{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} -- |Parser for PCD (point cloud data) files. module PCD.Data (-- * Accessing fields FieldType(..), unsafeUnwrap, -- * Loading PCD data loadFieldsByName, loadFlexiblePoints, loadXyzw, loadXyz, -- * Saving PCD data saveBinaryPcd, projectBinaryFields, -- * PCD header creation mkSimpleHeader, mkHeaderXYZ) where import Control.Applicative import Control.DeepSeq import Control.Lens ((.~), (^.)) import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text.Lazy as ATL import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text.IO as T import qualified Data.Vector as B import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as V import qualified Data.Vector.Storable.Mutable as VM import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (allocaBytes) import Foreign.Storable (Storable, sizeOf) import System.IO (Handle, openFile, hClose, IOMode(..), withBinaryFile, hPutBuf, hGetBuf) import PCD.Header import qualified PCD.Internal.AsciiParsers as A import PCD.Internal.StorableFieldType import PCD.Internal.Types -- |Read back 'Storable' points saved as binary data. readStorableBinaryPoints :: forall a. Storable a => Header -> Handle -> IO (Either String (Vector a)) readStorableBinaryPoints pcd h | ptSize /= sz = return . Left $ "Deserialization type is not the same size as the points "++ "described by this file. The PCD file dicates "++ show ptSize++" bytes per point; destination type takes up "++ show sz++" bytes." | otherwise = do vm <- VM.new (fromIntegral $ pcd^.points) _ <- VM.unsafeWith vm (flip (hGetBuf h) numBytes) Right <$> V.freeze vm where sz = sizeOf (undefined::a) numBytes = fromIntegral (pcd^.points) * sz ptSize = sum (_sizes pcd) -- |Reads point data in either ASCII or binary formats given an ASCII -- parser for the point data type and a 'Storable' instance. If you -- know that your points are binary or ASCII, consider using -- 'readBinPoints' or 'readAsciiPoints'. readPointData :: Storable a => Header -> Handle -> ATL.Parser a -> IO (Either String (Vector a)) readPointData header handle parser | header^.format == ASCII = Right <$> A.readPoints header handle parser | otherwise = readStorableBinaryPoints header handle -- |Use an existing PCD header to save binary point data to a -- file. The supplied header is used as-is, except that its format is -- set to 'Binary'. saveBinaryPcd :: forall a. Storable a => FilePath -> Header -> V.Vector a -> IO () saveBinaryPcd outputFile pcd pts = do putStrLn $ "Converting "++show (V.length pts)++" points" let pcd' = format .~ Binary $ pcd sz = sizeOf (undefined::a) * V.length pts T.writeFile outputFile (writeHeader pcd') withBinaryFile outputFile AppendMode $ \h -> V.unsafeWith pts (flip (hPutBuf h) sz) -- |Save a binary PCD file including only the named fields. This is -- useful when you have a PCD file that has more fields for each point -- than you care about. For instance, you may wish to extract just the -- \"x\", \"y\", and \"z\" fields for each point. This can be -- accomplished using, @projectBinaryFields [\"x\", \"y\", \"z\"] -- inputFile outputFile@. projectBinaryFields :: [Text] -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO () projectBinaryFields fs i o = do h <- openFile i ReadMode (pcdh,_) <- readHeader h v <- loadFlexiblePoints pcdh h putStrLn $ "Parsed "++show (B.length v)++" ASCII points" let v' = B.map keep v keepers = B.fromList $ map (`elem` fs) (pcdh ^. fields) keep = B.map snd . B.filter fst . B.zip keepers pcdh' = format .~ Binary $ filterFields (`elem` fs) pcdh numBytes = totalBinarySize pcdh' putStrLn $ "Binary data will occupy "++show numBytes++" bytes" hClose h T.writeFile o (writeHeader pcdh') withBinaryFile o AppendMode $ \h' -> allocaBytes numBytes $ \ptr -> pokeBinaryPoints ptr v' >> hPutBuf h' ptr numBytes return () -- |Load points stored in a PCD file into a 'Vector'. This requires a -- 'Storable' instance for the type used to represent a point. If the -- point is a monotyped collection of fields, consider using -- 'Linear.V2', 'Linear.V3', or 'Linear.V4' to represent points. When -- using a representation from the @linear@ package, you may wish to -- use 'loadXyz' or 'loadXyzw' which can handle ASCII and Binary -- serializations of 3D or 4D points. loadPoints :: Storable a => ATL.Parser a -> FilePath -> IO (Vector a) loadPoints parser pcdFile = do h <- openFile pcdFile ReadMode (pcdh,_) <- readHeader h r <- pcdh `deepseq` readPointData pcdh h parser hClose h return $ either (const V.empty) id r -- |Read a PCD file consisting of floating point XYZ coordinates for -- each point. loadXyz :: (Fractional a, Storable a) => FilePath -> IO (Vector (V3 a)) loadXyz = loadPoints A.readXYZ {-# SPECIALIZE loadXyz :: FilePath -> IO (Vector (V3 Float)) #-} {-# SPECIALIZE loadXyz :: FilePath -> IO (Vector (V3 Double)) #-} -- |Read a PCD file consisting of floating point XYZW coordinates for -- each point (where the final \"W\" field may be an RGB triple -- encoded as a float). loadXyzw :: (Fractional a, Storable a) => FilePath -> IO (Vector (V4 a)) loadXyzw = loadPoints A.readXYZW {-# SPECIALIZE loadXyzw :: FilePath -> IO (Vector (V4 Float)) #-} {-# SPECIALIZE loadXyzw :: FilePath -> IO (Vector (V4 Double)) #-} -- |Load a 'B.Vector' of points, each represented as a 'B.Vector' of -- 'FieldType' fields. If you wish to use field names to access to the -- data, consider using 'loadFieldsByName'. loadFlexiblePoints :: Header -> Handle -> IO (B.Vector (B.Vector FieldType)) loadFlexiblePoints pcdh h | pcdh ^. format == Binary = parseBinaryPoints pcdh h | otherwise = A.readPointsDefault pcdh h -- |Parse every field of every point in a PCD file. Returns a function -- that may be used to project out a named field. loadFieldsByName :: FilePath -> IO (Text -> B.Vector FieldType) loadFieldsByName f = do h <- openFile f ReadMode (pcdh,_) <- readHeader h (mkProjector pcdh <$> loadFlexiblePoints pcdh h) <* hClose h where mkProjector :: Header -> B.Vector (B.Vector FieldType) -> (Text -> B.Vector FieldType) mkProjector h pts = let fieldNames = B.fromList $ h ^. fields in \name -> maybe B.empty (flip B.map pts . flip (B.!)) (B.findIndex (name==) fieldNames)