name: phasechange category: Data version: 0.1 author: Gábor Lehel maintainer: Gábor Lehel homepage: copyright: Copyright (C) 2012 Gábor Lehel license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE stability: experimental cabal-version: >= 1.10 build-type: Simple synopsis: Freezing, thawing, and copy elision description: This library provides a class for types which present the same underlying data in both an immutable (frozen) as well as a mutable (thawed) form, and various functions to manipulate them. Some of the functions allow for copy elision. . Instances are provided for the array types from the @primitive@, @array@, and @vector@ packages, but this is mainly for completeness: there is nothing these instances do which @vector@ doesn't already do better. The main purpose, rather, is to assist new types, for instance types whose implementation relies on destructive-update foreign imports, and cases when writing a full stream fusion framework isn't practical. . There are three modules: . [Data.PhaseChange] This module exports the class without its methods, together with functions which guarantee referential transparency (provided that instances are well-behaved). This is the module you should normally import to work with PhaseChangeable data. . [Data.PhaseChange.Unsafe] This module exports functions which can break referential transparency if they are used improperly. Be careful. . [Data.PhaseChange.Impl] This module exports the class along with its methods. Import it if you want to define a new instance. source-repository head type: git location: git:// library default-language: Haskell98 other-extensions: CPP, MagicHash, Rank2Types, TypeFamilies, UnboxedTuples, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses impl(ghc >= 7.4): other-extensions: Trustworthy, ConstraintKinds impl(ghc >= 7.6): other-extensions: Unsafe build-depends: base >= 4.4 && < 4.6, ghc-prim, primitive == 0.4.*, -- newtype == 0.2.*, monad-st == 0.2.*, array == 0.4.*, vector == 0.9.* exposed-modules: Data.PhaseChange Data.PhaseChange.Unsafe Data.PhaseChange.Impl other-modules: Data.PhaseChange.Internal Data.PhaseChange.Instances include-dirs: . ghc-options: -Wall