Safe Haskell | Unsafe |
This module provides functions on PhaseChangeable data which can break referential transparency if used incorrectly. For safe functions, see Data.PhaseChange. To write an instance, see Data.PhaseChange.Impl.
- unsafeThaw :: (Immutable imm, MonadST mST, s ~ World mST) => imm -> mST (Thawed imm s)
- unsafeFreeze :: (Mutable mut, MonadST mST, s ~ World mST) => mut s -> mST (Frozen mut)
- readWith :: Immutable imm => (forall s. Thawed imm s -> ST s a) -> imm -> a
- unsafeThaw1 :: (PhaseChange (imm a) (M1 mut a), MonadST mST, s ~ World mST) => imm a -> mST (mut s a)
- unsafeFreeze1 :: (PhaseChange (imm a) (M1 mut a), MonadST mST, s ~ World mST) => mut s a -> mST (imm a)
- readWith1 :: PhaseChange (imm a) (M1 mut a) => (forall s. mut s a -> ST s b) -> imm a -> b
- unsafeThaw2 :: (PhaseChange (imm a b) (M2 mut a b), MonadST mST, s ~ World mST) => imm a b -> mST (mut s a b)
- unsafeFreeze2 :: (PhaseChange (imm a b) (M2 mut a b), MonadST mST, s ~ World mST) => mut s a b -> mST (imm a b)
- readWith2 :: PhaseChange (imm a b) (M2 mut a b) => (forall s. mut s a b -> ST s c) -> imm a b -> c
Unsafe functions
unsafeThaw :: (Immutable imm, MonadST mST, s ~ World mST) => imm -> mST (Thawed imm s)Source
Returns the input argument viewed as a mutable type. The input argument must not be used afterwards.
unsafeFreeze :: (Mutable mut, MonadST mST, s ~ World mST) => mut s -> mST (Frozen mut)Source
Returns the input argument viewed as an immutable type. The input argument must not be used afterwards.
readWith :: Immutable imm => (forall s. Thawed imm s -> ST s a) -> imm -> aSource
Read a value from immutable data with a reading-computation on mutable data. This function is referentially transparent as long as the computation does not mutate its input argument, but there is no way to enforce this.
Convenience functions for working with M1
unsafeThaw1 :: (PhaseChange (imm a) (M1 mut a), MonadST mST, s ~ World mST) => imm a -> mST (mut s a)Source
unsafeFreeze1 :: (PhaseChange (imm a) (M1 mut a), MonadST mST, s ~ World mST) => mut s a -> mST (imm a)Source
readWith1 :: PhaseChange (imm a) (M1 mut a) => (forall s. mut s a -> ST s b) -> imm a -> bSource
Convenience functions for working with M2
unsafeThaw2 :: (PhaseChange (imm a b) (M2 mut a b), MonadST mST, s ~ World mST) => imm a b -> mST (mut s a b)Source
unsafeFreeze2 :: (PhaseChange (imm a b) (M2 mut a b), MonadST mST, s ~ World mST) => mut s a b -> mST (imm a b)Source
readWith2 :: PhaseChange (imm a b) (M2 mut a b) => (forall s. mut s a b -> ST s c) -> imm a b -> cSource