pipes-concurrency-2.0.2: Concurrency for the pipes ecosystem

Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




This module provides a tutorial for the pipes-concurrency library.

This tutorial assumes that you have read the pipes tutorial in Pipes.Tutorial.

I've condensed all the code examples into self-contained code listings in the Appendix section that you can use to follow along.



The pipes-concurrency library provides a simple interface for communicating between concurrent pipelines. Use this library if you want to:

  • merge multiple streams into a single stream,
  • stream data from a callback / continuation,
  • broadcast data,
  • build a work-stealing setup, or
  • implement basic functional reactive programming (FRP).

For example, let's say that we want to design a simple game with two concurrent sources of game Events.

One source translates user input to game events:

 -- The game events
 data Event = Harm Integer | Heal Integer | Quit deriving (Show)

 user :: IO Event
 user = do
     command <- getLine
     case command of
         "potion" -> return (Heal 10)
         "quit"   -> return  Quit
         _        -> do
             putStrLn "Invalid command"
             user  -- Try again

... while the other creates inclement weather:

 import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
 import Control.Monad (forever)
 import Pipes

 acidRain :: Producer Event IO r
 acidRain = forever $ do
     lift $ threadDelay 2000000  -- Wait 2 seconds
     yield (Harm 1)

We can asynchronously merge these two separate sources of Events into a single stream by spawning a first-in-first-out (FIFO) mailbox:

 spawn :: Buffer a -> IO (Output a, Input a)

spawn takes a Buffer as an argument which specifies how many messages to store. In this case we want our mailbox to store an Unbounded number of messages:

 import Pipes.Concurrent
 main = do
     (output, input) <- spawn Unbounded

spawn creates this mailbox in the background and then returns two values:

  • an (Output a) that we use to add messages of type a to the mailbox
  • an (Input a) that we use to consume messages of type a from the mailbox

We will be streaming Events through our mailbox, so our output has type (Output Event) and our input has type (Input Event).

To stream Events into the mailbox , we use toOutput, which writes values to the mailbox's Output end:

 toOutput :: (MonadIO m) => Output a -> Consumer a m ()

We can concurrently forward multiple streams to the same Output, which asynchronously merges their messages into the same mailbox:

     forkIO $ do runEffect $ lift user >~  toOutput output
                 performGC  -- I'll explain 'performGC' below
     forkIO $ do runEffect $ acidRain  >-> toOutput output

To stream Events out of the mailbox, we use fromInput, which streams values from the mailbox's Input end using a Producer:

 fromInput :: (MonadIO m) => Input a -> Producer a m ()

For this example we'll build a Consumer to handle this stream of Events, that either harms or heals our intrepid adventurer depending on which Event we receive:

 handler :: Consumer Event IO ()
 handler = loop 100
     loop health = do
         lift $ putStrLn $ "Health = " ++ show health
         event <- await
         case event of
             Harm n -> loop (health - n)
             Heal n -> loop (health + n)
             Quit   -> return ()

Now we can just connect our Event Producer to our Event Consumer using (>->):

     runEffect $ fromInput input >-> handler

Our final main looks like this:

 main = do
     (output, input) <- spawn Unbounded

     forkIO $ do runEffect $ lift user >~  toOutput output

     forkIO $ do runEffect $ acidRain  >-> toOutput output

     runEffect $ fromInput input >-> handler

... and when we run it we get the desired concurrent behavior:

 $ ./game
 Health = 100
 Health = 99
 Health = 98
 Health = 108
 Health = 107
 Health = 106
 Health = 116
 Health = 115

Work Stealing

You can also have multiple pipes reading from the same mailbox. Messages get split between listening pipes on a first-come first-serve basis.

For example, we'll define a "worker" that takes a one-second break each time it receives a new job:

 import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
 import Control.Monad
 import Pipes
 worker :: (Show a) => Int -> Consumer a IO r
 worker i = forever $ do
     a <- await
     lift $ threadDelay 1000000  -- 1 second
     lift $ putStrLn $ "Worker #" ++ show i ++ ": Processed " ++ show a

Fortunately, these workers are cheap, so we can assign several of them to the same job:

 import Control.Concurrent.Async
 import qualified Pipes.Prelude as P
 import Pipes.Concurrent
 main = do
     (output, input) <- spawn Unbounded
     as <- forM [1..3] $ \i ->
           async $ do runEffect $ fromInput input  >-> worker i
     a  <- async $ do runEffect $ each [1..10] >-> toOutput output
     mapM_ wait (a:as)

The above example uses Control.Concurrent.Async from the async package to fork each thread and wait for all of them to terminate:

 $ ./work
 Worker #2: Processed 3
 Worker #1: Processed 2
 Worker #3: Processed 1
 Worker #3: Processed 6
 Worker #1: Processed 5
 Worker #2: Processed 4
 Worker #2: Processed 9
 Worker #1: Processed 8
 Worker #3: Processed 7
 Worker #2: Processed 10

What if we replace each with a different source that reads lines from user input until the user types "quit":

 user :: Producer String IO ()
 user = P.stdinLn >-> P.takeWhile (/= "quit")
 main = do
     (output, input) <- spawn Unbounded
     as <- forM [1..3] $ \i ->
           async $ do runEffect $ fromInput input >-> worker i
     a  <- async $ do runEffect $ user >-> toOutput output
     mapM_ wait (a:as)

This still produces the correct behavior:

 $ ./work
 Worker #1: Processed "Test"
 Worker #2: Processed "Apple"
 Worker #3: Processed "42"
 Worker #1: Processed "A"
 Worker #2: Processed "B"
 Worker #3: Processed "C"


Wait... How do the workers know when to stop listening for data? After all, anything that has a reference to Output could potentially add more data to the mailbox.

It turns out that spawn is smart and instruments the Input to terminate when the Output is garbage collected. fromInput builds on top of the more primitive recv command, which returns a Nothing when the Input terminates:

 recv :: Input a -> STM (Maybe a)

Otherwise, recv will block if the mailbox is empty since if the Output has not been garbage collected then somebody might still produce more data.

Does it work the other way around? What happens if the workers go on strike before processing the entire data set?

     as <- forM [1..3] $ \i ->
           -- Each worker refuses to process more than two values
           async $ do runEffect $ fromInput input >-> P.take 2 >-> worker i

Let's find out:

 $ ./work
 Worker #1: Processed "How"
 Worker #2: Processed "many"
 Worker #3: Processed "roads"
 Worker #1: Processed "must"
 Worker #2: Processed "a"
 Worker #3: Processed "man"

spawn tells the Output to similarly terminate when the Input is garbage collected, preventing the user from submitting new values. toOutput builds on top of the more primitive send command, which returns a False when the Output terminates:

 send :: Output a -> a -> STM Bool

Otherwise, send will blocks if the mailbox is full, since if the Input has not been garbage collected then somebody could still consume a value from the mailbox, making room for a new value.

This is why we have to insert performGC calls whenever we release a reference to either the Output or Input. Without these calls we cannot guarantee that the garbage collector will trigger and notify the opposing end if the last reference was released.

There are two ways to avoid using performGC. First, you can omit the performGC call, which is safe and preferable for long-running programs. This simply delays garbage collecting mailboxes until the next garbage collection cycle.

Second, you can use the spawn' command, which returns a third seal action:

 (output, input, seal) <- spawn' buffer

Use this to seal the mailbox so that it cannot receive new messages. This allows both readers and writers to shut down early without relying on garbage collection:

  • writers will shut down immediately because they can no longer write to the mailbox
  • readers will shut down when the mailbox goes empty because they know that no new data will arrive

For simplicity, this tutorial will continue to use performGC since all the examples are short-lived programs that do not build up a large heap. However, when the heap grows large you want to avoid performGC and consider using one of the above two alternatives instead.

Note only Inputs and Outputs specifically built using spawn or spawn' make use of the garbage collector. If you build your own custom Inputs and Outputs then you do not need to use performGC at all.

Mailbox Sizes

So far we haven't observed send blocking because we only spawned Unbounded mailboxes. However, we can control the size of the mailbox to tune the coupling between the Output and the Input ends.

If we set the mailbox Buffer to Single, then the mailbox holds exactly one message, forcing synchronization between sends and recvs. Let's observe this by sending an infinite stream of values, logging all values to the console:

 main = do
     (output, input) <- spawn Single
     as <- forM [1..3] $ \i ->
           async $ do runEffect $ fromInput input >-> P.take 2 >-> worker i
     a  <- async $ do runEffect $ each [1..] >-> P.chain print >-> toOutput output
     mapM_ wait (a:as)

The 7th value gets stuck in the mailbox, and the 8th value blocks because the mailbox never clears the 7th value:

 $ ./work
 Worker #3: Processed 3
 Worker #2: Processed 2
 Worker #1: Processed 1
 Worker #1: Processed 6
 Worker #2: Processed 5
 Worker #3: Processed 4

Contrast this with an Unbounded mailbox for the same program, which keeps accepting values until downstream finishes processing the first six values:

 $ ./work
 Worker #3: Processed 3
 Worker #2: Processed 2
 Worker #1: Processed 1
 Worker #1: Processed 6
 Worker #2: Processed 5
 Worker #3: Processed 4

You can also choose something in between by using a Bounded mailbox which caps the mailbox size to a fixed value. Use Bounded when you want mostly loose coupling but still want to guarantee bounded memory usage:

 main = do
     (output, input) <- spawn (Bounded 100)
 $ ./work
 Worker #3: Processed 3
 Worker #2: Processed 2
 Worker #1: Processed 1
 Worker #1: Processed 6
 Worker #2: Processed 5
 Worker #3: Processed 4


You can also broadcast data to multiple listeners instead of dividing up the data. Just use the Monoid instance for Output to combine multiple Output ends together into a single broadcast Output:

 -- broadcast.hs

 import Control.Monad
 import Control.Concurrent.Async
 import Pipes
 import Pipes.Concurrent
 import qualified Pipes.Prelude as P
 import Data.Monoid
 main = do
     (output1, input1) <- spawn Unbounded
     (output2, input2) <- spawn Unbounded
     a1 <- async $ do
         runEffect $ P.stdinLn >-> toOutput (output1 <> output2)
     as <- forM [input1, input2] $ \input -> async $ do
         runEffect $ fromInput input >-> P.take 2 >-> P.stdoutLn
     mapM_ wait (a1:as)

In the above example, stdinLn will broadcast user input to both mailboxes, and each mailbox forwards its values to stdoutLn, echoing the message to standard output:

 $ ./broadcast

The combined Output stays alive as long as any of the original Outputs remains alive. In the above example, toOutput terminates on the third send attempt because it detects that both listeners died after receiving two messages.

Use mconcat to broadcast to a list of Outputs, but keep in mind that you will incur a performance price if you combine thousands of Outputs or more because they will create a very large STM transaction. You can improve performance for very large broadcasts if you sacrifice atomicity and manually combine multiple send actions in IO instead of STM.


Sometimes you don't want to handle every single event. For example, you might have an input and output device (like a mouse and a monitor) where the input device updates at a different pace than the output device

 import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
 import Control.Monad
 import Pipes
 import qualified Pipes.Prelude as P
 -- Fast input updates
 inputDevice :: (Monad m) => Producer Integer m ()
 inputDevice = each [1..]
 -- Slow output updates
 outputDevice :: Consumer Integer IO r
 outputDevice = forever $ do
     n <- await
     lift $ do
         print n
         threadDelay 1000000

In this scenario you don't want to enforce a one-to-one correspondence between input device updates and output device updates because you don't want either end to block waiting for the other end. Instead, you just need the output device to consult the Latest value received from the Input:

 import Control.Concurrent.Async
 import Pipes.Concurrent
 main = do
     (output, input) <- spawn (Latest 0)
     a1 <- async $ do runEffect $ inputDevice >-> toOutput output
     a2 <- async $ do runEffect $ fromInput input >-> P.take 5 >-> outputDevice
     mapM_ wait [a1, a2]

Latest selects a mailbox that always stores exactly one value. The Latest constructor takes a single argument (0, in the above example) specifying the starting value to store in the mailbox. send overrides the currently stored value and recv peeks at the latest stored value without consuming it. In the above example the outputDevice periodically peeks at the latest value stashed inside the mailbox:

 $ ./peek

A Latest mailbox is never empty because it begins with a default value and recv never removes the value from the mailbox. A Latest mailbox is also never full because send always succeeds, overwriting the previously stored value.

Another alternative is to use the Newest mailbox, which is like a Bounded mailbox, except send never blocks (the mailbox is never full). Instead, if there is no room send will remove the oldest message from the mailbox to make room for a new message.

The New mailbox is like the Newest mailbox, except optimized for the special case where you want to store a single message. You can use New to read from a source that might potentially update rapidly, but still sleep if the source has no new values:

 inputDevice :: Producer Integer IO ()
 inputDevice = do
     each [1..100]               -- Rapid updates
     lift $ threadDelay 4000000  -- Source goes quiet for 4 seconds
     each [101..]                -- More rapid updates

 main = do
     (output, input) <- spawn New

When the source goes quiet, the Input will now block and wait, and will never read the same value twice:

 $ ./peek
 <Longer pause>


pipes-concurrency also solves the common problem of getting data out of a callback-based framework into pipes.

For example, suppose that we have the following callback-based function:

 import Control.Monad
 onLines :: (String -> IO a) -> IO b
 onLines callback = forever $ do
     str <- getLine
     callback str

We can use send to free the data from the callback and then we can retrieve the data on the outside using fromInput:

 import Pipes
 import Pipes.Concurrent
 import qualified Pipes.Prelude as P
 onLines' :: Producer String IO ()
 onLines' = do
     (output, input) <- lift $ spawn Single
     lift $ forkIO $ onLines (\str -> atomically $ send output str)
     fromInput input
 main = runEffect $ onLines' >-> P.takeWhile (/= "quit") >-> P.stdoutLn

Now we can stream from the callback as if it were an ordinary Producer:

 $ ./callback


pipes-concurrency avoids deadlocks because send and recv always cleanly return before triggering a deadlock. This behavior works even in complicated scenarios like:

  • cyclic graphs of connected mailboxes,
  • multiple readers and multiple writers to the same mailbox, and
  • dynamically adding or garbage collecting mailboxes.

The following example shows how pipes-concurrency will do the right thing even in the case of cycles:

 -- cycle.hs

 import Control.Concurrent.Async
 import Pipes
 import Pipes.Concurrent
 import qualified Pipes.Prelude as P
 main = do
     (out1, in1) <- spawn Unbounded
     (out2, in2) <- spawn Unbounded
     a1 <- async $ do
         runEffect $ (each [1,2] >> fromInput in1) >-> toOutput out2
     a2 <- async $ do
         runEffect $ fromInput in2 >-> P.chain print >-> P.take 6 >-> toOutput out1
     mapM_ wait [a1, a2]

The above program jump-starts a cyclic chain with two input values and terminates one branch of the cycle after six values flow through. Both branches correctly terminate and get garbage collected without triggering deadlocks when takeB_ finishes:

 $ ./cycle


pipes-concurrency adds an asynchronous dimension to pipes. This promotes a natural division of labor for concurrent programs:

  • Fork one pipeline per deterministic behavior
  • Communicate between concurrent pipelines using pipes-concurrency

This promotes an actor-style approach to concurrent programming where pipelines behave like processes and mailboxes behave like ... mailboxes.

You can ask questions about pipes-concurrency and other pipes libraries on the official pipes mailing list at mailto:haskell-pipes@googlegroups.com.


I've provided the full code for the above examples here so you can easily try them out:

-- game.hs

import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Monad (forever)
import Pipes
import Pipes.Concurrent

data Event = Harm Integer | Heal Integer | Quit deriving (Show)

user :: IO Event
user = do
    command <- getLine
    case command of
        "potion" -> return (Heal 10)
        "quit"   -> return  Quit
        _        -> do
            putStrLn "Invalid command"

acidRain :: Producer Event IO r
acidRain = forever $ do
    lift $ threadDelay 2000000  -- Wait 2 seconds
    yield (Harm 1)

handler :: Consumer Event IO ()
handler = loop 100
    loop health = do
        lift $ putStrLn $ "Health = " ++ show health
        event <- await
        case event of
            Harm n -> loop (health - n)
            Heal n -> loop (health + n)
            Quit   -> return ()

main = do
    (output, input) <- spawn Unbounded

    forkIO $ do runEffect $ lift user >~  toOutput output

    forkIO $ do runEffect $ acidRain  >-> toOutput output

    runEffect $ fromInput input >-> handler
-- work.hs

import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Monad
import Pipes
import Pipes.Concurrent
import qualified Pipes.Prelude as P

worker :: (Show a) => Int -> Consumer a IO r
worker i = forever $ do
    a <- await
    lift $ threadDelay 1000000  -- 1 second
    lift $ putStrLn $ "Worker #" ++ show i ++ ": Processed " ++ show a

user :: Producer String IO ()
user = P.stdinLn >-> P.takeWhile (/= "quit")

main = do
--  (output, input) <- spawn Unbounded
--  (output, input) <- spawn Single
    (output, input) <- spawn (Bounded 100)

    as <- forM [1..3] $ \i ->
--        async $ do runEffect $ fromInput input  >-> worker i
          async $ do runEffect $ fromInput input  >-> P.take 2 >-> worker i

--  a  <- async $ do runEffect $ each [1..10]                 >-> toOutput output
--  a  <- async $ do runEffect $ user                         >-> toOutput output
    a  <- async $ do runEffect $ each [1..] >-> P.chain print >-> toOutput output

    mapM_ wait (a:as)
-- peek.hs

import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Monad
import Pipes
import Pipes.Concurrent
import qualified Pipes.Prelude as P

inputDevice :: (Monad m) => Producer Integer m ()
inputDevice = each [1..]

outputDevice :: Consumer Integer IO r
outputDevice = forever $ do
    n <- await
    lift $ do
        print n
        threadDelay 1000000

main = do
    (output, input) <- spawn (Latest 0)
    a1 <- async $ do runEffect $ inputDevice >-> toOutput output
    a2 <- async $ do runEffect $ fromInput input >-> P.take 5 >-> outputDevice
    mapM_ wait [a1, a2]
-- callback.hs

import Control.Monad
import Pipes
import Pipes.Concurrent
import qualified Pipes.Prelude as P

onLines :: (String -> IO a) -> IO b
onLines callback = forever $ do
    str <- getLine
    callback str

onLines' :: Producer String IO ()
onLines' = do
    (output, input) <- lift $ spawn Single
    lift $ forkIO $ onLines (\str -> atomically $ send output str)
    fromInput input

main = runEffect $ onLines' >-> P.takeWhile (/= "quit") >-> P.stdoutLn