{-# OPTIONS_GHC -threaded -rtsopts #-} {-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK show-extensions #-} {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} -- | -- Module : Phonetic.Languages.Simple -- Copyright : (c) OleksandrZhabenko 2020 -- License : MIT -- Stability : Experimental -- Maintainer : olexandr543@yahoo.com -- -- The library functions for the lineVariantsG3 executable. Since version it supports printing of the informational -- messages both in English and Ukrainian. module Phonetic.Languages.Simple where import Phonetic.Languages.Parsing import Numeric import Languages.UniquenessPeriods.Array.Constraints.Encoded (decodeLConstraints,readMaybeECG) import GHC.Arr import Phonetic.Languages.Simplified.DataG.Base import Phonetic.Languages.Array.Ukrainian.PropertiesSyllablesG2 import Phonetic.Languages.Filters (unsafeSwapVecIWithMaxI) import Phonetic.Languages.Simplified.StrictVG.Base import Data.Char (isDigit,isAlpha) import qualified Data.List as L (span,sort,zip4,isPrefixOf,nub) import Phonetic.Languages.Simplified.Array.Ukrainian.FuncRep2RelatedG2 import Phonetic.Languages.Permutations.Arr import Data.SubG hiding (takeWhile,dropWhile) import Data.Maybe import Data.MinMax.Preconditions import Text.Read (readMaybe) import Phonetic.Languages.Simplified.DeEnCoding import Phonetic.Languages.Simplified.SimpleConstraints import Phonetic.Languages.Common forMultiplePropertiesF :: [String] -> [(String,[String])] forMultiplePropertiesF (xs:xss) | any isAlpha xs = (xs,yss):forMultiplePropertiesF zss | otherwise = [] where l = length . takeWhile (all isDigit) $ xss (yss,zss) = splitAt l xss forMultiplePropertiesF _ = [] -- | -- @ since -- Is used to do general processment. generalProc2G :: Bool -> FilePath -> Bool -> Bool -> [String] -> Coeffs2 -> [String] -> Bool -> IO () generalProc2G nativeUkrainian toFile1 interactive jstL0 args0 coeffs args lstW2 | variations args = do let !zsss = transformToVariations args print zsss variantsG <- mapM (\xss -> generalProc2 nativeUkrainian interactive jstL0 args0 coeffs xss lstW2) zsss interactivePrintResult nativeUkrainian id variantsG >>= \rs -> case toFile1 of "" -> return () ~fileName -> appendFile fileName (rs `mappend` newLineEnding) | otherwise = generalProc2 nativeUkrainian interactive jstL0 args0 coeffs args lstW2 >>= \rs -> case toFile1 of "" -> return () ~fileName -> appendFile fileName (rs `mappend` newLineEnding) -- | -- @ since The result is not 'IO' (), but 'IO' 'String'. The type also changed generally. generalProc2 :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> [String] -> Coeffs2 -> [String] -> Bool -> IO String generalProc2 nativeUkrainian interactive jstL0 args0 coeffs args lstW2 = do let !argMss = take 5 . filter (not . null) . forMultiplePropertiesF . drop 1 . dropWhile (/= "+M") . takeWhile (/= "-M") $ args0 if null argMss then do let (!numericArgs,!textualArgs) = L.span (all isDigit) $ args !xs = concat . take 1 . fLines 0 . unwords . drop 1 $ textualArgs !l = length . words $ xs !argCs = catMaybes (fmap (readMaybeECG (l - 1)) . (showB l lstW2:) . drop 1 . dropWhile (/= "+A") . takeWhile (/= "-A") $ args0) !arg0 = fromMaybe 1 $ (readMaybe (concat . take 1 $ numericArgs)::Maybe Int) !numberI = fromMaybe 1 $ (readMaybe (concat . drop 1 . take 2 $ numericArgs)::Maybe Int) !choice = concat . take 1 $ textualArgs !intervalNmbrs = (\zs -> if null zs then [numberI] else L.nub zs) . L.sort . filter (<= numberI) . map (\t -> fromMaybe numberI $ (readMaybe t::Maybe Int)) . drop 2 $ numericArgs if compare l 2 == LT then let !frep20 = chooseMax id coeffs choice in let !wwss = (:[]) . toResultR frep20 $ xs in if interactive then interactivePrintResult nativeUkrainian line wwss else print1el jstL0 choice wwss else do let !subs = subG " 01-" xs if null argCs then let !perms = genPermutationsL l in do temp <- generalProcMs coeffs perms subs (intervalNmbrs, arg0, numberI, choice) if interactive then interactivePrintResult nativeUkrainian line temp else print1el jstL0 choice temp else do correct <- printWarning nativeUkrainian xs if correct == "n" then putStrLn (messageInfo 1 nativeUkrainian) >> return "" -- for the multiple variations mode (with curly brackets and slash in the text) the program does not stop here, but the variation is made empty and is proposed further as a variant. else let !perms = decodeLConstraints argCs . genPermutationsL $ l in do temp <- generalProcMs coeffs perms subs (intervalNmbrs, arg0, numberI, choice) if interactive then interactivePrintResult nativeUkrainian line temp else print1el jstL0 choice temp else do let !choices = map fst argMss !numericArgss = map snd argMss !arg0s = map (\ts -> fromMaybe 1 $ (readMaybe (concat . take 1 $ ts)::Maybe Int)) numericArgss !numberIs = map (\ts -> fromMaybe 1 $ (readMaybe (concat . drop 1 . take 2 $ ts)::Maybe Int)) numericArgss !intervalNmbrss = map (\us -> let !numberI = fromMaybe 1 $ (readMaybe (concat . drop 1 . take 2 $ us)::Maybe Int) in (\zs -> if null zs then [numberI] else L.nub zs) . L.sort . filter (<= numberI) . map (\t -> fromMaybe numberI $ (readMaybe t::Maybe Int)) . drop 2 $ us) $ numericArgss !argsZipped = L.zip4 intervalNmbrss arg0s numberIs choices !xs = concat . take 1 . fLines 0 . unwords $ args !l = length . words $ xs !argCs = catMaybes (fmap (readMaybeECG (l - 1)) . (showB l lstW2:) . drop 1 . dropWhile (/= "+A") . takeWhile (/= "-A") $ args0) if compare l 2 == LT then let !frep20 = chooseMax id coeffs (concat . take 1 $ choices) in let !wwss = (:[]) . toResultR frep20 $ xs in if interactive then interactivePrintResult nativeUkrainian line wwss else print1el jstL0 (concat . take 1 $ choices) wwss else do let !subs = subG " 01-" xs if null argCs then let !perms = genPermutationsL l in generalProcMMs nativeUkrainian interactive coeffs argsZipped perms subs else do correct <- printWarning nativeUkrainian xs if correct == "n" then putStrLn (messageInfo 1 nativeUkrainian) >> return "" -- for the multiple variations mode (with curly brackets and slash in the text) the program does not stop here, but the variation is made empty and is proposed further as a variant. else let !perms = decodeLConstraints argCs . genPermutationsL $ l in generalProcMMs nativeUkrainian interactive coeffs argsZipped perms subs {-| -- @ since Function provides localized message information. If the 'Bool' argument is 'True' then it gives result in Ukrainian, otherwise -- in English. -} messageInfo :: Int -> Bool -> String messageInfo n True | n == 1 = "Ви зупинили програму, будь ласка, якщо потрібно, виконайте її знову з кращими аргументами. " | n == 2 = "Будь ласка, вкажіть варіант (який Ви бажаєте, щоб він став результуючим рядком) за його номером. " | n == 3 = "Будь ласка, перевірте, чи рядок нижче відповідає і узгоджується з обмеженнями, які Ви вказали між +A та -A опціями. Перевірте також, чи Ви вказали \"++B\" чи \"++BL\" опцію(ї). Якщо введені опції та аргументи не узгоджені з виведеним далі рядком, тоді введіть далі \"n\", натисніть Enter і опісля запустіть програму на виконання знову з кращими аргументами. " `mappend` newLineEnding `mappend` "Якщо рядок узгоджується з Вашим вводом між +A та -A, тоді просто натисніть Enter, щоб продовжити далі. " `mappend` newLineEnding | n == 4 = "Було задано недостатньо інформації для продовження обчислювального процесу " | otherwise = "Ви вказали лише один варіант властивостей. " messageInfo n False | n == 1 = "You stopped the program, please, if needed, run it again with better arguments. " | n == 2 = "Please, specify the variant which you would like to become the resulting string by its number. " | n == 3 = "Please, check whether the line below corresponds and is consistent with the constraints you have specified between the +A and -A options. Check also whether you have specified the \"++B\" or \"++BL\" option(s). If it is inconsistent then enter further \"n\", press Enter and then run the program again with better arguments. " `mappend` newLineEnding `mappend` "If the line is consistent with your input between +A and -A then just press Enter to proceed further. " `mappend` newLineEnding | n == 4 = "No data has been specified to control the computation process. " | otherwise = "You have specified just one variant of the properties. " -- | -- @ since The result is not 'IO' (), but 'IO' 'String'. The type also changed generally. interactivePrintResult :: Bool -> (a -> String) -> [a] -> IO String interactivePrintResult nativeUkrainian f xss | null xss = putStrLn "" >> return "" | otherwise = do let !datas = map (\(idx,str) -> show idx `mappend` ('\t' : str)) . trans232 . map f $ xss mapM_ putStrLn datas putStrLn "" putStrLn . messageInfo 2 $ nativeUkrainian number <- getLine let !lineRes = concat . filter ((number `mappend` "\t")`L.isPrefixOf`) $ datas !ts = drop 1 . dropWhile (/= '\t') $ lineRes putStrLn ts >> return ts printWarning :: Bool -> String -> IO String printWarning nativeUkrainian xs = do putStrLn . messageInfo 3 $ nativeUkrainian putStrLn xs getLine generalProcMs :: Coeffs2 -> [Array Int Int] -> [String] -> ([Int],Int,Int,String) -> IO [Result [] Char Double Double] generalProcMs coeffs perms subs (intervalNmbrs, arg0, numberI, choice) = do if compare numberI 2 == LT then let !frep2 = chooseMax id coeffs choice in return . fst . maximumGroupsClassificationR arg0 . map (toResultR frep2) . uniquenessVariants2GNBL ' ' id id id perms $ subs else do let !variants1 = uniquenessVariants2GNBL ' ' id id id perms subs !frep20 = chooseMax id coeffs choice (!minE,!maxE) = minMax11C . map (toPropertiesF' frep20) $ variants1 !frep2 = chooseMax (unsafeSwapVecIWithMaxI minE maxE numberI intervalNmbrs) coeffs choice return . fst . maximumGroupsClassificationR arg0 . map (toResultR frep2) $ variants1 -- | -- @ since The result is not 'IO' (), but 'IO' 'String'. The type also changed generally. generalProcMMs :: Bool -> Bool -> Coeffs2 -> [([Int],Int,Int,String)] -> [Array Int Int] -> [String] -> IO String generalProcMMs nativeUkrainian interactiveMM coeffs rs perms subs = case length rs of 0 -> putStrLn (messageInfo 4 nativeUkrainian) >> return "" 1 -> putStrLn (messageInfo 5 nativeUkrainian) >> do temp <- generalProcMs coeffs perms subs (head rs) finalProc nativeUkrainian interactiveMM line temp _ -> do genVariants <- mapM (generalProcMs coeffs perms subs) rs finalProc nativeUkrainian interactiveMM id . foldlI . map (map line) $ genVariants foldlI :: [[String]] -> [String] foldlI (xs:ys:xss) = foldlI (intersectInterResults xs ys : xss) foldlI (xs:_) = xs foldlI _ = [] -- | -- @ since The result is not 'IO' (), but 'IO' 'String'. The type also changed generally. finalProc :: Bool -> Bool -> (a -> String) -> [a] -> IO String finalProc nativeUkrainian bool f xss = if bool then interactivePrintResult nativeUkrainian f xss else putStrLn ts >> return ts where ts = concatMap (\t -> f t `mappend` newLineEnding) xss -- | -- @ since The result is not 'IO' (), but 'IO' 'String'. The type also changed generally. print1el :: Bool -> String -> [Result [] Char Double Double] -> IO String print1el jstlines choice y | jstlines == True = putStrLn us >> return us | otherwise = putStrLn zs >> return zs where !ch = precChoice choice !us = concatMap (\ys -> line ys `mappend` newLineEnding) y !zs = concatMap (\ys -> line ys `mappend` newLineEnding `mappend` showFFloat ch (propertiesF ys) (newLineEnding `mappend` showFFloat ch (transPropertiesF ys) newLineEnding)) y