{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude, BangPatterns, DeriveGeneric #-} module Phladiprelio.General.Simple where import GHC.Base import GHC.Enum (fromEnum) import GHC.Real (Integral,fromIntegral,(/),quot,rem,quotRem,round,gcd,(^)) import GHC.Word import GHC.Generics import Text.Show (Show(..)) import Phladiprelio.General.PrepareText import Phladiprelio.General.Syllables import Phladiprelio.General.Base import System.Environment (getArgs) import GHC.Num (Num,(+),(-),(*),Integer) import Text.Read (readMaybe) import System.IO (putStrLn, FilePath,stdout,universalNewlineMode,hSetNewlineMode,getLine,appendFile,readFile,writeFile,putStr) import Rhythmicity.MarkerSeqs hiding (id) import Data.List hiding (foldr) import Data.Ord (Down(..)) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe, catMaybes,isNothing,fromJust) import Data.Tuple (fst) import Data.Char (isDigit,isSpace) import CLI.Arguments import CLI.Arguments.Get import CLI.Arguments.Parsing import GHC.Int (Int8) import Data.Ord (comparing) import Phladiprelio.ConstraintsEncoded import Phladiprelio.PermutationsArr import Phladiprelio.StrictVG import Numeric (showFFloat) import Phladiprelio.Halfsplit import System.Directory (doesFileExist,readable,writable,getPermissions,Permissions(..),doesFileExist,getCurrentDirectory) import Data.ReversedScientific import Control.Concurrent.Async (mapConcurrently) import Data.MinMax1 (minMax11By) import Phladiprelio.Tests import Phladiprelio.General.Datatype3 import Phladiprelio.General.Distance import Phladiprelio.UniquenessPeriodsG import Data.ChooseLine import Control.DeepSeq generalF :: Int -- ^ A power of 10. The resulting distance using next ['Word8'] argument is quoted by 10 in this power. The default one is 0. The proper values are in the range [0..4]. -> Int -- ^ A 'length' of the next argument here. -> [Word8] -- ^ A list of non-negative values normed by 255 (the greatest of which is 255) that the line options are compared with. If null, then the program works as for version without this newly-introduced argument since the version The length of it must be a least common multiplier of the (number of syllables plus number of \'_digits\' groups) to work correctly. Is not used when the next 'FilePath' and 'String' arguments are not null. -> Bool -- ^ If 'True' then adds \"
\" to line endings for double column output -> FilePath -- ^ A path to the file to save double columns output to. If empty then just prints to 'stdout'. -> String -- ^ If not null than instead of rhythmicity evaluation using hashes and and feets, there is computed a diversity property for the specified 'String' here using the 'selectSounds' function. For more information, see: 'https://oleksandr-zhabenko.github.io/uk/rhythmicity/PhLADiPreLiO.Eng.21.html#types' -> (String -> String) -- ^ A function that specifies what 'Char's in the list the first argument makes to be the function sensitive to. Analogue of the @g@ function in the definition: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/phonetic-languages-simplified-examples-array- Use just small 'Char' if they are letters, do not use \'.\' and spaces. -> (String, String) -- ^ If the next element is not equal to -1, then the prepending and appending lines to be displayed. Used basically for working with the multiline textual input data. -> Int -- ^ The number of the line in the file to be read the lines from. If equal to -1 then neither reading from the file is done nor the first argument influences the processment results. -> GWritingSystemPRPLX -- ^ Data used to obtain the phonetic language representation of the text. -> [(Char,Char)] -- ^ The pairs of the 'Char' that corresponds to the similar phonetic languages consonant phenomenon (e. g. allophones). Must be sorted in the ascending order to be used correctly. -> CharPhoneticClassification -> SegmentRulesG -> String -- ^ Corresponds to the 100 delimiter in the @ukrainian-phonetics-basic-array@ package. -> String -- ^ Corresponds to the 101 delimiter in the @ukrainian-phonetics-basic-array@ package. -> ([[[PRS]]] -> [[Word8]]) -- ^ Since the version, here there are 'Word8' instead of 'Double'. If this function is @g@, then the module 'Phladiprelio.General.Datatype3' has corresponding function 'Phladiprelio.General.Datatype3.zippedDouble2Word8' to transform the previously used function into the new one. If you have the function used inside the @f::[[[PRS]]]->[[Double]]@ with main conversion semantically similar to the one by the link: 'https://hackage.haskell.org/package/ukrainian-phonetics-basic-array-', then you can use 'zippedDouble2Word8' to transform the main semantic kernel of [(PRS, Double)] into [(PRS, Word8)]. -> Int -> HashCorrections -> (Int8,[Int8]) -> Bool -> Int -- ^ The hashing function step. The default value is 20. Is expected to be greater than 2, and better greater than 12. -> Bool -> Int8 -> (FilePath, Int) -> Bool -- ^ In the testing mode, whether to execute computations in concurrent mode (for speed up) or in single thread. If specified needs the executable to be compiled with -rtsopts and -threaded options and run with the command line +RTS -N -RTS options. -> String -- ^ An initial string to be analyzed. -> [String] -> IO [String] generalF power10 ldc compards html dcfile selStr selFun (prestr,poststr) lineNmb wrs ks arr gs us vs h numTest hc (grps,mxms) descending hashStep emptyline splitting (fs, code) concurrently initstr universalSet | null universalSet = do let strOutput = ["You have specified the data and constraints on it that lead to no further possible options.", "Please, specify another data and constraints."] putStrLn . unlines $ strOutput return strOutput | length universalSet == 1 = do putStrLn . unlines $ universalSet return universalSet | otherwise = do let syllN = countSyll wrs arr us vs initstr f ldc compards grps mxms | null selStr = (if null compards then (sum . countHashes2G hashStep hc grps mxms) else ((`quot` 10^power10) . fromIntegral . sumAbsDistNorm compards)) . read3 (not . null . filter (not . isSpace)) 1.0 (mconcat . h . createSyllablesPL wrs ks arr gs us vs) | otherwise = fromIntegral . diverse2GGL (selectSounds selFun selStr) (us `mappend` vs) . concatMap string1 . stringToXG wrs . filter (\c -> not (isDigit c) && c /= '_' && c /= '=') hSetNewlineMode stdout universalNewlineMode if numTest >= 0 && numTest <= 179 && numTest /= 1 && null compards then testsOutput concurrently syllN f ldc numTest universalSet else let sRepresent = zipWith (\k (x, ys) -> S k x ys) [1..] . (if descending then sortOn (\(u,w) -> (Down u,w)) else sortOn id) . map (\xss -> (f ldc compards grps mxms xss, xss)) $ universalSet strOutput = force . (:[]) . halfsplit1G (\(S _ y _) -> y) (if html then "
" else "") (jjj splitting) $ sRepresent lns1 = unlines strOutput in do putStrLn lns1 if null dcfile then putStr "" else do doesFileExist dcfile >>= \exist -> if exist then do getPermissions dcfile >>= \perms -> if writable perms then writeFile dcfile lns1 else error $ "Phladiprelio.General.IO.generalF: File " `mappend` dcfile `mappend` " is not writable!" else do getCurrentDirectory >>= \currdir -> do getPermissions currdir >>= \perms -> if writable perms then writeFile dcfile lns1 else error $ "Phladiprelio.General.IO.generalF: Directory of the file " `mappend` dcfile `mappend` " is not writable!" let l1 = length sRepresent if code == -1 then if lineNmb == -1 then return strOutput else do print23 prestr poststr 1 [initstr] return strOutput else do print23 prestr poststr 1 [initstr] parseLineNumber l1 >>= \num -> do permiss <- getPermissions fs let writ = writable permiss readab = readable permiss if writ && readab then outputWithFile h wrs ks arr gs us vs selStr compards sRepresent code grps fs num else error "The specified file cannot be used for appending the text! Please, specify another file!" return [] where jjj kk = let (q1,r1) = quotRem kk (if kk < 0 then -10 else 10) in jjj' q1 r1 emptyline jjj' q1 r1 emptyline | r1 == (-1) || r1 == (-3) = -10*q1 + (if emptyline then -5 else r1) | r1 == 1 || r1 == 3 = 10*q1 + (if emptyline then 5 else r1) | r1 < 0 = -10*q1 + (if emptyline then -4 else r1) | otherwise = 10*q1 + (if emptyline then 4 else r1) data PhladiprelioGen = S Int Integer String deriving (Eq, Generic) instance Show PhladiprelioGen where show (S i j xs) = showBignum 7 j `mappend` " " `mappend` xs `mappend` " " `mappend` showWithSpaces 4 i instance NFData PhladiprelioGen countSyll :: GWritingSystemPRPLX -- ^ Data used to obtain the phonetic language representation of the text. -> CharPhoneticClassification -> String -- ^ Corresponds to the 100 delimiter in the @ukrainian-phonetics-basic-array@ package. -> String -- ^ Corresponds to the 101 delimiter in the @ukrainian-phonetics-basic-array@ package. -> String -> Int countSyll wrs arr us vs xs = numUnderscoresSyll + (fromEnum . foldr (\x y -> if createsSyllable x then y + 1 else y) 0 . concatMap (str2PRSs arr) . words1 . mapMaybe g . concatMap string1 . stringToXG wrs $ xs) where numUnderscoresSyll = length . filter (\xs -> let (ys,ts) = splitAt 1 xs in ys == "_" && all isDigit ts && not (null ts)) . groupBy (\x y -> x=='_' && isDigit y) $ xs g :: Char -> Maybe Char g x | x `elem` us = Nothing | x `notElem` vs = Just x | otherwise = Just ' ' words1 xs = if null ts then [] else w : words1 s'' -- Practically this is an optimized version for this case 'words' function from Prelude. where ts = dropWhile (== ' ') xs (w, s'') = break (== ' ') ts {-# NOINLINE words1 #-} stat1 :: Int -> (Int8,[Int8]) -> Int stat1 n (k, ks) = fst (n `quotRemInt` fromEnum k) * length ks outputSel :: PhladiprelioGen -> Int -> String outputSel (S x1 y1 ts) code | code < 0 = [] | code == 1 || code == 11 || code == 16 = intercalate " " [show x1, ts] `mappend` "\n" | code == 2 || code == 12 || code == 17 = intercalate " " [show y1, ts] `mappend` "\n" | code == 3 || code == 13 || code == 18 = intercalate " " [show x1, ts, show y1] `mappend` "\n" | code == 4 || code == 14 || code == 19 = intercalate " " [show x1, show y1] `mappend` "\n" | otherwise = ts `mappend` "\n" parseLineNumber :: Int -> IO Int parseLineNumber l1 = do putStrLn "Please, specify the number of the option to be written to the file specified: " number <- getLine let num = readMaybe (filter isDigit number)::Maybe Int if isNothing num || num > Just l1 || num == Just 0 then parseLineNumber l1 else return . fromJust $ num {-| Uses 'getArgs' inside to get the needed data from the command line arguments. Use with this in mind. -} argsProcessing :: GWritingSystemPRPLX -- ^ Data used to obtain the phonetic language representation of the text. -> [(Char,Char)] -- ^ The pairs of the 'Char' that corresponds to the similar phonetic languages consonant phenomenon (e. g. allophones). Must be sorted in the ascending order to be used correctly. -> CharPhoneticClassification -> SegmentRulesG -> String -- ^ Corresponds to the 100 delimiter in the @ukrainian-phonetics-basic-array@ package. -> String -- ^ Corresponds to the 101 delimiter in the @ukrainian-phonetics-basic-array@ package. -> ([[[PRS]]] -> [[Word8]]) -- ^ Since the version, here there are 'Word8' instead of 'Double'. If this function is @g@, then the module 'Phladiprelio.General.Datatype3' has corresponding function 'Phladiprelio.General.Datatype3.zippedDouble2Word8' to transform the previously used function into the new one. If you have the function used inside the @f::[[[PRS]]]->[[Double]]@ with main conversion semantically similar to the one by the link: 'https://hackage.haskell.org/package/ukrainian-phonetics-basic-array-', then you can use 'zippedDouble2Word8' to transform the main semantic kernel of [(PRS, Double)] into [(PRS, Word8)]. -> [[String]] -> [[String]] -> String -> IO (Int, Int, [Word8], Bool, FilePath, String, String, String, Int, Bool, Int8, FilePath, Int, Bool, String, [String]) -- ^ These ones are intended to be used inside 'generalF'. argsProcessing wrs ks arr gs us vs h ysss zsss xs = do args0 <- getArgs let (argsC, args) = takeCs1R ('+','-') cSpecs args0 (argsB, args11) = takeBsR bSpecs args compareByLinesFinalFile = concat . getB "-cm" $ argsB if not . null $ compareByLinesFinalFile then do compareFilesToOneCommon 14 args11 compareByLinesFinalFile return (0,0,[],False,[],[],[],[],0,False,0,[],0,False,[],[]) else do let prepare = any (== "-p") args11 emptyline = any (== "+l") args11 splitting = fromMaybe 50 (readMaybe (concat . getB "+w" $ argsB)::Maybe Int8) concurrently = any (== "-C") args11 dcspecs = getB "+dc" argsB (html,dcfile) | null dcspecs = (False, "") | otherwise = (head dcspecs == "1",last dcspecs) selStr = concat . getB "+ul" $ argsB filedata = getB "+f" argsB power10' = fromMaybe 0 (readMaybe (concat . getB "+q" $ argsB)::Maybe Int) power10 | power10' < 0 && power10' > 4 = 0 | otherwise = power10' (multiline2, multiline2LineNum) | oneB "+m3" argsB = let r1ss = getB "+m3" argsB in if length r1ss == 3 then let (kss,qss) = splitAt 2 r1ss in (kss, max 1 (fromMaybe 1 (readMaybe (concat qss)::Maybe Int))) else (r1ss, 1) | oneB "+m2" argsB = (getB "+m" argsB, max 1 (fromMaybe 1 (readMaybe (concat . getB "+m2" $ argsB)::Maybe Int))) | otherwise = (getB "+m" argsB, -1) (fileread,lineNmb) | null multiline2 = ("",-1) | length multiline2 == 2 = (head multiline2, fromMaybe 1 (readMaybe (last multiline2)::Maybe Int)) | otherwise = (head multiline2, 1) (arg3s,prestr,poststr,linecomp3) <- do if lineNmb /= -1 then do txtFromFile <- readFile fileread let lns = lines txtFromFile ll1 = length lns ln0 = max 1 (min lineNmb (length lns)) lm3 | multiline2LineNum < 1 = -1 | otherwise = max 1 . min multiline2LineNum $ ll1 linecomp3 | lm3 == -1 = [] | otherwise = lns !! (lm3 - 1) ln_1 | ln0 == 1 = 0 | otherwise = ln0 - 1 ln1 | ln0 == length lns = 0 | otherwise = ln0 + 1 lineF = lns !! (ln0 - 1) line_1F | ln_1 == 0 = [] | otherwise = lns !! (ln_1 - 1) line1F | ln1 == 0 = [] | otherwise = lns !! (ln1 - 1) return $ (words lineF, line_1F,line1F,linecomp3) else return (args11, [], [],[]) let line2comparewith | oneC "+l2" argsC || null linecomp3 = unwords . getC "+l2" $ argsC | otherwise = linecomp3 basecomp = force . read3 (not . null . filter (not . isSpace)) 1.0 (mconcat . h . createSyllablesPL wrs ks arr gs us vs) $ line2comparewith (filesave,codesave) | null filedata = ("",-1) | length filedata == 2 = (head filedata, fromMaybe 0 (readMaybe (last filedata)::Maybe Int)) | otherwise = (head filedata,0) ll = let maxWordsNum = (if any (== "+x") arg3s then 9 else 7) in take maxWordsNum . (if prepare then id else words . mconcat . prepareTextN maxWordsNum ysss zsss xs . unwords) $ arg3s l = length ll argCs = catMaybes (fmap (readMaybeECG l) . getC "+a" $ argsC) argCBs = unwords . getC "+b" $ argsC -- If you use the parenthese with +b ... -b then consider also using the quotation marks for the whole algebraic constraint. At the moment though it is still not working properly for parentheses functionality. The issue should be fixed in the further releases. !perms | not (null argCBs) = filterGeneralConv l argCBs . genPermutationsL $ l | null argCs = genPermutationsL l | otherwise = decodeLConstraints argCs . genPermutationsL $ l basiclineoption = unwords arg3s example = force . read3 (not . null . filter (not . isSpace)) 1.0 (mconcat . h . createSyllablesPL wrs ks arr gs us vs) . unwords $ arg3s le = length example lb = length basecomp gcd1 = gcd le lb ldc = le * lb `quot` gcd1 mulp = ldc `quot` lb -- max2 = maximum basecomp compards = force . concatMap (replicate mulp) $ basecomp variants1 = force . uniquenessVariants2GNBL ' ' id id id perms $ ll return (power10, ldc, compards, html, dcfile, selStr, prestr, poststr, lineNmb, emptyline, splitting, filesave, codesave, concurrently, basiclineoption, variants1) processingF :: (String -> String) -- ^ A function that specifies what 'Char's in the list the first argument makes to be the function sensitive to. Analogue of the @g@ function in the definition: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/phonetic-languages-simplified-examples-array- Use just small 'Char' if they are letters, do not use \'.\' and spaces. -> GWritingSystemPRPLX -- ^ Data used to obtain the phonetic language representation of the text. -> [(Char,Char)] -- ^ The pairs of the 'Char' that corresponds to the similar phonetic languages consonant phenomenon (e. g. allophones). Must be sorted in the ascending order to be used correctly. -> CharPhoneticClassification -> SegmentRulesG -> String -- ^ Corresponds to the 100 delimiter in the @ukrainian-phonetics-basic-array@ package. -> String -- ^ Corresponds to the 101 delimiter in the @ukrainian-phonetics-basic-array@ package. -> ([[[PRS]]] -> [[Word8]]) -- ^ Since the version, here there are 'Word8' instead of 'Double'. If this function is @g@, then the module 'Phladiprelio.General.Datatype3' has corresponding function 'Phladiprelio.General.Datatype3.zippedDouble2Word8' to transform the previously used function into the new one. If you have the function used inside the @f::[[[PRS]]]->[[Double]]@ with main conversion semantically similar to the one by the link: 'https://hackage.haskell.org/package/ukrainian-phonetics-basic-array-', then you can use 'zippedDouble2Word8' to transform the main semantic kernel of [(PRS, Double)] into [(PRS, Word8)]. -> Int -> HashCorrections -> (Int8,[Int8]) -> [[String]] -> [[String]] -> Bool -> Int -- ^ The hashing function step. The default value is 20. Is expected to be greater than 2, and better greater than 12. -> String -> IO () processingF selFun wrs ks arr gs us vs h numTest hc (grps,mxms) ysss zsss descending hashStep xs = argsProcessing wrs ks arr gs us vs h ysss zsss xs >>= \(power10, ldc, compards, html, dcfile, selStr, prestr, poststr, lineNmb, emptyline, splitting, filesave, codesave, concurrently, basiclineoption, variants1) -> generalF power10 ldc compards html dcfile selStr selFun (prestr,poststr) lineNmb wrs ks arr gs us vs h numTest hc (grps,mxms) descending hashStep emptyline splitting (filesave, codesave) concurrently basiclineoption variants1 >> return () {-# INLINE processingF #-} -- | Specifies the group of the command line arguments for 'processingF', which specifies the -- PhLADiPreLiO constraints. For more information, see: -- https://oleksandr-zhabenko.github.io/uk/rhythmicity/PhLADiPreLiO.Eng.21.html#constraints cSpecs :: CLSpecifications cSpecs = zip ["+a","+b","+l2"] . cycle $ [-1] bSpecs :: CLSpecifications bSpecs = [("+f",2),("+m",2),("+m2",2),("+m3",3),("+ul",1),("+w",1),("+dc",2),("+q",1),("-cm",1)] {-| 'selectSounds' converts the argument after \"+ul\" command line argument into a list of sound representations that is used for evaluation of \'uniqueness periods\' properties of the line. Is a modified Phonetic.Languages.Simplified.Array.General.FuncRep2RelatedG2.parsey0Choice from the @phonetic-languages-simplified-generalized-examples-array- package. -} selectSounds :: (String -> String) -- ^ A function that specifies what 'Char's in the list the first argument makes to be the function sensitive to. Analogue of the @g@ function in the definition: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/phonetic-languages-simplified-examples-array- Use just small 'Char' if they are letters, do not use \'.\' and spaces. -> String -> String selectSounds g xs = f . sortOn id . concatMap g . words . map (\c -> if c == '.' then ' ' else c) $ us where (_,us) = break (== '.') . filter (\c -> c /= 'H' && c /= 'G') $ xs f (x:ts@(y:_)) | x == y = f ts | otherwise = x:f ts f xs = xs -- | Internal part of the 'generalF' for processment in case of using tests mode. testsOutput :: (Show a1, Integral a1) => Bool -> Int -> (p -> [a2] -> Int8 -> [Int8] -> String -> a1) -> p -> Int -> [String] -> IO [String] testsOutput concurrently syllN f ldc numTest universalSet = do putStrLn "Feet Val Stat Proxim" (if concurrently then mapConcurrently else mapM) (\(q,qs) -> let m = stat1 syllN (q,qs) (min1,max1) = force . fromJust . minMax11By (comparing (f ldc [] q qs)) $ universalSet mx = f ldc [] q qs max1 strTest = (show (fromEnum q) `mappend` " | " `mappend` show mx `mappend` " " `mappend` show m `mappend` " -> " `mappend` showFFloat (Just 3) (100 * fromIntegral mx / fromIntegral m) "%" `mappend` (if rem numTest 10 >= 4 then -- let min1 = minimumBy (comparing (f ldc [] q qs)) universalSet in ("\n" `mappend` min1 `mappend` "\n" `mappend` max1 `mappend` "\n") else "")) in putStrLn strTest >> return strTest) . zip (sel2 numTest) $ (sel numTest) -- | Internal part of the 'generalF' for processment with a file. outputWithFile :: (Eq a1, Num a1) => ([[[PRS]]] -> [[Word8]]) -- ^ Since the version, here there are 'Word8' instead of 'Double'. If this function is @g@, then the module 'Phladiprelio.General.Datatype3' has corresponding function 'Phladiprelio.General.Datatype3.zippedDouble2Word8' to transform the previously used function into the new one. If you have the function used inside the @f::[[[PRS]]]->[[Double]]@ with main conversion semantically similar to the one by the link: 'https://hackage.haskell.org/package/ukrainian-phonetics-basic-array-', then you can use 'zippedDouble2Word8' to transform the main semantic kernel of [(PRS, Double)] into [(PRS, Word8)]. -> GWritingSystemPRPLX -- ^ Data used to obtain the phonetic language representation of the text. -> [(Char, Char)] -- ^ The pairs of the 'Char' that corresponds to the similar phonetic languages consonant phenomenon (e. g. allophones). Must be sorted in the ascending order to be used correctly. -> CharPhoneticClassification -> SegmentRulesG -> String -- ^ Corresponds to the 100 delimiter in the @ukrainian-phonetics-basic-array@ package. -> String -- ^ Corresponds to the 101 delimiter in the @ukrainian-phonetics-basic-array@ package. -> String -- ^ If not null than instead of rhythmicity evaluation using hashes and and feets, there is computed a diversity property for the specified 'String' here using the 'selectSounds' function. For more information, see: 'https://oleksandr-zhabenko.github.io/uk/rhythmicity/PhLADiPreLiO.Eng.21.html#types' -> [Word8] -- ^ A list of non-negative values normed by 255 (the greatest of which is 255) that the line options are compared with. If null, then the program works as for version without this newly-introduced argument since the version The length of it must be a least common multiplier of the (number of syllables plus number of \'_digits\' groups) to work correctly. Is not used when the next 'FilePath' and 'String' arguments are not null. -> [PhladiprelioGen] -> Int -> a1 -> FilePath -- ^ A file to be probably added output parts to. -> Int -> IO () outputWithFile h wrs ks arr gs us vs selStr compards sRepresent code grps fs num | mBool && code >= 10 && code <= 19 && grps == 2 = putStrLn (mconcat [textP, "\n", breaks, "\n", show rs]) >> appendF ((if code >= 15 then mconcat [show rs, "\n", breaks, "\n"] else "") `mappend` outputS) | otherwise = appendF outputS where mBool = null selStr && null compards appendF = appendFile fs lineOption = head . filter (\(S k _ _) -> k == num) $ sRepresent textP = (\(S _ _ ts) -> ts) lineOption outputS = outputSel lineOption code qqs = readEq4 (mconcat . h . createSyllablesPL wrs ks arr gs us vs) (map (map charS) . mconcat . createSyllablesPL wrs ks arr gs us vs) . basicSplit $ textP (breaks,rs) = showZerosFor2PeriodMusic qqs