module Penny.Brenner.Clear (mode) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad (guard, mzero, when)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, fromMaybe)
import Data.Monoid (mconcat, First(..))
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Text as X
import qualified Data.Traversable as Tr
import qualified System.Console.MultiArg as MA
import qualified Penny.Lincoln as L
import qualified Penny.Liberty as Ly
import qualified Penny.Steel.Sums as S
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as St
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe as MT
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import qualified Penny.Copper as C
import qualified Penny.Copper.Render as R
import Text.Show.Pretty (ppShow)
import qualified Penny.Brenner.Types as Y
import qualified Penny.Brenner.Util as U

help :: String -> String
help pn = unlines
  [ "usage: " ++ pn ++ " clear [options] FIT_FILE LEDGER_FILE..."
  , "Parses all postings that are in FIT_FILE. Then marks all"
  , "postings that are in the FILEs given that correspond to one"
  , "of the postings in the FIT_FILE as being cleared."
  , "Quits if one of the postings found in FIT_FILE is not found"
  , "in the database, if one of the postings in the database"
  , "is not found in one of the FILEs, or if any of the postings found"
  , "in one of the FILEs already has a flag."
  , ""
  , "Results are printed to standard output. If no FILE, or FILE is \"-\","
  , "read standard input."
  , ""
  , "Options:"
  , "  -o, --output FILENAME - send output to FILENAME"
  , "     (default: send to standard output)"
  , "  -h, --help - show help and exit"

data Arg
  = APosArg String
  | AOutput (X.Text -> IO ())

toPosArg :: Arg -> Maybe String
toPosArg a = case a of { APosArg s -> Just s; _ -> Nothing }

toOutput :: Arg -> Maybe (X.Text -> IO ())
toOutput a = case a of { AOutput x -> Just x; _ -> Nothing }

data Opts = Opts
  { csvLocation :: Y.FitFileLocation
  , ledgerLocations :: [String]
  , printer :: X.Text -> IO ()

mode :: Y.Mode
mode mayFa = MA.modeHelp
  "clear"                  -- Mode name
  help                     -- Help function
  (process mayFa)          -- Processor
  [fmap AOutput Ly.output] -- Options
  MA.Intersperse           -- interspersion
  (return . APosArg)       -- Posarg processor

process :: Maybe Y.FitAcct -> [Arg] -> IO ()
process mayFa as = do
  fa <- U.getFitAcct mayFa
  (csv, ls) <- case mapMaybe toPosArg as of
    [] -> fail "clear: you must provide a postings file."
    x:xs -> return (Y.FitFileLocation x, xs)
  let os = Opts csv ls (Ly.processOutput . mapMaybe toOutput $ as)
  runClear fa os

runClear :: Y.FitAcct -> Opts -> IO ()
runClear c os = do
  dbList <- U.loadDb (Y.AllowNew False) (Y.dbLocation c)
  let db = M.fromList dbList
      (_, prsr) = Y.parser c
  txns <- fmap (either fail return) $ prsr (csvLocation os)
  leds <- (ledgerLocations os)
  toClear <- case mapM (findUNumber db) (concat txns) of
    Nothing -> fail $ "at least one posting was not found in the"
                       ++ " database. Ensure all postings have "
                       ++ "been imported and merged."
    Just ls -> return $ Set.fromList ls
  let (led', left) = changeLedger (Y.pennyAcct c) toClear leds
      led'' = map C.stripMeta led'
  when (not (Set.null left))
    (fail $ "some postings were not cleared. "
      ++ "Those not cleared:\n" ++ ppShow left)
  case mapM (R.item Nothing) led'' of
    Nothing ->
      fail "could not render resulting ledger."
    Just txts ->
      let glued = X.concat txts
      in glued `seq` printer os glued

-- | Examines an financial institution transaction and the DbMap to
-- find a matching UNumber. Fails if the financial institution
-- transaction is not in the Db.
findUNumber :: Y.DbMap -> Y.Posting -> Maybe Y.UNumber
findUNumber m pstg =
  let atn = Y.fitId pstg
      p ap = Y.fitId ap == atn
      filteredMap = M.filter p m
      ls = M.toList filteredMap
  in case ls of
      (n, _):[] -> Just n
      _ -> Nothing

clearedFlag :: L.Flag
clearedFlag = L.Flag . X.singleton $ 'C'

-- | Changes a ledger to clear postings. Returns postings still not
-- cleared.
  :: Y.PennyAcct
  -> Set.Set Y.UNumber
  -> [C.LedgerItem]
  -> ([C.LedgerItem], Set.Set Y.UNumber)
changeLedger ax s l = St.runState k s
    k = mapM f l
    f x = case x of
      S.S4a t -> fmap S.S4a $ changeTxn ax t
      S.S4b z -> fmap S.S4b $ return z
      S.S4c z -> fmap S.S4c $ return z
      S.S4d z -> fmap S.S4d $ return z

  :: Y.PennyAcct
  -> L.Transaction
  -> St.State (Set.Set Y.UNumber) L.Transaction
changeTxn ax (L.Transaction (tld, d)) =
  (\tl es -> L.Transaction (tl, es))
  <$> pure tld
  <*> Tr.mapM (changePstg ax) d

-- | Sees if this posting is a posting in the right account and has a
-- UNumber that needs to be cleared. If so, clears it. If this posting
-- already has a flag, skips it.
  :: Y.PennyAcct
  -> L.PostingData
  -> St.State (Set.Set Y.UNumber) L.PostingData
changePstg ax p =
  fmap (fromMaybe p) . MT.runMaybeT $ do
    let c = L.pdCore p
    guard (L.pAccount c == (Y.unPennyAcct ax))
    let tags = L.pTags c
    un <- maybe mzero return $ parseUNumberFromTags tags
    guard (L.pFlag c == Nothing)
    set <- lift St.get
    guard (Set.member un set)
    lift $ St.put (Set.delete un set)
    let c' = c { L.pFlag = Just clearedFlag }
    return $ p { L.pdCore = c' }

parseUNumberFromTags :: L.Tags -> Maybe Y.UNumber
parseUNumberFromTags =
  . mconcat
  . map First
  . map parseUNumberFromTag
  . L.unTags

parseUNumberFromTag :: L.Tag -> Maybe Y.UNumber
parseUNumberFromTag (L.Tag x) = do
  (f, xs) <- X.uncons x
  guard (f == 'U')
  case reads . X.unpack $ xs of
    (u, ""):[] -> Just (Y.UNumber u)
    _ -> Nothing