Name: penny-bin Version: Cabal-version: >=1.8 Build-Type: Simple License: MIT Copyright: 2012 Omari Norman. author: Omari Norman maintainer: stability: Experimental homepage: bug-reports: Category: Console, Finance License-File: LICENSE synopsis: Extensible double-entry accounting system - binary description: Penny is a double-entry accounting system. It is inspired by, but incompatible with, John Wiegley's Ledger, which is available at . Installing this package with cabal install will install the executable program and the necessary libraries. For more information, see the page for the Penny library, at . . Penny currently is designed only for UNIX-like operating systems. . You can install this binary simply by typing "cabal install penny-bin", which will install this binary along with all the necessary dependencies. However, this will not install any of the documentation. To get the documentation, you will want to manually download the "penny-bin-*.tar.gz" file, available at the bottom of the Hackage page (probably the bottom of the page you are looking at now.) Alternatively, you can figure out where the "cabal" utility stored the archive file for you. After unpacking the archive you will find a file, "penny.1", which is the manual page. You may copy this file to the appropriate location on your system (maybe \/usr\/share\/man\/man1) or you can simply view it by giving the appropriate path to the UNIX "man" command. You will also find the file "samplePennyFile", which will show you a sample ledger. extra-source-files: penny.1 samplePennyFile source-repository head type: git location: git:// Executable penny Build-depends: base ==4.*, penny-lib ==0.2.* Main-is: penny.hs GHC-Options: -Wall if flag(debug) GHC-Options: -rtsopts -auto-all -caf-all Flag debug Description: Turns on debugging options Default: False