-- | Penny - extensible double-entry accounting system

module Penny
  ( -- * Building a custom Penny binary

    -- | Everything you need to create a custom Penny program is
    -- available by importing only this module.
  , Z.Matcher(..)

  -- ** Color schemes
  , E.Scheme(..)
  , E.TextSpecs
  , E.Labels(..)
  , E.EvenAndOdd(..)
  , Sw.switchForeground
  , Sw.switchBackground
  , module Penny.Cabin.Chunk

  -- ** Sorting
  , Z.SortField(..)
  , CabP.SortOrder(..)

  -- ** Formatting quantities
  , defaultQtyFormat

  -- ** Convert report options
  , Target(..)
  , CP.SortBy(..)

  -- ** Postings report options
  , M.Box
  , Fields(..)
  , Spacers(..)
  , widthFromRuntime
  , Ps.yearMonthDay
  , Ps.qtyAsIs
  , Ps.balanceAsIs

  -- ** Runtime
  , S.Runtime
  , S.environment

  -- ** Text
  , X.Text
  , X.pack

  -- ** Main function
  , runPenny

    -- * Developer overview

    -- | Penny is organized into a tree of modules, each with a
    -- name. Check out the links for details on each component of
    -- Penny.
    -- "Penny.Brenner" - Penny financial institution transaction
    -- handling. Depends on Lincoln and Copper.
    -- "Penny.Cabin" - Penny reports. Depends on Lincoln and Liberty.
    -- "Penny.Copper" - the Penny parser. Depends on Lincoln.
    -- "Penny.Liberty" - Penny command line parser helpers. Depends on
    -- Lincoln and Copper.
    -- "Penny.Lincoln" - the Penny core. Depends on no other Penny
    -- components.
    -- "Penny.Shield" the Penny runtime environment. Depends on
    -- Lincoln.
    -- "Penny.Zinc" - the Penny command-line interface. Depends on
    -- Cabin, Copper, Liberty, and Lincoln.
    -- The dependencies are represented as a dot file in
    -- bin/doc/dependencies.dot in the Penny git repository.
  ) where

import qualified Data.Text as X
import qualified Penny.Cabin.Balance.Convert as Conv
import qualified Penny.Cabin.Balance.Convert.Parser as CP
import qualified Penny.Cabin.Balance.Convert.Options as ConvOpts
import qualified Penny.Cabin.Balance.MultiCommodity as MC
import qualified Penny.Cabin.Balance.MultiCommodity.Parser as MP
import Penny.Cabin.Chunk
import qualified Penny.Cabin.Chunk.Switch as Sw
import qualified Penny.Cabin.Interface as I
import qualified Penny.Cabin.Options as CO
import qualified Penny.Cabin.Parsers as CabP
import qualified Penny.Cabin.Posts as Ps
import qualified Penny.Cabin.Posts.Fields as PF
import qualified Penny.Cabin.Posts.Spacers as PS
import qualified Penny.Cabin.Posts.Meta as M
import qualified Penny.Cabin.Scheme as E
import qualified Penny.Lincoln as L
import qualified Penny.Zinc as Z
import qualified Penny.Shield as S
import qualified Text.Matchers.Text as Mr

-- | This type contains settings for all the reports, as well as
-- default settings for the global options. Some of these can be
-- overridden on the command line.
data Defaults = Defaults
  { caseSensitive :: Bool
    -- ^ Whether the matcher is case sensitive by default

  , matcher :: Z.Matcher
    -- ^ Which matcher to use

  , colorToFile :: Bool
    -- ^ Use colors when standard output is not a terminal?

  , defaultScheme :: Maybe E.Scheme
    -- ^ Default color scheme. If Nothing, there is no default color
    -- scheme. If there is no default color scheme and the user does
    -- not pick one on the command line, no colors will be used.

  , additionalSchemes :: [E.Scheme]
    -- ^ Additional color schemes the user can pick from on the
    -- command line.

  , sorter :: [(Z.SortField, CabP.SortOrder)]
    -- ^ Postings are sorted in this order by default. For example, if
    -- the first pair is (Date, Ascending), then postings are first
    -- sorted by date in ascending order. If the second pair is
    -- (Payee, Ascending), then postings with the same date are then
    -- sorted by payee.
    -- If this list is empty, then by default postings are left in the
    -- same order as they appear in the ledger files.

  , balanceFormat :: L.Commodity -> L.Qty -> X.Text
    -- ^ How to format balances in the balance report. Change this
    -- function if, for example, you want to allow for digit grouping.

  , balanceShowZeroBalances :: Bool
    -- ^ Show zero balances in the balance report? If True, show them;
    -- if False, hide them.

  , balanceOrder :: CabP.SortOrder
    -- ^ Whether to sort the accounts in ascending or descending order
    -- by account name in the balance report.

  , convertShowZeroBalances :: Bool
    -- ^ Show zero balances in the convert report? If True, show them;
    -- if False, hide them.

  , convertTarget :: Target
    -- ^ The commodity to which to convert the commodities in the
    -- convert report.

  , convertOrder :: CabP.SortOrder
    -- ^ Sort the convert report in ascending or descending order.

  , convertSortBy :: CP.SortBy
    -- ^ Sort by account or by quantity in the convert report.

  , convertFormat :: L.Commodity -> L.Qty -> X.Text
    -- ^ How to format balances in the convert report. For instance,
    -- this function might perform digit grouping.

  , postingsFields :: Fields Bool
    -- ^ Fields to show by default in the postings report.

  , postingsWidth :: Int
    -- ^ The postings report is roughly this wide by
    -- default. Typically this will be as wide as your terminal.

  , postingsShowZeroBalances :: Bool
    -- ^ Show zero balances in the postings report? If True, show
    -- them; if False, hide them.

  , postingsDateFormat :: M.Box -> X.Text
    -- ^ How to format dates in the postings report.

  , postingsQtyFormat :: M.Box -> X.Text
    -- ^ How to format quantities in the balance report. This function
    -- is used when showing the quantity for the posting itself, and
    -- not the quantity for the totals columns (for that, see
    -- postingsBalanceFormat.) For example this function might perform
    -- digit grouping.

  , postingsBalanceFormat :: L.Commodity -> L.Qty -> X.Text
    -- ^ How to format balance totals in the postings report.

  , postingsSubAccountLength :: Int
    -- ^ Account names in the postings report are shortened if
    -- necessary in order to help the report fit within the allotted
    -- width (see postingsWidth). Account names are only shortened as
    -- much as is necessary for them to fit; however, each sub-account
    -- name will not be shortened any more than the amount given here.

  , postingsPayeeAllocation :: Int
    -- ^ postingsPayeeAllocation and postingsAccountAllocation
    -- determine how much space is allotted to the payee and account
    -- fields in the postings report. These fields are variable
    -- width. After space for most other fields is allotted, space is
    -- allotted for these two fields. The two fields divide the space
    -- proportionally depending on postingsPayeeAllocation and
    -- postingsAccountAllocation. For example, if
    -- postingsPayeeAllocation is 60 and postingsAccountAllocation is
    -- 40, then the payee field gets 60 percent of the leftover space
    -- and the account field gets 40 percent of the leftover space.
    -- Both postingsPayeeAllocation and postingsAccountAllocation
    -- must be positive integers; if either one is less than 1, your
    -- program will crash at runtime.

  , postingsAccountAllocation :: Int
    -- ^ See postingsPayeeAllocation above for an explanation

  , postingsSpacers :: Spacers Int
    -- ^ Determines the number of spaces that appears to the right of
    -- each named field; for example, sPayee indicates how many spaces
    -- will appear to the right of the payee field. Each field of the
    -- Spacers should be a non-negative integer (although currently
    -- the absolute value of the field is taken.)

-- | Creates an IO action that you can use for the main function.
  :: (S.Runtime -> Defaults)
     -- ^ runPenny will apply this function to the Runtime. This way
     -- the defaults you use can vary depending on environment
     -- variables, the terminal type, the date, etc.
  -> IO ()
runPenny getDefaults = do
  rt <- S.runtime
  let df = getDefaults rt
      rs = allReports df
  Z.runZinc (toZincDefaults df) rt rs

-- | The commodity to which to convert the commodities in the convert
-- report.
data Target
  = AutoTarget
    -- ^ Selects a target commodity automatically, based on which
    -- commodity is the most common target commodity in the prices in
    -- your ledger files. If there is a tie for most common target
    -- commodity, the target that appears later in your ledger files
    -- is used.
  | ManualTarget String
    -- ^ Always uses the commodity named by the string given.
  deriving Show

-- | Gets the current screen width from the runtime. If the COLUMNS
-- environment variable is not set, uses 80.
widthFromRuntime :: S.Runtime -> Int
widthFromRuntime rt = case S.screenWidth rt of
  Nothing -> 80
  Just sw -> S.unScreenWidth sw

convTarget :: Target -> CP.Target
convTarget t = case t of
  AutoTarget -> CP.AutoTarget
  ManualTarget s -> CP.ManualTarget . L.To . L.Commodity . X.pack $ s

  :: Defaults
  -> [I.Report]
allReports df =
  let bd = toBalanceDefaults df
      cd = toConvertDefaults df
      pd = toPostingsDefaults df
  in [ Ps.zincReport pd
     , MC.parseReport (balanceFormat df) bd
     , Conv.cmdLineReport cd

toZincDefaults :: Defaults -> Z.Defaults
toZincDefaults d = Z.Defaults
  { Z.sensitive =
      if caseSensitive d then Mr.Sensitive else Mr.Insensitive
  , Z.matcher = matcher d
  , Z.colorToFile = Z.ColorToFile . colorToFile $ d
  , Z.defaultScheme = defaultScheme d
  , Z.moreSchemes = additionalSchemes d
  , Z.sorter = sorter d

toBalanceDefaults :: Defaults -> MP.ParseOpts
toBalanceDefaults d = MP.ParseOpts
  { MP.showZeroBalances =
      CO.ShowZeroBalances . balanceShowZeroBalances $ d
  , MP.order = balanceOrder d
  , MP.needsHelp = False

toConvertDefaults :: Defaults -> ConvOpts.DefaultOpts
toConvertDefaults d = ConvOpts.DefaultOpts
  { ConvOpts.showZeroBalances =
      CO.ShowZeroBalances . convertShowZeroBalances $ d
  , ConvOpts.target = convTarget . convertTarget $ d
  , ConvOpts.sortOrder = convertOrder d
  , ConvOpts.sortBy = convertSortBy d
  , ConvOpts.format = convertFormat d

toPostingsDefaults :: Defaults -> Ps.ZincOpts
toPostingsDefaults d = Ps.ZincOpts
  { Ps.fields = convFields . postingsFields $ d
  , Ps.width = Ps.ReportWidth . postingsWidth $ d
  , Ps.showZeroBalances =
      CO.ShowZeroBalances . postingsShowZeroBalances $ d
  , Ps.dateFormat = postingsDateFormat d
  , Ps.qtyFormat = postingsQtyFormat d
  , Ps.balanceFormat = postingsBalanceFormat d
  , Ps.subAccountLength =
      Ps.SubAccountLength . postingsSubAccountLength $ d
  , Ps.payeeAllocation =
      Ps.alloc . postingsPayeeAllocation $ d
  , Ps.accountAllocation =
      Ps.alloc . postingsAccountAllocation $ d
  , Ps.spacers = convSpacers . postingsSpacers $ d

defaultQtyFormat :: L.Qty -> X.Text
defaultQtyFormat = X.pack . show

data Spacers a = Spacers
  { sGlobalTransaction :: a
  , sRevGlobalTransaction :: a
  , sGlobalPosting :: a
  , sRevGlobalPosting :: a
  , sFileTransaction :: a
  , sRevFileTransaction :: a
  , sFilePosting :: a
  , sRevFilePosting :: a
  , sFiltered :: a
  , sRevFiltered :: a
  , sSorted :: a
  , sRevSorted :: a
  , sVisible :: a
  , sRevVisible :: a
  , sLineNum :: a
  , sDate :: a
  , sFlag :: a
  , sNumber :: a
  , sPayee :: a
  , sAccount :: a
  , sPostingDrCr :: a
  , sPostingCmdty :: a
  , sPostingQty :: a
  , sTotalDrCr :: a
  , sTotalCmdty :: a
  } deriving (Show, Eq)

data Fields a = Fields
  { fGlobalTransaction :: a
  , fRevGlobalTransaction :: a
  , fGlobalPosting :: a
  , fRevGlobalPosting :: a
  , fFileTransaction :: a
  , fRevFileTransaction :: a
  , fFilePosting :: a
  , fRevFilePosting :: a
  , fFiltered :: a
  , fRevFiltered :: a
  , fSorted :: a
  , fRevSorted :: a
  , fVisible :: a
  , fRevVisible :: a
  , fLineNum :: a
  , fDate :: a
  , fFlag :: a
  , fNumber :: a
  , fPayee :: a
  , fAccount :: a
  , fPostingDrCr :: a
  , fPostingCmdty :: a
  , fPostingQty :: a
  , fTotalDrCr :: a
  , fTotalCmdty :: a
  , fTotalQty :: a
  , fTags :: a
  , fMemo :: a
  , fFilename :: a
  } deriving (Show, Eq)

convSpacers :: Spacers a -> PS.Spacers a
convSpacers s = PS.Spacers
  { PS.globalTransaction = sGlobalTransaction s
  , PS.revGlobalTransaction = sRevGlobalTransaction s
  , PS.globalPosting = sGlobalPosting s
  , PS.revGlobalPosting = sRevGlobalPosting s
  , PS.fileTransaction = sFileTransaction s
  , PS.revFileTransaction = sRevFileTransaction s
  , PS.filePosting = sFilePosting s
  , PS.revFilePosting = sRevFilePosting s
  , PS.filtered = sFiltered s
  , PS.revFiltered = sRevFiltered s
  , PS.sorted = sSorted s
  , PS.revSorted = sRevSorted s
  , PS.visible = sVisible s
  , PS.revVisible = sRevVisible s
  , PS.lineNum = sLineNum s
  , PS.date = sDate s
  , PS.flag = sFlag s
  , PS.number = sNumber s
  , PS.payee = sPayee s
  , PS.account = sAccount s
  , PS.postingDrCr = sPostingDrCr s
  , PS.postingCmdty = sPostingCmdty s
  , PS.postingQty = sPostingQty s
  , PS.totalDrCr = sTotalDrCr s
  , PS.totalCmdty = sTotalCmdty s

convFields :: Fields a -> PF.Fields a
convFields f = PF.Fields
  { PF.globalTransaction = fGlobalTransaction f
  , PF.revGlobalTransaction = fRevGlobalTransaction f
  , PF.globalPosting = fGlobalPosting f
  , PF.revGlobalPosting = fRevGlobalPosting f
  , PF.fileTransaction = fFileTransaction f
  , PF.revFileTransaction = fRevFileTransaction f
  , PF.filePosting = fFilePosting f
  , PF.revFilePosting = fRevFilePosting f
  , PF.filtered = fFiltered f
  , PF.revFiltered = fRevFiltered f
  , PF.sorted = fSorted f
  , PF.revSorted = fRevSorted f
  , PF.visible = fVisible f
  , PF.revVisible = fRevVisible f
  , PF.lineNum = fLineNum f
  , PF.date = fDate f
  , PF.flag = fFlag f
  , PF.number = fNumber f
  , PF.payee = fPayee f
  , PF.account = fAccount f
  , PF.postingDrCr = fPostingDrCr f
  , PF.postingCmdty = fPostingCmdty f
  , PF.postingQty = fPostingQty f
  , PF.totalDrCr = fTotalDrCr f
  , PF.totalCmdty = fTotalCmdty f
  , PF.totalQty = fTotalQty f
  , PF.tags = fTags f
  , PF.memo = fMemo f
  , PF.filename = fFilename f