The version is prepared to the Day of the Saints Cyril and Methodius, the 'Apostles to the Slavs', and to the Day of Slavic writing systems and culture. The functions in the modules Phonetic.Languages.General.Simple.Parsing, Phonetic.Languages.General.Lines.Parsing, Phonetic.Languages.General.GetInfo.Parsing highly depend on the data types in the phonetic-languages-phonetics-basics package. They use the parsing with the failing possibilities, so for them, to work properly, you need to specify every piece of data accordingly to the specifications in the imported modules and in the new modules themselves. Otherwise, the functions definitely will not work correctly. Are provided mainly for testing purposes, may be not enough performant for production usage. Espeak-ng Additional Usage and IPA ================================== You can use additionally the espeak-ng program (see: and in the Unix / Linux terminal (bash shell) you can enter as a command something like: cat - | tr -d [:punct:] | espeak-ng -v{lang} -x -g 1 -s 130 --ipa where {lang} is the needed language code (see, the output of the espeak-ng --voices and besides the manual page for the espeak-ng). The IPA symbols information can be taken from the or the Please, take into account the license information: the IPA chart and all its subparts are copyright 2018/2005 by the International Phonetic Association. As of July 2012, they are made freely available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 3.0 Unported License (CC-BY-SA). This license allows any kind of re-use (including commercial reproduction and derivative works), as long as attribution is given and the reproduction or derivative work is under the same license. See for further description. It is rather easy to create the corresponding GWritingSystemPRPLX information using the IPA, but you can use some other respesentation. The idea for this is that you can use IPA line produced by the espeak-ng as the input 'String'.