{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

-- | A simple streaming interface to the AWS S3 storage service.
module Pipes.Aws.S3
   ( Bucket(..)
   , Object(..)
     -- * Downloading
   , fromS3
   , fromS3'
     -- ** Convenient re-exports
   , responseBody
     -- * Uploading
   , ChunkSize
   , toS3
   , toS3'
   ) where

import Control.Monad (unless)
import Data.String (IsString)

import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import           Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.Text as T

import Pipes
import Pipes.Safe
import qualified Pipes.Prelude as PP
import qualified Pipes.ByteString as PBS
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Network.HTTP.Client
import Network.HTTP.Client.TLS
import qualified Aws
import qualified Aws.Core as Aws
import qualified Aws.S3 as S3

-- | An AWS S3 bucket name
newtype Bucket = Bucket T.Text
               deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, IsString)

-- | An AWS S3 object name
newtype Object = Object T.Text
               deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, IsString)

-- | Download an object from S3
-- This initiates an S3 download, requiring that the caller provide a way to
-- construct a 'Producer' from the initial 'Response' to the request (allowing
-- the caller to, e.g., handle failure).
-- For instance to merely produced the content of the response,
-- @
-- 'fromS3' bucket object responseBody
-- @
fromS3 :: MonadSafe m
       => Bucket -> Object
       -> (Response (Producer BS.ByteString m ()) -> Producer BS.ByteString m a)
       -> Producer BS.ByteString m a
fromS3 bucket object handler = do
    cfg <- liftIO Aws.baseConfiguration
    fromS3' cfg bucket object handler

-- | Download an object from S3 explicitly specifying an @aws@ 'Aws.Configuration',
-- which provides credentials and logging configuration.
fromS3' :: MonadSafe m
        => Aws.Configuration -> Bucket -> Object
        -> (Response (Producer BS.ByteString m ()) -> Producer BS.ByteString m a)
        -> Producer BS.ByteString m a
fromS3' cfg (Bucket bucket) (Object object) handler = do
    let s3cfg = Aws.defServiceConfig :: S3.S3Configuration Aws.NormalQuery
    mgr <- liftIO $ newManager tlsManagerSettings
    req <- liftIO $ buildRequest cfg s3cfg $ S3.getObject bucket object
    Pipes.Safe.bracket (liftIO $ responseOpen req mgr) (liftIO . responseClose) $ \resp ->
        handler $ resp { responseBody = from $ brRead $ responseBody resp }

-- Stolen from pipes-http
withHTTP :: MonadSafe m
         => Request
         -> Manager
         -> (Response (Producer ByteString m ()) -> m a)
         -> m a
withHTTP req mgr k =
    Pipes.Safe.bracket (liftIO $ responseOpen req mgr) (liftIO . responseClose) k'
    k' resp = do
        let p = (from . brRead . responseBody) resp
        k (resp { responseBody = p})

from :: MonadIO m => IO ByteString -> Producer ByteString m ()
from io = go
    go = do
        bs <- liftIO io
        unless (BS.null bs) $ do
            yield bs

buildRequest :: (MonadIO m, Aws.Transaction r a)
             => Aws.Configuration
             -> Aws.ServiceConfiguration r Aws.NormalQuery
             -> r
             -> m Request
buildRequest cfg scfg req = do
    Just cred <- Aws.loadCredentialsDefault
    sigData <- liftIO $ Aws.signatureData Aws.Timestamp cred
    let signed = Aws.signQuery req scfg sigData
    liftIO $ Aws.queryToHttpRequest signed

-- | To maintain healthy streaming uploads are performed in a chunked manner.
-- This is the size of the upload chunk size. Due to S3 interface restrictions
-- this must be at least five megabytes.
type ChunkSize = Int

type ETag = T.Text
type PartN = Integer

-- | Upload content to an S3 object explicitly specifying an @aws@
-- 'Aws.Configuration', which provides credentials and logging configuration.
toS3 :: forall m a. MonadIO m
     => ChunkSize -> Bucket -> Object
     -> Producer BS.ByteString m a
     -> m a
toS3 chunkSize bucket object consumer = do
    cfg <- Aws.baseConfiguration
    toS3' cfg chunkSize bucket object consumer

-- | Upload content to an S3 object.
-- This internally uses the S3 multi-part upload interface to achieve streaming
-- upload behavior.
toS3' :: forall m a. MonadIO m
      => Aws.Configuration -> ChunkSize -> Bucket -> Object
      -> Producer BS.ByteString m a
      -> m a
toS3' cfg chunkSize (Bucket bucket) (Object object) consumer = do
    let s3cfg = Aws.defServiceConfig :: S3.S3Configuration Aws.NormalQuery
    mgr <- liftIO $ newManager tlsManagerSettings

    resp1 <- liftIO $ runResourceT
             $ Aws.pureAws cfg s3cfg mgr
             $ S3.postInitiateMultipartUpload bucket object
    let uploadId = S3.imurUploadId resp1

    let uploadPart :: (PartN, BS.ByteString) -> m (PartN, ETag)
        uploadPart (partN, content) = do
            resp <- liftIO $ runResourceT
                    $ Aws.pureAws cfg s3cfg mgr
                    $ S3.uploadPart bucket object partN uploadId (RequestBodyBS content)
            return (partN, S3.uprETag resp)

    (parts, res) <- PP.toListM' $ consumer
                              >-> enumFromP 1
                              >-> PP.mapM uploadPart

    resp2 <- liftIO $ runResourceT
             $ Aws.pureAws cfg s3cfg mgr
             $ S3.postCompleteMultipartUpload bucket object uploadId parts
    return res

enumFromP :: (Monad m, Enum i) => i -> Pipe a (i, a) m r
enumFromP = go
    go i = await >>= \x -> yield (i, x) >> go (succ i)