4.3.12 * Fix space leak introduced in version 4.3.10 * This leak primarily affects the use of `forever` 4.3.11 * Fix documentation for `scanM` 4.3.10 * Relax `Monad` constraints to `Functor` * Support GHC 8.8 4.3.9 * Increase upper bound on `exceptions` 4.3.8 * Increase upper bound on `exceptions` 4.3.7 * Documentation fix 4.3.6 * Fix implementation of `pass` in `MonadWriter` instance for `Proxy` 4.3.5 * Support `Semigroup` being a super-class of `Monoid` 4.3.4 * Increase upper bound on `mmorph` 4.3.3 * Make `X` a synonym for `Data.Void.Void` 4.3.2 * BUG FIX: Fix `MMonad` instance for `ListT` * The old instance was an infinite loop 4.3.1 * Support building against `ghc-7.4` 4.3.0 * BREAKING CHANGE: Remove `Alternative`/`MonadPlus` instances for `Proxy` * See commit 08e7302f43dbf2a40bd367c5ee73ee3367e17768 which explains why * Add `Traversable` instance for `ListT` * New `MonadThrow`/`MonadCatch`/`MMonad`/`Semigroup`/`MonadZip` instances for `ListT` * New `MonadThrow`/`MonadCatch` instances for `Proxy` * Fix lower bound on `mtl` * Increase upper bound on `optparse-applicative` 4.2.0 * BREAKING CHANGE: Switch from `ErrorT` to `ExceptT` * Add `Foldable` instance for `ListT` * Fix all warnings * Enable foldr/build fusion for `toList` 4.1.9 * Increase lower bound on `criterion` * Increase upper bound on `transformers` for tests/benchmarks * Optimize code by delaying `INLINABLE` annotations 4.1.8 * Increase upper bound on `transformers` * Prepare for MRP (Monad of no Return Proposal) 4.1.7 * Increase lower bound on `deepseq` * Add `unfoldr` * Add `loop` * Add `toListM'` * Improve efficiency of `drop` * License tutorial under Creative Commons license 4.1.6 * Increase lower bound on `base` * Add diagrams to `Pipes.Core` documentation * Add `mapM_` * Add `takeWhile'` * Add `seq` * Improve efficiency of `toListM` 4.1.5 * Increase upper bound on `criterion` 4.1.4 * Increase upper bound on `criterion` * Add `Monoid` instance for `Proxy` 4.1.3 * Increase lower bound on `mtl` * Re-export `void` * Add `fold'` * Add `foldM'` 4.1.2 * Increase upper bounds on `transformers` and `mtl` 4.1.1 * Add `runListT` * Add `MMonad` instance for `Proxy` * Add `repeatM` * Add laws to documentation of `Pipes.Prelude` utilities 4.1.0 * Remove Haskell98 support * Use internal `X` type instead of `Data.Void` * Document `Pipes.Lift` module:w * Add `drain` * Add `sequence` 4.0.2 * Improve performance of `each` * Add tutorial appendix explaining how to work around quadratic time complexity 4.0.1 * Remove `WriterT` and `RWST` benchmarks * Add `Enumerable` instance for `ErrorT` * Add cabal flag for Haskell98 compilation * Add several rewrite rules * Add `mtl` instances for `ListT` * Fix implementation of `pass`, which did not satisfy `Writer` laws * Implement `fail` for `ListT` * Add type synonym table to tutorial appendix * Add QuickCheck tests for `pipes` laws * Add `mapFoldable` * Add `Monoid` instance for `ListT` * Add manual proofs of `pipes` laws in `laws.md` 4.0.0 Major upgrade of `pipes` to no longer use `Proxy` type class