{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} module Text.Regex.Pcre2.TH where import Control.Applicative (Alternative(..)) import Data.IORef import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..)) import Data.Map.Lazy (Map) import qualified Data.Map.Lazy as Map import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..)) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as Text import Data.Type.Bool (If, type (||)) import Data.Type.Equality (type (==)) import GHC.TypeLits hiding (Text) import qualified GHC.TypeLits as TypeLits import Language.Haskell.TH import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax import Lens.Micro import Lens.Micro.Extras (view) import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO) import Text.Regex.Pcre2.Internal -- | A wrapper around a list of captures that carries additional type-level -- information about the number and names of those captures. -- -- This type is only intended to be created by `regex`\/`_regex` and consumed by -- `capture`\/`_capture`, relying on type inference. Specifying the @info@ -- explicitly in a type signature is not supported—the definition of -- `CapturesInfo` is not part of the public API and may change without warning. -- -- After obtaining `Captures` it\'s recommended to immediately consume them and -- transform them into application-level data, to avoid leaking the types to top -- level and having to write signatures. In times of need, \"@Captures _@\" may -- be written with the help of @{-\# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures \#-}@. newtype Captures (info :: CapturesInfo) = Captures (NonEmpty Text) captured :: Lens' (NonEmpty Text) (Captures info) captured f cs = f (Captures cs) <&> \(Captures cs') -> cs' -- | The kind of `Captures`\'s @info@. The first number is the total number of -- parenthesized captures, and the list is a lookup table from capture names to -- numbers. type CapturesInfo = (Nat, [(Symbol, Nat)]) -- | Helper for constructing an empty lookup table. If we splice `promotedNilT` -- directly, we would have to require the user to turn on either -- @KindSignatures@ or @PolyKinds@; GHC seems to monokind @'[]@ as @[*]@, -- instead of unifying it with the list inside `CapturesInfo`. type NoNamedCaptures = '[] :: [(Symbol, Nat)] -- | Look up the number of a capture at compile time, either by number or by -- name. Throw a helpful 'TypeError' if the index doesn\'t exist. type family CaptNum (i :: k) (info :: CapturesInfo) :: Nat where CaptNum (num :: Nat) '(hi, _) = If (CmpNat num 0 == 'LT || CmpNat num hi == 'GT) -- then (TypeError (TypeLits.Text "No capture numbered " :<>: ShowType num)) -- else num CaptNum (name :: Symbol) '(_, '(name, num) ': _) = num CaptNum (name :: Symbol) '(hi, _ ': kvs) = CaptNum name '(hi, kvs) CaptNum (name :: Symbol) _ = TypeError (TypeLits.Text "No capture named " :<>: ShowType name) CaptNum _ _ = TypeError (TypeLits.Text "Capture index must be a number (Nat) or name (Symbol)") -- | Safely lookup a capture in a `Captures` result obtained from a Template -- Haskell-generated matching function. -- -- The ugly type signature may be interpreted like this: /Given some capture/ -- /group index @i@ and some @info@ about a regex, ensure that index exists and/ -- /is resolved to the number @num@ at compile time. Then, at runtime, get a/ -- /capture group from a list of captures./ -- -- In practice the variable @i@ is specified by type application and the other -- variables are inferred. -- -- > capture @3 -- > capture @"bar" -- -- Specifying a nonexistent number or name will result in a type error. capture :: forall i info num. (CaptNum i info ~ num, KnownNat num) => Captures info -> Text capture = view $ _capture @i -- | Like `capture` but focus from a `Captures` to a capture. _capture :: forall i info num. (CaptNum i info ~ num, KnownNat num) => Lens' (Captures info) Text _capture = _Captures . singular (ix $ fromInteger $ natVal @num Proxy) where _Captures f (Captures cs) = Captures <$> f cs -- | Unexported, top-level `IORef` that\'s created upon the first runtime -- evaluation of a Template Haskell `Matcher`. globalMatcherCache :: IORef (Map Text Matcher) globalMatcherCache = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef Map.empty {-# NOINLINE globalMatcherCache #-} -- | Given a pattern, create or retrieve a `Matcher` from the global cache. memoMatcher :: Text -> Matcher memoMatcher patt = unsafePerformIO $ do cache <- readIORef globalMatcherCache case Map.lookup patt cache of Just matcher -> return matcher Nothing -> atomicModifyIORef' globalMatcherCache $ \cache -> let matcher = pureUserMatcher mempty patt in (Map.insert patt matcher cache, matcher) -- | Predict parenthesized captures \(maybe named\) of a pattern at splice time. predictCaptureNamesQ :: String -> Q [Maybe Text] predictCaptureNamesQ = runIO . predictCaptureNames mempty . Text.pack -- | Get the indexes of `Just` the named captures. toKVs :: [Maybe Text] -> [(Int, Text)] toKVs names = [(number, name) | (number, Just name) <- zip [1 ..] names] -- | Generate the data-kinded phantom type parameter of `Captures` of a pattern, -- if needed. capturesInfoQ :: String -> Q (Maybe Type) capturesInfoQ s = predictCaptureNamesQ s >>= \case -- No parenthesized captures, so need for Captures, so no info. [] -> return Nothing -- One or more parenthesized captures. Present -- [Just "foo", Nothing, Nothing, Just "bar", Nothing] -- as -- '(5, '[ '("foo", 1), '("bar", 4)]). captureNames -> Just <$> promotedTupleT 2 `appT` hiQ `appT` kvsQ where -- 5 hiQ = litT $ numTyLit $ fromIntegral $ length captureNames -- '[ '("foo", 1), '("bar", 4)] kvsQ = case toKVs captureNames of -- We can't splice '[] because it doesn't kind-check. See above. [] -> [t| NoNamedCaptures |] kvs -> foldr f promotedNilT kvs -- '("foo", 1) ': ... f (number, name) r = promotedConsT `appT` kvQ `appT` r where kvQ = promotedTupleT 2 -- '(,) `appT` litT (strTyLit $ Text.unpack name) -- "foo" `appT` litT (numTyLit $ fromIntegral number) -- 1 -- | Helper for `regex` with no parenthesized captures. matchTH :: (Alternative f) => Text -> Text -> f Text matchTH patt = toAlternativeOf $ _gcaptures (memoMatcher patt) get0thSlice . _Identity -- | Helper for `regex` with parenthesized captures. capturesTH :: (Alternative f) => Text -> Proxy info -> Text -> f (Captures info) capturesTH patt _ = toAlternativeOf $ _gcaptures (memoMatcher patt) getAllSlices . captured -- | Helper for `regex` as a guard pattern. matchesTH :: Text -> Text -> Bool matchesTH patt = has $ _gcaptures (memoMatcher patt) getNoSlices -- | Helper for `regex` as a pattern that binds local variables. capturesNumberedTH :: Text -> [Int] -> Text -> [Text] capturesNumberedTH patt numbers = view $ _gcaptures (memoMatcher patt) (getWhitelistedSlices numbers) -- | Helper for `_regex` with no parenthesized captures. _matchTH :: Text -> Traversal' Text Text _matchTH patt = _gcaptures (memoMatcher patt) get0thSlice . _Identity -- | Helper for `_regex` with parenthesized captures. _capturesTH :: Text -> Proxy info -> Traversal' Text (Captures info) _capturesTH patt _ = _gcaptures (memoMatcher patt) getAllSlices . captured -- | === As an expression -- -- @ -- regex :: (`Alternative` f) => String -> Text -> f (`Captures` info) -- @ -- -- in the presence of parenthesized captures, or -- -- > regex :: (Alternative f) => String -> Text -> f Text -- -- if there are none. In other words, if there is more than the 0th capture, -- this behaves like `captures` (except returning an opaque `Captures` instead -- of a `NonEmpty` list), otherwise it behaves like `match`. -- -- To retrieve an individual capture from a `Captures`, use `capture`. -- -- > case [regex|(?\d{4})-(?\d{2})-(?\d{2})|] "submitted 2020-10-20" of -- > Just cs -> -- > let date = capture @0 cs -- > year = read @Int $ Text.unpack $ capture @"y" cs -- > ... -- -- > forM_ ([regex|\s+$|] line :: Maybe Text) $ \spaces -> error $ -- > "line has trailing spaces (" ++ show (Text.length spaces) ++ " characters)" -- -- === As a pattern -- -- This matches when the regex first matches, whereupon any named captures are -- bound to variables of the same names. -- -- > case "submitted 2020-10-20" of -- > [regex|(?\d{4})-(?\d{2})-(?\d{2})|] -> -- > let year = read @Int $ Text.unpack y -- > ... -- -- Note that it is not possible to access the 0th capture this way. As a -- workaround, explicitly capture the whole pattern and name it. -- -- If there are no named captures, this simply acts as a guard. regex :: QuasiQuoter regex = QuasiQuoter{ quoteExp = \s -> capturesInfoQ s >>= \case Nothing -> [e| matchTH (Text.pack $(stringE s)) |] Just info -> [e| capturesTH (Text.pack $(stringE s)) (Proxy :: Proxy $(return info)) |], quotePat = \s -> do captureNames <- predictCaptureNamesQ s case toKVs captureNames of -- No named captures. Test whether the string matches without -- creating any new Text values. [] -> viewP [e| matchesTH (Text.pack $(stringE s)) |] [p| True |] -- One or more named captures. Attempt to bind only those to local -- variables of the same names. numberedNames -> viewP e p where (numbers, names) = unzip numberedNames e = [e| capturesNumberedTH (Text.pack $(stringE s)) $(liftData numbers) |] p = foldr f wildP names f name r = conP '(:) [varP $ mkName $ Text.unpack name, r], quoteType = const $ fail "regex: cannot produce a type", quoteDec = const $ fail "regex: cannot produce declarations"} -- | An optical variant of `regex`. Can only be used as an expression. -- -- @ -- _regex :: String -> `Traversal'` Text (`Captures` info) -- _regex :: String -> Traversal' Text Text -- @ -- -- > import Control.Lens -- > import Data.Text.Lens -- > -- > embeddedNumbers :: Traversal' String Int -- > embeddedNumbers = packed . [_regex|\d+|] . unpacked . _Show -- > -- > main :: IO () -- > main = putStrLn $ "There are 14 competing standards" & embeddedNumbers %~ (+ 1) -- > -- > -- There are 15 competing standards _regex :: QuasiQuoter _regex = QuasiQuoter{ quoteExp = \s -> capturesInfoQ s >>= \case Nothing -> [e| _matchTH (Text.pack $(stringE s)) |] Just info -> [e| _capturesTH (Text.pack $(stringE s)) (Proxy :: Proxy $(return info)) |], quotePat = const $ fail "_regex: cannot produce a pattern", quoteType = const $ fail "_regex: cannot produce a type", quoteDec = const $ fail "_regex: cannot produce declarations"}