{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-} {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} -- -- DeriveAnyClass is not actually used by persistent-template -- But a long standing bug was that if it was enabled, it was used to derive instead of GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving -- This was fixed by using DerivingStrategies to specify newtype deriving should be used. -- This pragma is left here as a "test" that deriving works when DeriveAnyClass is enabled. -- See https://github.com/yesodweb/persistent/issues/578 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} module Database.Persist.THSpec where import Control.Applicative (Const(..)) import Data.Aeson import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 () import Data.Coerce import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity(..)) import Data.Int import qualified Data.List as List import Data.Proxy import Data.Text (Text, pack) import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Test.Hspec import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary import Test.QuickCheck.Gen (Gen) import Database.Persist import Database.Persist.EntityDef.Internal import Database.Persist.Sql import Database.Persist.Sql.Util import Database.Persist.TH import TemplateTestImports import qualified Database.Persist.TH.PersistWithSpec as PersistWithSpec import qualified Database.Persist.TH.DiscoverEntitiesSpec as DiscoverEntitiesSpec import qualified Database.Persist.TH.EmbedSpec as EmbedSpec import qualified Database.Persist.TH.ForeignRefSpec as ForeignRefSpec import qualified Database.Persist.TH.ImplicitIdColSpec as ImplicitIdColSpec import qualified Database.Persist.TH.JsonEncodingSpec as JsonEncodingSpec import qualified Database.Persist.TH.KindEntitiesSpec as KindEntitiesSpec import qualified Database.Persist.TH.MaybeFieldDefsSpec as MaybeFieldDefsSpec import qualified Database.Persist.TH.MigrationOnlySpec as MigrationOnlySpec import qualified Database.Persist.TH.MultiBlockSpec as MultiBlockSpec import qualified Database.Persist.TH.OverloadedLabelSpec as OverloadedLabelSpec import qualified Database.Persist.TH.SharedPrimaryKeyImportedSpec as SharedPrimaryKeyImportedSpec import qualified Database.Persist.TH.SharedPrimaryKeySpec as SharedPrimaryKeySpec import qualified Database.Persist.TH.ToFromPersistValuesSpec as ToFromPersistValuesSpec import qualified Database.Persist.TH.KindEntitiesSpec as KindEntitiesSpec import qualified Database.Persist.TH.OverloadedLabelSpec as OverloadedLabelSpec import qualified Database.Persist.TH.SharedPrimaryKeyImportedSpec as SharedPrimaryKeyImportedSpec import qualified Database.Persist.TH.SharedPrimaryKeySpec as SharedPrimaryKeySpec import qualified Database.Persist.TH.ToFromPersistValuesSpec as ToFromPersistValuesSpec -- test to ensure we can have types ending in Id that don't trash the TH -- machinery type TextId = Text share [mkPersist sqlSettings { mpsGeneric = False, mpsDeriveInstances = [''Generic] }] [persistUpperCase| Person json name Text age Int Maybe foo Foo address Address deriving Show Eq HasSimpleCascadeRef person PersonId OnDeleteCascade deriving Show Eq Address json street Text city Text zip Int Maybe deriving Show Eq NoJson foo Text deriving Show Eq |] mkPersist sqlSettings [persistLowerCase| HasPrimaryDef userId Int name String Primary userId HasMultipleColPrimaryDef foobar Int barbaz String Primary foobar barbaz TestDefaultKeyCol Id TestDefaultKeyColId name String HasIdDef Id Int name String HasDefaultId name String HasCustomSqlId Id String sql=my_id name String SharedPrimaryKey Id HasDefaultIdId name String SharedPrimaryKeyWithCascade Id (Key HasDefaultId) OnDeleteCascade name String SharedPrimaryKeyWithCascadeAndCustomName Id (Key HasDefaultId) OnDeleteCascade sql=my_id name String Top name Text Middle top TopId Primary top Bottom middle MiddleId Primary middle -- Test that a field can be named Key KeyTable key Text |] share [mkPersist sqlSettings { mpsGeneric = False, mpsGenerateLenses = True }] [persistLowerCase| Lperson json name Text age Int Maybe address Laddress deriving Show Eq Laddress json street Text city Text zip Int Maybe deriving Show Eq CustomPrimaryKey anInt Int Primary anInt |] arbitraryT :: Gen Text arbitraryT = pack <$> arbitrary instance Arbitrary Person where arbitrary = Person <$> arbitraryT <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary instance Arbitrary Address where arbitrary = Address <$> arbitraryT <*> arbitraryT <*> arbitrary spec :: Spec spec = describe "THSpec" $ do PersistWithSpec.spec KindEntitiesSpec.spec OverloadedLabelSpec.spec SharedPrimaryKeySpec.spec SharedPrimaryKeyImportedSpec.spec ImplicitIdColSpec.spec MaybeFieldDefsSpec.spec MigrationOnlySpec.spec EmbedSpec.spec DiscoverEntitiesSpec.spec MultiBlockSpec.spec ForeignRefSpec.spec ToFromPersistValuesSpec.spec JsonEncodingSpec.spec describe "TestDefaultKeyCol" $ do let EntityIdField FieldDef{..} = entityId (entityDef (Proxy @TestDefaultKeyCol)) it "should be a BackendKey SqlBackend" $ do -- the purpose of this test is to verify that a custom Id column of -- the form: -- > ModelName -- > Id ModelNameId -- -- should behave like an implicit id column. (TestDefaultKeyColKey (SqlBackendKey 32) :: Key TestDefaultKeyCol) `shouldBe` (toSqlKey 32 :: Key TestDefaultKeyCol) describe "HasDefaultId" $ do let EntityIdField FieldDef{..} = entityId (entityDef (Proxy @HasDefaultId)) it "should have usual db name" $ do fieldDB `shouldBe` FieldNameDB "id" it "should have usual haskell name" $ do fieldHaskell `shouldBe` FieldNameHS "Id" it "should have correct underlying sql type" $ do fieldSqlType `shouldBe` SqlInt64 it "persistfieldsql should be right" $ do sqlType (Proxy @HasDefaultIdId) `shouldBe` SqlInt64 it "should have correct haskell type" $ do fieldType `shouldBe` FTTypeCon Nothing "HasDefaultIdId" describe "HasCustomSqlId" $ do let EntityIdField FieldDef{..} = entityId (entityDef (Proxy @HasCustomSqlId)) it "should have custom db name" $ do fieldDB `shouldBe` FieldNameDB "my_id" it "should have usual haskell name" $ do fieldHaskell `shouldBe` FieldNameHS "Id" it "should have correct underlying sql type" $ do fieldSqlType `shouldBe` SqlString it "should have correct haskell type" $ do fieldType `shouldBe` FTTypeCon Nothing "String" describe "HasIdDef" $ do let EntityIdField FieldDef{..} = entityId (entityDef (Proxy @HasIdDef)) it "should have usual db name" $ do fieldDB `shouldBe` FieldNameDB "id" it "should have usual haskell name" $ do fieldHaskell `shouldBe` FieldNameHS "Id" it "should have correct underlying sql type" $ do fieldSqlType `shouldBe` SqlInt64 it "should have correct haskell type" $ do fieldType `shouldBe` FTTypeCon Nothing "Int" describe "SharedPrimaryKey" $ do let sharedDef = entityDef (Proxy @SharedPrimaryKey) EntityIdField FieldDef{..} = entityId sharedDef it "should have usual db name" $ do fieldDB `shouldBe` FieldNameDB "id" it "should have usual haskell name" $ do fieldHaskell `shouldBe` FieldNameHS "Id" it "should have correct underlying sql type" $ do fieldSqlType `shouldBe` SqlInt64 it "should have correct underlying (as reported by sqltype)" $ do fieldSqlType `shouldBe` sqlType (Proxy :: Proxy HasDefaultIdId) it "should have correct haskell type" $ do fieldType `shouldBe` (FTTypeCon Nothing "HasDefaultIdId") it "should have correct sql type from PersistFieldSql" $ do sqlType (Proxy @SharedPrimaryKeyId) `shouldBe` SqlInt64 it "should have same sqlType as underlying record" $ do sqlType (Proxy @SharedPrimaryKeyId) `shouldBe` sqlType (Proxy @HasDefaultIdId) it "should be a coercible newtype" $ do coerce @Int64 3 `shouldBe` SharedPrimaryKeyKey (toSqlKey 3) describe "SharedPrimaryKeyWithCascade" $ do let EntityIdField FieldDef{..} = entityId (entityDef (Proxy @SharedPrimaryKeyWithCascade)) it "should have usual db name" $ do fieldDB `shouldBe` FieldNameDB "id" it "should have usual haskell name" $ do fieldHaskell `shouldBe` FieldNameHS "Id" it "should have correct underlying sql type" $ do fieldSqlType `shouldBe` SqlInt64 it "should have correct haskell type" $ do fieldType `shouldBe` FTApp (FTTypeCon Nothing "Key") (FTTypeCon Nothing "HasDefaultId") it "should have cascade in field def" $ do fieldCascade `shouldBe` noCascade { fcOnDelete = Just Cascade } describe "OnCascadeDelete" $ do let subject :: FieldDef Just subject = List.find ((FieldNameHS "person" ==) . fieldHaskell) $ entityFields $ simpleCascadeDef simpleCascadeDef = entityDef (Proxy :: Proxy HasSimpleCascadeRef) expected = FieldCascade { fcOnDelete = Just Cascade , fcOnUpdate = Nothing } describe "entityDef" $ do it "works" $ do simpleCascadeDef `shouldBe` EntityDef { entityHaskell = EntityNameHS "HasSimpleCascadeRef" , entityDB = EntityNameDB "HasSimpleCascadeRef" , entityId = EntityIdField FieldDef { fieldHaskell = FieldNameHS "Id" , fieldDB = FieldNameDB "id" , fieldType = FTTypeCon Nothing "HasSimpleCascadeRefId" , fieldSqlType = SqlInt64 , fieldReference = NoReference , fieldAttrs = [] , fieldStrict = True , fieldComments = Nothing , fieldCascade = noCascade , fieldGenerated = Nothing , fieldIsImplicitIdColumn = True } , entityAttrs = [] , entityFields = [ FieldDef { fieldHaskell = FieldNameHS "person" , fieldDB = FieldNameDB "person" , fieldType = FTTypeCon Nothing "PersonId" , fieldSqlType = SqlInt64 , fieldAttrs = [] , fieldStrict = True , fieldReference = ForeignRef (EntityNameHS "Person") , fieldCascade = FieldCascade { fcOnUpdate = Nothing, fcOnDelete = Just Cascade } , fieldComments = Nothing , fieldGenerated = Nothing , fieldIsImplicitIdColumn = False } ] , entityUniques = [] , entityForeigns = [] , entityDerives = ["Show", "Eq"] , entityExtra = mempty , entitySum = False , entityComments = Nothing } it "has the cascade on the field def" $ do fieldCascade subject `shouldBe` expected it "doesn't have any extras" $ do entityExtra simpleCascadeDef `shouldBe` mempty describe "hasNaturalKey" $ do let subject :: PersistEntity a => Proxy a -> Bool subject p = hasNaturalKey (entityDef p) it "is True for Primary keyword" $ do subject (Proxy @HasPrimaryDef) `shouldBe` True it "is True for multiple Primary columns " $ do subject (Proxy @HasMultipleColPrimaryDef) `shouldBe` True it "is False for Id keyword" $ do subject (Proxy @HasIdDef) `shouldBe` False it "is False for unspecified/default id" $ do subject (Proxy @HasDefaultId) `shouldBe` False describe "hasCompositePrimaryKey" $ do let subject :: PersistEntity a => Proxy a -> Bool subject p = hasCompositePrimaryKey (entityDef p) it "is False for Primary with single column" $ do subject (Proxy @HasPrimaryDef) `shouldBe` False it "is True for multiple Primary columns " $ do subject (Proxy @HasMultipleColPrimaryDef) `shouldBe` True it "is False for Id keyword" $ do subject (Proxy @HasIdDef) `shouldBe` False it "is False for unspecified/default id" $ do subject (Proxy @HasDefaultId) `shouldBe` False describe "JSON serialization" $ do prop "to/from is idempotent" $ \person -> decode (encode person) == Just (person :: Person) it "decode" $ decode "{\"name\":\"Michael\",\"age\":27,\"foo\":\"Bar\",\"address\":{\"street\":\"Narkis\",\"city\":\"Maalot\"}}" `shouldBe` Just (Person "Michael" (Just 27) Bar $ Address "Narkis" "Maalot" Nothing) describe "JSON serialization for Entity" $ do let key = PersonKey 0 prop "to/from is idempotent" $ \person -> decode (encode (Entity key person)) == Just (Entity key (person :: Person)) it "decode" $ decode "{\"id\": 0, \"name\":\"Michael\",\"age\":27,\"foo\":\"Bar\",\"address\":{\"street\":\"Narkis\",\"city\":\"Maalot\"}}" `shouldBe` Just (Entity key (Person "Michael" (Just 27) Bar $ Address "Narkis" "Maalot" Nothing)) it "lens operations" $ do let street1 = "street1" city1 = "city1" city2 = "city2" zip1 = Just 12345 address1 = Laddress street1 city1 zip1 address2 = Laddress street1 city2 zip1 name1 = "name1" age1 = Just 27 person1 = Lperson name1 age1 address1 person2 = Lperson name1 age1 address2 (person1 ^. lpersonAddress) `shouldBe` address1 (person1 ^. (lpersonAddress . laddressCity)) `shouldBe` city1 (person1 & ((lpersonAddress . laddressCity) .~ city2)) `shouldBe` person2 describe "Derived Show/Read instances" $ do -- This tests confirms https://github.com/yesodweb/persistent/issues/1104 remains fixed it "includes the name of the newtype when showing/reading a Key, i.e. uses the stock strategy when deriving Show/Read" $ do show (PersonKey 0) `shouldBe` "PersonKey {unPersonKey = SqlBackendKey {unSqlBackendKey = 0}}" read (show (PersonKey 0)) `shouldBe` PersonKey 0 show (CustomPrimaryKeyKey 0) `shouldBe` "CustomPrimaryKeyKey {unCustomPrimaryKeyKey = 0}" read (show (CustomPrimaryKeyKey 0)) `shouldBe` CustomPrimaryKeyKey 0 (&) :: a -> (a -> b) -> b x & f = f x (^.) :: s -> ((a -> Const a b) -> (s -> Const a t)) -> a x ^. lens = getConst $ lens Const x (.~) :: ((a -> Identity b) -> (s -> Identity t)) -> b -> s -> t lens .~ val = runIdentity . lens (\_ -> Identity val)