{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {- ORMOLU_DISABLE -} {-| Module : Pdftotext.Internal Description : Internal functions Copyright : (c) 2020 G. Eyaeb License : BSD-3-Clause Maintainer : geyaeb@protonmail.com Stability : experimental Portability : POSIX Internal functions. -} {- ORMOLU_ENABLE -} module Pdftotext.Internal ( -- * Types Document (..), Layout (..), Page (..), Properties (..), -- * Loading PDF's openByteStringIO, openFile, -- * Document functions pageIO, pagesIO, pagesTotalIO, pdftotextIO, propertiesIO, -- * Page functions pageTextIO, ) where import Control.Monad (forM) import Data.ByteString.Internal import qualified Data.Text as T import Foreign (ForeignPtr, newForeignPtr, nullPtr, withForeignPtr) import Foreign.C (withCString) import GHC.Generics import Pdftotext.Foreign newtype Document = Document (ForeignPtr Poppler_Document) -- | Document properties. -- -- @since data Properties = Properties { author :: Maybe T.Text, creator :: Maybe T.Text, keywords :: Maybe T.Text, metadata :: Maybe T.Text, producer :: Maybe T.Text, subject :: Maybe T.Text, title :: Maybe T.Text } deriving (Show, Generic) data Page = Page { -- | Number of this page in original document. pageNumber :: Int, -- | Total number of pages in original document. pageOutOf :: Int, -- | Pointer to document which created this page. pageDocumentPtr :: ForeignPtr Poppler_Document, -- | Pointer to this page. pagePtr :: ForeignPtr Poppler_Page } instance Show Page where show (Page n o _ _) = "Page " ++ show n ++ "/" ++ show o -- | Layout of text extracted from PDF. data Layout = -- | Text emulates layout of PDF, including horizontal spaces, -- and preserves hyphenation; corresponds to calling @pdftotext -layout@ Physical | -- | Discards horizontal spaces, preserves hyphenation; -- corresponds to calling @pdftotext -raw@ Raw | -- | Discards horizontal spaces, removes hyphenation; -- corresponds to calling @pdftotext@ without layout argument None deriving (Eq, Show) -- | Open PDF from file. If file does not exist or cannot be parsed as valid PDF, -- `Nothing` is returned. openFile :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe Document) openFile file = withCString file \cfile -> do ptr <- ffiOpenPdf cfile if ptr == nullPtr then return Nothing else Just . Document <$> newForeignPtr ffiDocumentDelete ptr -- | Open PDF represented as bytestring. If document cannot be parsed as valid PDF, -- `Nothing` is returned. openByteStringIO :: ByteString -> IO (Maybe Document) openByteStringIO (PS bsfptr _ len) = withForeignPtr bsfptr \bsptr -> do docptr <- ffiOpenData bsptr (fromIntegral len) if docptr == nullPtr then return Nothing else Just . Document <$> newForeignPtr ffiDocumentDelete docptr -- | Return all pages from document. pagesIO :: Document -> IO [Page] pagesIO (Document fptr) = do withForeignPtr fptr \ptr -> do pageno <- ffiDocumentPages ptr forM [0 .. pageno - 1] \pno -> do p <- ffiDocumentOpenPage ptr pno >>= newForeignPtr ffiPageDelete return $ Page (fromIntegral pno + 1) (fromIntegral pageno) fptr p -- | Return page number 'no' from PDF document, if the page exists. pageIO :: Int -> Document -> IO (Maybe Page) pageIO no doc@(Document fptr) = withForeignPtr fptr \ptr -> do pno <- pagesTotalIO doc if no > 0 && no <= pno then Just . Page no pno fptr <$> (ffiDocumentOpenPage ptr (fromIntegral no - 1) >>= newForeignPtr ffiPageDelete) else return Nothing -- | Return number of pages contained in document. pagesTotalIO :: Document -> IO Int pagesTotalIO (Document fptr) = fromIntegral <$> withForeignPtr fptr ffiDocumentPages -- | Extract text from a page with given 'Layout'. pageTextIO :: Layout -> Page -> IO T.Text pageTextIO layout (Page _ _ _ fptr) = withForeignPtr fptr \ptr -> asText (ffiPageText ptr l) where l = case layout of Raw -> 0 Physical -> 1 None -> 2 -- | Extract properties from the document. -- -- @since propertiesIO :: Document -> IO Properties propertiesIO (Document fptr) = withForeignPtr fptr \ptr -> do a <- asText $ ffiDocumentAuthor ptr c <- asText $ ffiDocumentCreator ptr k <- asText $ ffiDocumentKeywords ptr m <- asText $ ffiDocumentMetadata ptr p <- asText $ ffiDocumentProducer ptr s <- asText $ ffiDocumentSubject ptr t <- asText $ ffiDocumentTitle ptr return $ Properties (f a) (f c) (f k) (f m) (f p) (f s) (f t) where f x = if T.null x then Nothing else Just x -- | Extract text from PDF document with given 'Layout'. pdftotextIO :: Layout -> Document -> IO T.Text pdftotextIO layout doc = do ps <- pagesIO doc txt <- mapM (pageTextIO layout) ps return $ T.concat txt