{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}

-- | 
-- Module      : Pinboard.Client
-- Copyright   : (c) Jon Schoning, 2015
-- Maintainer  : jonschoning@gmail.com
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : POSIX

module Pinboard.Client
      -- * Config
      -- | The PinboardConfig provides authentication via apiToken
    , PinboardConfig       (..)
      -- * Monadic
    , runPinboard
    , pinboardJson
      -- * Single
    , runPinboardSingleRaw
    , runPinboardSingleRawBS
    , runPinboardSingleJson
      -- * Sending
    , sendPinboardRequest
      -- *  Manager (http-client)
    , mgrOpenRaw
    , mgrOpen
    , mgrFail
     -- * JSON Handling
     -- * Status Codes
     -- * Error Helpers
     -- * Client Dependencies
    , module Pinboard.Client.Error
    , module Pinboard.Client.Types
    , module Pinboard.Client.Util
    ) where

import Control.Exception          (catch, SomeException, try)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Except

import Data.ByteString.Char8      (pack)
import Data.Monoid                ((<>))
import Data.Aeson                 (FromJSON, eitherDecodeStrict')

import Network                    (withSocketsDo)
import Network.HTTP.Types         (urlEncode)
import Network.HTTP.Types.Status  (statusCode)

import           Network.HTTP.Client
import           Network.HTTP.Client.TLS

import Pinboard.Client.Types
import Pinboard.Client.Error
import Pinboard.Client.Util

import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy        as LBS
import qualified Data.Text                   as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding          as T

import Control.Applicative
import Prelude

-- | Create a default PinboardConfig using the supplied apiToken
fromApiToken :: String -> PinboardConfig
fromApiToken token = PinboardConfig { debug = False, apiToken = pack token }

-- | Execute computations in the Pinboard monad
    :: MonadIO m
    => PinboardConfig
    -> PinboardT m a
    -> m (Either PinboardError a)
runPinboard config f = mgrOpenRaw >>= go
    where go mgr = runPinboardT (config, mgr) f

-- | Create a Pinboard value from a PinboardRequest w/ json deserialization
pinboardJson :: (MonadPinboard m, FromJSON a) => PinboardRequest -> m a
pinboardJson req = do 
  env <- ask
  res <- sendPinboardRequest env (ensureResultFormatType FormatJson req) parseJSONResponse


    :: MonadIO m
    => PinboardConfig       
    -> PinboardRequest
    -> (Response LBS.ByteString -> a)
    -> m (Either PinboardError a)
runPinboardSingleRaw config req handler = liftIO $ mgrOpenRaw >>= go
  where go mgr = (Right <$> sendPinboardRequest (config, mgr) req handler)
                    `catch` mgrFail UnknownErrorType

    :: MonadIO m
    => PinboardConfig       
    -> PinboardRequest
    -> m (Either PinboardError LBS.ByteString)
runPinboardSingleRawBS config req = do
  res <- runPinboardSingleRaw config req id
  return $ do
    r <- res
    responseBody r <$ checkStatusCodeResponse r

    :: (MonadIO m, FromJSON a)
    => PinboardConfig       
    -> PinboardRequest
    -> m (Either PinboardError a)
runPinboardSingleJson config = runPinboard config . pinboardJson


      :: MonadIO m
      => PinboardEnv
      -> PinboardRequest 
      -> (Response LBS.ByteString -> a)
      -> m a
sendPinboardRequest (PinboardConfig{..}, man) PinboardRequest{..} handler = do
   let url = T.concat [ requestPath 
                      , "?" 
                      , T.decodeUtf8 $ paramsToByteString $ ("auth_token", urlEncode False apiToken) : encodeParams requestParams ]
   req <- buildReq $ T.unpack url
   res <- liftIO $ httpLbs req man
   return $ handler res


buildReq :: MonadIO m => String -> m Request
buildReq url = do
  req <- liftIO $ parseUrl $ "https://api.pinboard.in/v1/" <> url
  return $ req 
    { requestHeaders = [("User-Agent","pinboard.hs/0.8.7")]
    , checkStatus = \_ _ _ -> Nothing


    :: (MonadError PinboardError m, FromJSON a)
    => Response LBS.ByteString
    -> m a
parseJSONResponse response = 
  either (throwError . addErrMsg (toText (responseBody response))) 
         (const $ decodeJSONResponse (responseBody response)) 
         (checkStatusCodeResponse response)

    :: (MonadError PinboardError m, FromJSON a) 
    => LBS.ByteString 
    -> m a
decodeJSONResponse s = 
  let r = eitherDecodeStrict' (LBS.toStrict s) 
  in either (throwError . createParserErr . toText) (return . id) r


checkStatusCodeResponse :: Response a -> Either PinboardError ()
checkStatusCodeResponse = checkStatusCode . statusCode . responseStatus

checkStatusCode :: Int -> Either PinboardError ()
checkStatusCode = \case
  200 -> Right ()
  400 -> httpStatusPinboardError BadRequest
  401 -> httpStatusPinboardError UnAuthorized
  402 -> httpStatusPinboardError RequestFailed
  403 -> httpStatusPinboardError Forbidden
  404 -> httpStatusPinboardError NotFound
  429 -> httpStatusPinboardError TooManyRequests
  c | c >= 500 -> httpStatusPinboardError PinboardServerError
  _   -> httpStatusPinboardError UnknownHTTPCode


httpStatusPinboardError :: PinboardErrorHTTPCode -> Either PinboardError a
httpStatusPinboardError err = Left $ defaultPinboardError 
  { errorType = HttpStatusFailure
  , errorHTTP = Just err }

addErrMsg :: T.Text -> PinboardError -> PinboardError
addErrMsg msg err = err {errorMsg = msg}

createParserErr :: T.Text -> PinboardError
createParserErr msg = PinboardError ParseFailure msg Nothing Nothing Nothing 


mgrOpenRaw :: MonadIO m => m Manager
mgrOpenRaw = liftIO $ withSocketsDo . newManager 
                $ managerSetProxy (proxyEnvironment Nothing) tlsManagerSettings

mgrOpen :: MonadIO m => m (Either SomeException Manager)
mgrOpen = liftIO $ try mgrOpenRaw

mgrFail :: MonadIO m => PinboardErrorType -> SomeException -> m (Either PinboardError b)
mgrFail e msg = return $ Left $ PinboardError e (toText msg) Nothing Nothing Nothing