module Network.PeyoTLS.Codec (
ContType(..), PrtVrsn(..),
CipherSuite(..), KeyEx(..), BulkEnc(..), CmpMtd(..),
HSAlg(..), SignAlg(..), HashAlg(..),
Handshake(HCCSpec, HHelloReq), HandshakeItem(..),
ClHello(..), SvHello(..), SssnId(..),
Extension(..), isRnInfo, emptyRnInfo,
SvKeyEx(..), SvKeyExDhe(..), SvKeyExEcdhe(..),
CertReq(..), certReq, ClCertType(..),
SHDone(..), ClKeyEx(..), Epms(..),
) where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import Control.Monad (unless)
import Data.Word (Word8, Word16)
import Data.Word.Word24 (Word24)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.X509 as X509
import qualified Codec.Bytable.BigEndian as B
import qualified Crypto.PubKey.DH as DH
import qualified Crypto.Types.PubKey.ECC as ECC
import Network.PeyoTLS.Codec.Hello (
ClHello(..), SvHello(..), PrtVrsn(..), SssnId(..),
CipherSuite(..), KeyEx(..), BulkEnc(..),
CmpMtd(..), HSAlg(..), HashAlg(..), SignAlg(..),
Extension(..), isRnInfo, emptyRnInfo )
import Network.PeyoTLS.Codec.Certificate (
CertReq(..), certReq, ClCertType(..), ClKeyEx(..), DigitSigned(..) )
modNm :: String
modNm = "Network.PeyoTLS.Types"
data Handshake
= HCCSpec | HHelloReq
| HClHello ClHello | HSvHello SvHello
| HCert X509.CertificateChain | HSvKeyEx BS.ByteString
| HCertReq CertReq | HSHDone
| HCertVer DigitSigned | HClKeyEx ClKeyEx
| HFinished BS.ByteString | HRaw Type BS.ByteString
deriving Show
instance B.Bytable Handshake where
decode = B.evalBytableM B.parse; encode = encodeH
instance B.Parsable Handshake where
parse = (,) <$> B.take 1 <*> B.take 3 >>= \(t, l) -> case t of
THelloReq -> const HHelloReq <$>
unless (l == 0) (fail $ modNm ++ ": Handshake.parse")
TClHello -> HClHello <$> B.take l
TSvHello -> HSvHello <$> B.take l
TCert -> HCert <$> B.take l
TSvKeyEx -> HSvKeyEx <$> B.take l
TCertReq -> HCertReq <$> B.take l
TSHDone -> const HSHDone <$>
unless (l == 0) (fail $ modNm ++ ": Handshake.parse")
TCertVer -> HCertVer <$> B.take l
TClKeyEx -> HClKeyEx <$> B.take l
TFinished -> HFinished <$> B.take l
_ -> HRaw t <$> B.take l
encodeH :: Handshake -> BS.ByteString
encodeH HHelloReq = encodeH $ HRaw THelloReq ""
encodeH (HClHello ch) = encodeH . HRaw TClHello $ B.encode ch
encodeH (HSvHello sh) = encodeH . HRaw TSvHello $ B.encode sh
encodeH (HCert crts) = encodeH . HRaw TCert $ B.encode crts
encodeH (HSvKeyEx ske) = encodeH $ HRaw TSvKeyEx ske
encodeH (HCertReq cr) = encodeH . HRaw TCertReq $ B.encode cr
encodeH HSHDone = encodeH $ HRaw TSHDone ""
encodeH (HCertVer ds) = encodeH . HRaw TCertVer $ B.encode ds
encodeH (HClKeyEx epms) = encodeH . HRaw TClKeyEx $ B.encode epms
encodeH (HFinished bs) = encodeH $ HRaw TFinished bs
encodeH (HRaw t bs) = B.encode t `BS.append` B.addLen w24 bs
encodeH HCCSpec = B.encode CCSpec
class HandshakeItem hi where
fromHandshake :: Handshake -> Maybe hi; toHandshake :: hi -> Handshake
instance HandshakeItem Handshake where fromHandshake = Just; toHandshake = id
instance (HandshakeItem l, HandshakeItem r) => HandshakeItem (Either l r) where
fromHandshake hs = let l = fromHandshake hs; r = fromHandshake hs in
maybe (Right <$> r) (Just . Left) l
toHandshake (Left l) = toHandshake l
toHandshake (Right r) = toHandshake r
data CCSpec = CCSpec | CCSpecRaw Word8 deriving Show
instance HandshakeItem CCSpec where
fromHandshake HCCSpec = Just CCSpec
fromHandshake _ = Nothing
toHandshake CCSpec = HCCSpec
toHandshake (CCSpecRaw _) = error $ modNm ++ ": CCSpec.toHandshake"
instance B.Bytable CCSpec where
decode bs = case BS.unpack bs of
[1] -> Right CCSpec
[w] -> Right $ CCSpecRaw w
_ -> Left $ modNm ++ ": CCSpec.decode"
encode CCSpec = BS.pack [1]
encode (CCSpecRaw w) = BS.pack [w]
instance HandshakeItem ClHello where
fromHandshake (HClHello ch) = Just ch
fromHandshake _ = Nothing
toHandshake = HClHello
instance HandshakeItem SvHello where
fromHandshake (HSvHello sh) = Just sh
fromHandshake _ = Nothing
toHandshake = HSvHello
instance HandshakeItem X509.CertificateChain where
fromHandshake (HCert cc) = Just cc
fromHandshake _ = Nothing
toHandshake = HCert
data SvKeyEx = SvKeyEx BS.ByteString BS.ByteString HashAlg SignAlg BS.ByteString
deriving Show
instance HandshakeItem SvKeyEx where
fromHandshake = undefined
toHandshake = HSvKeyEx . B.encode
instance B.Bytable SvKeyEx where
decode = undefined
encode (SvKeyEx ps pv h s sn) = BS.concat [
ps, pv, B.encode h, B.encode s, B.addLen w16 sn ]
data SvKeyExDhe = SvKeyExDhe DH.Params DH.PublicNumber HashAlg SignAlg BS.ByteString
deriving Show
instance HandshakeItem SvKeyExDhe where
fromHandshake (HSvKeyEx ske) = either (const Nothing) Just $ B.decode ske
fromHandshake _ = Nothing
toHandshake = HSvKeyEx . B.encode
instance B.Bytable SvKeyExDhe where
encode (SvKeyExDhe ps pn h s sn) = BS.concat [
B.encode ps, B.encode pn, B.encode h, B.encode s, B.addLen w16 sn ]
decode = B.evalBytableM B.parse
instance B.Parsable SvKeyExDhe where
parse = SvKeyExDhe <$> B.parse <*> B.parse
<*> B.parse <*> B.parse <*> (B.take =<< B.take 2)
data SvKeyExEcdhe = SvKeyExEcdhe ECC.Curve ECC.Point HashAlg SignAlg BS.ByteString
deriving Show
instance HandshakeItem SvKeyExEcdhe where
fromHandshake (HSvKeyEx ske) = either (const Nothing) Just $ B.decode ske
fromHandshake _ = Nothing
toHandshake = HSvKeyEx . B.encode
instance B.Bytable SvKeyExEcdhe where
encode (SvKeyExEcdhe cv pnt h s sn) = BS.concat [
B.encode cv, B.encode pnt, B.encode h, B.encode s, B.addLen w16 sn ]
decode = B.evalBytableM B.parse
instance B.Parsable SvKeyExEcdhe where
parse = SvKeyExEcdhe <$> B.parse <*> B.parse
<*> B.parse <*> B.parse <*> (B.take =<< B.take 2)
instance HandshakeItem CertReq where
fromHandshake (HCertReq cr) = Just cr
fromHandshake _ = Nothing
toHandshake = HCertReq
data SHDone = SHDone deriving Show
instance HandshakeItem SHDone where
fromHandshake HSHDone = Just SHDone
fromHandshake _ = Nothing
toHandshake _ = HSHDone
instance HandshakeItem DigitSigned where
fromHandshake (HCertVer ds) = Just ds
fromHandshake _ = Nothing
toHandshake = HCertVer
instance HandshakeItem ClKeyEx where
fromHandshake (HClKeyEx cke) = Just cke
fromHandshake _ = Nothing
toHandshake = HClKeyEx
data Epms = Epms BS.ByteString
instance HandshakeItem Epms where
fromHandshake (HClKeyEx (ClKeyEx cke)) =
case B.runBytableM (B.take =<< B.take 2) cke of
Right (e, "") -> Just $ Epms e
_ -> Nothing
fromHandshake _ = Nothing
toHandshake (Epms epms) = HClKeyEx . ClKeyEx $ B.addLen w16 epms
data Finished = Finished BS.ByteString deriving (Show, Eq)
instance HandshakeItem Finished where
fromHandshake (HFinished f) = Just $ Finished f
fromHandshake _ = Nothing
toHandshake (Finished f) = HFinished f
data Type
= THelloReq | TClHello | TSvHello | TCert | TSvKeyEx | TCertReq | TSHDone
| TCertVer | TClKeyEx | TFinished | TRaw Word8 deriving Show
instance B.Bytable Type where
decode bs = case BS.unpack bs of
[0] -> Right THelloReq
[1] -> Right TClHello
[2] -> Right TSvHello
[11] -> Right TCert
[12] -> Right TSvKeyEx
[13] -> Right TCertReq
[14] -> Right TSHDone
[15] -> Right TCertVer
[16] -> Right TClKeyEx
[20] -> Right TFinished
[ht] -> Right $ TRaw ht
_ -> Left $ modNm ++ ": Type.decode"
encode THelloReq = BS.pack [0]
encode TClHello = BS.pack [1]
encode TSvHello = BS.pack [2]
encode TCert = BS.pack [11]
encode TSvKeyEx = BS.pack [12]
encode TCertReq = BS.pack [13]
encode TSHDone = BS.pack [14]
encode TCertVer = BS.pack [15]
encode TClKeyEx = BS.pack [16]
encode TFinished = BS.pack [20]
encode (TRaw w) = BS.pack [w]
w16 :: Word16; w16 = undefined
w24 :: Word24; w24 = undefined