-- | Liberty - Penny command line parsing utilities
-- Both Cabin and Zinc share various functions that aid in parsing
-- command lines. For instance both the Postings report and the Zinc
-- postings filter use common command-line options. However, Zinc
-- already depends on Cabin. To avoid a cyclic dependency whereby
-- Cabin would also depend on Zinc, functions formerly in Zinc that
-- Cabin will also find useful are relocated here, to Liberty.

module Penny.Liberty (
  FilteredNum(FilteredNum, unFilteredNum),
  SortedNum(SortedNum, unSortedNum),
  LibertyMeta(filteredNum, sortedNum),
  ListLength(ListLength, unListLength),
  ItemIndex(ItemIndex, unItemIndex),

  -- * Parsers

  ) where

import Control.Applicative ((<*>), (<$>))
import qualified Control.Monad.Exception.Synchronous as Ex
import Data.Char (toUpper)
import Data.List (sortBy)
import Data.Text (Text, pack, unpack)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified System.Console.MultiArg.Combinator as C
import System.Console.MultiArg.Combinator (OptSpec)
import Text.Parsec (parse)

import qualified Penny.Copper.Parsec as Pc

import Penny.Lincoln.Family.Child (child, parent)
import qualified Penny.Lincoln.Predicates as P
import qualified Penny.Lincoln as L
import qualified Penny.Liberty.Expressions as X

import Text.Matchers.CaseSensitive (
  CaseSensitive(Sensitive, Insensitive))
import qualified Text.Matchers.Text as TM

-- | A serial indicating how a post relates to all other postings that
-- made it through the filtering phase.
newtype FilteredNum = FilteredNum { unFilteredNum :: L.Serial }
                      deriving Show

-- | A serial indicating how a posting relates to all other postings
-- that have been sorted.
newtype SortedNum = SortedNum { unSortedNum :: L.Serial }
                    deriving Show

-- | All metadata from Liberty.
data LibertyMeta =
  LibertyMeta { filteredNum :: FilteredNum
              , sortedNum :: SortedNum }
  deriving Show

-- | Parses a list of tokens. Returns Nothing if the token sequence is
-- invalid (e.g. if two operators are next to each other) or if the
-- resulting RPN expression is bad (there are tokens left on the stack
-- after parsing). Otherwise, returns the expression.
-- An empty list will fail to parse. The function calling this one
-- must deal with empty lists if those are a possibility.
parseTokenList :: [X.Token a] -> Maybe a
parseTokenList = X.evaluate

-- | Parses a list of tokens to obtain a predicate. Deals with an
-- empty list of tokens by returning a predicate that is always
-- True. Fails if the list of tokens is not empty and the parse fails.
parsePredicate :: [X.Token (a -> Bool)] -> Maybe (a -> Bool)
parsePredicate ls = case ls of
  [] -> return (const True)
  ts -> parseTokenList ts

-- | Takes a list of transactions, splits them into PostingChild
-- instances, filters them, post-filters them, sorts them, and places
-- them in Box instances with Filtered serials.
xactionsToFiltered ::

  (L.PostFam -> Bool)
  -- ^ The predicate to filter the transactions

  -> [PostFilterFn]
  -- ^ Post filter specs

  -> (L.PostFam -> L.PostFam -> Ordering)
  -- ^ The sorter

  -> [L.Transaction]
  -- ^ The transactions to work on (probably parsed in from Copper)

  -> [L.Box LibertyMeta]
  -- ^ Sorted, filtered postings

xactionsToFiltered pdct pfs s =
  . processPostFilters pfs
  . sortBy (sorter s)
  . addFilteredNum
  . map toBox
  . filter pdct
  . concatMap L.postFam

-- | Transforms a PostingChild into a Box.
toBox :: L.PostFam -> L.Box ()
toBox = L.Box ()

-- | Takes a list of filtered boxes and adds the Filtered serials.

addFilteredNum :: [L.Box a] -> [L.Box FilteredNum]
addFilteredNum = L.serialItems f where
  f ser = fmap (const (FilteredNum ser))

-- | Wraps a PostingChild sorter to change it to a Box sorter.
sorter :: (L.PostFam -> L.PostFam -> Ordering)
          -> L.Box a
          -> L.Box b
          -> Ordering
sorter f b1 b2 = f (L.boxPostFam b1) (L.boxPostFam b2)

-- | Takes a list of Boxes with metadata and adds a Serial for the
-- Sorted.
addSortedNum ::
  [L.Box FilteredNum]
  -> [L.Box LibertyMeta]
addSortedNum = L.serialItems f where
  f ser = fmap g where
    g filtNum = LibertyMeta filtNum (SortedNum ser)

type MatcherFactory =
  -> Text
  -> Ex.Exceptional Text (Text -> Bool)
type Operand = X.Operand (L.PostFam -> Bool)

newtype ListLength = ListLength { unListLength :: Int }
                     deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
newtype ItemIndex = ItemIndex { unItemIndex :: Int }
                    deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

-- | Specifies options for the post-filter stage.
type PostFilterFn = ListLength -> ItemIndex -> Bool

processPostFilters :: [PostFilterFn] -> [a] -> [a]
processPostFilters pfs ls = foldl processPostFilter ls pfs

processPostFilter :: [a] -> PostFilterFn -> [a]
processPostFilter as fn = map fst . filter fn' $ zipped where
  len = ListLength $ length as
  fn' (_, idx) = fn len (ItemIndex idx)
  zipped = zip as [0..]

-- Operands

-- | Given a String from the command line which represents a pattern,
-- and a MatcherFactor, return a Matcher. Fails if the pattern is bad
-- (e.g. it is not a valid regular expression).
getMatcher ::
  -> CaseSensitive
  -> MatcherFactory
  -> Ex.Exceptional String (Text -> Bool)

getMatcher s cs f = Ex.mapException e (f cs (pack s))
    e err = "bad pattern: " ++ s ++ " error message: "
            ++ unpack err

-- | Parses comparers given on command line to a function. Aborts if
-- the string given is invalid.
parseComparer ::
  (Eq a, Ord a)
  => String
  -> Ex.Exceptional String (a -> a -> Bool)
parseComparer t
  | t == "<" = return (<)
  | t == "<=" = return (<=)
  | t == "==" = return (==)
  | t == "=" = return (==)
  | t == ">" = return (>)
  | t == ">=" = return (>=)
  | t == "/=" = return (/=)
  | t == "!=" = return (/=)
  | otherwise = Ex.throw $ "invalid comparer: " ++ t

parseDate :: String -> Ex.Exceptional String L.DateTime
parseDate =
  Ex.mapException f . Ex.fromEither . parse Pc.dateTime "" . pack
    f msg = "invalid date: " ++ show msg

date :: OptSpec (Ex.Exceptional String Operand)
date = C.OptSpec ["date"] ['d'] (C.TwoArg f)
    f a1 a2 = g <$> parseComparer a1 <*> parseDate a2
    g cmp dt = X.Operand (P.date (`cmp` dt))

current :: L.DateTime -> OptSpec Operand
current dt = C.OptSpec ["current"] [] (C.NoArg f)
    f = X.Operand (P.date (<= dt))

-- | Creates options that match against fields that are
-- colon-separated. The operand added will return True if the
-- posting's colon-separated option matches the pattern given, or
-- False if it does not.
sepOption ::
  -- ^ Long option name

  -> Maybe Char
  -- ^ Short option name, if there is one

  -> (Text -> (Text -> Bool) -> L.PostFam -> Bool)
  -- ^ When applied to a text that separates the different segments of
  -- the field, a matcher, and a posting, this function returns True
  -- if the posting matches the matcher or False if it does not.

  -> OptSpec ( CaseSensitive
               -> MatcherFactory
               -> Ex.Exceptional String Operand )
sepOption str mc f = C.OptSpec [str] so (C.OneArg g)
    so = maybe [] return mc
    g a cs fty = h <$> getMatcher a cs fty
        h mtr = X.Operand (f sep mtr)

sep :: Text
sep = Text.singleton ':'

-- | Parses exactly one integer; fails if it cannot read exactly one.
parseInt :: String -> Ex.Exceptional String Int
parseInt t =
  case reads t of
    ((i, ""):[]) -> return i
    _ -> Ex.throw ("invalid number: " ++ t)

-- | Creates options that take two arguments, with the first argument
-- being the level to match, and the second being the pattern that
-- should match against that level.  Adds an operand that returns True
-- if the pattern matches.
levelOption ::
  -- ^ Long option name

  -> (Int -> (Text -> Bool) -> L.PostFam -> Bool)
  -- ^ Applied to an integer, a matcher, and a PostingBox, this
  -- function returns True if a particular field in the posting
  -- matches the matcher given at the given level, or False otherwise.

  -> OptSpec ( CaseSensitive
               -> MatcherFactory
               -> Ex.Exceptional String Operand)

levelOption str f = C.OptSpec [str] [] (C.TwoArg g)
    g a1 a2 cs fty = h <$> parseInt a1 <*> getMatcher a2 cs fty
    h i m = X.Operand (f i m)

-- | Creates options that add an operand that matches the posting if a
-- particluar field matches the pattern given.
patternOption ::
  -- ^ Long option

  -> Maybe Char
  -- ^ Short option, if included

  -> ((Text -> Bool) -> L.PostFam -> Bool)
  -- ^ When applied to a matcher and a PostingBox, this function
  -- returns True if the posting matches, or False if it does not.

  -> OptSpec ( CaseSensitive
               -> MatcherFactory
               -> Ex.Exceptional String Operand )
patternOption str mc f = C.OptSpec [str] so (C.OneArg g)
    so = maybe [] (\c -> [c]) mc
    g a1 cs fty = h <$> getMatcher a1 cs fty
    h m = X.Operand (f m)

-- | The account option; matches if the pattern given matches the
-- colon-separated account name.
account :: OptSpec ( CaseSensitive
                   -> MatcherFactory
                   -> Ex.Exceptional String Operand )
account = sepOption "account" (Just 'a') P.account

-- | The account-level option; matches if the account at the given
-- level matches.
accountLevel :: OptSpec ( CaseSensitive
                        -> MatcherFactory
                        -> Ex.Exceptional String Operand)
accountLevel = levelOption "account-level" P.accountLevel

-- | The accountAny option; returns True if the matcher given matches
-- a single sub-account name at any level.
accountAny :: OptSpec ( CaseSensitive
                        -> MatcherFactory
                        -> Ex.Exceptional String Operand )
accountAny = patternOption "account-any" Nothing P.accountAny

-- | The payee option; returns True if the matcher matches the payee
-- name.
payee :: OptSpec ( CaseSensitive
                 -> MatcherFactory
                 -> Ex.Exceptional String Operand )
payee = patternOption "payee" (Just 'p') P.payee

tag :: OptSpec ( CaseSensitive
                 -> MatcherFactory
                 -> Ex.Exceptional String Operand)
tag = patternOption "tag" (Just 't') P.tag

number :: OptSpec ( CaseSensitive
                    -> MatcherFactory
                    -> Ex.Exceptional String Operand )
number = patternOption "number" Nothing P.number

flag :: OptSpec ( CaseSensitive
                  -> MatcherFactory
                  -> Ex.Exceptional String Operand)
flag = patternOption "flag" Nothing P.flag

commodity :: OptSpec ( CaseSensitive
                       -> MatcherFactory
                       -> Ex.Exceptional String Operand)
commodity = patternOption "commodity" Nothing P.commodity

postingMemo :: OptSpec ( CaseSensitive
                         -> MatcherFactory
                         -> Ex.Exceptional String Operand)
postingMemo = patternOption "posting-memo" Nothing P.postingMemo

transactionMemo :: OptSpec ( CaseSensitive
                             -> MatcherFactory
                             -> Ex.Exceptional String Operand)
transactionMemo = patternOption "transaction-memo"
                  Nothing P.transactionMemo

debit :: OptSpec Operand
debit = C.OptSpec ["debit"] [] (C.NoArg (X.Operand P.debit))

credit :: OptSpec Operand
credit = C.OptSpec ["credit"] [] (C.NoArg (X.Operand P.credit))

qtyOption :: OptSpec (Ex.Exceptional String Operand)
qtyOption = C.OptSpec ["qty"] [] (C.TwoArg f)
    f a1 a2 = g <$> parseComparer a1 <*> parseQty a2
    parseQty = Ex.mapException err . Ex.fromEither
               . parse Pc.quantity "" . pack
    err msg = "invalid quantity: " ++ show msg
    g cmp qty = X.Operand (P.qty (`cmp` qty))

-- | Creates two options suitable for comparison of serial numbers,
-- one for ascending, one for descending.
serialOption ::

  (L.PostFam -> Maybe L.Serial)
  -- ^ Function that, when applied to a PostingChild, returns the serial
  -- you are interested in.

  -> String
  -- ^ Name of the command line option, such as @global-transaction@

  -> ( OptSpec (Ex.Exceptional String Operand)
     , OptSpec (Ex.Exceptional String Operand) )
  -- ^ Parses both descending and ascending serial options.

serialOption getSerial n = (osA, osD)
    osA = C.OptSpec [n] []
          (C.TwoArg (f L.forward))
    osD = C.OptSpec [addPrefix "rev" n] []
          (C.TwoArg (f L.backward))
    f getInt a1 a2 = g <$> parseComparer a1 <*> parseInt a2
        g cmp i =
          let op pf = case getSerial pf of
                Nothing -> False
                Just ser -> getInt ser `cmp` i
          in X.Operand op

-- | Takes a string, adds a prefix and capitalizes the first letter of
-- the old string. e.g. applied to "rev" and "globalTransaction",
-- returns "revGlobalTransaction".
addPrefix :: String -> String -> String
addPrefix pre suf = pre ++ suf' where
  suf' = case suf of
    "" -> ""
    x:xs -> toUpper x : xs

globalTransaction :: ( OptSpec (Ex.Exceptional String Operand)
                     , OptSpec (Ex.Exceptional String Operand) )
globalTransaction =
  let f = fmap L.unGlobalTransaction
          . L.tGlobalTransaction
          . parent
          . L.unPostFam
  in serialOption f "globalTransaction"

globalPosting :: ( OptSpec (Ex.Exceptional String Operand)
                 , OptSpec (Ex.Exceptional String Operand) )
globalPosting =
  let f = fmap L.unGlobalPosting
          . L.pGlobalPosting
          . child
          . L.unPostFam
  in serialOption f "globalPosting"

filePosting :: ( OptSpec (Ex.Exceptional String Operand)
               , OptSpec (Ex.Exceptional String Operand) )
filePosting =
  let f = fmap L.unFilePosting
          . L.pFilePosting
          . child
          . L.unPostFam
  in serialOption f "filePosting"

fileTransaction :: ( OptSpec (Ex.Exceptional String Operand)
                   , OptSpec (Ex.Exceptional String Operand) )
fileTransaction =
  let f = fmap L.unFileTransaction
          . L.tFileTransaction
          . parent
          . L.unPostFam
  in serialOption f "fileTransaction"

  :: ( OptSpec (Ex.Exceptional String Operand)
     , OptSpec (Ex.Exceptional String Operand) )
  -> [ OptSpec (a -> b -> Ex.Exceptional String Operand) ]
unDouble (o1, o2) = [fmap f o1, fmap f o2]
    f = (\g _ _ -> g)

-- | All operand OptSpec.
  :: L.DateTime
  -> [OptSpec (CaseSensitive
               -> MatcherFactory
               -> Ex.Exceptional String Operand)]

operandSpecs dt =
  [ fmap (\f _ _ -> f) date
  , fmap (\o _ _ -> return o) (current dt)
  , wrapFactArg account
  , wrapFactArg accountLevel
  , wrapFactArg accountAny
  , wrapFactArg payee
  , wrapFactArg tag
  , wrapFactArg number
  , wrapFactArg flag
  , wrapFactArg commodity
  , wrapFactArg postingMemo
  , wrapFactArg transactionMemo
  , fmap (\f _ _ -> return f) debit
  , fmap (\f _ _  -> return f) credit
  , fmap (\f _ _ -> f) qtyOption
  ++ unDouble globalTransaction
  ++ unDouble globalPosting
  ++ unDouble filePosting
  ++ unDouble fileTransaction
      wrapFactArg = fmap (\f cs fty -> f cs fty)

-- Post filters

optHead :: OptSpec (Ex.Exceptional String PostFilterFn)
optHead = C.OptSpec ["head"] [] (C.OneArg f)
    f a = g <$> parseInt a
        g i _ ii = ii < (ItemIndex i)

optTail :: OptSpec (Ex.Exceptional String PostFilterFn)
optTail = C.OptSpec ["tail"] [] (C.OneArg f)
    f a = g <$> parseInt a
        g i (ListLength len) (ItemIndex ii) = ii >= len - i

postFilterSpecs :: ( OptSpec (Ex.Exceptional String PostFilterFn)
                   , OptSpec (Ex.Exceptional String PostFilterFn) )
postFilterSpecs = (optHead, optTail)

-- Matcher control

noArg :: a -> String -> OptSpec a
noArg a s = C.OptSpec [s] "" (C.NoArg a)

parseInsensitive :: OptSpec CaseSensitive
parseInsensitive =
  C.OptSpec ["case-insensitive"] ['i'] (C.NoArg Insensitive)

parseSensitive :: OptSpec CaseSensitive
parseSensitive =
  C.OptSpec ["case-sensitive"] ['I'] (C.NoArg Sensitive)

within :: OptSpec MatcherFactory
within = noArg (\c t -> return (TM.within c t)) "within"

pcre :: OptSpec MatcherFactory
pcre = noArg TM.pcre "pcre"

posix :: OptSpec MatcherFactory
posix = noArg TM.tdfa "posix"

exact :: OptSpec MatcherFactory
exact = noArg (\c t -> return (TM.exact c t)) "exact"

matcherSelectSpecs :: [OptSpec MatcherFactory]
matcherSelectSpecs = [within, pcre, posix, exact]

caseSelectSpecs :: [OptSpec CaseSensitive]
caseSelectSpecs = [parseInsensitive, parseSensitive]

-- Operators

-- | Open parentheses
open :: OptSpec (X.Token a)
open = noArg X.TokOpenParen "open"

-- | Close parentheses
close :: OptSpec (X.Token a)
close = noArg X.TokCloseParen "close"

-- | and operator
parseAnd :: OptSpec (X.Token (a -> Bool))
parseAnd = noArg X.tokAnd "and"

-- | or operator
parseOr :: OptSpec (X.Token (a -> Bool))
parseOr = noArg X.tokOr "or"

-- | not operator
parseNot :: OptSpec (X.Token (a -> Bool))
parseNot = noArg X.tokNot "not" where

operatorSpecs :: [OptSpec (X.Token (a -> Bool))]
operatorSpecs =
  [open, close, parseAnd, parseOr, parseNot]