{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-} {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-top-binds #-} import MyInit import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import Data.Fixed import Data.IntMap (IntMap) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Time (Day, TimeOfDay, UTCTime(..), timeOfDayToTime, timeToTimeOfDay) import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (posixSecondsToUTCTime, utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds) import Database.Persist.Sql import Test.QuickCheck import qualified CompositeTest import qualified CustomPersistFieldTest import qualified CustomPrimaryKeyReferenceTest import qualified DataTypeTest import qualified EmbedOrderTest import qualified EmbedTest import qualified EmptyEntityTest import qualified EquivalentTypeTest import qualified HtmlTest import qualified InsertDuplicateUpdate import qualified LargeNumberTest import qualified MaxLenTest import qualified MaybeFieldDefsTest import qualified MigrationColumnLengthTest import qualified MigrationIdempotencyTest import qualified MigrationOnlyTest import qualified MpsCustomPrefixTest import qualified MpsNoPrefixTest import qualified PersistUniqueTest import qualified PersistentTest -- FIXME: Not used... should it be? -- import qualified PrimaryTest import qualified RawSqlTest import qualified ReadWriteTest import qualified Recursive -- TODO: can't use this as MySQL can't do DEFAULT CURRENT_DATE import qualified CustomConstraintTest import qualified ForeignKey import qualified GeneratedColumnTestSQL import qualified ImplicitUuidSpec import qualified JSONTest import qualified LongIdentifierTest import qualified RenameTest import qualified SumTypeTest import qualified TransactionLevelTest import qualified UniqueTest import qualified UpsertTest type Tuple a b = (a, b) -- Test lower case names share [mkPersist persistSettings, mkMigrate "dataTypeMigrate"] [persistLowerCase| DataTypeTable no-json text Text textMaxLen Text maxlen=100 bytes ByteString bytesTextTuple (Tuple ByteString Text) bytesMaxLen ByteString maxlen=100 int Int intList [Int] intMap (IntMap Int) double Double bool Bool day Day pico Pico time TimeOfDay utc UTCTime -- For MySQL, provide extra tests for time fields with fractional seconds, -- since the default (used above) is to have no fractional part. This -- requires the server version to be at least 5.6.4, and should be switched -- off for older servers by defining OLD_MYSQL. timeFrac TimeOfDay sqltype=TIME(6) utcFrac UTCTime sqltype=DATETIME(6) |] instance Arbitrary (DataTypeTableGeneric backend) where arbitrary = DataTypeTable <$> arbText -- text <*> (T.take 100 <$> arbText) -- textManLen <*> arbitrary -- bytes <*> liftA2 (,) arbitrary arbText -- bytesTextTuple <*> (BS.take 100 <$> arbitrary) -- bytesMaxLen <*> arbitrary -- int <*> arbitrary -- intList <*> arbitrary -- intMap <*> arbitrary -- double <*> arbitrary -- bool <*> arbitrary -- day <*> arbitrary -- pico <*> (truncateTimeOfDay =<< arbitrary) -- time <*> (truncateUTCTime =<< arbitrary) -- utc <*> (truncateTimeOfDay =<< arbitrary) -- timeFrac <*> (truncateUTCTime =<< arbitrary) -- utcFrac setup :: (HasCallStack, MonadUnliftIO m) => Migration -> ReaderT SqlBackend m () setup migration = do printMigration migration _ <- runMigrationUnsafe migration pure () main :: IO () main = do runConn $ do mapM_ setup [ PersistentTest.testMigrate , PersistentTest.noPrefixMigrate , PersistentTest.customPrefixMigrate , EmbedTest.embedMigrate , EmbedOrderTest.embedOrderMigrate , LargeNumberTest.numberMigrate , UniqueTest.uniqueMigrate , MaxLenTest.maxlenMigrate , MaybeFieldDefsTest.maybeFieldDefMigrate , Recursive.recursiveMigrate , CompositeTest.compositeMigrate , PersistUniqueTest.migration , RenameTest.migration , CustomPersistFieldTest.customFieldMigrate , InsertDuplicateUpdate.duplicateMigrate , MigrationIdempotencyTest.migration , CustomPrimaryKeyReferenceTest.migration , MigrationColumnLengthTest.migration , TransactionLevelTest.migration -- , LongIdentifierTest.migration , ForeignKey.compositeMigrate ] PersistentTest.cleanDB ForeignKey.cleanDB hspec $ do ImplicitUuidSpec.spec xdescribe "This is pending on MySQL because you can't have DEFAULT CURRENT_DATE" $ do RenameTest.specsWith db DataTypeTest.specsWith db (Just (runMigrationSilent dataTypeMigrate)) [ TestFn "text" dataTypeTableText , TestFn "textMaxLen" dataTypeTableTextMaxLen , TestFn "bytes" dataTypeTableBytes , TestFn "bytesTextTuple" dataTypeTableBytesTextTuple , TestFn "bytesMaxLen" dataTypeTableBytesMaxLen , TestFn "int" dataTypeTableInt , TestFn "intList" dataTypeTableIntList , TestFn "intMap" dataTypeTableIntMap , TestFn "bool" dataTypeTableBool , TestFn "day" dataTypeTableDay , TestFn "time" (roundTime . dataTypeTableTime) , TestFn "utc" (roundUTCTime . dataTypeTableUtc) , TestFn "timeFrac" (dataTypeTableTimeFrac) , TestFn "utcFrac" (dataTypeTableUtcFrac) ] [ ("pico", dataTypeTablePico) ] dataTypeTableDouble HtmlTest.specsWith db (Just (runMigrationSilent HtmlTest.htmlMigrate)) EmbedTest.specsWith db EmbedOrderTest.specsWith db LargeNumberTest.specsWith db UniqueTest.specsWith db MaybeFieldDefsTest.specsWith db MaxLenTest.specsWith db Recursive.specsWith db SumTypeTest.specsWith db (Just (runMigrationSilent SumTypeTest.sumTypeMigrate)) MigrationOnlyTest.specsWith db (Just $ do void $ rawExecute "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS referencing;" [] void $ rawExecute "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS two_field;" [] void $ runMigrationSilent MigrationOnlyTest.migrateAll1 void $ runMigrationSilent MigrationOnlyTest.migrateAll2 ) PersistentTest.specsWith db PersistentTest.filterOrSpecs db ReadWriteTest.specsWith db RawSqlTest.specsWith db UpsertTest.specsWith db UpsertTest.Don'tUpdateNull UpsertTest.UpsertPreserveOldKey ForeignKey.specsWith db MpsNoPrefixTest.specsWith db MpsCustomPrefixTest.specsWith db EmptyEntityTest.specsWith db (Just (runMigrationSilent EmptyEntityTest.migration)) CompositeTest.specsWith db PersistUniqueTest.specsWith db CustomPersistFieldTest.specsWith db CustomPrimaryKeyReferenceTest.specsWith db InsertDuplicateUpdate.specs MigrationColumnLengthTest.specsWith db EquivalentTypeTest.specsWith db TransactionLevelTest.specsWith db MigrationIdempotencyTest.specsWith db CustomConstraintTest.specs db -- TODO: implement automatic truncation for too long foreign keys, so we can run this test. xdescribe "The migration for this test currently fails because of MySQL's 64 character limit for identifiers. See https://github.com/yesodweb/persistent/issues/1000 for details" $ LongIdentifierTest.specsWith db GeneratedColumnTestSQL.specsWith db JSONTest.specs roundFn :: RealFrac a => a -> Integer roundFn = round roundTime :: TimeOfDay -> TimeOfDay roundTime t = timeToTimeOfDay $ fromIntegral $ roundFn $ timeOfDayToTime t roundUTCTime :: UTCTime -> UTCTime roundUTCTime t = posixSecondsToUTCTime $ fromIntegral $ roundFn $ utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds t