{-| This module provides the correct proxy implementation which strictly
    enforces the monad transformer laws.  You can safely import this module
    without violating any laws or invariants.

    However, I advise that you stick to the 'Proxy' type class API rather than
    import this module so that your code works with both 'Proxy' implementations
    and also works with all proxy transformers. -}

module Control.Proxy.Core.Correct (
    -- * Types

    -- * Run Sessions 
    -- $run
    ) where

import Control.Applicative (Applicative(pure, (<*>)))
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(liftIO))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (MonadTrans(lift))
import Control.MFunctor (MFunctor(hoist))
import Control.Proxy.Class
import Control.Proxy.Synonym (C)

{-| A 'ProxyCorrect' communicates with an upstream interface and a downstream

    The type variables of @ProxyCorrect req_a' resp_a req_b' resp_b m r@

    * @req_a'@ - The request supplied to the upstream interface

    * @resp_a@ - The response provided by the upstream interface

    * @req_b'@ - The request supplied by the downstream interface

    * @resp_b@ - The response provided to the downstream interface

    * @m     @ - The base monad

    * @r     @ - The final return value -}
data ProxyCorrect a' a b' b m  r =
    Proxy { unProxy :: m (ProxyF a' a b' b r (ProxyCorrect a' a b' b m r)) }

-- | The base functor for the 'ProxyCorrect' type
data ProxyF a' a b' b r x
  = Request a' (a  -> x)
  | Respond b  (b' -> x)
  | Pure    r

instance (Monad m) => Functor (ProxyCorrect a' a b' b m) where
    fmap f p0 = go p0 where
        go p = Proxy (do
            x <- unProxy p
            return (case x of
                Request a' fa  -> Request a' (\a  -> go (fa  a ))
                Respond b  fb' -> Respond b  (\b' -> go (fb' b'))
                Pure       r   -> Pure (f r) ) )

instance (Monad m) => Applicative (ProxyCorrect a' a b' b m) where
    pure r = Proxy (return (Pure r))
    pf <*> px = go pf where
        go p = Proxy (do
            x <- unProxy p
            case x of
                Request a' fa  -> return (Request a' (\a  -> go (fa  a )))
                Respond b  fb' -> return (Respond b  (\b' -> go (fb' b')))
                Pure       f   -> unProxy (fmap f px) )

instance (Monad m) => Monad (ProxyCorrect a' a b' b m) where
    return = \r -> Proxy (return (Pure r))
    p0 >>= f = go p0 where
        go p = Proxy (do
            x <- unProxy p
            case x of
                Request a' fa  -> return (Request a' (\a  -> go (fa  a )))
                Respond b  fb' -> return (Respond b  (\b' -> go (fb' b')))
                Pure       r   -> unProxy (f r) )

instance MonadTrans (ProxyCorrect a' a b' b) where
    lift = lift_P

instance (MonadIO m) => MonadIO (ProxyCorrect a' a b' b m) where
    liftIO m = Proxy (liftIO (m >>= \r -> return (Pure r)))
 -- liftIO = Proxy . liftIO . liftM Pure

instance MonadIOP ProxyCorrect where
    liftIO_P = liftIO

instance Proxy ProxyCorrect where
    fb'_0 >-> fc' = \c' -> fb'_0 >-| fc' c' where
        fb' >-| p1 = Proxy (do
            x <- unProxy p1
            case x of
                Request b' fb  -> unProxy (fb' b' |-> fb)
                Respond c  fc' -> return (Respond c (\c' -> fb' >-| fc' c'))
                Pure       r   -> return (Pure r) )
        p2 |-> fb = Proxy (do
            x <- unProxy p2
            case x of
                Request a' fa  -> return (Request a' (\a -> fa a |-> fb))
                Respond b  fb' -> unProxy (fb' >-| fb b)
                Pure       r   -> return (Pure r) )

    fa_0 >~> fb_0 = \a -> fa_0 a |-> fb_0 where
        fb' >-| p1 = Proxy (do
            x <- unProxy p1
            case x of
                Request b' fb  -> unProxy (fb' b' |-> fb)
                Respond c  fc' -> return (Respond c (\c' -> fb' >-| fc' c'))
                Pure       r   -> return (Pure r) )
        p2 |-> fb = Proxy (do
            x <- unProxy p2
            case x of
                Request a' fa  -> return (Request a' (\a -> fa a |-> fb))
                Respond b  fb' -> unProxy (fb' >-| fb b)
                Pure       r   -> return (Pure r) )

    request a' = Proxy (return (Request a' (\a  -> Proxy (return (Pure a )))))
    respond b  = Proxy (return (Respond b  (\b' -> Proxy (return (Pure b')))))

    return_P = return
    (?>=)   = (>>=)

    lift_P m = Proxy (m >>= \r -> return (Pure r))

    hoist_P = hoist

instance Interact ProxyCorrect where
    k2 \>\ k1 = \a' -> go (k1 a') where
        go p = Proxy (do
            x <- unProxy p
            case x of
                Request b' fb  -> unProxy (k2 b' >>= \b -> go (fb b))
                Respond x  fx' -> return (Respond x (\x' -> go (fx' x')))
                Pure       a   -> return (Pure a) )
    k2 />/ k1 = \a' -> go (k2 a') where
        go p = Proxy (do
            x <- unProxy p
            case x of
                Request x' fx  -> return (Request x' (\x -> go (fx x)))
                Respond b  fb' -> unProxy (k1 b >>= \b' -> go (fb' b'))
                Pure       a   -> return (Pure a) )

instance MFunctor (ProxyCorrect a' a b' b) where
    hoist nat p0 = go p0 where
        go p = Proxy (nat (do
            x <- unProxy p
            return (case x of
                Request a' fa  -> Request a' (\a  -> go (fa  a ))
                Respond b  fb' -> Respond b  (\b' -> go (fb' b'))
                Pure       r   -> Pure r )))

{- $run
    The following commands run self-sufficient proxies, converting them back to
    the base monad.

    These are the only functions specific to the 'ProxyCorrect' type.
    Everything else programs generically over the 'Proxy' type class.

    Use 'runProxyK' if you are running proxies nested within proxies.  It
    provides a Kleisli arrow as its result that you can pass to another
    'runProxy' / 'runProxyK' command. -}

{-| Run a self-sufficient 'ProxyCorrect' Kleisli arrow, converting it back to
    the base monad -}
runProxy :: (Monad m) => (() -> ProxyCorrect a' () () b m r) -> m r
runProxy k = go (k ()) where
    go p = do
        x <- unProxy p
        case x of
            Request _ fa  -> go (fa  ())
            Respond _ fb' -> go (fb' ())
            Pure      r   -> return r

{-| Run a self-sufficient 'ProxyCorrect' Kleisli arrow, converting it back to a
    Kleisli arrow in the base monad -}
runProxyK :: (Monad m) => (() -> ProxyCorrect a' () () b m r) -> (() -> m r)
runProxyK p = \() -> runProxy p

-- | Run the 'Pipe' monad transformer, converting it back to the base monad
runPipe :: (Monad m) => ProxyCorrect a' () () b m r -> m r
runPipe p = runProxy (\_ -> p)