# Revision history for phonetic-languages-constraints-array ## -- 2020-12-31 * First version. Released to the world. ## -- 2022-03-24 * First version revised A. Updated the dependency boundaries to support the latest GHC and Cabal versions. Added some experimental functions that are not further used. ## -- 2022-04-25 * First version revised B. Added the new constraint P functionality. ## -- 2023-01-31 * Second version. Switched to NoImplicitPrelude extension. Changed the names of the modules. Updated the dependencies boundaries. ## -- 2023-05-15 * Third version. Added new types of constraints based on the signed and unsigned distance(s) between two or three elements (encoded with the capital letters V, W, H, R). ## -- 2023-05-15 * Fourth version. Added a new type of constraint based on both signed and unsigned distances between three elements (encoded with M). Some documentation improvements. ## -- 2023-05-16 * Fourth version revised. Changed the number of parameters for the new constructors added. Added isM function to the export from the module. ## -- 2023-05-17 * Fifth version. Changed representation in the EncodedCnstr data type. Removed the readMaybeEC function. Reduced code duplication. Switched the way of counting -- moved all to one natural base of 1 and more. ## -- 2023-05-22 * Sixth version. Added new functions to the Phladiprelio.Constraints module for negated constraints. Added some boolean algebra interpeter for constraints to Phladiprelio.ConstraintsEncoded module. Added README.md file and devotion of the project to Foundation Gastrostars. ## -- 2023-05-23 * Sixth version revised A. Added new function filterGeneralConv to Phladiprelio.ConstraintsEncoded module. Added also validOrdStr to the export list in the module. Some minor documentation improvements. ## -- 2023-05-23 * Sixth version revised B. Some minor code improvements. ## -- 2023-05-25 * Sixth version revised C. Fixed the issues with precedence of the (&&) and (||) logical operators. Now it should behave as usual and as is defined in Haskell98 and Haskell2010. ## -- 2023-05-31 * Seventh version. Added new constraints encoding to the Phladiprelio.ContstraintsEncoded module (N, D, I). Some documentation improvements.