{-| This module encapsulates knowledge about the SQL commands and the Hasql interface.
module PgRecorder.Database
  ( callProcedure
  , listen
  , unlisten
  , waitForNotifications
  , PgIdentifier
  , toPgIdentifier
  ) where

import Protolude
import Hasql.Pool (Pool, UsageError, use)
import Hasql.Session (query)
import Hasql.Query (statement)
import Hasql.Connection (Connection, withLibPQConnection)
import qualified Hasql.Decoders as HD
import qualified Hasql.Encoders as HE
import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.LibPQ      as PQ
import Data.Either.Combinators
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Data.ByteString.Search (replace)
import Data.Functor.Contravariant (contramap)

newtype Error = NotifyError Text deriving Show

-- | A wrapped bytestring that represents a properly escaped and quoted PostgreSQL identifier
newtype PgIdentifier = PgIdentifier ByteString deriving (Show)

-- | Given a PgIdentifier returns the wrapped bytestring
fromPgIdentifier :: PgIdentifier -> ByteString
fromPgIdentifier (PgIdentifier bs) = bs

-- | Given a bytestring returns a properly quoted and escaped PgIdentifier
toPgIdentifier :: ByteString -> PgIdentifier
toPgIdentifier x = PgIdentifier $ "\"" <> strictlyReplaceQuotes (trimNullChars x) <> "\""
    trimNullChars :: ByteString -> ByteString
    trimNullChars = B.takeWhile (/= '\x0')
    strictlyReplaceQuotes :: ByteString -> ByteString
    strictlyReplaceQuotes = toS . replace "\"" ("\"\"" :: ByteString)

-- | Given a Hasql Pool, a channel and a message sends a notify command to the database
callProcedure :: Pool -> PgIdentifier -> ByteString -> ByteString -> IO (Either Error ())
callProcedure pool procedure channel mesg =
   mapError <$> use pool (query (toS channel, toS mesg) callStatement)
     mapError :: Either UsageError () -> Either Error ()
     mapError = mapLeft (NotifyError . show)
     callStatement = statement ("SELECT " <> fromPgIdentifier procedure <> "($1, $2)") encoder HD.unit False
     encoder = contramap fst (HE.value HE.text) <> contramap snd (HE.value HE.text)

-- | Given a Hasql Connection and a channel sends a listen command to the database
listen :: Connection -> PgIdentifier -> IO ()
listen con channel =
  void $ withLibPQConnection con execListen
    execListen pqCon = void $ PQ.exec pqCon $ "LISTEN " <> fromPgIdentifier channel

-- | Given a Hasql Connection and a channel sends a unlisten command to the database
unlisten :: Connection -> PgIdentifier -> IO ()
unlisten con channel =
  void $ withLibPQConnection con execListen
    execListen pqCon = void $ PQ.exec pqCon $ "UNLISTEN " <> fromPgIdentifier channel

{- | Given a function that handles notifications and a Hasql connection forks a thread that listens on the database connection and calls the handler everytime a message arrives.

   The message handler passed as first argument needs two parameters channel and payload.

waitForNotifications :: (ByteString -> ByteString -> IO()) -> Connection -> IO ()
waitForNotifications sendNotification con =
  withLibPQConnection con $ void . forever . pqFetch
    pqFetch pqCon = do
      mNotification <- PQ.notifies pqCon
      case mNotification of
        Nothing -> do
          mfd <- PQ.socket pqCon
          case mfd of
            Nothing  -> panic "Error checking for PostgreSQL notifications"
            Just fd -> do
              void $ threadWaitRead fd
              void $ PQ.consumeInput pqCon
        Just notification ->
           sendNotification (PQ.notifyRelname notification) (PQ.notifyExtra notification)