-- | Main module of the Penrose system module Main where import Graphics.Gloss import Graphics.Gloss.Data.Vector import Graphics.Gloss.Interface.Pure.Game import qualified Server import qualified Runtime as R import qualified Compiler as C import qualified StyAst as SA import qualified Text.Megaparsec as MP (runParser, parseErrorPretty) import System.Environment import System.IO import System.Exit import Control.Monad(when) divLine = putStr "\n--------\n\n" -- | `main` runs the Penrose system main :: IO () main = do -- Reading in from file -- Objective function is currently hard-coded -- Comment in (or out) this block of code to read from a file (need to fix parameter tuning!) args <- getArgs when (length args /= 3) $ die "Usage: ./Main prog1.sub prog2.sty" let (mode, subFile, styFile) = (head args, args !! 1, args !! 2) subIn <- readFile subFile styIn <- readFile styFile putStrLn "\nSubstance program:\n" putStrLn subIn divLine putStrLn "Style program:\n" putStrLn styIn divLine let subParsed = C.subParse subIn putStrLn "Parsed Substance program:\n" putStrLn $ C.subPrettyPrint' subParsed case MP.runParser SA.styleParser styFile styIn of Left err -> putStr $ MP.parseErrorPretty err Right styParsed -> do divLine putStrLn "Parsed Style program:\n" -- putStrLn $ C.styPrettyPrint styParsed mapM_ print styParsed divLine let initState = R.genInitState (C.subSeparate subParsed) styParsed putStrLn "Synthesizing objects and objective functions" -- let initState = compilerToRuntimeTypes intermediateRep -- divLine -- putStrLn "Initial state, optimization representation:\n" -- putStrLn "TODO derive Show" -- putStrLn $ show initState divLine putStrLn "Visualizing notation:\n" if mode == "snap" then -- Starting serving penrose on the web let (domain, port) = ("", 9160) in Server.servePenrose domain port initState else -- Running with hardcoded parameters play (InWindow "optimization-based layout" -- display mode, window name (picWidth, picHeight) -- size (10, 10)) -- position white -- background color R.stepsPerSecond -- number of simulation steps to take for each second of real time initState -- the initial world, defined as a type below R.picOf -- fn to convert world to a pic R.handler -- fn to handle input events R.step -- step the world one iteration; passed period of time (in secs) to be advanced picWidth, picHeight :: Int picWidth = 800 picHeight = 700 stepsPerSecond :: Int stepsPerSecond = 10000