{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans -fno-warn-missing-fields #-}
-- | This module provides utilities for creating backends. Regular users do not
-- need to use this module.
module Database.Persist.TH
    ( mkPersist
    , share
    , persist
    , persistFile
    , share2
    , mkSave
    , mkDeleteCascade
    , derivePersistField
    , mkMigrate
    ) where

import Database.Persist.Base
import Database.Persist.GenericSql (Migration, SqlPersist, migrate)
import Database.Persist.Quasi (parse)
import Database.Persist.Util (deprecate, nullable)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
import Data.Char (toLower, toUpper)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, catMaybes)
import Web.Routes.Quasi (SinglePiece (..))
import Control.Monad (forM)
import Control.Monad.IO.Control (MonadControlIO)
import qualified System.IO as SIO
import Data.Text (pack)
import qualified Data.Text.Read
import qualified Data.Text as T

-- | Converts a quasi-quoted syntax into a list of entity definitions, to be
-- used as input to the template haskell generation code (mkPersist).
persist :: QuasiQuoter
persist = QuasiQuoter
    { quoteExp = lift . parse

persistFile :: FilePath -> Q Exp
persistFile fp = do
    h <- qRunIO $ SIO.openFile fp SIO.ReadMode
    qRunIO $ SIO.hSetEncoding h SIO.utf8_bom
    s <- qRunIO $ SIO.hGetContents h
    lift $ parse s

-- | Create data types and appropriate 'PersistEntity' instances for the given
-- 'EntityDef's. Works well with the persist quasi-quoter.
mkPersist :: [EntityDef] -> Q [Dec]
mkPersist = fmap concat . mapM mkEntity

recName :: String -> String -> String
recName dt f = lowerFirst dt ++ upperFirst f

lowerFirst :: String -> String
lowerFirst (x:xs) = toLower x : xs
lowerFirst [] = []

upperFirst :: String -> String
upperFirst (x:xs) = toUpper x : xs
upperFirst [] = []

dataTypeDec :: EntityDef -> Dec
dataTypeDec t =
    let name = mkName $ entityName t
        cols = map (mkCol $ entityName t) $ entityColumns t
     in DataD [] name [] [RecC name cols] $ map mkName $ entityDerives t
    mkCol x (n, ty, as) =
        (mkName $ recName x n, NotStrict, pairToType (ty, nullable as))

keyTypeDec :: String -> Name -> EntityDef -> Dec
keyTypeDec constr typ t =
    NewtypeInstD [] ''Key [ConT $ mkName $ entityName t]
                (RecC (mkName constr) [(mkName $ "un" ++ entityName t ++ "Id", NotStrict, ConT typ)])
                [''Show, ''Read, ''Eq, ''PersistField, ''SinglePiece, ''Ord]

filterTypeDec :: EntityDef -> Dec
filterTypeDec t =
    DataInstD [] ''Filter [ConT $ mkName $ entityName t]
            (NormalC (mkName $ entityName t ++ "IdIn") [(NotStrict, listOfIds)]
            : map (mkFilter $ entityName t) filts)
            (if null filts then [] else [''Show, ''Read, ''Eq])
    listOfIds = ListT `AppT` (ConT ''Key `AppT` ConT (mkName $ entityName t))
    filts = entityFilters t

entityFilters :: EntityDef -> [(String, String, Bool, PersistFilter)]
entityFilters = mapMaybe go' . concatMap go . entityColumns
    go (x, y, as) = map (\a -> (x, y, nullable as, a)) as
    go' (x, y, z, a) =
        case readMay a of
            Nothing -> Nothing
            Just a' -> Just (x, y, z, a')

readMay :: Read a => String -> Maybe a
readMay s =
    case reads s of
        (x, _):_ -> Just x
        [] -> Nothing

isFilterList :: PersistFilter -> Bool
isFilterList In = True
isFilterList NotIn = True
isFilterList _ = False

mkFilter :: String -> (String, String, Bool, PersistFilter) -> Con
mkFilter x (s, ty, isNull', filt) =
    NormalC (mkName $ x ++ upperFirst s ++ show filt) [(NotStrict, ty'')]
    ty' = pairToType (ty, isNull' && isNullableFilter filt)
    ty'' = if isFilterList filt then ListT `AppT` ty' else ty'
    isNullableFilter Eq = True
    isNullableFilter Ne = True
    isNullableFilter In = True
    isNullableFilter NotIn = True
    isNullableFilter Lt = False
    isNullableFilter Le = False
    isNullableFilter Gt = False
    isNullableFilter Ge = False

updateTypeDec :: EntityDef -> Dec
updateTypeDec t =
    DataInstD [] ''Update [ConT $ mkName $ entityName t]
        (map (mkUpdate $ entityName t) tu)
        (if null tu then [] else [''Show, ''Read, ''Eq])
    tu = entityUpdates t

entityUpdates :: EntityDef -> [(String, String, Bool, PersistUpdate)]
entityUpdates = mapMaybe go' . concatMap go . entityColumns
    go (x, y, as) = map (\a -> (x, y, nullable as, a)) as
    go' (x, y, z, "update") =
        deprecate "'update' is deprecated; please use 'Update'"
            $ Just (x, y, z, Update)
    go' (x, y, z, a) =
        case readMay a of
            Nothing -> Nothing
            Just a' -> Just (x, y, z, a')

mkUpdate :: String -> (String, String, Bool, PersistUpdate) -> Con
mkUpdate x (s, ty, isBool, pu) =
    NormalC (mkName $ updateConName x s pu) [(NotStrict, pairToType (ty, isBool))]

orderTypeDec :: EntityDef -> Q Dec
orderTypeDec t = do
    ords <- entityOrders t
    return $ DataInstD [] ''Order [ConT $ mkName $ entityName t]
            (map (mkOrder $ entityName t) ords)
            (if null ords then [] else [''Show, ''Read, ''Eq])

entityOrders :: EntityDef -> Q [(String, String, Exp)]
entityOrders = fmap concat . mapM go . entityColumns
    go (x, _, ys) = fmap catMaybes $ mapM (go' x) ys
    go' x s =
        case reads s of
            (y, _):_ -> do
                z <- lift (y :: PersistOrder)
                return $ Just (x, s, z)
            _ -> return Nothing

mkOrder :: String -> (String, String, Exp) -> Con
mkOrder x (s, ad, _) = NormalC (mkName $ x ++ upperFirst s ++ ad) []

uniqueTypeDec :: EntityDef -> Dec
uniqueTypeDec t =
    DataInstD [] ''Unique [ConT $ mkName $ entityName t]
            (map (mkUnique t) $ entityUniques t)
            (if null (entityUniques t) then [] else [''Show, ''Read, ''Eq])

mkUnique :: EntityDef -> (String, [String]) -> Con
mkUnique t (constr, fields) =
    NormalC (mkName constr) types
    types = map (go . flip lookup3 (entityColumns t)) fields
    go (_, True) = error "Error: cannot have nullables in unique"
    go x = (NotStrict, pairToType x)
    lookup3 s [] =
        error $ "Column not found: " ++ s ++ " in unique " ++ constr
    lookup3 x ((x', y, z):rest)
        | x == x' = (y, nullable z)
        | otherwise = lookup3 x rest

pairToType :: (String, Bool) -> Type
pairToType (s, False) = ConT $ mkName s
pairToType (s, True) = ConT (mkName "Maybe") `AppT` ConT (mkName s)

degen :: [Clause] -> [Clause]
degen [] =
    let err = VarE (mkName "error") `AppE` LitE (StringL
                "Degenerate case, should never happen")
     in [Clause [WildP] (NormalB err) []]
degen x = x

mkToPersistFields :: [(String, Int)] -> Q Dec
mkToPersistFields pairs = do
    clauses <- mapM go pairs
    return $ FunD (mkName "toPersistFields") $ degen clauses
    go :: (String, Int) -> Q Clause
    go (constr, fields) = do
        xs <- sequence $ replicate fields $ newName "x"
        let pat = ConP (mkName constr) $ map VarP xs
        sp <- [|SomePersistField|]
        let bod = ListE $ map (AppE sp . VarE) xs
        return $ Clause [pat] (NormalB bod) []

mkToFieldNames :: [(String, [String])] -> Dec
mkToFieldNames pairs =
        FunD (mkName "persistUniqueToFieldNames") $ degen $ map go pairs
    go (constr, names) =
        Clause [RecP (mkName constr) []]
               (NormalB $ ListE $ map (LitE . StringL) names)

mkToUpdate :: String -> [(String, PersistUpdate)] -> Q Dec
mkToUpdate name pairs = do
    pairs' <- mapM go pairs
    return $ FunD (mkName name) $ degen pairs'
    go (constr, pu) = do
        pu' <- lift pu
        return $ Clause [RecP (mkName constr) []] (NormalB pu') []

mkUniqueToValues :: [(String, [String])] -> Q Dec
mkUniqueToValues pairs = do
    pairs' <- mapM go pairs
    return $ FunD (mkName "persistUniqueToValues") $ degen pairs'
    go :: (String, [String]) -> Q Clause
    go (constr, names) = do
        xs <- mapM (const $ newName "x") names
        let pat = ConP (mkName constr) $ map VarP xs
        tpv <- [|toPersistValue|]
        let bod = ListE $ map (AppE tpv . VarE) xs
        return $ Clause [pat] (NormalB bod) []

mkToFieldName :: String -> [(String, String)] -> Dec
mkToFieldName func pairs =
        FunD (mkName func) $ degen $ map go pairs
    go (constr, name) =
        Clause [RecP (mkName constr) []] (NormalB $ LitE $ StringL name) []

mkToOrder :: [(String, Exp)] -> Dec
mkToOrder pairs =
        FunD (mkName "persistOrderToOrder") $ degen $ map go pairs
    go (constr, val) =
        Clause [RecP (mkName constr) []] (NormalB val) []

mkToFilter :: EntityDef -> [(String, PersistFilter, Bool)] -> Q [Dec]
mkToFilter e pairs = do
    c1 <- mapM go pairs
    idIn' <- idIn
    let _FIXMEc2 = concatMap go' pairs
        [ FunD (mkName "persistFilterToFilter") $ idIn' : c1
    idIn = do
        in_ <- [|In|]
        return $ Clause
            [RecP (mkName $ entityName e ++ "IdIn") []]
            (NormalB in_)
    go (constr, pf, _) = do
        pf' <- lift pf
        return $ Clause [RecP (mkName constr) []] (NormalB pf') []
    go' (constr, _, False) =
        [Clause [RecP (mkName constr) []]
            (NormalB $ ConE $ mkName "False") []]
    go' (constr, _, True) =
        [ Clause [ConP (mkName constr) [ConP (mkName "Nothing") []]]
            (NormalB $ ConE $ mkName "True") []
        , Clause [ConP (mkName constr) [WildP]]
            (NormalB $ ConE $ mkName "False") []

mkToValue :: String -> [String] -> Dec
mkToValue func = FunD (mkName func) . degen . map go
    go constr =
        let x = mkName "x"
         in Clause [ConP (mkName constr) [VarP x]]
                   (NormalB $ VarE (mkName "toPersistValue") `AppE` VarE x)

mkToFiltValue :: EntityDef -> String -> [(String, Bool)] -> Q Dec
mkToFiltValue e func pairs = do
    left <- [|Left . toPersistValue|]
    right <- [|Right . map toPersistValue|]
    clauses <- mapM (go left right) pairs
    inId' <- inId right
    return $ FunD (mkName func) $ (inId' : clauses)
    inId right = do
        x <- newName "x"
        return $ Clause
            [ConP (mkName $ entityName e ++ "IdIn") [VarP x]]
            (NormalB $ right `AppE` VarE x)
    go left right (constr, isList) = do
        x <- newName "x"
            $ Clause [ConP (mkName constr) [VarP x]]
                (NormalB $ (if isList then right else left) `AppE` VarE x)

mkHalfDefined :: String -> Int -> Dec
mkHalfDefined constr count' =
        FunD (mkName "halfDefined")
            [Clause [] (NormalB
            $ foldl AppE (ConE $ mkName constr)
                    (replicate count' $ VarE $ mkName "undefined")) []]

apE :: Either x (y -> z) -> Either x y -> Either x z
apE (Left x) _ = Left x
apE _ (Left x) = Left x
apE (Right f) (Right y) = Right $ f y

mkFromPersistValues :: EntityDef -> Q [Clause]
mkFromPersistValues t = do
    nothing <- [|Left "Invalid fromPersistValues input"|]
    let cons = ConE $ mkName $ entityName t
    xs <- mapM (const $ newName "x") $ entityColumns t
    fs <- [|fromPersistValue|]
    let xs' = map (AppE fs . VarE) xs
    let pat = ListP $ map VarP xs
    ap' <- [|apE|]
    just <- [|Right|]
    let cons' = just `AppE` cons
        [ Clause [pat] (NormalB $ foldl (go ap') cons' xs') []
        , Clause [WildP] (NormalB nothing) []
    go ap' x y = InfixE (Just x) ap' (Just y)

mkEntity :: EntityDef -> Q [Dec]
mkEntity t = do
    t' <- lift t
    let name = entityName t
    let clazz = ConT ''PersistEntity `AppT` ConT (mkName $ entityName t)
    tpf <- mkToPersistFields [(name, length $ entityColumns t)]
    fpv <- mkFromPersistValues t
    utv <- mkUniqueToValues $ entityUniques t
    entityOrders' <- entityOrders t
    otd <- orderTypeDec t
    puk <- mkUniqueKeys t
    tf <- mkToFilter t
                (map (\(x, _, z, y) ->
                    (name ++ upperFirst x ++ show y, y, z))
                $ entityFilters t)
    ftv <- mkToFiltValue t "persistFilterToValue"
                $ map (\(x, _, _, y) ->
                    (name ++ upperFirst x ++ show y, isFilterList y))
                $ entityFilters t
    putu <- mkToUpdate "persistUpdateToUpdate"
                $ map (\(s, _, _, pu) -> (updateConName name s pu, pu))
                $ entityUpdates t
      [ dataTypeDec t
      , TySynD (mkName $ entityName t ++ "Id") [] $
            ConT ''Key `AppT` ConT (mkName $ entityName t)
      , InstanceD [] clazz $
        [ keyTypeDec (entityName t ++ "Id") ''PersistValue t
        , filterTypeDec t
        , updateTypeDec t
        , otd
        , uniqueTypeDec t
        , FunD (mkName "entityDef") [Clause [WildP] (NormalB t') []]
        , tpf
        , FunD (mkName "fromPersistValues") fpv
        , mkHalfDefined name $ length $ entityColumns t
        , FunD (mkName "toPersistKey") [Clause [] (NormalB $ ConE $ mkName $ entityName t ++ "Id") []]
        , FunD (mkName "fromPersistKey") [Clause [] (NormalB $ VarE $ mkName $ "un" ++ entityName t ++ "Id") []]
        , mkToFieldName "persistOrderToFieldName"
                $ map (\(x, y, _) -> (name ++ upperFirst x ++ y, x))
        , mkToOrder
                $ map (\(x, y, z) -> (name ++ upperFirst x ++ y, z))
        , mkToFieldName "persistUpdateToFieldName"
                $ map (\(s, _, _, pu) -> (updateConName name s pu, s))
                $ entityUpdates t
        , mkToValue "persistUpdateToValue"
                $ map (\(s, _, _, pu) -> updateConName name s pu)
                $ entityUpdates t
        , putu
        , mkToFieldName "persistFilterToFieldName"
                $ (:) (entityName t ++ "IdIn", "id")
                $ map (\(x, _, _, y) -> (name ++ upperFirst x ++ show y, x))
                $ entityFilters t
        , ftv
        , mkToFieldNames $ entityUniques t
        , utv
        , puk
        ] ++ tf

updateConName :: String -> String -> PersistUpdate -> String
updateConName name s pu = concat
    [ name
    , upperFirst s
    , case pu of
        Update -> ""
        _ -> show pu

share :: [[EntityDef] -> Q [Dec]] -> [EntityDef] -> Q [Dec]
share fs x = fmap concat $ mapM ($ x) fs

share2 :: ([EntityDef] -> Q [Dec])
       -> ([EntityDef] -> Q [Dec])
       -> [EntityDef]
       -> Q [Dec]
share2 f g x = do
    y <- f x
    z <- g x
    return $ y ++ z

mkSave :: String -> [EntityDef] -> Q [Dec]
mkSave name' defs' = do
    let name = mkName name'
    defs <- lift defs'
    return [ SigD name $ ListT `AppT` ConT ''EntityDef
           , FunD name [Clause [] (NormalB defs) []]

data Dep = Dep
    { depTarget :: String
    , depSourceTable :: String
    , depSourceField :: String
    , depSourceNull :: Bool

mkDeleteCascade :: [EntityDef] -> Q [Dec]
mkDeleteCascade defs = do
    let deps = concatMap getDeps defs
    mapM (go deps) defs
    getDeps :: EntityDef -> [Dep]
    getDeps def =
        concatMap getDeps' $ entityColumns def
        getDeps' (name, typ, attribs) =
            let isNull = nullable attribs
                l = length typ
                (f, b) = splitAt (l - 2) typ
             in if b == "Id"
                    then return Dep
                            { depTarget = f
                            , depSourceTable = entityName def
                            , depSourceField = name
                            , depSourceNull = isNull
                    else []
    go :: [Dep] -> EntityDef -> Q Dec
    go allDeps EntityDef{entityName = name} = do
        let deps = filter (\x -> depTarget x == name) allDeps
        key <- newName "key"
        del <- [|delete|]
        dcw <- [|deleteCascadeWhere|]
        just <- [|Just|]
        let mkStmt dep = NoBindS
                $ dcw `AppE`
                    [ ConE (mkName filtName) `AppE` val (depSourceNull dep)
                filtName =
                    depSourceTable dep ++ upperFirst (depSourceField dep)
                      ++ "Eq"
                val False = VarE key
                val True = just `AppE` VarE key

        let stmts = map mkStmt deps ++ [NoBindS $ del `AppE` VarE key]
        return $
            (ConT ''DeleteCascade `AppT` ConT (mkName name))
            [ FunD (mkName "deleteCascade")
                [Clause [VarP key] (NormalB $ DoE stmts) []]

mkUniqueKeys :: EntityDef -> Q Dec
mkUniqueKeys def = do
    c <- clause
    return $ FunD (mkName "persistUniqueKeys") [c]
    clause = do
        xs <- forM (entityColumns def) $ \(x, _, _) -> do
            x' <- newName $ '_' : x
            return (x, x')
        let pcs = map (go xs) $ entityUniques def
        let pat = ConP (mkName $ entityName def) $ map (VarP . snd) xs
        return $ Clause [pat] (NormalB $ ListE pcs) []
    go xs (name, cols) =
        foldl (go' xs) (ConE (mkName name)) cols
    go' xs front col =
        let Just col' = lookup col xs
         in front `AppE` VarE col'

-- | Automatically creates a valid 'PersistField' instance for any datatype
-- that has valid 'Show' and 'Read' instances. Can be very convenient for
-- 'Enum' types.
derivePersistField :: String -> Q [Dec]
derivePersistField s = do
    ss <- [|SqlString|]
    tpv <- [|PersistText . pack . show|]
    fpv <- [|\dt v ->
                case fromPersistValue v of
                    Left e -> Left e
                    Right s' ->
                        case reads s' of
                            (x, _):_ -> Right x
                            [] -> Left $ "Invalid " ++ dt ++ ": " ++ s'|]
        [ InstanceD [] (ConT ''PersistField `AppT` ConT (mkName s))
            [ FunD (mkName "sqlType")
                [ Clause [WildP] (NormalB ss) []
            , FunD (mkName "toPersistValue")
                [ Clause [] (NormalB tpv) []
            , FunD (mkName "fromPersistValue")
                [ Clause [] (NormalB $ fpv `AppE` LitE (StringL s)) []

-- | Creates a single function to perform all migrations for the entities
-- defined here. One thing to be aware of is dependencies: if you have entities
-- with foreign references, make sure to place those definitions after the
-- entities they reference.
mkMigrate :: String -> [EntityDef] -> Q [Dec]
mkMigrate fun defs = do
    body' <- body
        [ SigD (mkName fun) typ
        , FunD (mkName fun) [Clause [] (NormalB body') []]
    typ = ForallT [PlainTV $ mkName "m"]
            [ ClassP ''MonadControlIO [VarT $ mkName "m"]
            $ ConT ''Migration `AppT` (ConT ''SqlPersist `AppT` VarT (mkName "m"))
    body :: Q Exp
    body =
        case defs of
            [] -> [|return ()|]
            _ -> DoE `fmap` mapM toStmt defs
    toStmt :: EntityDef -> Q Stmt
    toStmt ed = do
        let n = entityName ed
        u <- [|undefined|]
        m <- [|migrate|]
        let u' = SigE u $ ConT $ mkName n
        return $ NoBindS $ m `AppE` u'

instance Lift EntityDef where
    lift (EntityDef a b c d e) = do
        x <- [|EntityDef|]
        a' <- lift a
        b' <- lift b
        c' <- lift c
        d' <- lift d
        e' <- lift e
        return $ x `AppE` a' `AppE` b' `AppE` c' `AppE` d' `AppE` e'

instance Lift PersistFilter where
    lift Eq = [|Eq|]
    lift Ne = [|Ne|]
    lift Gt = [|Gt|]
    lift Lt = [|Lt|]
    lift Ge = [|Ge|]
    lift Le = [|Le|]
    lift In = [|In|]
    lift NotIn = [|NotIn|]

instance Lift PersistOrder where
    lift Asc = [|Asc|]
    lift Desc = [|Desc|]

instance Lift PersistUpdate where
    lift Update = [|Update|]
    lift Add = [|Add|]
    lift Subtract = [|Subtract|]
    lift Multiply = [|Multiply|]
    lift Divide = [|Divide|]

instance SinglePiece PersistValue where
    fromSinglePiece t =
        case Data.Text.Read.signed Data.Text.Read.decimal t of
            Right (i, t')
                | T.null t' -> Just $ PersistInt64 i
            _ -> Just $ PersistText t
    toSinglePiece x =
        case fromPersistValue x of
            Left e -> error e
            Right y -> y