module Pdf.Toolbox.Core.Util
import Data.Int
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 as Parser
import Control.Monad
import qualified System.IO.Streams as Streams
import Pdf.Toolbox.Core.Object.Types
import Pdf.Toolbox.Core.Parsers.Object
import Pdf.Toolbox.Core.Error
import Pdf.Toolbox.Core.IO
readObjectAtOffset :: MonadIO m
=> RIS
-> Int64
-> Int
-> PdfE m (Object Int64)
readObjectAtOffset ris off gen = do
seek ris off
(Ref _ gen', o) <- inputStream ris >>= parse parseIndirectObject
unless (gen == gen') $ left $ UnexpectedError $ "Generation mismatch, expected: " ++ show gen ++ ", found: " ++ show gen'
case o of
ONumber val -> return $ ONumber val
OBoolean val -> return $ OBoolean val
OName val -> return $ OName val
ODict val -> return $ ODict val
OArray val -> return $ OArray val
OStr val -> return $ OStr val
OStream (Stream dict _) -> (OStream . Stream dict) `liftM` tell ris
ORef _ -> left $ UnexpectedError "Indirect object can't be ORef"
ONull -> return ONull
readCompressedObject :: MonadIO m
=> IS
-> Int64
-> Int
-> PdfE m (Object ())
readCompressedObject is first num = do
(is', countConsumed) <- liftIO $ Streams.countInput is
res <- replicateM (num + 1) $ parse headerP is' :: MonadIO m => PdfE m [(Int, Int64)]
(_, off) <- tryLast (UnexpectedError $ "readCompressedObject: tryLast: impossible") res
pos <- liftIO $ countConsumed
dropExactly (fromIntegral $ first + off pos) is
parse parseObject is
headerP = do
n <- Parser.decimal
off <- Parser.decimal
return (n, off)