaState -> IO () openPbc l = cpcall l p_c_luaopen_pbc nullPtr >> return () -- | open pbc Lua library openLuaPbc :: LuaState -> IO () openLuaPbc l = do openPbc l loadstring l protobuf_lua "protobuf.lua" call l 0 0 protobuf_lua :: String protobuf_lua = [s| local c = require "protobuf.c" local setmetatable = setmetatable local type = type local table = table local assert = assert local pairs = pairs local ipairs = ipairs local string = string local print = print local io = io local tinsert = table.insert local rawget = rawget module "protobuf" local _pattern_cache = {} -- skynet clear local P = c._env_new() local GC = c._gc(P) function lasterror() return c._last_error(P) end local decode_type_cache = {} local _R_meta = {} function _R_meta:__index(key) local v = decode_type_cache[self._CType][key](self, key) self[key] = v return v end local _reader = {} function _reader:int(key) return c._rmessage_integer(self._CObj , key , 0) end function _reader:real(key) return c._rmessage_real(self._CObj , key , 0) end function _reader:string(key) return c._rmessage_string(self._CObj , key , 0) end function _reader:bool(key) return c._rmessage_integer(self._CObj , key , 0) ~= 0 end function _reader:message(key, message_type) local rmessage = c._rmessage_message(self._CObj , key , 0) if rmessage then local v = { _CObj = rmessage, _CType = message_type, _Parent = self, } return setmetatable( v , _R_meta ) end end function _reader:int32(key) return c._rmessage_int32(self._CObj , key , 0) end function _reader:int64(key) return c._rmessage_int64(self._CObj , key , 0) end function _reader:int52(key) return c._rmessage_int52(self._CObj , key , 0) end function _reader:uint52(key) return c._rmessage_uint52(self._CObj , key , 0) end function _reader:int_repeated(key) local cobj = self._CObj local n = c._rmessage_size(cobj , key) local ret = {} for i=0,n-1 do tinsert(ret, c._rmessage_integer(cobj , key , i)) end return ret end function _reader:real_repeated(key) local cobj = self._CObj local n = c._rmessage_size(cobj , key) local ret = {} for i=0,n-1 do tinsert(ret, c._rmessage_real(cobj , key , i)) end return ret end function _reader:string_repeated(key) local cobj = self._CObj local n = c._rmessage_size(cobj , key) local ret = {} for i=0,n-1 do tinsert(ret, c._rmessage_string(cobj , key , i)) end return ret end function _reader:bool_repeated(key) local cobj = self._CObj local n = c._rmessage_size(cobj , key) local ret = {} for i=0,n-1 do tinsert(ret, c._rmessage_integer(cobj , key , i) ~= 0) end return ret end function _reader:message_repeated(key, message_type) local cobj = self._CObj local n = c._rmessage_size(cobj , key) local ret = {} for i=0,n-1 do local m = { _CObj = c._rmessage_message(cobj , key , i), _CType = message_type, _Parent = self, } tinsert(ret, setmetatable( m , _R_meta )) end return ret end function _reader:int32_repeated(key) local cobj = self._CObj local n = c._rmessage_size(cobj , key) local ret = {} for i=0,n-1 do tinsert(ret, c._rmessage_int32(cobj , key , i)) end return ret end function _reader:int64_repeated(key) local cobj = self._CObj local n = c._rmessage_size(cobj , key) local ret = {} for i=0,n-1 do tinsert(ret, c._rmessage_int64(cobj , key , i)) end return ret end function _reader:int52_repeated(key) local cobj = self._CObj local n = c._rmessage_size(cobj , key) local ret = {} for i=0,n-1 do tinsert(ret, c._rmessage_int52(cobj , key , i)) end return ret end function _reader:uint52_repeated(key) local cobj = self._CObj local n = c._rmessage_size(cobj , key) local ret = {} for i=0,n-1 do tinsert(ret, c._rmessage_uint52(cobj , key , i)) end return ret end _reader[1] = function(msg) return _reader.int end _reader[2] = function(msg) return _reader.real end _reader[3] = function(msg) return _reader.bool end _reader[4] = function(msg) return _reader.string end _reader[5] = function(msg) return _reader.string end _reader[6] = function(msg) local message = _reader.message return function(self,key) return message(self, key, msg) end end _reader[7] = function(msg) return _reader.int64 end _reader[8] = function(msg) return _reader.int32 end _reader[9] = _reader[5] _reader[10] = function(msg) return _reader.int52 end _reader[11] = function(msg) return _reader.uint52 end _reader[128+1] = function(msg) return _reader.int_repeated end _reader[128+2] = function(msg) return _reader.real_repeated end _reader[128+3] = function(msg) return _reader.bool_repeated end _reader[128+4] = function(msg) return _reader.string_repeated end _reader[128+5] = function(msg) return _reader.string_repeated end _reader[128+6] = function(msg) local message = _reader.message_repeated return function(self,key) return message(self, key, msg) end end _reader[128+7] = function(msg) return _reader.int64_repeated end _reader[128+8] = function(msg) return _reader.int32_repeated end _reader[128+9] = _reader[128+5] _reader[128+10] = function(msg) return _reader.int52_repeated end _reader[128+11] = function(msg) return _reader.uint52_repeated end local _decode_type_meta = {} function _decode_type_meta:__index(key) local t, msg = c._env_type(P, self._CType, key) local func = assert(_reader[t],key)(msg) self[key] = func return func end setmetatable(decode_type_cache , { __index = function(self, key) local v = setmetatable({ _CType = key } , _decode_type_meta) self[key] = v return v end }) local function decode_message( message , buffer, length) local rmessage = c._rmessage_new(P, message, buffer, length) if rmessage then local self = { _CObj = rmessage, _CType = message, } c._add_rmessage(GC,rmessage) return setmetatable( self , _R_meta ) end end ----------- encode ---------------- local encode_type_cache = {} local function encode_message(CObj, message_type, t) local type = encode_type_cache[message_type] for k,v in pairs(t) do local func = type[k] func(CObj, k , v) end end local _writer = { int = c._wmessage_integer, real = c._wmessage_real, enum = c._wmessage_string, string = c._wmessage_string, int64 = c._wmessage_int64, int32 = c._wmessage_int32, int52 = c._wmessage_int52, uint52 = c._wmessage_uint52, } function _writer:bool(k,v) c._wmessage_integer(self, k, v and 1 or 0) end function _writer:message(k, v , message_type) local submessage = c._wmessage_message(self, k) encode_message(submessage, message_type, v) end function _writer:int_repeated(k,v) for _,v in ipairs(v) do c._wmessage_integer(self,k,v) end end function _writer:real_repeated(k,v) for _,v in ipairs(v) do c._wmessage_real(self,k,v) end end function _writer:bool_repeated(k,v) for _,v in ipairs(v) do c._wmessage_integer(self, k, v and 1 or 0) end end function _writer:string_repeated(k,v) for _,v in ipairs(v) do c._wmessage_string(self,k,v) end end function _writer:message_repeated(k,v, message_type) for _,v in ipairs(v) do local submessage = c._wmessage_message(self, k) encode_message(submessage, message_type, v) end end function _writer:int32_repeated(k,v) for _,v in ipairs(v) do c._wmessage_int32(self,k,v) end end function _writer:int64_repeated(k,v) for _,v in ipairs(v) do c._wmessage_int64(self,k,v) end end function _writer:int52_repeated(k,v) for _,v in ipairs(v) do c._wmessage_int52(self,k,v) end end function _writer:uint52_repeated(k,v) for _,v in ipairs(v) do c._wmessage_uint52(self,k,v) end end _writer[1] = function(msg) return _writer.int end _writer[2] = function(msg) return _writer.real end _writer[3] = function(msg) return _writer.bool end _writer[4] = function(msg) return _writer.string end _writer[5] = function(msg) return _writer.string end _writer[6] = function(msg) local message = _writer.message return function(self,key , v) return message(self, key, v, msg) end end _writer[7] = function(msg) return _writer.int64 end _writer[8] = function(msg) return _writer.int32 end _writer[9] = _writer[5] _writer[10] = function(msg) return _writer.int52 end _writer[11] = function(msg) return _writer.uint52 end _writer[128+1] = function(msg) return _writer.int_repeated end _writer[128+2] = function(msg) return _writer.real_repeated end _writer[128+3] = function(msg) return _writer.bool_repeated end _writer[128+4] = function(msg) return _writer.string_repeated end _writer[128+5] = function(msg) return _writer.string_repeated end _writer[128+6] = function(msg) local message = _writer.message_repeated return function(self,key, v) return message(self, key, v, msg) end end _writer[128+7] = function(msg) return _writer.int64_repeated end _writer[128+8] = function(msg) return _writer.int32_repeated end _writer[128+9] = _writer[128+5] _writer[128+10] = function(msg) return _writer.int52_repeated end _writer[128+11] = function(msg) return _writer.uint52_repeated end local _encode_type_meta = {} function _encode_type_meta:__index(key) local t, msg = c._env_type(P, self._CType, key) local func = assert(_writer[t],key)(msg) self[key] = func return func end setmetatable(encode_type_cache , { __index = function(self, key) local v = setmetatable({ _CType = key } , _encode_type_meta) self[key] = v return v end }) function encode( message, t , func , ...) local encoder = c._wmessage_new(P, message) assert(encoder , message) encode_message(encoder, message, t) if func then local buffer, len = c._wmessage_buffer(encoder) local ret = func(buffer, len, ...) c._wmessage_delete(encoder) return ret else local s = c._wmessage_buffer_string(encoder) c._wmessage_delete(encoder) return s end end --------- unpack ---------- local _pattern_type = { [1] = {"%d","i"}, [2] = {"%F","r"}, [3] = {"%d","b"}, [4] = {"%d","i"}, [5] = {"%s","s"}, [6] = {"%s","m"}, [7] = {"%D","x"}, [8] = {"%d","p"}, [10] = {"%D","d"}, [11] = {"%D","u"}, [128+1] = {"%a","I"}, [128+2] = {"%a","R"}, [128+3] = {"%a","B"}, [128+4] = {"%a","I"}, [128+5] = {"%a","S"}, [128+6] = {"%a","M"}, [128+7] = {"%a","X"}, [128+8] = {"%a","P"}, [128+10] = {"%a", "D" }, [128+11] = {"%a", "U" }, } _pattern_type[9] = _pattern_type[5] _pattern_type[128+9] = _pattern_type[128+5] local function _pattern_create(pattern) local iter = string.gmatch(pattern,"[^ ]+") local message = iter() local cpat = {} local lua = {} for v in iter do local tidx = c._env_type(P, message, v) local t = _pattern_type[tidx] assert(t,tidx) tinsert(cpat,v .. " " .. t[1]) tinsert(lua,t[2]) end local cobj = c._pattern_new(P, message , "@" .. table.concat(cpat," ")) if cobj == nil then return end c._add_pattern(GC, cobj) local pat = { CObj = cobj, format = table.concat(lua), size = 0 } pat.size = c._pattern_size(pat.format) return pat end setmetatable(_pattern_cache, { __index = function(t, key) local v = _pattern_create(key) t[key] = v return v end }) function unpack(pattern, buffer, length) local pat = _pattern_cache[pattern] return c._pattern_unpack(pat.CObj , pat.format, pat.size, buffer, length) end function pack(pattern, ...) local pat = _pattern_cache[pattern] return c._pattern_pack(pat.CObj, pat.format, pat.size , ...) end function check(typename , field) if field == nil then return c._env_type(P,typename) else return c._env_type(P,typename,field) ~=0 end end -------------- local default_cache = {} -- todo : clear default_cache, v._CObj local function default_table(typename) local v = default_cache[typename] if v then return v end v = { __index = assert(decode_message(typename , "")) } default_cache[typename] = v return v end local decode_message_mt = {} local function decode_message_cb(typename, buffer) return setmetatable ( { typename, buffer } , decode_message_mt) end function decode(typename, buffer, length) local ret = {} local ok = c._decode(P, decode_message_cb , ret , typename, buffer, length) if ok then return setmetatable(ret , default_table(typename)) else return false , c._last_error(P) end end local function expand(tbl) local typename = rawget(tbl , 1) local buffer = rawget(tbl , 2) tbl[1] , tbl[2] = nil , nil assert(c._decode(P, decode_message_cb , tbl , typename, buffer), typename) setmetatable(tbl , default_table(typename)) end function decode_message_mt.__index(tbl, key) expand(tbl) return tbl[key] end function decode_message_mt.__pairs(tbl) expand(tbl) return pairs(tbl) end local function set_default(typename, tbl) for k,v in pairs(tbl) do if type(v) == "table" then local t, msg = c._env_type(P, typename, k) if t == 6 then set_default(msg, v) elseif t == 128+6 then for _,v in ipairs(v) do set_default(msg, v) end end end end return setmetatable(tbl , default_table(typename)) end function register(buffer) c._env_register(P, buffer) end function register_file(filename) local f = assert(io.open(filename , "rb")) local buffer = f:read "*a" c._env_register(P, buffer) f:close() end default=set_default |]