-- Initial pictikz.cabal generated by cabal init. For further -- documentation, see http://haskell.org/cabal/users-guide/ name: pictikz version: synopsis: Converts a svg image to tikz code. description: Tikz is often used to draw graphs (i.e., networks) in LaTeX. Even though the resulting image can be very clean, manually writing tikz code can be time consuming, especially when the picture needs to be modified afterwards. On the other side of the spectrum, drawing with graphical tools like inkscape is easy, but getting a clean looking result can be complicated. With pictikz you get the best of both worlds: You draw using a graphical tool and pictikz converts the resulting SVG file to tikz code, making some automatic style adjustments if you desire. license: GPL-3 license-file: LICENSE author: Marcelo Garlet Millani maintainer: marcelogmillani@gmail.com -- copyright: category: Graphics build-type: Simple extra-source-files: ChangeLog.md, pictikz.1 cabal-version: >=1.10 executable pictikz main-is: Main.hs other-modules: Pictikz.Drawing, Pictikz.Graph, Pictikz.Loader, Pictikz.Organizer, Pictikz.Geometry, Pictikz.Parser -- other-extensions: build-depends: base >=4.9 && <4.10, xml >= 1.3, transformers >= 0.5, matrix >= 0.3 hs-source-dirs: src default-language: Haskell2010 source-repository head type: git location: https://github.com/mgmillani/pictikz