{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

module FRP.Peakachu.Backend.GLUT
  ( GlutToProgram(..), Image(..), ProgramToGlut(..), glut
  , gIdleEvent, gTimerEvent, gMouseMotionEvent
  , gKeyboardMouseEvent
  ) where

import Control.Concurrent.MVar.YC (modifyMVarPure)
import Data.ADT.Getters (mkADTGetters)
import FRP.Peakachu.Backend (Backend(..), Sink(..))

import Control.Concurrent.MVar (newMVar, putMVar, takeMVar)
import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
import Graphics.UI.GLUT
  ( GLfloat, ($=), ($~), get
  , ClearBuffer(..), Key(..), KeyState(..)
  , Modifiers, Position(..), Size(..), Timeout
  , DisplayMode(..), initialDisplayMode, swapBuffers
  , createWindow, getArgsAndInitialize
  , displayCallback, idleCallback
  , keyboardMouseCallback
  , motionCallback, passiveMotionCallback
  , windowSize, addTimerCallback
  , clear, flush, mainLoop, leaveMainLoop

data Image = Image { runImage :: IO ()}

instance Monoid Image where
  mempty = Image $ return ()
  mappend (Image a) (Image b) = Image $ a >> b

data GlutToProgram a
  = IdleEvent
  | TimerEvent a
  | MouseMotionEvent GLfloat GLfloat
  | KeyboardMouseEvent Key KeyState Modifiers Position
$(mkADTGetters ''GlutToProgram)

data ProgramToGlut a
  = DrawImage Image
  | SetTimer Timeout a

glut :: Backend (ProgramToGlut a) (GlutToProgram a)
glut =
  Backend b
    b handler = do
      _ <- getArgsAndInitialize
      initialDisplayMode $~ (DoubleBuffered:)
      createWindow "test"
      displayCallback $= return ()
      -- all the OpenGL drawing must be performed from the same thread
      -- that runs the GLUT event-loop.
      -- so instead of consuming when given input, we add it to the todo-list.
      -- the next time any GLUT event comes (should be immediate),
      -- we consume all the todo-list.
      -- without this mechanism the graphics flickers.
      todoVar <- newMVar []
        consume (DrawImage image) = do
          clear [ ColorBuffer ]
          runImage image
        consume (SetTimer timeout tag) =
          -- there seems to be a bug with addTimerCallback.
          -- sometimes it calls you back straight away..
          -- but doing a work around with an io-thread seems
          -- to be very slow
          addTimerCallback timeout . handler . TimerEvent $ tag
        preHandler event = do
          todo <- takeMVar todoVar
          putMVar todoVar []
          mapM_ consume . reverse $ todo
          handler event
        setCallbacks = do
          idleCallback $= Just (preHandler IdleEvent)
          keyboardMouseCallback $=
            Just (
            (fmap . fmap . fmap . fmap)
            preHandler KeyboardMouseEvent)
          motionCallback $= Just motion
          passiveMotionCallback $= Just motion
        motion (Position px py) = do
          Size sx sy <- get windowSize
          preHandler $ MouseMotionEvent (p2g sx px) (- p2g sy py)
        p2g sa pa = 2 * fromIntegral pa / fromIntegral sa - 1
      return Sink
        { sinkConsume = modifyMVarPure todoVar . (:)
        , sinkInit = handler $ MouseMotionEvent 0 0
        , sinkMainLoop = Just mainLoop
        , sinkQuitLoop = leaveMainLoop