{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Pinch.Generate.Pretty where import Data.String import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc newtype ModuleName = ModuleName T.Text deriving (Show) type TypeName = T.Text type Name = T.Text type ClassName = T.Text data Module = Module { modName :: ModuleName , modPragmas :: [Pragma] , modImports :: [ImportDecl] , modDecls :: [Decl] } deriving (Show) data Pragma = PragmaLanguage T.Text | PragmaOptsGhc T.Text deriving (Show) data ImportDecl = ImportDecl { iName :: ModuleName , iQualified :: Bool , iThings :: ImportNames } deriving (Show) data ImportNames = IEverything | IJust [ Name ] deriving (Show) data Decl = TypeDecl Type Type | DataDecl TypeName [ConDecl] [Deriving] | InstDecl InstHead [Decl] | FunBind [Match] | TypeSigDecl Name Type deriving (Show) data Deriving = DeriveClass Type deriving (Show) data ConDecl = ConDecl Name [Type] | RecConDecl Name [(Name, Type)] deriving (Show) data Type = TyApp Type [Type] | TyCon TypeName | TyLam [Type] Type deriving (Show) data InstHead = InstHead [Constraint] ClassName Type deriving (Show) data Constraint = CClass ClassName Type deriving (Show) data Match = Match Name [Pat] Exp deriving (Show) data Pat = PVar Name | PLit Lit | PCon Name [Pat] deriving (Show) data Exp = EVar Name | EApp Exp [Exp] | ELit Lit | ETyAnn Exp Type | ECase Exp [Alt] | EDo [Stm] | EInfix Name Exp Exp | EList [Exp] | ELam [Pat] Exp | ETuple [Exp] | ELet Name Exp Exp | ETyApp Exp [Type] deriving (Show) data Stm = StmBind (Maybe Pat) Exp deriving (Show) data Alt = Alt Pat Exp deriving (Show) data Lit = LInt Integer | LFloat Double | LString T.Text deriving (Show) instance Pretty ModuleName where pretty (ModuleName x) = pretty x instance Pretty Module where pretty mod = vsep (map pretty $ modPragmas mod) <> line <> line <> "module" <+> pretty (modName mod) <+> "where" <> line <> line <> vsep (map pretty $ modImports mod) <> line <> line <> vsep (map pretty $ modDecls mod) instance Pretty Pragma where pretty p = case p of PragmaLanguage p -> "{-# LANGUAGE" <+> pretty p <+> "#-}" PragmaOptsGhc o -> "{-# OPTIONS_GHC" <+> pretty o <+> "#-}" instance Pretty ImportDecl where pretty i = "import" <+> (if (iQualified i) then "qualified" else "") <+> pretty (iName i) <> pretty (iThings i) instance Pretty ImportNames where pretty i = case i of IEverything -> "" IJust xs -> " " <> (parens $ cList $ map pretty xs) instance Pretty Decl where pretty decl = case decl of TypeDecl t1 t2 -> "type" <+> pretty t1 <+> "=" <+> pretty t2 <> line DataDecl t [] ds -> "data" <+> pretty t <+> prettyDerivings ds <> line DataDecl t (c:cs) ds -> nest 2 (vsep $ [ "data" <+> pretty t , "=" <+> pretty c ] ++ (map (\c -> "|" <+> pretty c) cs) ++ [ prettyDerivings ds ] ) <> line InstDecl h decls -> (nest 2 $ vsep $ [ pretty h ] ++ map pretty decls) <> line FunBind ms -> vsep (map pretty ms) <> line TypeSigDecl n ty -> pretty n <+> "::" <+> pretty ty prettyDerivings :: [Deriving] -> Doc a prettyDerivings [] = "" prettyDerivings ds = "deriving" <+> (parens $ cList $ map pretty ds) instance Pretty Deriving where pretty (DeriveClass c) = pretty c instance Pretty ConDecl where pretty (ConDecl n args) = hsep $ [ pretty n ] ++ map pretty args pretty (RecConDecl n args) = hsep $ [ pretty n, "{", fields, "}" ] where fields = cList $ map (\(n, v) -> pretty n <+> "::" <+> pretty v) args instance Pretty InstHead where pretty (InstHead cs n ty) = "instance" <> context <+> pretty n <+> pretty ty <+> "where" where context = if null cs then "" else space <> parens (cList $ map pretty cs) <+> "=>" <+> pretty n <+> pretty ty <+> "where" instance Pretty Constraint where pretty (CClass cl n) = pretty cl <+> pretty n instance Pretty Type where pretty ty = case ty of TyApp t1 ts -> parens $ pretty t1 <+> hsep (map pretty ts) TyCon t -> pretty t TyLam ts t -> concatWith (surround (space <> "->" <> space)) (map (parens . pretty) ts ++ [pretty t]) instance Pretty Match where pretty (Match n ps e) = pretty n <+> hsep (map pretty ps) <+> "=" <+> pretty e instance Pretty Pat where pretty p = case p of (PVar x) -> pretty x (PLit i) -> pretty i (PCon n []) -> pretty n (PCon n xs) -> parens $ pretty n <+> hsep (map pretty xs) instance Pretty Exp where pretty e = case e of EVar n -> pretty n EApp e es -> pretty e <+> hsep (map (parens . pretty) es) ELit l -> pretty l ETyAnn e ty -> parens $ pretty e <+> "::" <+> pretty ty ECase e as -> nest 2 $ vsep $ ["case" <+> pretty e <+> "of"] ++ map pretty as EDo s -> nest 2 $ vsep $ ["do"] ++ map pretty s EInfix op e1 e2 -> parens $ hsep [ pretty e1, pretty op, pretty e2] EList es -> "[" <+> cList (map pretty es) <+> "]" ELam ps e -> parens $ "\\" <> hsep (map pretty ps) <+> "->" <+> pretty e ETuple es -> nest 2 $ tupled $ map pretty es ELet nm e1 e2 -> "let" <+> pretty nm <+> "=" <+> indent 2 (pretty e1) <+> "in" <+> pretty e2 ETyApp e tys -> pretty e <+> hsep (map (("@"<>) . parens . pretty) tys) instance Pretty Alt where pretty (Alt p e) = pretty p <+> "->" <+> pretty e instance Pretty Stm where pretty s = case s of StmBind Nothing e -> pretty e StmBind (Just p) e -> pretty p <+> "<-" <+> pretty e instance Pretty Lit where pretty l = case l of LInt i -> pretty i LFloat f -> pretty f LString t -> "\"" <> pretty t <> "\"" cList = concatWith (surround (comma <> space)) instance IsString Exp where fromString = EVar . T.pack instance IsString Pat where fromString = PVar . T.pack