persistent- Type-safe, multi-backend data serialization.
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Welcome to persistent!

This library intends to provide an easy, flexible, and convenient interface to various data storage backends. Backends include SQL databases, like mysql, postgresql, and sqlite, as well as NoSQL databases, like mongodb and redis.

If you intend on using a SQL database, then check out Database.Persist.Sql.


Defining Database Models

persistent lets you define your database models using a special syntax. This syntax allows you to customize the resulting Haskell datatypes and database schema. See Database.Persist.Quasi for details on that definition language.

Reference Schema & Dataset

For a quick example of the syntax, we'll introduce this database schema, and we'll use it to explain the update and filter combinators.

share [mkPersist sqlSettings, mkMigrate "migrateAll"] [persistLowerCase|
    name String
    age Int
    deriving Show

This creates a Haskell datatype that looks like this:

data User = User
    { userName :: String
    , userAge :: Int
    deriving Show

In a SQL database, we'd get a migration like this:

     name  TEXT NOT NULL,
     age   INT NOT NULL

The examples below will refer to this as dataset-1.

|id   |name |age  |
|1    |SPJ  |40   |
|2    |Simon|41   |

Database Operations

The module Database.Persist.Class defines how to operate with persistent database models. Check that module out for basic operations, like get, insert, and selectList.


This module re-export contains a lot of the important types for working with persistent datatypes and underlying values.

Query Operators

A convention that persistent tries to follow is that operators on Database types correspond to a Haskell (or database) operator with a . character at the end. So to do a || b , you'd write a ||. b. To

Query update combinators

These operations are used when performing updates against the database. Functions like upsert use them to provide new or modified values.

(=.) :: forall v typ. PersistField typ => EntityField v typ -> typ -> Update v infixr 3 Source #

Assign a field a value.


updateAge :: MonadIO m => ReaderT SqlBackend m ()
updateAge = updateWhere [UserName ==. "SPJ" ] [UserAge =. 45]

Similar to updateWhere which is shown in the above example you can use other functions present in the module Database.Persist.Class. Note that the first parameter of updateWhere is [Filter val] and second parameter is [Update val]. By comparing this with the type of ==. and =., you can see that they match up in the above usage.

The above query when applied on dataset-1, will produce this:

|id   |name |age     |
|1    |SPJ  |40 -> 45|
|2    |Simon|41      |

(+=.) :: forall v typ. PersistField typ => EntityField v typ -> typ -> Update v infixr 3 Source #

Assign a field by addition (+=).


addAge :: MonadIO m => ReaderT SqlBackend m ()
addAge = updateWhere [UserName ==. "SPJ" ] [UserAge +=. 1]

The above query when applied on dataset-1, will produce this:

|id   |name |age      |
|1    |SPJ  |40 -> 41 |
|2    |Simon|41       |

(-=.) :: forall v typ. PersistField typ => EntityField v typ -> typ -> Update v infixr 3 Source #

Assign a field by subtraction (-=).


subtractAge :: MonadIO m => ReaderT SqlBackend m ()
subtractAge = updateWhere [UserName ==. "SPJ" ] [UserAge -=. 1]

The above query when applied on dataset-1, will produce this:

|id   |name |age      |
|1    |SPJ  |40 -> 39 |
|2    |Simon|41       |

(*=.) :: forall v typ. PersistField typ => EntityField v typ -> typ -> Update v infixr 3 Source #

Assign a field by multiplication (*=).


multiplyAge :: MonadIO m => ReaderT SqlBackend m ()
multiplyAge = updateWhere [UserName ==. "SPJ" ] [UserAge *=. 2]

The above query when applied on dataset-1, will produce this:

|id   |name |age     |
|1    |SPJ  |40 -> 80|
|2    |Simon|41      |

(/=.) :: forall v typ. PersistField typ => EntityField v typ -> typ -> Update v infixr 3 Source #

Assign a field by division (/=).


divideAge :: MonadIO m => ReaderT SqlBackend m ()
divideAge = updateWhere [UserName ==. "SPJ" ] [UserAge /=. 2]

The above query when applied on dataset-1, will produce this:

|id   |name |age      |
|1    |SPJ  |40 -> 20 |
|2    |Simon|41       |

Query filter combinators

These functions are useful in the PersistQuery class, like selectList, updateWhere, etc.

(==.) :: forall v typ. PersistField typ => EntityField v typ -> typ -> Filter v infix 4 Source #

Check for equality.


selectSPJ :: MonadIO m => ReaderT SqlBackend m [Entity User]
selectSPJ = selectList [UserName ==. "SPJ" ] []

The above query when applied on dataset-1, will produce this:

|id   |name |age  |
|1    |SPJ  |40   |

(!=.) :: forall v typ. PersistField typ => EntityField v typ -> typ -> Filter v infix 4 Source #

Non-equality check.


selectSimon :: MonadIO m => ReaderT SqlBackend m [Entity User]
selectSimon = selectList [UserName !=. "SPJ" ] []

The above query when applied on dataset-1, will produce this:

|id   |name |age  |
|2    |Simon|41   |

(<.) :: forall v typ. PersistField typ => EntityField v typ -> typ -> Filter v infix 4 Source #

Less-than check.


selectLessAge :: MonadIO m => ReaderT SqlBackend m [Entity User]
selectLessAge = selectList [UserAge <. 41 ] []

The above query when applied on dataset-1, will produce this:

|id   |name |age  |
|1    |SPJ  |40   |

(>.) :: forall v typ. PersistField typ => EntityField v typ -> typ -> Filter v infix 4 Source #

Greater-than check.


selectGreaterAge :: MonadIO m => ReaderT SqlBackend m [Entity User]
selectGreaterAge = selectList [UserAge >. 40 ] []

The above query when applied on dataset-1, will produce this:

|id   |name |age  |
|2    |Simon|41   |

(<=.) :: forall v typ. PersistField typ => EntityField v typ -> typ -> Filter v infix 4 Source #

Less-than or equal check.


selectLessEqualAge :: MonadIO m => ReaderT SqlBackend m [Entity User]
selectLessEqualAge = selectList [UserAge <=. 40 ] []

The above query when applied on dataset-1, will produce this:

|id   |name |age  |
|1    |SPJ  |40   |

(>=.) :: forall v typ. PersistField typ => EntityField v typ -> typ -> Filter v infix 4 Source #

Greater-than or equal check.


selectGreaterEqualAge :: MonadIO m => ReaderT SqlBackend m [Entity User]
selectGreaterEqualAge = selectList [UserAge >=. 41 ] []

The above query when applied on dataset-1, will produce this:

|id   |name |age  |
|2    |Simon|41   |

(<-.) :: forall v typ. PersistField typ => EntityField v typ -> [typ] -> Filter v infix 4 Source #

Check if value is in given list.


selectUsers :: MonadIO m => ReaderT SqlBackend m [Entity User]
selectUsers = selectList [UserAge <-. [40, 41]] []

The above query when applied on dataset-1, will produce this:

|id   |name |age  |
|1    |SPJ  |40   |
|2    |Simon|41   |
selectSPJ :: MonadIO m => ReaderT SqlBackend m [Entity User]
selectSPJ = selectList [UserAge <-. [40]] []

The above query when applied on dataset-1, will produce this:

|id   |name |age  |
|1    |SPJ  |40   |

(/<-.) :: forall v typ. PersistField typ => EntityField v typ -> [typ] -> Filter v infix 4 Source #

Check if value is not in given list.


selectSimon :: MonadIO m => ReaderT SqlBackend m [Entity User]
selectSimon = selectList [UserAge /<-. [40]] []

The above query when applied on dataset-1, will produce this:

|id   |name |age  |
|2    |Simon|41   |

(||.) :: forall v. [Filter v] -> [Filter v] -> [Filter v] infixl 3 Source #

The OR of two lists of filters. For example:

    ([ PersonAge >. 25
     , PersonAge <. 30 ] ||.
     [ PersonIncome >. 15000
     , PersonIncome <. 25000 ])

will filter records where a person's age is between 25 and 30 or a person's income is between (15000 and 25000).

If you are looking for an (&&.) operator to do (A AND B AND (C OR D)) you can use the (++) operator instead as there is no (&&.). For example:

    ([ PersonAge >. 25
     , PersonAge <. 30 ] ++
    ([PersonCategory ==. 1] ||.
     [PersonCategory ==. 5]))

will filter records where a person's age is between 25 and 30 and (person's category is either 1 or 5).

JSON Utilities

listToJSON :: [PersistValue] -> Text Source #

Convert list of PersistValues into textual representation of JSON object. This is a type-constrained synonym for toJsonText.

mapToJSON :: [(Text, PersistValue)] -> Text Source #

Convert map (list of tuples) into textual representation of JSON object. This is a type-constrained synonym for toJsonText.

toJsonText :: ToJSON j => j -> Text Source #

A more general way to convert instances of ToJSON type class to strict text Text.

getPersistMap :: PersistValue -> Either Text [(Text, PersistValue)] Source #

FIXME Add documentation to that.

Other utilities

limitOffsetOrder :: PersistEntity val => [SelectOpt val] -> (Int, Int, [SelectOpt val]) Source #

FIXME What's this exactly?