module Transforms.Tests (tests) where import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.SmallCheck as SC import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck as QC import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Debug.Trace import Data.Fixed import Utils import Transforms import Functions import Shapes tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "Functions tests" [properties, unitTests] properties :: TestTree properties = testGroup "Properties" [scProps, qcProps] eps :: Float eps = 10 ** (-3) -- Kind of arbitrarily picked so the tests pass. Not sure about the right precision hmEq :: HMatrix Float -> HMatrix Float -> Bool hmEq t1 t2 = hmDiff t1 t2 <= eps ptsEq :: Pt2 Float -> Pt2 Float -> Bool ptsEq (x1, y1) (x2, y2) = sqrt ((x1 - x2)^2 + (y1 - y2)^2) < eps -- Should use a different eps id_compose_id :: Assertion id_compose_id = idH # idH @?= idH rotate_2pi_id :: Assertion rotate_2pi_id = hmEq idH (rotationM (2 * pi)) @?= True rotate_rev :: Float -> Bool rotate_rev radians = hmEq idH (rotationM radians # rotationM (-radians)) == True rotate_twice :: Float -> Bool rotate_twice radians = hmEq (rotationM (2 * radians)) (rotationM radians # rotationM (radians)) == True translate_id :: Float -> Float -> Bool translate_id x y = hmEq idH (translationM (x, y) # translationM (-x, -y)) == True scale_id :: Float -> Float -> Bool scale_id cx cy = let res = (scalingM (1/cx, 1/cy) # scalingM (cx, cy)) in if cx /= 0.0 && cy /= 0.0 then hmEq idH res == True else True -- Ignore scaling by 0 id_mul :: (Float, Float, Float, Float, Float, Float) -> Bool id_mul (x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6) = let m = listToHm [x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6] in hmEq (idH # m) (m # idH) && hmEq (m # idH) m -- Not true in general rot_tr :: Float -> Bool rot_tr x = if x == 0.0 then True else ptsEq ((rotationM (pi/2) # translationM (x, 0)) ## (0, 0)) (translationM (0, x) ## (0, 0)) == True trs1 :: Assertion trs1 = ptsEq ((translationM (-1, 1) # rotationM (pi/2) # scalingM (2, 1)) ## (1, 0)) (-1,3.0) @?= True -- Starting with some parameters, we show we can extract the same (?) parameters from the composed matrix -- It's lossy though, so some tests might fail when the angle can't be reconstructed params_matrix_id' :: (Float, Float, Float, Float, Float) -> Bool params_matrix_id' p@(sx, sy, theta, dx, dy) = let p0 = [sx, sy, theta `mod'` (2.0 * pi), dx, dy] -- might not work with theta out of range [-2pi, 2pi] m = paramsToMatrix p (sx', sy', theta', dx', dy') = paramsOf m p' = [sx', sy', theta', dx', dy'] in if sx < eps || sy < eps then True -- don't scale by 0 else norm (p0 -. p') < eps -- This also can't test it fully though, for example if the matrix didn't result from -- the canonical scale-then-rotate-then-translate -- e.g. if it consists only of a shear: m = listToHm [1.0,0.0,0.0,1.0,1.0,0.0] params_matrix_eq :: (Float, Float, Float, Float, Float, Float) -> Bool params_matrix_eq (x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6) = let m = listToHm [x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6] in if x1 < eps || x5 < eps then True -- don't scale by 0 else hmEq m (paramsToMatrix $ paramsOf m) -- TODO -- do we need any checks for numerical stability? -- test the canonical order: scale(w, h) then rotate(theta) then translate(x, y) = ??? -- test skewing -- test things that commute -- test things that don't commute transformsGroup :: TestTree transformsGroup = testGroup "Transforms" [ testCase "idH * idH = idH" id_compose_id, testCase "rotate by 2pi = idH" rotate_2pi_id, testCase "translate, rotate, scale example" trs1 ] -------- scProps = testGroup "(checked by SmallCheck)" [ ] qcProps = testGroup "(checked by QuickCheck)" [ QC.testProperty "forall x, rotate(x) . rotate (-x) = idH" rotate_rev, QC.testProperty "rotate t * rotate -t = id" rotate_rev, QC.testProperty "rotate 2t = rotate t * rotate t" rotate_twice, QC.testProperty "translate v * translate -v = idH" translate_id, QC.testProperty "scale (cx,cy) * scale (-cx, -cy) = idH" scale_id, QC.testProperty "id * A = A * id = A" id_mul -- This test isn't true in general -- QC.testProperty "translate then rotate CCW can equal a translation up" rot_tr -- TODO: These tests don't pass reliably, because starting with base DOF, converting them to a matrix, and trying to solve for the original params does not have a unique solution -- (i.e. might find satisfying params that are not the original params). -- Although I'm not sure why the second test isn't passing. Perhaps floating-point equality checks? -- Anyway, we don't actually solve for any of the original DOF in the Penrose systems, so I'm commenting these tests out. (-kye) -- QC.testProperty "(params -> matrix -> solve for params) ~ params" params_matrix_id', -- QC.testProperty "matrix ~ (matrix -> params -> matrix)" params_matrix_eq ] -- Module: topic: function: property unitTests :: TestTree unitTests = testGroup "Unit tests" [ transformsGroup ]