{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Penny.Wheat where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.List (find, isPrefixOf)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, catMaybes)
import Data.Monoid ((<>), mempty)
import qualified Penny.Copper as Cop
import qualified Penny.Copper.Parsec as CP
import qualified Penny.Lincoln as L
import qualified Data.Text as X
import qualified Data.Time as Time
import qualified Text.Parsec as Parsec
import qualified System.Exit as Exit
import qualified Penny.Shield as S

import qualified Penny.Steel.TestTree as TT
import qualified Penny.Steel.Pdct as Pe
import qualified Penny.Steel.Chunk as C
import qualified Options.Applicative as OA

-- Other conveniences

-- | A non-terminating list of starting with the first day of the
-- first month following the given day, followed by successive first
-- days of the month.
futureFirstsOfTheMonth :: Time.Day -> [Time.Day]
futureFirstsOfTheMonth d = iterate (Time.addGregorianMonthsClip 1) d1
    d1 = Time.fromGregorian yr mo 1
    (yr, mo, _) = Time.toGregorian $ Time.addGregorianMonthsClip 1 d

-- CLI

type ColorToFile = Bool
type BaseTime = Time.UTCTime
type ProgName = String

data WheatConf = WheatConf
  { briefDescription :: String
  , moreHelp :: [String]
  , passVerbosity :: TT.PassVerbosity
  , failVerbosity :: TT.FailVerbosity
  , indentAmt :: Pe.IndentAmt
  , colorToFile :: ColorToFile
  , tests :: [BaseTime -> TT.TestTree L.PostFam]
  , baseTime :: BaseTime

parseAbbrev :: [(String, a)] -> String -> Either OA.ParseError a
parseAbbrev ls str = case find (\(s, _) -> s == str) ls of
  Nothing -> lookupAbbrev
  Just (_, a) -> Right a
    lookupAbbrev = case filter ((str `isPrefixOf`) . fst) ls of
      (_, a):[] -> Right a
      _ -> Left (OA.ErrorMsg ("invalid argument: " ++ str))

parseVerbosity :: String -> Either OA.ParseError TT.Verbosity
parseVerbosity = parseAbbrev
  [ ("silent", TT.Silent)
  , ("minimal", TT.PassFail)
  , ("false", TT.FalseSubjects)
  , ("true", TT.TrueSubjects)
  , ("discarded", TT.DiscardedSubjects)
  , ("all", TT.DiscardedPredicates)

parseColorToFile :: String -> Either OA.ParseError ColorToFile
parseColorToFile = parseAbbrev [ ("no", False), ("yes", True) ]

parseBaseTime :: String -> Either OA.ParseError BaseTime
parseBaseTime s = case Parsec.parse CP.dateTime  "" (X.pack s) of
  Left e -> Left (OA.ErrorMsg $ "could not parse date: " ++ show e)
  Right g -> Right . L.toUTC $ g

data Parsed = Parsed
  { p_passVerbosity :: TT.PassVerbosity
  , p_failVerbosity :: TT.FailVerbosity
  , p_indentAmt :: Pe.IndentAmt
  , p_colorToFile :: ColorToFile
  , p_baseTime :: BaseTime
  , p_ledgers :: [String]

parseOpts :: WheatConf -> OA.Parser Parsed
parseOpts wc
  = Parsed
  <$> ( OA.nullOption
        ( OA.long "pass-verbosity"
        <> OA.short 'p'
        <> OA.reader parseVerbosity )
      <|> pure (passVerbosity wc) )

  <*> ( OA.nullOption
        ( OA.long "fail-verbosity"
        <> OA.short 'f'
        <> OA.reader parseVerbosity )
      <|> pure (failVerbosity wc) )

  <*> ( OA.option
        ( OA.long "indentation"
        <> OA.short 'i' )
      <|> pure (indentAmt wc) )

  <*> ( OA.nullOption
        ( OA.long "color-to-file"
        <> OA.reader parseColorToFile )
      <|> pure (colorToFile wc))

  <*> ( OA.nullOption
        ( OA.long "base-date"
        <> OA.reader parseBaseTime )
      <|> pure (baseTime wc) )

  <*> ( many (OA.argument OA.str mempty))

main :: (S.Runtime -> WheatConf) -> IO ()
main getWc = do
  rt <- S.runtime
  let inf = OA.fullDesc
      wc = getWc rt
  psd <- OA.execParser (OA.info (parseOpts wc) inf)
  let term = if p_colorToFile psd || (S.output rt == S.IsTTY)
        then S.termFromEnv rt
        else S.autoTerm rt
  pfs <- getItems (p_ledgers psd)
  let tts = zipWith ($) (tests wc) (repeat (p_baseTime psd))
      doEval = TT.evalTestTree (p_indentAmt psd) 0 (p_passVerbosity psd)
                           (p_failVerbosity psd) pfs
      eithers = concatMap doEval tts
  passes <- mapM (showEitherChunk (C.printChunks term)) eithers
  when (not . and . catMaybes $ passes) Exit.exitFailure

  :: ([C.Chunk] -> IO ())
  -> Either C.Chunk (TT.Pass, [C.Chunk])
  -> IO (Maybe TT.Pass)
showEitherChunk f ei = case ei of
  Left ck -> f [ck] >> return Nothing
  Right (p, cs) -> f cs >> return (Just p)

getItems :: [String] -> IO [L.PostFam]
getItems ss = fmap f $ Cop.open ss
    f = concatMap L.postFam . mapMaybe toTxn . Cop.unLedger
    toTxn i = case i of { Cop.Transaction x -> Just x; _ -> Nothing }

-- Tests
  :: TT.Name
  -> Pe.Pdct L.PostFam
  -> TT.TestTree L.PostFam
eachPostingMustBeTrue n = TT.eachSubjectMustBeTrue n L.display

  :: Int
  -> TT.Name
  -> Pe.Pdct L.PostFam
  -> TT.TestTree L.PostFam
atLeastNPostings i n = TT.seriesAtLeastN n L.display i