[![build]](https://github.com/phile314/pinch-gen) `pinch` aims to provide an alternative implementation of Apache Thrift for Haskell. The `pinch` library itself acts only as a serialization library. Types specify their Thrift encoding by defining instances of the `Pinchable` typeclass, which may be done by hand or automatically with the use of Generics. [build]: https://github.com/phile314/pinch-gen/workflows/build/badge.svg Haddock documentation for this package is avilable on [Hackage]. [Hackage]: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/pinch-gen Overview -------- Converts a Thrift file into Haskell code for the pinch library. Usage: ``` Usage: pinch-gen --in IN_FILE --out OUT_DIR --hashable-vec-mod ARG [--no-generate-arbitrary] [--extra-import IMPORT] Generate Haskell files from a thrift input file. ``` The `--hashable-vec-mod` argument should be set to a module providing a `Hashable` instance for Vector. This is required as a Vector may become part of a key of a map, but neither the vector nor the hashable package provide an instance. For some background, see https://github.com/haskell/vector/pull/102 .The simplest solution is to depend on the `vector-instances` package and pass `--hashable-vec-mod Data.Vector.Instances` to pinch-gen. Compatibility ------------- | pinch version | pinch-gen version | |---------------|-------------------| | 0.4 | 0.4 | Example ------- Let us use this simple Thrift service as an example: #### **`trivial.thrift`** ``` # A simple struct struct MyStruct { 1: required binary payload; } # Trivial exception for testing only. exception Exception { # The exception simply contains a message string. 1: required string message; } # Trivial service for testing only. service Trivial { # Takes a struct and returns a string. string success(1: MyStruct argument); # Throws an arbitrary string. void failure() throws (1: Exception error); # Fire rocket. oneway void fireAndForget(1: i32 rocket); } ``` To generate the corresponding Haskell code we can call pinch-gen: ``` pinch-gen --no-generate-arbitrary --hashable-vec-mod Data.Vector.Instances --in trivial.thrift --out out/ ``` This will create the appropriate datatypes for all struct, union and exception types: #### **`out/Trivial/Types.hs`** ``` data MyStruct = MyStruct { myStruct_payload :: Data.ByteString.ByteString } deriving (Prelude.Eq, GHC.Generics.Generic, Prelude.Show) data Exception = Exception { exception_message :: Data.Text.Text } deriving (Prelude.Eq, GHC.Generics.Generic, Prelude.Show) ``` For the server, a record-style encoding of all functions is used. Given an implementation of these functions, a `Pinch.Server.ThriftServer` for use with the pinch library can be created: #### **`out/Trivial/Server.hs`** ``` data Trivial = Trivial { success :: (Pinch.Server.Context) -> (MyStruct) -> (Prelude.IO Data.Text.Text) , failure :: (Pinch.Server.Context) -> (Prelude.IO ()) , fireAndForget :: (Pinch.Server.Context) -> (Data.Int.Int32) -> (Prelude.IO ()) } trivial_mkServer :: (Trivial) -> Pinch.Server.ThriftServer trivial_mkServer server = ... ``` For the client, functions creating a `Pinch.Client.ThriftCall` for use with the pinch library are generated. You can use `Pinch.Client.call` if you want to explicitly match on the success result/thrown exceptions as defined in the Thrift file. Alternatively, you may use `Pinch.Client.callOrThrow` to directly access the result. In case the rqeuest failed, `callOrThrow` will throw an exception using `throwIO`. #### **`out/Trivial/Client.hs`** ``` success :: (MyStruct) -> (Pinch.Client.ThriftCall Success_Result) success argument = ... failure :: (Pinch.Client.ThriftCall Failure_Result) failure = ... fireAndForget :: (Data.Int.Int32) -> (Pinch.Client.ThriftCall Pinch.Internal.RPC.Unit) fireAndForget rocket = ... ``` Caveats ------- The generated code is currently not formatted very nicely.