-- | -- Module : Languages.UniquenessPeriods.Vector.StrictVG -- Copyright : (c) OleksandrZhabenko 2020 -- License : MIT -- Stability : Experimental -- Maintainer : olexandr543@yahoo.com -- -- Generalization of the DobutokO.Poetry.StrictV module functionality from -- the @dobutokO-poetry-general@ package. -- Can be used to get possible permutations of no more than 7 substructures -- in the 'F.Foldable' structure separated with the elements of the \"whitespace symbols\" -- structure. {-# LANGUAGE CPP, BangPatterns, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses #-} module Languages.UniquenessPeriods.Vector.StrictVG ( universalSetG , result , resultB , uniquenessVariants2GN , uniquenessVariants2GNB , uniquenessVariants2GNP , uniquenessVariants2GNPB , genPermutations , genPermutationsV ) where import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as V import qualified Data.Vector as VB import qualified Data.List as L (permutations) import Languages.UniquenessPeriods.Vector.DataG import qualified Data.Foldable as F import Data.SubG import Data.Monoid -- | A generalized variant of the 'uniquenessVariants2GN' function from the @uniqueness-periods-vector-common@ package which, moreover, allows to specify the used permutations. uniquenessVariants2GNB :: (Eq a, Foldable t, InsertLeft t a, Monoid (t a), Monoid (t (t a)), Ord b, Foldable t2) => a -- ^ The first most common element in the \"whitespace symbols\" structure -> (t a -> VB.Vector a) -- ^ The function that is used internally to convert to the boxed 'VB.Vector' of @a@ so that the function can process further the permutations -> ((t (t a)) -> VB.Vector (VB.Vector a)) -- ^ The function that is used internally to convert to the boxed 'VB.Vector' of 'VB.Vector' of @a@ so that the function can process further -> (VB.Vector a -> t a) -- ^ The function that is used internally to convert from the boxed 'VB.Vector' of @a@ so that the function can process further -> VB.Vector (VB.Vector Int) -- ^ The list of permutations of 'Int' indices starting from 0 and up to n (n is probably less than 8). -> VB.Vector (t2 b -> b) -> FuncRep (t a) (VB.Vector c) (t2 b) -- ^ It includes the defined earlier variant with data constructor 'D2', but additionally allows to use just single argument with data constructor 'U1' -> t (t a) -- ^ Must be obtained as 'subG' @whspss xs@ -> VB.Vector (t2 b,VB.Vector b, t a) uniquenessVariants2GNB !hd f1 f2 f3 perms vN frep !subs = uniquenessVariants2GNPB mempty mempty hd f1 f2 f3 perms vN frep subs {-# INLINE uniquenessVariants2GNB #-} -- | A variant of the 'uniquenessVariants2GNB' with the usage of the 'V.Vector' @c@ (an unboxed one) instead of the boxed variant 'VB.Vector' @c@. If @c@ is an instance of the -- 'V.Unboxed' class then possibly it can be better from the performance point of view to use this variant. uniquenessVariants2GN :: (Eq a, Foldable t, InsertLeft t a, Monoid (t a), Monoid (t (t a)), Ord b, Foldable t2) => a -- ^ The first most common element in the whitespace symbols structure -> (t a -> VB.Vector a) -- ^ The function that is used internally to convert to the boxed 'VB.Vector' of @a@ so that the function can process further the permutations -> ((t (t a)) -> VB.Vector (VB.Vector a)) -- ^ The function that is used internally to convert to the boxed 'VB.Vector' of 'VB.Vector' of @a@ so that the function can process further -> (VB.Vector a -> t a) -- ^ The function that is used internally to convert from the boxed 'VB.Vector' of @a@ so that the function can process further -> VB.Vector (VB.Vector Int) -- ^ The list of permutations of 'Int' indices starting from 0 and up to n (n is probably less than 8). -> VB.Vector (t2 b -> b) -> FuncRep (t a) (V.Vector c) (t2 b) -- ^ It includes the defined earlier variant with data constructor 'D2', but additionally allows to use just single argument with data constructor 'U1' -> t (t a) -- ^ Must be obtained as 'subG' @whspss xs@ -> VB.Vector (t2 b,VB.Vector b, t a) uniquenessVariants2GN !hd f1 f2 f3 perms vN frep !subs = uniquenessVariants2GNP mempty mempty hd f1 f2 f3 perms vN frep subs {-# INLINE uniquenessVariants2GN #-} -- | Generalized variant of 'uniquenessVariants2GN' with prepending and appending @[a]@ (given as the first and the second argument). uniquenessVariants2GNPB :: (Eq a, Foldable t, InsertLeft t a, Monoid (t a), Monoid (t (t a)), Ord b, Foldable t2) => t a -> t a -> a -- ^ The first most common element in the whitespace symbols structure -> (t a -> VB.Vector a) -- ^ The function that is used internally to convert to the boxed 'VB.Vector' of @a@ so that the function can process further the permutations -> ((t (t a)) -> VB.Vector (VB.Vector a)) -- ^ The function that is used internally to convert to the boxed 'VB.Vector' of 'VB.Vector' of @a@ so that the function can process further -> (VB.Vector a -> t a) -- ^ The function that is used internally to convert from the boxed 'VB.Vector' of @a@ so that the function can process further -> VB.Vector (VB.Vector Int) -- ^ The list of permutations of 'Int' indices starting from 0 and up to n (n is probably less than 7). -> VB.Vector (t2 b -> b) -> FuncRep (t a) (VB.Vector c) (t2 b) -- ^ Since version it includes the previous variant with data constructor 'D2', but additionally allows to use just single argument with data constructor 'U1' -> t (t a) -- ^ Must be obtained as @subG whspss xs@ -> VB.Vector (t2 b,VB.Vector b, t a) uniquenessVariants2GNPB !ts !us !hd f1 f2 f3 perms vN frep !subs | F.null subs = VB.empty | otherwise = let !uss = (hd %@ us) %^ mempty !baseV = VB.map (hd `VB.cons`) . f2 $ subs !ns = universalSetG ts uss f1 f2 perms baseV in VB.map (resultB f3 vN frep) ns -- | Is used internally in the 'uniquenessVariants2GNPB', 'uniquenessVariants2GNP' and related functions. A key point of the evaluation -- the universal set of the task represented as a -- 'VB.Vector' of 'VB.Vector' of @a@. universalSetG :: (Eq a, Foldable t, InsertLeft t a, Monoid (t a), Monoid (t (t a))) => t a -> t (t a) -> (t a -> VB.Vector a) -- ^ The function that is used internally to convert to the boxed 'VB.Vector' of @a@ so that the function can process further the permutations -> ((t (t a)) -> VB.Vector (VB.Vector a)) -- ^ The function that is used internally to convert to the boxed 'VB.Vector' of 'VB.Vector' of @a@ so that the function can process further -> VB.Vector (VB.Vector Int) -- ^ The list of permutations of 'Int' indices starting from 0 and up to n (n is probably less than 7). -> VB.Vector (VB.Vector a) -> VB.Vector (VB.Vector a) universalSetG ts uss f1 f2 perms baseV = VB.map (VB.foldr' mappend mempty . VB.cons (f1 ts) . (`mappend` (f2 uss)) . VB.unsafeBackpermute baseV) perms {-# INLINE universalSetG #-} -- | A variant of the 'uniquenessVariants2GNPB' with the usage of the 'V.Vector' @c@ (an unboxed one) instead of the boxed variant 'VB.Vector' @c@. If @c@ is an instance of the -- 'V.Unboxed' class then possibly it can be better from the performance point of view to use this variant. uniquenessVariants2GNP :: (Eq a, Foldable t, InsertLeft t a, Monoid (t a), Monoid (t (t a)), Ord b, Foldable t2) => t a -- ^ The prepending structure. -> t a -- ^ The postpending structure. -> a -- ^ The first most common element in the whitespace symbols structure. -> (t a -> VB.Vector a) -- ^ The function that is used internally to convert to the boxed 'VB.Vector' of @a@ so that the function can process further the permutations -> ((t (t a)) -> VB.Vector (VB.Vector a)) -- ^ The function that is used internally to convert to the boxed 'VB.Vector' of 'VB.Vector' of @a@ so that the function can process further -> (VB.Vector a -> t a) -- ^ The function that is used internally to convert from the boxed 'VB.Vector' of @a@ so that the function can process further -> VB.Vector (VB.Vector Int) -- ^ The list of permutations of 'Int' indices starting from 0 and up to n (n is probably less than 7). -> VB.Vector (t2 b -> b) -> FuncRep (t a) (V.Vector c) (t2 b) -- ^ It includes the defined earlier variant with data constructor 'D2', but additionally allows to use just single argument with data constructor 'U1' -> t (t a) -- ^ Must be obtained as 'subG' @whspss xs@ -> VB.Vector (t2 b,VB.Vector b, t a) uniquenessVariants2GNP !ts !us !hd f1 f2 f3 perms vN frep !subs | F.null subs = VB.empty | otherwise = let !uss = (hd %@ us) %^ mempty !baseV = VB.map (hd `VB.cons`) . f2 $ subs !ns = universalSetG ts uss f1 f2 perms baseV in VB.map (result f3 vN frep) ns result :: (Eq a, Foldable t, Foldable t2) => (VB.Vector a -> t a) -- ^ The function that is used internally to convert from the boxed 'VB.Vector' of @a@ so that the function can process further -> VB.Vector (t2 b -> b) -> FuncRep (t a) (V.Vector c) (t2 b) -- ^ It includes the defined earlier variant with data constructor 'D2', but additionally allows to use just single argument with data constructor 'U1' -> VB.Vector a -> (t2 b,VB.Vector b, t a) result f3 vN frep vs = (rs, (VB.map (\f -> f rs) vN), ws) where !ws = f3 vs !rs = getAC frep ws {-# INLINE result #-} resultB :: (Eq a, Foldable t, Foldable t2) => (VB.Vector a -> t a) -- ^ The function that is used internally to convert from the boxed 'VB.Vector' of @a@ so that the function can process further -> VB.Vector (t2 b -> b) -> FuncRep (t a) (VB.Vector c) (t2 b) -- ^ It includes the defined earlier variant with data constructor 'D2', but additionally allows to use just single argument with data constructor 'U1' -> VB.Vector a -> (t2 b,VB.Vector b, t a) resultB f3 vN frep vs = (rs, (VB.map (\f -> f rs) vN), ws) where !ws = f3 vs !rs = getAC frep ws {-# INLINE resultB #-} genPermutations :: Int -> VB.Vector (VB.Vector Int) genPermutations n = VB.map VB.fromList . VB.fromList . L.permutations . take n $ [0..] {-# INLINE genPermutations #-} genPermutationsV :: VB.Vector (VB.Vector (VB.Vector Int)) genPermutationsV = VB.map (\n -> VB.map VB.fromList . VB.fromList . L.permutations . take n $ [0..]) . VB.enumFromTo 2 $ 7 {-# INLINE genPermutationsV #-}